IGF 2017 Open Forums

Title: African IGF Open Forum
Description: The main aim of the Open Forum is to share the achievements of Africa IGF 2017 conference and to facilitate exchange of good practices between the African sub-regional IGFs (Central Africa, East Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa IGFs), on their respective processes, successes and failures taking into account the multistakeholder dimension of IGF. The Forum will also be used to share experience on challenges and lessons learned at the African level. Other continental IGFs may be invited to share experiences with Africa.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Moctar Yedaly, Mary Uduma, Adil Suliman, Makane Faye
Name of Online Moderator: Wisdom Donkor
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Makane Faye
Organizational Affiliation: African IGF


IGF History
Title: Use of the Internet in educational projects
Description: The use of Internet in the basic education in Cuba has been grown in the last 2 years. Several projects has been made as initiatives of different provinces of the country in which have been participated other countries of the region. In the last days we finished a new version of the Jundando Aulas collaborative project in which we celebrate the world environment day with a videoconference where the students made a role play in which everyone prepared a speech representing different countries of the world as a UN summit. Also we are preparing a project for all the connected schools where the students will work together to solve a problem using our own educational social network Ula Ula.
Tag 1: Internet
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Name(s) of Speaker(s): Fernando Ortega Cabrera
Dayron Pérez Alonso
Name of Online Moderator: Isabel Gutiérrez Pérez
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/es/node/3439
Name: Mr. Pérez Alonso Dayron
Organizational Affiliation: Ministerio de Educación de la República de Cuba


IGF History
Title: China’s Internet Policy to Shape the Digital Future
Description: The Chinese government places high value on IT application and development, and is devoted to promoting digital economy development and sharing digital dividends. China has enacted a series of policies, laws and regulations to facilitate healthy and rapid development of digital economy, and expects to improve people's livelihood and benefit mankind through the Internet.

China is vigorously implementing the national strategies for cyber development, IT application, big data and the “Internet Plus” action plan. It has introduced the 13th Five-Year Plan of National IT Development and the 13th Five-Year Plan of E-commerce Development to propel the integration of digital and real economies.

China advocates the principle of cooperation and shared benefits, and is committed to promoting digital economy globally and providing impetus for the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Wuzhen Report on World Internet Development released at the World Internet Conference emphasized open development of digital economy. The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation proposed to pursue innovation-driven development and build a digital silk road. The latest International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace calls for openness and cooperation, and promotes the building of a community of shared future in cyberspace.

The proposed Open Forum intends to invite speakers from Chinese cyberspace authorities, world-known Internet businesses, research institutes, and think tanks. It aims to act as a platform for introducing China’s achievements in digital economy and the development of relevant policies, laws and regulations, sharing best practices and advanced experience, and exploring with other countries how Internet can widely spread digital dividends and better benefit people of all countries.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): CAC officials;
Experts from Chinese Academy of Cybersecurity Studies;
Delegate from Tecent;
Delegate from Alibaba;
Delegate from Baidu;
Delegate from Taihe Global Institute;
Name of Online Moderator: WANG Jianchao, Deputy Director General of CAC
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/311
Name: Ms. Bin Bin Wei
Organizational Affiliation: Cyberspace Administration of China


IGF History
Title: Regional Internet Registries
Description: The fundamental operation of the Internet relies on the combined efforts of key organizations within the Internet ecosystem. Among these organizations are the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), which work collaboratively with others stakeholders who depend on the Internet’s infrastructure. The essential building blocks for this infrastructure include IP addresses and AS numbers, collectively known as Internet number resources. The RIRs are responsible for the regional management of Internet number resources. Each RIR community manages Internet number resources according to established, bottom-up, community-developed technical and operational policies, and works with the other RIR communities on policies that require global coordination.
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Name(s) of Speaker(s): Alan Barrett - AFRINIC CEO
Paul Wilson - APNIC CEO
John Curran - ARIN CEO
Oscar Robles - LACNIC CEO
Axel Pawlik - RIPE NCC CEO
Name of Online Moderator: Pablo Hinojosa
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Mr. German Valdez
Organizational Affiliation: Number Resource Organization


IGF History
Title: Building Blocks of Trust for a Sustainable, Evolving Internet
Description: As the value of the Internet and ICTs in all areas of global community and economy grows, issues of trust, ethics, and privacy can become barriers to achieving global benefit, particularly for underserved countries and communities. As individuals and businesses increasingly rely on digital platforms to communicate, collaborate and transact, the trust we put into the Internet and modern technology is becoming one of the most important drivers of our future economic growth, shared prosperity and societal progress. Modern platforms are powering innovation and gains in productivity with profound impacts on people's lives and the Internet and ICTs will play a critical role in accelerating achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Trust is a key element for a sustainable and evolving Internet, especially in an increasing inter-connected world and it is increasingly becoming a key asset in an ever more complex digital world. Equity of access to data and resources on the Internet is core to social and economic progress. But how do we ensure the benefits of the Internet and ICTs when trust boundaries are changing, contributing to a new dynamic global environment that may inspire insecurity, fear and suspicion therefore creating consequences for how the Internet and ICTs can be leveraged for delivering a better future for world citizens?

This Open Forum will be set in the context of IEEE’s Global Initiative on Ethical Considerations of Autonomous Systems—an initiative that addresses over 10 dimensions of ethical and human rights issues, including those related to economics, society, personal data and individual access, law and policy, and that has working groups in Brazil, Europe, China, Japan, Korea and No. America. It will provide global and local perspectives on the issues of the new trust dynamic from a set of principles rooted in responsibility, transparency and human centricity. From the Initiative’s work, the Forum’s presenters will share how to identify opportunities for real-world outputs that support trustworthy solutions and how to work collectively in a multi-stakeholder framework to encourage privacy and ethical responsibility in Internet and ICT development and use.
Tag 2: Trust
Tag 3: Privacy
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Ms. Jia He, Chengdu University of Information Technology, China
Ms. Arisa Ema, University of Tokyo, Japan
Ms. Danit Gal, Peking University, Israel
Name of Online Moderator: Ms. Karen McCabe, IEEE
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4098/224
Name: Ms. Karen McCabe Karen McCabe
Organizational Affiliation: IEEE


IGF History
Title: Seed Alliance & gender inclusion: Towards greater female leadership in Internet for Development
Description: The Seed Alliance is a grants and awards program that seeks to promote Internet Development in the Global South supporting a variety of stakeholders in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia Pacific and Africa. It is a joint initiative by the Regional Internet Registries AFRINIC, APNIC and LACNIC, Internet Society, IDRC and the Swedish Cooperation Agency SIDA.
Several of the initiatives supported by the regional programs that the RIRs support (respectively FIRE Africa, ISIF Asia and FRIDA) are led by women, have many women participating in their project teams or focus on gender related issues. These solutions contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, across several targets..
The Seed Alliance is exploring for its 2018-2019 grant cycle, a greater emphasis on gender inclusion and leadership, and part of that should translate into how funding is allocated and how many women-led initiatives are supported. This Public Forum will seek views on how to integrate gender inclusion and seek insights on what Internet-related technical issues require investment across the Global South.
The forum will also look at challenges faced by women-led social enterprises and startups in the developing countries in networking, capacity building, and growing their projects, and ways to solve those challenges. Participants at the forum are expected to help identify opportunities available.
The session will start by an overview of what the Seed Alliance programs have done during the last few years (the report linked references Seed Alliance activities for the 2012-12015 period). FIRE (Africa), FRIDA (Latin America and the Caribbean) and ISIF Asia (Asia Pacific) will share with the audience what they have done to promote female-led innovation and entrepreneurship within their service regions.
The deliverable of the workshop will seek to find solutions that link to the Sustainable development goals of ending poverty in all it’s form everywhere, and also promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work.

The Public forum will be promoted at the In the Seed Alliance Booth at the IGF.
Social Media (Facebook and Twitter) of the three Seed Alliance program handles, which are
ISIF Asia: https://twitter.com/ISIF_Asia, https://www.facebook.com/ISIF.asia
FIRE Africa: https://twitter.com/fireafrica, https://www.facebook.com/fireafrinic
FRIDA: https://twitter.com/programafrida, https://www.facebook.com/FondoRegionalFRIDA/
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Vymala Thuron, Technical Community, AFRINIC
Duncan Macintosh, Technical Community, APNIC Foundation
Carolina Caeiro, Technical Community, LACNIC

Name of Online Moderator: Vymala Thuron, Head External Relations, AFRINIC
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/wks2015/index.php/proposal/view_public/219
Name: Mr. Vymala Thuron
Organizational Affiliation: AFRINIC


IGF History
Title: OECD Project Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being
Description: On 12 January 2017, the OECD officially launched the Going Digital project. The project aims to help policymakers better understand the digital transformation that is taking place and develop tools to create a policy environment that enables their economies and societies to prosper in a world that is increasingly digital and data-driven. To achieve these objectives, the project leverages the unique capacity of the OECD to bring together a wide range of policy communities and stakeholders to collectively identify the opportunities and address the challenges our economies and societies face in a digital world.

