people around table - Intersessional Work during IGF 2015

BPFs Outputs

Overview of the so-far completed Best Practice Forums
BPF Output Documents

All of the tangible outcomes from the IGF’s BPFs are published as follows:

Handbook & Overviews

2024 | IGF 2022 Best Practice Forums Summaries, part of the final report

2023 | IGF 2022 Best Practice Forums Summaries, part of the final report

2022 | IGF 2022 Best Practice Forums Summaries, part of the final report

2021 | IGF 2021 Best Practice Forums Summaries, part of the final report

2020 | IGF 2020 Best Practice Forums Summaries, part of the final report

2019 | IGF 2019 Best Practice Forums Summaries, part of the final report

2018 | IGF 2018 Best Practice Forums Summaries/Handbook

2017 | IGF 2017 Best Practice Forums Summaries/Handbook

2015 | Best Practice Forums: Handbook 2015

2014 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 - Best Practice Forums Overview

Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)

2015 | Internet Governance Forum - Best Practice Forum on Establishing and Supporting Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) for Internet Security (2015)

2014 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 - Best Practice Forum on