This project is relevant to the 2017 IGF “Shape your Digital Future!” conference because it will articulate recommendations for forward-looking, pro-active policies that will help to drive greater growth and societal well-being and help address the challenges of slow productivity growth, high unemployment and growing inequality in many countries. In particular, one component of the project involves using foresight to develop a set of set of plausible alternative future scenarios to explore possible opportunities and challenges that could emerge as the digital transformation progresses. The OECD will then work to develop possible policy responses to be prepared for these potential future scenarios

The objective of the proposed Open Forum workshop is to inform stakeholders about the project and solicit feedback on the overall scope and activities, with a particular focus on the Going Digital foresight scenarios that will be developed specifically for the project. In particular, we see the IGF as a unique forum to test some of the technology aspects of the scenarios to ensure that they are both plausible and incorporate cutting-edge knowledge about technological developments.

*Draft agenda (1 hour)*

The panel includes 4 women and 2 men and 4 stakeholder groups (business, government, civil society, and the Internet technical community), all confirmed:

I. Overview of the OECD project: Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being (6 minutes, Molly Lesher, OECD)

II. Special focus on the OECD Going Digital Foresight Scenarios (6 minutes, Duncan Cass-Beggs, OECD)

III. Stakeholder reactions to the Going Digital project and the Foresight Scenarios, answering two questions (28 minutes)

- What are the three most important outputs that the Going Digital project should deliver?
- Are the foresight scenarios plausible? Are there important “weak signals” or potential technological developments that we’ve missed?

Carolyn Nguyen, Microsoft, confirmed (7 minutes)
Sonja Schneeweiss, Policy Advisor for Digitalisation, Office of the State Secretary for Diversity, Public Administration and Digital Agenda, Austria, confirmed (7 minutes)
Constance Bommelaer, ISOC, confirmed (7 minutes)
Marc Rotenberg, Steering Committee Member of the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council, confirmed (7 minutes)

IV. Open discussion among participants on site and online (18 minutes)

V. Closing (Molly Lesher, OECD, 2 minutes).
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Ms. Constance Bommelaer is currently Senior Director of Global Internet Policy at The Internet Society. Strategic thinker, coupled with experienced and practical hands-on approach, she is responsible for the department's budget and strategic planning while liaising with ISOC's Regional Bureaus. She also leads the organization's engagement with the UN (SDGs, WSIS, etc.) with a strong focus on issues at the intersection of media development and Human Rights.

Mr. Duncan Cass-Beggs is currently OECD Counsellor for Strategic Foresight. His work aims to enhance strategic foresight and new approaches within the OECD and bring a stronger future focus to global dialogue on key policy issues. He works with OECD staff, governments and leading foresight practitioners worldwide to explore disruptive changes that could occur in the future – and their implications for policy decisions today. This work will aim to challenge prevailing assumptions and stimulate ongoing dialogue on the most adaptive policies for a rapidly evolving and uncertain world.

Ms. Molly Lesher is the Co-ordinator of the OECD Going Digital project, which brings a whole-of-OECD perspective to understanding the digital transformation and developing pro-active policies to make it work for growth and well-being. More broadly, her work is aimed at supporting OECD member and partner governments with digital economy policy advice and analysis.

Dr. M-H. Carolyn Nguyen is a Director of Technology Policy at Microsoft, focused on policy issues related to internet governance, the digital economy, and artificial intelligence. Her work is aimed at influencing global policy-making by engaging with stakeholders and raising awareness of the role of technology in economic development, through participation in public policy dialogues and venues, including the United Nations (UN), Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and World Economic Forum.

Mr. Marc Rotenberg is President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), an independent, public interest research center in Washington, DC. He teaches Information Privacy Law and Open Government Law at Georgetown University Law Center, studies emerging privacy and civil liberties issues, testifies before Congress, and speaks at judicial conferences.

Ms. Sonja Schneeweiss is a Policy Advisor for Digitalisation, Office of the State Secretary for Diversity, Public Administration and Digital Agenda, in Austria. Her work has focused on developing Austria’s national digital agenda. She played an important role in developing the recent Digital Roadmap Austria.
Name of Online Moderator: Lorrayne Porciuncula (OECD)
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/313
Name: Ms. Lorrayne Porciuncula
Organizational Affiliation: OECD


IGF History
Title: Digital Transformation of the Lebanese Telecom Sector
Description: The Lebanese Government initiated the process of transforming Lebanon into a digital nation. Huge Projects are implemented by OGERO Telecom, starting with enhancing the transport network, implementing Fiber access to the users, upgrading existing submarine cables, enabling IoT services, establishing Startup incubator and Data center. In addition, the Ministry of Telecoms launched the Lebanese IGF initiative and currently is coordinating an overarching ICT strategy for Sustainable Development.
Tag 3: NRIs
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Dr Imad Abou Rached (on digital transformation)
Ms Zeina Bou Harb (on Leb IGF)
Name of Online Moderator: Mr Antoine Aoun
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Bou Harb Zeina
Organizational Affiliation: OGERO Telecom


IGF History
Title: EQUALS in Tech Award
Description: EQUALS in Tech: Global Partnership for Digital Gender Equality, is a multi-stakeholder initiative created to promote awareness, build political commitment, leverage knowledge, efforts and resources for the greatest possible impact to achieve digital gender equality at both the global and national levels.

The EQUALS in Tech Award, formerly known as GEM-TECH Award, jointly organized by ITU and UN-Women, recognizes and celebrates outstanding achievements made by individuals and organizations towards advancing Gender Equality in the digital world.

This award will celebrate organizations and individuals who have adopted policies and taken actions to ensure that women and girls have greater access to affordable technology and the internet; are empowered with skills on how to use and create technology, from basic digital literacy through the entire spectrum of STEM education; and encourage women’s equal representation, leadership and decision-making in the digital world of work and the broader digital industry.

As part of the award ceremony, a panel discussion will give the winners of the EQUALS in Tech Award the opportunity to share their experiences and commitment towards bridging the gender digital divide as a way of promoting the social and economic inclusion of women and girls. The winners would have the opportunities to share with the audience some lessons learned and challenges in running their projects.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): 3 awardees (tbc), UN Women and ITU
Name of Online Moderator: Anna Falth
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Anna Fälth
Organizational Affiliation: UN Women


IGF History
Title: Managing cloud computing in the United Nations system
Description: The expansion of Cloud computing services is unavoidable, and so is the need for the United Nations system organisations to resort to such services. One of the immediate benefits of Cloud-based services is the ability to add new infrastructure capacity quickly and at lower costs and the capability of Cloud computing software to easy manipulate large databases according to the needs of the organization.

The United Nations organizations could adapt to changes in the technological and commercial environment without complex procurement processes. With the advent of the Cloud, an organization can try out or develop new applications without first investing in hardware, software, and networking. The Cloud can eliminate many of the traditional computing constraints, including space, time, power and cost.

The challenges related to Cloud computing are related to confidentiality issues with regard to sensitive or private data. There is also a need for the organizations to take responsibility for overall governance of data or services living in the Cloud and to keep internal control over some strategic business processes and intellectual property constraints. The could services must provide a predictable and guaranteed service level and full security of all constituents, which should be properly examined, defined and requested to the service provider.

Cloud computing is not a simple IT issue: it is a governance challenge and business model issue. The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system intends to undertake a review entitled "Managing cloud computing" in 2018. The objective of this review would be to conduct a comparative analysis of the different Cloud policies, frameworks, practices and processes in the United Nations system, with a view to identifying best practices and lessons learned and thereby promote effective Cloud governance.

The review could identify new security and privacy issues arising from the use of Cloud computing, evaluate the adequacy of current normative framework and recommend new policies. It could identify what steps are needed to have an adequate regulatory environment by conducting a comparative analysis of the different ICT governance frameworks, practices and processes in the various United Nations system organizations. It will seek to promote effective Cloud governance and system-wide opportunities to share, harmonize and recommended Cloud solutions that do fit, allow and encourage efficient inter-agency cooperation .

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Name(s) of Speaker(s): Petru Dumitriu, Jorge Flores Callejas, Jovan Kurbalija
Name of Online Moderator: roxanar@diplomacy.edu
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:


IGF History

Le secteur des Télécommunications et des TIC comprend les acteurs suivants aux rôles spécifiés :
- le Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications chargé de la supervision, de la réglementation, de l’élaboration de la politique d’accès a internet.
- l’Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications chargée du suivi et du contrôle des activités des opérateurs de réseaux et fournisseurs de services de communications électroniques ;
- l’Agence Nationale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, Autorité de Certification Racine chargée de la régulation des activités de sécurité des réseaux et systèmes d’information, et de celles relatives au développement des TIC ;


Tenant compte d’un environnement convergent et des menaces qu’il présente, le Président de la République a promulgué cinq lois essentielles au rang desquelles :
- la loi n°98/013 du 14 juillet 1998 relative à la concurrence ;
- la loi n° 2010/012 du 21 décembre 2010, relative à la cybersécurité et à la cybercriminalité au Cameroun qui dote le pays d’une autorité de certification Racine et réprime les crimes cybernétiques ;
- la loi n° 2010/013 du 21 décembre 2010, régissant sur les communications électroniques au Cameroun qui consacre la délivrance des licences multiservices dans un environnement convergent ;
- la loi n° 2010/021 du 21 décembre 2010, régissant le commerce électronique au Cameroun qui favorise l’éclosion du e-commerce ;
- la loi-cadre n°2011/012 du 06 mai 2011 portant protection du consommateur au Cameroun.
En marge des textes législatifs, plusieurs textes réglementaires subséquents ont également été signés.


- coupure d’internet dans la partie orientale du Cameroun, précisément dans les provinces de Buea et Bamenda.
- un bond du commerce électronique en ligne malgré l’existence de nombreuses dérives.
- les réseaux sociaux sont les premières raisons d’usage d’internet au Cameroun. La population est essentiellement jeune et 50% sans emploi d’où la forte influence de ces réseaux.
- Au Cameroun, c’est au régulateur qu’il est revenu de présenter les limites du système de défense national face aux cyber-attaques. De ses propos, on apprend que la réglementation camerounaise demeure incomplète. En effet, l’ANTIC n’a toujours pas le pouvoir de sanctionner alors qu’elle doit remplir des missions de régulation.
Il manque aussi un cadre légal de protection des données personnelles. Pourtant dans le monde, 53% des attaques cybercriminelles portent sur le vol d’identité. Par ailleurs, il manque une plateforme de collaboration entre les différentes entités engagées dans la lutte contre la cybercriminalité (l’ANTIC, l’armée, la délégation générale à la Sûreté nationale et le ministère des Postes et Télécommunications).
Plusieurs logiciels malveillants sont en circulation, près de 100 000 étant fabriqués dans le monde chaque mois. Un seul de ces logiciels peut pirater les données d’un ordinateur et même l’ensemble d’une base de données. Du coup, la menace d’un péril plane sur le système d’information des entreprises voire de l’Etat. Dans ce cas, la confidentialité ne sera plus assurée, les pirates pouvant prendre le contrôle des informations en circulation.
Le Cameroun n’est donc manifestement pas à l’abri dans un monde où 16 données sont volées par seconde. L’ANTIC rappelle d’ailleurs que 90% des logiciels et systèmes d’exploitation utilisés au Cameroun sont piratés. Il est également fréquent que soient piratés des adresses mail et des comptes sur les réseaux sociaux, même ceux appartenant à des membres du gouvernement.la cybercriminalité coûte au Cameroun plusieurs dizaines de milliard de Fcfa chaque année.


Au vue de ce qui précède, il nous importe à tout un chacun de continuer à sensibiliser, former, éduquer notre entourage sur les sujets de Cyber sécurité notamment sur les basiques comme l’adoption d’une bonne hygiène Informatique [6] aux choses un peu plus complexes comme la protection des Infrastructures Critiques, en passant par des sujets tous aussi importants comme la protection de la vie privée en ligne, l’espionnage industriel, la sécurité des transactions financières, la lutte contre la Cybercriminalité…

Name(s) of Speaker(s): ATANGANA BIKELE GILBERT
Name of Online Moderator: ATANGANA BIKELE
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Organizational Affiliation: Ministry of Communication


IGF History
Title: Data Protection and Humanitarian Action
Description: Launch of the Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action

Safeguarding the personal data of individuals, particularly in testing conditions, such as armed conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies, is an essential aspect of protecting people's lives, their physical and mental integrity, and their dignity – which makes it a matter of fundamental importance for humanitarian organisations.

This Handbook was published as part of the Brussels Privacy Hub and ICRC’s Data Protection in Humanitarian Action project.

The project brought together humanitarian organisations, the Data Protection Authorities and Privacy Commissioners of the Working Group of the International Conference of Privacy and Data Protection Commissioners' Resolution on Privacy and International Humanitarian Action, academics, companies involved as third party stakeholders, and civil society.

The focus of the Handbook on the application of data protection and privacy principles in humanitarian action, and the implications of these principles in the adoption of new technologies in the humanitarian sphere, such as biometrics, big data and data analytics, cash transfer programming, instant messaging applications, cloud based solutions, and drones.
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Name(s) of Speaker(s): Speakers to be confirmed
Name of Online Moderator: Mr. Victorien Hanché, Legal Adviser, ICRC Data Protection Office
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Massimo Marelli
Organizational Affiliation: International Committee of the Red Cross


IGF History
Title: Protecting Human Rights Online: the Freedom Online Coalition
Description: The Freedom Online Coalition is a partnership of 30 likeminded countries committed to advancing Internet freedom. Coalition members work closely together coordinating their diplomatic efforts and engage with stakeholders to advance Internet freedom.

At this IGF Open Forum, Coalition members will give updates on the work of the coalition since the Coalition’s meeting in on the margins of the Stockholm Internet Forum in May 2017, the implementation of the Coalition’s new Stockholm Terms of Reference, and the Coalition's priorities for multistakeholder engagement going forward
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Governments of the Netherlands, Argentina, Germany, Ghana, Civil Society Representative, Global Partners Digital Representative
Name of Online Moderator: Justin Keyes
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/380
Name: Mr. Seth Bouvier
Organizational Affiliation: U.S. Department of State


IGF History
Title: Council of Europe - Internet intermediaries: shared commitments and corporate responsibility
Description: The open forum will focus on enhancing dialogue between internet intermediaries and fostering adoption of self- and co-regulatory measures regarding effective and more harmonised protection of human rights of internet users and third parties.

The best practices and multilateral consultation platforms between internet intermediaries, as well as between governments and intermediaries will be also discussed.

The scope of specific topics includes:

• fairness of the terms of service agreements and internal policies to be applied consistently and in conformity with due process safeguards,
• accountability and transparency of internet intermediaries, covering also the issue of algorithmic transparency and accountability,
• safeguards for privacy and personal data protection,
• addressing human rights' concerns of dataveillance and profiling,
• safeguards for freedom of expression, including the right to information,
• legality and effectiveness of monitoring and filtering mechanisms to detect unlawful content and content prohibited by international law.

Name(s) of Speaker(s): Karmen Turk, University of Turk, Estonia - Karmen.Turk@triniti.ee;

Wolfgang Shultz, HansBredow-Intitut, University of Hamburg, Germany

Andy O’Connell, Facebook, US

Alexandria Walden, Google, US

Andrey Yarnikh, Kaspersky Lab Russsia, Russia

Luca Belli, Fondacao Getulio Vargas Law School, Brasil

Name of Online Moderator: Peter Kimpian
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/content/igf-2016-day-2-room-3-ws87-law-enforcement-cyberspace-jurisdiction
Name: Ms. Małgorzata Pek
Organizational Affiliation: Council of Europe


IGF History
Title: The new Corporate Digital Responsibility; duties of care and the Internet of Things
Description: The Ministry of Security and Justice of The Netherlands hosts the secretariat and co-chairs the Cyber Security Council of The Netherlands (CSR). The Ministry files this application in order to present on a body of work concerning duties of care for the ICT industry and to discuss the recommendations on a global scale. You find the report attached to this application.

In April 2017 the CSR, an independent, high-level, public-private-academic, advisory body to the Dutch Cabinet, published the document ‘Every business has duties of care in the field of cybersecurity’. The document presents a strong case why companies using ICT have duties of care, for itself, its customers and its environment. They point companies towards actions that ensure viable cyber security measures and solutions. The document is a product of joint national public-private-academic workgroups.

The number of devices connecting to the Internet (IoT) run into the billions and counting. The concerns around security rise as well. IoT touches our personal security. The call for duties of care are rising, with some stating that the opportunity for self-regulatory measures is about over. However, production and distribution are global. Hence industry’s call for harmonisation of (self-)regulatory measures. This Open Forum acknowledges the need for global harmonisation and brings together global experts in order to identify current best practices.

The Ministry will actively invite participants from different stakeholder groups and regional background, e.g. representatives of governments, industry, the military, regulators, civil society and the Internet industry to debate the current state of affairs pertaining duties of care, based on the CSR study. Participants will also be invited to share their views on ways forward. Interaction with the Dynamic Coalition on IoT and the Best Practice Forum on Cyber Security is foreseen.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Mr. Dick Schoof, National Coordinator Counter-Terrorism and Security
Ms. Elly van den Heuvel, secretary to the Cyber Security Council
Representatives of: the European Commission, governments, industry, Internet related organisations, civil society , (TBC)
Name of Online Moderator: Mr. Thijl Klerkx
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:


IGF History
Title: Quick and Easy: AI Solutions for Nimble Public Services
Description: While basic e-governance services become increasingly matter-of-course we would like to catch a glimpse of customer friendly public services in a near future. The possibility to obtain information from and to interact with public authorities using the internet is used by at least 70% of the population while sending filled forms to public authorities - by 32% of individuals in Latvia (according to Eurostat). Now we aim at a broader and more sophisticated inclusion of different groups of people with the help of AI and data based solutions:
• the use of data based solutions improves the efficiency of public services;
• spoken language communication expands accessibility of public services for people with special needs like visual impairment or dyslexia;
• multilingual communication helps foreigners living or doing business in or with Latvia;
• virtual agents enrich the experience of the customers of public libraries and increase the value of the digital public data supporting human assistants rather than substituting them.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Mr.Edmunds Belskis
Dr.Signe Balina
Dr.Andrejs Vasiljevs
Mr.Aigars Jaundalderis
Mr.Janis Karklins (tbc)
Name of Online Moderator: Ms.Liene Grike
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Katrina Kosa-Ammari
Organizational Affiliation: Permanent Mission of Latvia to the UN, Geneva


IGF History
Title: Digitalization and International Trade
Description: The United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been the primary UN agency involved in supporting developing country interests in the global economy since 1964. In recent years, the shift to a digital economy, the rise of the Internet and the opportunities provided by global electronic commerce have become central to our work. For example, for over a decade we have produced a series of well-received semi-annual Information Economy Reports http://unctad.org/en/Pages/Publications/InformationEconomyReportSeries.aspx, and since 2015, UNCTAD has hosted annual E-Commerce Week meetings that in 2017 brought 1,000 delegates representing governments and all stakeholder groups from 100 countries to Geneva. In addition to offering a very focused multi-stakeholder dialogue on a range of detailed issues, the E-Commerce Week also has been instrumental in promoting important initiatives intended to help developing countries and other parties to adapt to the rapidly evolving digital economy, including the highly-regarded eTrade for all initiative

As more and more economic transactions go digital, it becomes increasingly important to bring the trade community and the Internet Governance community together. Accordingly, the purpose of this Open Forum would be three fold: 1) to introduce IGF participants to UNCTAD work’s work on e-commerce and the digital economy; 2) to present the key messages from the Information Economy Report 2017 (due in October 2017); and 3) foster a multi-stakeholder discussion on how to enable more developing countries to benefit from the evolving digital economy. This will among other things address the challenge of enhancing the interface between the Internet community and the trade and development communities. We believe such an event would be greatly enriching to all sides in the discussion.

Tag 2: e-commerce
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Session Moderator:
Shamika N. Sirimanne, Director, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD

Torbjörn Fredriksson, Chief, ICT Analysis Section, UNCTAD

Stakeholder Responses
William J. Drake, University of Zurich (Civil society)
Robert Pepper, Head, Global Connectivity and Technology Policy, Facebook (business) (tbc)
Anriette Esterhuysen, APC (tbc) - civil society
Anne-Rachel Inne, ICANN or Sally Wentworth, ISOC (tbc) - technical community
Olga Cavalli, Argentina (Government) (tbc)
Julian Braithwaite, Ambassador of the United Kingdom (Government) (tbc)
Name of Online Moderator: to be confirmed
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Claudia Contreras
Organizational Affiliation: UNCTAD


IGF History
Title: Big-data, business and respect for human rights
Description: Proposal for a joint open forum by European Broadcasting Union, Council of Europe, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland

Duration: 90'

The World Broadcasting Union has made of the Big Data one of the priority for this year. A Big Data week has been organised in Geneva with speakers from all over the world (including UN privacy rapporteur Prof. Joe Cannataci, discussing how Big Data in a sector so sensitive as media, could be treated in a way that is respectful of human rights.

EDA -the Foreign Affairs of Switzerland- is also following the topic, because of its implication on the realisation and promotion of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights on internet governance issues.

The CoE is also working on big data related issues from a standard setting angle, having already addressed the data protection implications of big data and examining the broader impact of algorithms on human rights.

In a press release issued on 4 April 2016, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights underlined that the effects of business practices on human rights have become a central issue for human rights protection . He also referred to a survey carried out by The Economist which highlighted that many businesses have started to view themselves as important actors in respecting human rights. While it is the task of governments to secure for everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, there is now wide recognition that businesses are key actors in the respect for human rights. This is confirmed by the Committee of Ministers in a Declaration in 2014 and a Recommendation in 2016 .

The protection of personal data and the right to privacy online are at odds with the very nature of the Internet which is to facilitate the free flow of (big-)data in an open environment. There is a growing technological ability to collect process and extract new and predictive knowledge from great volume, velocity, and variety of data. The main issue is the analysis of the data using software to extract new and predictive knowledge for decision-making purposes regarding individuals and groups .

This open forum will bring together companies, governments and other stakeholders to discuss the importance of fostering sustainable and responsible business on/via the Internet, with regard to the management of (big-)data. It will explore the opportunities for governments, companies and the civil society to constructively collaborate together, in order to address common issues facing the management of (big-)data.

Discussion will be divided into three parts:
- Introduction to big-data and its use by business – opportunities and challenges.
- Respect for human rights - what are the challenges for Internet business vis-à-vis respecting human rights in the management of personal data they process? To what extent have the tech sector/Internet businesses committed to respecting the UN’s Guiding Principles (i.e. Ruggie Principles). How companies can avoid infringing on the human rights of others and how should they address adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved?
- Fostering business online - looking ahead, how can governments, business and other stakeholders may work together to respect human rights in the management of personal data? Where are common issues and opportunities of collaboration? What does sustainable and responsible Internet business practice look like? Reference to good practices.
NB: the professional moderator will be designated by the EBU
Links to relevant documents and to recently organized events:
- Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of big data see https://rm.coe.int/16806ebe7a
- https://www.ebu.ch/contents/events/2016/12/big-data-initiative-workshop-algorithms-and-society.html
- http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=fb1289bbe8d8438ceb20398df&id=2d49d094ac
Tag 1: Big Data
Name(s) of Speaker(s): [professional moderator designated by the EBU/RTS]
- Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights TBC
- Representative of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland
- Representatives of Internet companies TBD
- Representative of UN agencies responsible for business and human rights
- Representative of the civil society TBD
- Chair of the Consultative Committee of Convention 108: Alessandra Pierucci
Name of Online Moderator: Lee Hibbard - Council of Europe
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/documents/igf-meeting/igf-2015-joao-pessoa/igf2015-reports/589-european-broadcasting-union-in-partnership-with-eurodig-organizers-messages-from-europe/file
Name: Mr. Giacomo MAZZONE
Organizational Affiliation: WBU/EBU - joint open forum by WBU/EBU, Council of Europe and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland


IGF History
Title: “ICANN – Looking ahead: - Challenges and Opportunities” 
Description: This Open and Interactive Session will consider a range of areas ICANN is addressing including ongoing accountability work; the work of the Community in preparing for a potential new application process for gTLDs; the on-going work with respect to emerging Data Protection (DP) and privacy developments including the implementation of new DP legislation in Europe (GDPR).
It will also briefly consider challenges posed to ICANN, and opportunities afforded, by the external environment ICANN works in; not least with respect to discussions in the UN (CSTD) on “Enhanced Cooperation”.  
The Forum will also be an opportunity for some technical updates related to the Key Rollover Programme (which will have taken place) KSK and other DNS Security, Resilience and Reliability issues.

The Forum will allow plenty of time for comment, discussion and interaction on these and other subjects delegates may want to discuss. 
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s):  
They will include the President and CEO of ICANN, Goran Marby, the newly elected Chair of the ICANN Board, ICANN Organisation Executive Members as well as some ICANN Community leaders.  
Name of Online Moderator: Nigel Hickson
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/documents?cid=28&fid=307
Name: Mr. Nigel Hickson
Organizational Affiliation: ICANN


IGF History
Title: INTERNET SOCIETY OPEN FORUM - What actions should we take today to shape our digital future?
Description: Internet Society (ISOC) Open Forum is dedicated for the IGF participants that shares the common goal of advocating for an open, resilient, trusted Internet, and our own ISOC community comprised of chapters, organizational and individual members.

Building on our report on the Internet’s future, we can’t take the Internet or its future for granted. There are many challenges and uncertainties – and the direction in which they evolve will have a profound impact on the Internet, users, and society. Ultimately, the future of the Internet will be shaped by decisions we make today, at the IGF and other fora. What are the actions we can take now that will shape it towards the future we expect?

We aim to promote an interactive session with participants to tackle access and trust challenges, with key questions:

As we envision all 7 billion people (and trillions of devices and sensors) connected, what are roles of initiatives on the ground that are making it happen like community networks?

In order to overcome cybersecurity threats through a strong collaborative security approach, what are the steps we can take ahead, such as the African Internet Infrastructure Security Guidelines?
Tag 3: Trust
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Kathy Brown
Sally Wentworth
Raul Echeberria
Frederick Donck
Constance Bommelaer
Jane Coffin
Maarit Palorvita
Dawit Bekele
Name of Online Moderator: Raquel Gatto
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/350
Name: Ms. Raquel Gatto
Organizational Affiliation: Internet Society


IGF History
Title: “Harnessing Digital Economy Opportunities by Supporting SMEs in Information Technology Adoption”
Description: The development of internet technology greatly affects many aspects of the world, especially related to the provision of information and communication, political, economic and socio-cultural. Regarding the provision of information and communication, we can experience its convenience and velocity in providing and obtaining information that facilitates the emergence of innovations in the business world accelerating the economic growth rate as well as simplifies human interaction.

The G20 Ministers responsible for the digital economy, met in Düsseldorf on 6–7 April 2017 recognise that the digital economy is an increasingly important driver of global inclusive economic growth and plays a significant role in accelerating economic development, enhancing productivity of existing industries, cultivating new markets and industries and achieving inclusive sustainable growth and development. G20 countries recognise the important role that SMEs and start-ups play in their economies, including women-owned SMEs and start-ups

The growth of the internet is seen from the increase in penetration or the significant number of internet users from the global point of view. In 2017, based on data from Internet World Stats, internet users have reached 49.6% of the world's population where this figure has increased 933.8% from 2000.

To capture the digital economy opportunities, however, policy makers will need to prioritize building the backbone infrastructure (including fiber connections and mobile networks) that can provide universal and low-cost Internet access. As private players are unlikely to undertake the full scope of this build-out, governments will have to drive this effort forward; those that do could secure a deep and lasting advantage. Additional challenges include establishing a policy framework for data sharing, online privacy, and cybersecurity as well as supporting Small and Medium-scaled Enterprises (SMEs) in technology adoption. (Source: “Southeast Asia at the Crossroads: Three Paths to Prosperity”, McKinsey Global Institute).

Across the region, SMEs account for more than 95 percent of all enterprises and generate more than 50 percent of domestic employment. Supporting their adoption of information technologies, including e-commerce, could bring about significant economic growth. While many multinationals are actively incorporating new technologies into their processes, SMEs tend to be much further behind and have limited awareness of how emerging technologies could be relevant for their businesses; as a result, they are often less productive and competitive than their larger counterparts.

Indonesia as a part of Southeast Asia as well as Asia-Pacific is also one of the countries where e-commerce industry is growing both from manufacturers’ side and buyers. The development of online transaction cannot be separated from the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia. According to the APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association) data in 2016, internet users in Indonesia have reached 132.7 million people or 51.8% of the total population of Indonesia with it dominant penetration is in Java by 65%. The figure makes Indonesia the fifth highest country in the world in terms of the number of internet users after China, India, the United States and Brazil.

SMEs are one of the most important pillars in maintaining the Indonesia's GDP integrity through majority-owned contribution, which is 60.34% of the total GDP of Indonesia in 2016. Not only have the role in helping the economic growth and development, SMEs also have an important contribution to overcoming the problem of unemployment and inequality. The study of World Bank said that by doubling broadband penetration rates and encouraging SMEs involvement digitally can boost Indonesia's annual economic growth by 2% to achieve the 7% growth target as a middle-income country by 2025.

For achieving several visions, missions and goals mentioned above, Indonesia would like to propose several questions to be discussed comprehensively in this Internet Governance Forum (IGF) then could be followed by more formal discussions and resolutions through the United Nations (UN) mechanism to facilitate cooperation on global SMEs development.

a) What are the programs, initiatives or policies of multistakeholder to improve the country’s economy based on well-adopted IT by SMEs?
b) How to develop national digital ecosystem to ensure SMEs can have proper position and bargaining power with global player (Multinasional Corporation)?
c) Which policy should be prioritized to harness the adoption of IT by SME’s: Cybersecurity? Personal Data Protection? Financial inclusiveness? Else?
Name(s) of Speaker(s): a) Mariam F. Barata, Secretary Directorate General ICT Application, MCIT Indonesia
b) Business Sector from Indonesia (Indonesia e-Commerce Association / IDEA)
c) Government Representative from Brazil and/or China
d) Business Sector from Multinational Corporation
e) Civil Society from Consumer Rights / Protection
Name of Online Moderator: Sindy Nur Fitri, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Indonesia.
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/content/igf-2016-day-4-room-7-of48-indonesia
Name: Ms. Mariam Barata
Organizational Affiliation: Ministry of Information and Communications Technology


IGF History
Title: Digital Inclusion for Africa
Description: Digital Inclusion for Africa

The following questions will be tackled in the Open Forum
 What measures are needed to ensure digital inclusion of people in Africa?
 What should governments do to foster digital literacy for their nations?
 What are the policies and measures needed to address the technology skills gap between Africa and the rest of the world?
 Are African education systems up to the challenge of delivering a digital workforce?
 What should be done to further unleash ICTs potential economic and societal benefits?
 How can technology help in facing crisis and disasters in Africa?
 In what ways can new technologies be applied to early warning systems in Africa?
 What policies are needed to expand the use of grievance redress mechanisms in Africa?
 What are the best practices and success stories for digital inclusion in Africa that can be observed and transferred?
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Mr. Menghestab Haile, Country Director - Egypt, World Food Programme (WFP) Cairo, Egypt
Ms. Mary Uduma, Chair of Nigeria Internet Governance Forum
Dr. Jimson Olufuye, Chair of AFICTA
Mr. Moctar Yedaly, Head of Division, Infrastructure and Energy Department, African Union Commission

Name of Online Moderator: Ms. Heba Abd ElHameed
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Nirvana Farrag
Organizational Affiliation: The Egyptian Cabinet Information & Decision Support Center-IDSC


IGF History
Title: Fostering Internet Usage in Afghanistan via Regulatory Measures
Description: Afghanistan is a developing country in Central Asia with unique characteristics that pose particular challenges for the development of Internet usage. The country has been occupied by international forces throughout its history and remains a conflict zone nowadays. The efforts that the Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ATRA) is making in promoting the use of Internet in the country range from assuring via regulatory actions that the service providers will have sufficient resources to advance broadband deployment, through the use of Universal Service Access Funds to assure the provision of Internet access in remote areas. A key milestone was the approval of the Open Access Policy in September 2016, which requires several regulatory measures for its full implementation to secure the Internet & ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals. The experience gained by ATRA in the implementation of the Open Access policy, particularly in the last year with regard to Multistakeholder Cooperation, is what we propose for the Open Forum. We feel that a fruitful discussion could be generated not just by analyzing the present situation and the measures taken, but also a consideration of the future steps in the regulatory arena which will pave the way for increase of Internet accessibility in the country. The experience gained in this area could also be shared with other countries experiencing problems derived from internal conflicts when dealing with the Internet Economy.
Tag 2:
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Mohammad N. Azizi, Ph.D., Chairman, Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA)
Omar Mansoor Ansari, President, TechNation
Eng. Naqibullah Sailab, Vice Chairman, Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA)
Ata M. Yari, Advisor, Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA)
Name of Online Moderator: Mohammad N. Azizi, Ph.D.
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Rene Bustillo
Organizational Affiliation: Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ATRA)


IGF History
Title: OAS/OEA and the promotion of National Cybersecurity Strategies in the Americas
Description: In the Americas, the development of National Cybersecurity Strategies has been done through the coordination and facilitation of national round table discussions focused on the identification of challenges facing local actors and solutions that can be implemented at a national level in collaboration with the Government. This open forum will explore this methodology and the involvement of all relevant actors in the development and implementation of national strategies. The OAS has successfully assisted since 2011 the development and approval of the national cybersecurity strategies in Colombia, Jamaica, Panama and Trinidad and Tobago and more recently in 2017, Chile and Paraguay. Currently, the OAS Cybersecurity Program is actively providing support to Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Guatemala in the development of their national cybersecurity strategy.

The expected outcome is knowledge sharing with the participants on the approach taken by the OAS and to engage different stakeholders on how they can apply this approach in their region to ensure sustainability in the implementation of these national strategies.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Belisario Contreras, Program Manager, Cybersecurity Program, OAS
Kerry-Ann Barrett, Cybersecurity Project Officer, OAS
Oscar Leon, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL/OAS)
Edison Lanza, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Victor Lagunes, CIO, Presidency of the Republic of Mexico
Laurent Bernat, Cyber Security and Privacy Risk Policy Analyst, Organization for Economic Cooperation And Development (OECD)
Juanita Rodriguez, Director of IT and Standards, Ministry of ICT of Colombia (MINTIC)
Daniel Alvarez, Advisor, Under Secretary of Defense of Chile

Moderators (in-situ and online):
Belisario Contreras, Manager, Cybersecurity Program, Organization of American States (OAS)
Kerry-Ann Barrett, Cybersecurity Policy Specialist, Cybersecurity Program, Organization of American States (OAS)
Barbara Marchiori, Project Officer, Cybersecurity Program, Organization of American States (OAS)

Name of Online Moderator: Barbara Marchiori de Assis, Cybersecurity Project Officer, OAS
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/321
Name: Mr. Belisario Contreras
Organizational Affiliation: Organization of American States


IGF History
Title: Exploring implications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Societies and SDGs
Description: UNESCO organizes this Open Forum to trigger debates and reflections on the human rights and other implications of big data and Artificial Intelligence on building inclusive knowledge societies and achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Big data and Open data are evolving and contested concepts, as is the significance of the phenomena they point to. Debates exist over issues such as ownership, accountability and transparency, as well as human rights, evolving techniques, novel applications, reuse and interoperability of data.

Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly progressing. Intelligent machines are gaining the ability to communicate without human mediation via the Internet of things, learn, improve and make calculated decisions in ways that will enable them to perform tasks previously thought to rely solely on human skill and learning, raising issues for the future of learning, experience, creativity, and ingenuity.

All these technological developments may profoundly shape humanity’s access to information and knowledge, impact the mode of communication as well as the practice of journalism, as well as bring multiple ethical and human rights implications particularly rights to freedom of expression, privacy, and association. The implications for open education resources, digital persistence, democracy, peace and the sustainable development goals could be significant.

UNESCO perceives a crucial need to explore these issues and reflect whether it is possible to harness big data and AI technologies as a process to advance human rights, build inclusive knowledge societies and achieve 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The forum will engage with how these emerging issues impact on the Organisation’s concept of Internet Universality, which promotes online Rights, Openness, Accessibility and Multi-stakeholder participation, and the current project to develop appropriate indicators to assess Internet development as well as global initiatives of promoting media and information literacy.
Tag 3: Big Data
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Frank La Rue, UNESCO Assistant Director General for Communication and Information
Guy Berger, UNESCO Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development
Indrajit Banerjee, UNESCO Director for Knowledge Societies
Courtney Radsch, CPJ
Eva Galperin, EFF
Nenna Nwakanma, Web Foundation
Mila Romanoff, UN Global Pulse
Frederic Werner, ITU
Dorothy Gorden, Chair of UNESCO IFAP Working Group on Information Literacy
Name of Online Moderator: Xianhong Hu
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/content/igf-2016-day-2-room-6-ws159-encryption-and-safety-of-journalists-in-digital-age
Name: Ms. Xianhong Hu
Organizational Affiliation: UNESCO


IGF History
Title: Facilitating Investment in Cybersecurity as a means of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Description: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) now serves as the foundation for the development of every modern and progressive society, allowing for integration into the global information economy. Despite the benefits and opportunities offered by ICTs, cyberspace presents several risks and challenges. Safety, security and resilience are critical for Cyberspace to deliver its potential developmental impact. The CTO is of the view that National Cybersecurity strategies provide the framework to support an all encompassing approach to protect the Cyberspace infrastructure, its content and users. It states national priorities and goals, assigns roles and responsibilities and resources. With robust cybersecurity frameworks in place, countries can better leverage the opportunities offered by ICT for socio economic development. We recognise however that implementation and budget allocation for cybersecurity activities presents a significant challenge for states. This proposed forum will therefore address how countries can allocate resources, especially financial resources for cybersecurity activities, and how such activities can contribute to the UN SDGs such as education, gender equality and innovation. The agenda would entail:
1. Developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies with special attention on financial allocations. Resources to assist in this regard will be shared (the background paper provides more details on strategy development);
2. Discussions from speakers and participants on resource challenges and what can be done to address these. Ideas for financial assistance for strategy implementation will be shared, for instance, feasibility of creating special funds for activities such as training and participation at international events which support overarching goals of coordination and cooperation;
3. Facilitating peer arrangements where less developed countries can be paired with more advanced ones to share ideas and learn best practices based on experience.
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Shola Taylor
Mark Carvell
Name of Online Moderator: Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Anita Sohan
Organizational Affiliation: Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation


IGF History
Title: A Global Agenda on Cyber Capacity Building: outcome GCCS2017
Description: The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) has initiated the process for developing the Global Agenda on Cyber Capacity Building (GACCB). The primary objective of the GACCB is to identify global priorities in the field of Cyber Capacity Building, to be presented at the GCCS2017 in in New Delhi on 23-24 November 2017. In the Open Forum the outcome of the Global Agenda and the follow up will be presented and discussed with the audience.

The GFCE is a global platform for countries, international organizations and private companies to exchange best practices and expertise on cyber capacity building. Together with partners from NGOs, the tech community and academia, GFCE members develop practical initiatives to build cyber capacity.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Dr. Dhawal Gupta (Government India)

Robert Collett (UK Government)

Belisario Contreras (OAS)

David van Duren (GFCE Secretariat)

Name of Online Moderator: Manon van Tienhoven
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Mr. David Duren
Organizational Affiliation: The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE)


IGF History
Title: Cybersecurity 2.0 - Leveraging the Multistakeholder Model to Develop and Deploy Cybersecurity Policy
Description: As countries develop their cybersecurity policy and legislation in order to face growing cyber threats, they are increasingly coming to rely upon multiple levels of dialogue with a diversity of actors in the cyber domain: private sector organizations, ISPs, NGOs, international organizations, and standard-setting bodies. Indeed, given that the cyber domain is intrinsically civilian, governments simply cannot act alone – they need to engage with their stakeholders in a collaborative fashion.
The purpose of the open forum would be to allow participants to share thoughts, ideas and best practices on how to make optimal use of the multistakeholder model in the emerging field of cybersecurity law and policy.
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Offical from Israel National Cyber Bureau; oficial from NTIA (US Dept. Of Commerce); representative of Microsoft
Name of Online Moderator: Taz Zarsky (tentative)
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Amit Ashkenazi
Organizational Affiliation: Israel National Cyber Bureau


IGF History
Title: Next Generation Internet
Description: The Internet is at the core of our socio-economic development. However in the last years we witnessed an increasing level of distrust towards Internet technology. In order to re-establish trust in the users and boost socio-economic growth, the Internet of the future will have to deliver more to the users. Therefore we have to build it around common and shared values that will put humans at the center of technology development.
The European Commission has launched the Next Generation Internet initiative, to support the development of a human-centric Internet around core European values. This Internet of Values will also contribute in shaping Internet Governance for the next decade and the Open Forum will be the perfect venue to present the initiative on the Internet Governance global scene.
Tag 2:
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Pearse O'Donohue
Cristina Monti
Name of Online Moderator: Valentina Scialpi
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: https://www.intgovforum.org/es/content/global-internet-policy-observatory
Name: Ms. Valentina Scialpi
Organizational Affiliation: European Commission


IGF History
Title: Data and Trade: Identifying win-win solutions for future digital commerce
Description: With the increased adoption of digital technologies around the world, digital data has become a vital component of international trade. The surge of digital flows has been huge over the last 15 years, accounting for larger impact on GDP growth than traditional trade in goods according to McKinsey Global Institute. Moreover, data flows affect all segments of modern economy ranging from traditional industries to the start-ups.
Discussion on the relationship between data policies and trade policies are emerging in the international fora. Recent submissions by WTO Members on e-commerce and services trade contain reflections on this increasingly important linkage and encourage more discussion on this topic.
This open forum will review developments and policies in the field of data and trade. In particular, it will discuss how data policies can have an impact on international trade as well as what could be done to support small and medium enterprises to be effective actors in the data-driven economic landscape. The open forum will also discuss win-win solutions for data flows and how to make trade-offs whenever they have to be made between trade and related areas such as data protection and cybersecurity.
The open forum will facilitate inclusive and informed discussion. In addition to international organisations, the open forum will facilitate inputs from governments, civil society and the business sector.
Tag 2: Data Flows
Name(s) of Speaker(s): • ITC
• Permanent Mission of Netherlands
• Permanent Mission of Chile
• Marion Jansen, Chief Economist, ITC (moderator)
Name of Online Moderator: Roxana Radu
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Jimena Ayelen Sotelo
Organizational Affiliation: International Trade Centre


IGF History
Title: Strengthening the IGF – the German Community Invites to a Discussion
Description: tbd
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): tbd
Name of Online Moderator: tbd
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/content/igf-2016-day-1-room-5-of47-germany
Name: Mr. Peter Stentzler
Organizational Affiliation: Federal Foreign Office of Germany


IGF History
Title: Data for the humanitarian field
Description: Digital technologies have revolutionised the ways in which humanitarian organisations conduct needs assessments, as well as monitoring and evaluation programmes. New data is being collected for humanitarian purposes, including online information, data exhaust, geospatial data, and crowdsourced data. This session will look at the ways in which the humanitarian community can best use this data while avoiding breaches in privacy and data protection. Data literacy efforts are more than ever needed to improve our response and support more evidence based decision-making.

The session will have a particular focus on crowdsourced data and participatory mapping, which has made it possible to conduct such analysis with the involvement and active participation of local communities. While these efforts have the combined benefit of providing more accurate depictions of needs, there are several key questions that need to be addressed, including: How to make crowdsourced data collection sustainable over longer periods of time? How to manage expectations of communities that might be anticipating immediate response?

This open forum will discuss the opportunities and challenges in new forms of data collection facilitated by the digital revolution, with experts from the IFRC, as well as input from other organisations, governments, civil society, and the business sector.
Tag 1: Big Data
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Speakers:
Heather Leson, Data Literacy Lead, IFRC
Rania Alerksoussi, Coordinator of the databank, IFRC
Jovan Kurbalija (moderator)

Tags - big data, community empowerment, data literacy/data localization
Name of Online Moderator: Barbara Rosen Jacobson
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Heather Leson
Organizational Affiliation: IFRC


IGF History
Title: Geneva's platform for global digital governance
Description: Description:
Over the last three months, the State of Geneva together with the Geneva Internet Platform have been conducting ‘Geneva Digital Talks’ aimed at discussing how the experience and expertise concentrated in the Geneva Area (internet governance community, multilateral organisations, cybersecurity ecosystem...) could contribute to addressing pressing digital policy issues such as cybersecurity. Initially, these discussions were triggered by Microsoft’s call for a Digital Geneva Convention, under the inspiration of the Geneva conventions which form the International Humanitarian body of law. While it remains an important initiative, Geneva Digital Talks broaden discussions to other digital policy areas that could potentially benefit from input from Geneva, ranging from multilateral mechanisms to private-public cooperation.

At the IGF, this Open Forum will have two major aims. Firstly, it will present results of previous discussions and accompanied research on the current and potential contribution of Geneva to digital policy discussions. Secondly, it will foster multistakeholder discussions on applying Geneva’s policy experience in processes and discussions focused on addressing issues of cybersecurity and other broader digital policies.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Mr. Pierre Maudet, Geneva State Councilor for Security and Economy: What Geneva has to offer to cyber policy discussion?
Mr. Karsten Geier, Germany, UN GGE Chair: Build-up on the UN GGE work (issues from the UN GGE report that can be further developed).
Ms. Kathy Brown, ISOC CEO, Civil society and cybersecurity
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, Head of Geneva Internet Platform & Director of DiploFoundation (moderation)
Representative(s) of the private ICT sector such as Microsoft or Google (expectations from private sector)
Name of Online Moderator: ● Ms. Barbara Rosen Jacobson
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Michael Kleiner
Organizational Affiliation: DG DERI DSE State of Geneva


IGF History
Title: EU Delegation to the IGF & Youth IGF Movement
Description: The main idea of the present proposal for an Open Forum is to share with the IGF multi-stakeholder community the concept and the outcomes of the Youth IGF Movement meetings that took place around the world.

The format of the Open Forum is intended to be a debate between the Youth IGF Movement leaders and the leaders of the Information Society, namely the members of the EU Delegation to the IGF, as well as the representatives of the Asia-Pacific community, African countries and Latin America.

We would like also to invite the leaders of the private sector for discussion with these young leaders. The Open Forum welcomes the representatives of other youth initiatives to enagage in an inclusive dialogue with the leaders of the IGF community.

The discussion between the leaders and the young representatives will be focused on the main outcomes of the meetings organised by the young at national and regional levels.

One of the focus points will also be to see how the recommendations which emerge from the present Open Forum can be taken into consideration at national and regional levels and what needs to be done to achieve this.
Tag 2:
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Ms Cristina Monti - European Commission, to be invited

Ms Julie Ward - European Parliament, to be invited

Mr Moctar Yedaly - African Union Commission, to be invited

Mr Paul Wilson- APNIC, to be invited

Mr Nigel Hickson - ICANN, to be invited

Young Leaders, representatives of the:

Youth IGF Movement

Youth IGF Hong Kong
Name of Online Moderator: Ms Iman Sabrina ABUALHAIGA - Youth IGF Movement
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/content/igf-2016-day-1-room-10-of53-youth-igf-eu-delegation
Name: Ms. Yuliya Morenets
Organizational Affiliation: EU Delegation & TaC-Together against Cybercrime International


IGF History
Title: Open Forum OHCHR
Description: Around the world, governments, civil society, businesses, and individuals struggle to find effective ways for tackling a phenomenon that is often referred to as violent extremism online. There is no doubt that terrorism poses a serious threat and Internet-based communications are widely used by terrorist organisations for disseminating propaganda, finding new recruits, and coordinating their activities. At the same time, it is crucial that any measures taken to counter these efforts fully comply with human rights law and do not undermine the enormous potential the internet has in fostering democratic participation in public life, stimulating debate on issues of public importance and enhancing development. This session will discuss the work OHCHR has done in this field and what human rights compliant responses to violent extremism online can look like.
Tag 3: Privacy
Name(s) of Speaker(s): TBD
Name of Online Moderator: TBD
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Tim Engelhardt
Organizational Affiliation: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


IGF History
Title: Local Content in the Media
Description: Digital technologies and widespread connectivity has transformed the old ways of content production and distribution across all creative industries, with consequences to all levels of the sector, from business models to the audiences news consumption habits.

The enhancement of legal offer and the empowerment of users have shown that despite general trend towards globalization of content, the appetite and need for local content is still high and is set to remain.

Cultural diversity is not only a value to be safeguarded but it is a market driver in itself. In this scenario, Media companies play the most crucial role in preserving and boosting the availability of local content worldwide.

The WIPO-EBU Open Forum will look at how a balanced and effective copyright system and media regulation represents a powerful tool to implement any policy goal in this field.
Tag 2: Media
Tag 3: Copyright
Name(s) of Speaker(s): WIPO, Michele Woods
EBU, Jean Paul Philippot
Movie Producer (Africa)
News publisher (Latina America)
Name of Online Moderator: Mr. Victor Owade
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/377
Name: Mr. Paolo Lanteri
Organizational Affiliation: WIPO/EBU


IGF History
Title: "Digital Switzerland" Strategy – Creating networked transformation processes through dialogue
Description: The transformation process caused by increasing digitisation affects society, the economy and the state. In this context, the Swiss Government formulated in 2016 the "Digital Switzerland" Strategy. At the heart of the strategy is the consistent exploitation of the opportunities of digitisation so that Switzerland can position itself as an attractive place to live and as an innovative, future-oriented location for business and research. It provides the guidelines for government action and indicates where and how authorities, academia, the private sector, civil society and politics must work together in order to shape the transformation process for the benefit of everyone in Switzerland. To this end, the Government has launched a Dialogue on "Digital Switzerland" where it assumes a moderator role. The highlight of the process is a national conference. Education, innovation, e-government, sustainability, digital labor, cyber security and data policy framework are among the topics that will be discussed at the first conference taking place on 20 November 2017. Together with interested external stakeholders, the Government will then investigate what new measures are required for the further development of the strategy.

We will present the strategy and discuss its implementation from different perspectives together with representatives from the private sector, academia and civil society. Participants will discuss the prospects and challenges of establishing a regular and effective dialogue with all stakeholders. Close cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and networked collaboration is crucial for seizing the opportunities of digital transformation. Switzerland is in a strong position in this respect, thanks in particular to its multicultural nature, willingness to engage in dialogue and create a consensus, in addition to its pragmatic direct-democracy processes.
Tag 2: Democracy
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Director General of OFCOM Switzerland, Mr Philipp Metzger
Representative of private sector
Representative of civil society
Name of Online Moderator: Representative of OFCOM
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Livia Walpen
Organizational Affiliation: OFCOM Switzerland


IGF History
Title: Portal of the Municipal Government
Description: The Portal of the Municipal Government is a project that is based on the new paradigm of e-Government and that aims to be in tune with the global trends that exist today, adapt to the conditions of the country with respect to the technological infrastructure, the functions of the Public administration and the need for information of local citizens. Access to this technological tool allows citizens to access the news and information about each event that is being developed in their locality, the projects they are carrying out to improve their environment, actions that encourage the care of the environment, the innovation in the locality, the detailed information on the municipalities realizable in the municipality, the access to the services that are offered in the municipality with an update in the real time of the municipal offer, the availability of a noticeboard with the events that are carried out In the municipality, the active participation of citizens in forums, surveys, complaints, suggestions and surrenders that promote the improvement of the environment in which they live; Launches of calls by the different organizations of masses and educational, cultural and sports centers of the municipality, unlimited access to legal documentation with those governing the country, say: laws, codes, gazettes and regulations.
Tag 2:
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Jessica Pedraza Azúa, Miguel Herrera Ascanio
Name of Online Moderator: Miguel Herrera Ascanio
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Jessica Pedraza Azúa
Organizational Affiliation: Citma


IGF History
Title: Memory and documentation in Internet Governance: The challenge of building collections
Description: This open forum seeks to match stories and reports concerning the building of collections, shedding light especially to initiatives focused on Internet Governance and related subjects. The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee – CGI.br will present its own project, an ongoing initiative to build an Internet Governance collection available to the general public in Brazil. -- The conversation will touch on a series of challenges, such as bibliographic control, memory, catalog and repositories, standardization, semantics, vocabulary, metadata, interoperability, access to knowledge and the difficulties inherent to combine physical and digital materials on Internet Governance in one same collection. The session will present to the IGF two of CGI.br’s most recent initiatives: the Internet Governance Collection and the reform of the Friends of the IGF repository (to which CGI.br has been providing Secretariat Services since 2016). For one year now, CGI.br has been developing an Internet Governance Collection consisting of a physical and digital archive of books, reports and all kinds of materials related to Internet Governance. The project involves the acquisition of new pieces and donations made by partner institutions. The aim is to build a relevant reference database that can be used for research as well as for keeping a memory of important documentation in the field, at the local, regional and global levels. CGI.br has recently committed to provide Secretariat services and hosting the Friends of the IGF project, as well as developing a new portal for the project.
Building and managing this kind of collections are not an easy task, for it involves information management policies, infrastructure, standardization and the cooperative efforts in the exchange of information between organization and development of semantic schemes in a way that allows for interoperability with other existing systems. Two other organizations will be invited to give an overview of their activities and discuss the challenges – the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and Europeana Collections. We expect that the session can enable a first dialogue on good practices and viable collaborative solutions, as well create a continued space for permanent intersessional discussion about these efforts. The session is structured around three brief ten-minute presentations by the invitees, followed by a 30-minute Q&A debate session with the audience.
Tag 2:
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Jean C. F. Santos (CGI.br, ); Diego Canabarro (CGI.br); Susan Chalmers (Internet Policy Specialist at US Department of Commerce, NTIA); Jill Cousins (Europeana.eu and Electronic Information for Librarie; Theresa Swinehart (ICANN).
Name of Online Moderator: Vinicius W. O. Santos (NIC.br)
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://friendsoftheigf.org/assets/Uploads/WS47-Content-delivery-alternatives-intertwining-of-IXPs-and-CDNs.pdf
Name: Mr. Hartmut Glaser
Organizational Affiliation: Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br)


IGF History
Title: WSIS Action Lines advancing the Achievement of SDGs
Description: The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum represents the world's largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community. The annual WSIS Forum is a global multi-stakeholder platform facilitating the implementation of the WSIS Action Lines for advancing sustainable development. The Forum is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD, in close collaboration with all WSIS Action Line co-/facilitators and other UN organizations (UNDESA, FAO, UNEP, WHO, UN Women, WIPO, WFP, ILO, WMO, ITC, UPU, UNODC, UNIDO, UNHCR, UNICEF and UN Regional Commissions). It provides an opportunity for information exchange, knowledge creation and sharing of best practices, while identifying emerging trends and fostering partnerships, taking into account the evolving Information and Knowledge Societies.

In follow up to the outcomes of the UN General Assembly Overall Review of the Implementation of WSIS Outcomes (Res. A/70/125) and with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Res. A/70/1), the WSIS Forum is constantly evolving and strengthening the alignment between the WSIS Action Lines and the Sustainable Development Goals. The WSIS Forum will therefore serve as a key forum for discussing the role of ICTs as a means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, with due regard to the global mechanism for follow-up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This session will provide an opportunity for the participants to learn more about the WSIS Process, in particular, the implementation of WSIS Action Lines for the Achievement of SDGs, the WSIS Forum 2018 Open Consultation Process, WSIS Prizes 2018, WSIS Forum 2018: Photography Contest, Hackathon, VR for Development and other special tracks.
Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): - WSIS Action Line Facilitators
- UN Regional Commission
- Government
- Private Sector
- Civil Society
Name of Online Moderator: ITU
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/315
Name: Ms. Gitanjali Sah
Organizational Affiliation: International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on behalf of WSIS Action Line Facilitators


IGF History
Title: Data & the SDGs: From opportunities to impact
Description: "The importance of data for social and economic development is often mentioned in international discussions. However, the practical applications of data in development field is still largely under-explored.

This session aims to discuss this interplay between the potential of new kinds of data and their practical application. In particular, the session will focus on data as tool for monitoring and implementing the SDGs. The rapid rise of new kinds of data - from mobile phone records to drone footage - can give new insights for the international community in assessing needs and gaps in their operations and respond in a more targeted manner. In addition, big data might offer a way to measure progress towards the 2030 agenda more comprehensively.

Yet, these opportunities are coupled with a number of challenges. Is data retrieved from digital devices representative of the whole population, or do these new kinds of data obscure the experiences of people who are unconnected? How to ensure data protection in areas where privacy is not properly regulated, yet where the sensitivity of the data might be enhanced with the vulnerability of the population? This Open Forum attempts to tackle the opportunities and challenges related to the use of Big Data for the SDGs."

Tag 2: Data
Tag 3: Data
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Ms Nadia Isler, Director, SDG Lab, UN Office in Geneva
Mr Kars Aznavour, Data analytics advisor, ICRC
Ms Derval Usher, Head, UN Global Pulse Jakarta
Mr Jovan Kurbalija (moderator)
Remote moderator: Barbara Rosen Jacobson
Name of Online Moderator: Nadia Isler
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Ms. Katrina HARDIE
Organizational Affiliation: UNOG


IGF History
Title: Regional Cooperation for the Advancement of Electronic Government
Description: Share, promote and boost regional cooperation as a mechanism to accelerate the digital development of the Latin America and the Caribbean countries taking the example of the "Red GEALC". Likewise to move towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Agenda, with citizen centered e-Government policies and exchange of solutions and experts among the members.

Tag 3:
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Moderator: Victor Lagunes, CIO of Mexico/Ms. Yolanda Martínez Mancilla, Digital Government of Mexico

Potential speakers:
Ana María Rodríguez Ortíz - Inter-American Development Bank
María Fernanda Trigo - OAS
José Clastornik - AGESIC Uruguay
Eber Betanzos - Ministry of Public Administration of Mexico
Brazil representative
Colombia representative
Peru representative
Chile representative
Barbara Ubaldi - OECD
Name of Online Moderator: Israel Rosas - Digital Government Strategy of Mexico
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.igf2016.mx/


IGF History
Title: Data in Environmental and Climate Activities
Description: Data plays central role in numerous environmental and climate activites. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coordinates one of the most complex data networks worldwide, across its 185 Member States and 6 Member Territories. Global Observing System (GOS) and Global Telecommunication System (GTS) and Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) are the backbone of the Wordl Weather Watch (WWW), These three components combined and working together user requeriments will lead to offer the best services. Its Global Observing System collects data from tens satellites, thousands of aircraft and ships, and nearly 10,000 land-based stations, covering the oceans, land-bodies, and the atmosphere. Considering the users requirements, a seamless infrastructure safety and sustainable is needy, in providing high quality observations, safety dissemination and facilitating assimilation and processed into products.
This session aims to facilitate sharing of experiences between environmental and digital communities. In particular, the session will address the question such as: what type of data is used by environmental and climate organisations? What can be done in order to improve sharing of data among countries and other actors? What are potentials for public-private partnerships in dealing with environmental data? How can national and regional regulations affect use of data in ernviornmental and climate fields?
Tag 1: Big Data
Name(s) of Speaker(s): Fernando BELDA and Peiliang SHI
Name of Online Moderator: Barbara Rosen Jacobson
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:
Name: Mr. Fernando BELDA
Organizational Affiliation: WMO


IGF History
Title: Strengthening capacities in international Internet governance
Description: [Co-organized by ITU, DiploFoundation and SSIG]

With the increasing digitization of our economies and societies, debates related to the governance of the Internet are gaining momentum and have broadened their scope to encompass an ever greater number of topics and governance aspects. Policy makers, businesses and citizens need to stay abreast of these developments and are faced with the challenges of rapid technological developments which impact on Internet access, use and governance. In this context, calls for strengthening capacities in international Internet governance (IG) are becoming more widespread and the national and international community is called upon to respond to those needs.

The IG capacity development field is characterized by a variety of different actors (such as international and regional entities, the technical community, academic institutions, the private sector and civil society), addressing different target groups and offering different types of trainings and other capacity development activities.

ITU has undertaken a comprehensive study to assess current training/capacity development activities provided by the main stakeholder groups globally and regionally. The report, which was prepared in collaboration with DiploFoundation, reveals gaps, identifies needs, and makes proposals on the way forward, in particular on how ITU could support the strengthening of capacities in the field of IG among its membership, in particular in developing countries.

Based on the ITU report, the session will provide an overview of existing capacity development activities by different stakeholder groups. It brings together representatives from key entities dealing with capacity development in Internet governance who will share their experience and highlight key challenges that need to be addressed. The session will then discuss capacity building needs for policy makers (in particular in developing and least developed countries) and present ongoing and planned activities in this regard by different stakeholders. In order to enrich the debate, the session will be interactive to give all participants an opportunity to freely contribute to the discussions.

Topics that will be addressed:

• What are the main gaps/needs that should be addressed by IG capacity development activities, in particular in developing countries?
• What are the most important topics / priority areas in Internet governance that should be included in future capacity development programmes?
• Which training methodologies work best for delivering IG capacity building in developing countries?
• Who is the key target audience for IG training? How can capacities among policy makers be strengthened?
Name(s) of Speaker(s): - ITU
- Diplo Foundation
- Country representative
Name of Online Moderator: ITU
Past IGF Participation: Yes
Report Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/index.php?q=filedepot_download/4115/433
Name: Ms. Susan Teltscher
Organizational Affiliation: International Telecommunication Union (ITU)


IGF History
Title: Islands sorrounded by Land and Sea: The road to full connectivity for LLDC's LDC's and SIDS
Description: Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC), Least Developing Countries (LDC) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face particular challenges to develop critical infraestructure, internet related public policies, improve accesibility, affordability, and quality of internet services and other ICT's. The realization of the 2030 agenda for the SGD's in the digital age, through the sustainable use of the new technologies, are an unavoidable path for these States in order to transform and improve the standard of living of their societies.
Name(s) of Speaker(s): TBC.
Name of Online Moderator: Miguel Candia Ibarra
Past IGF Participation: No
Report Link:


IGF History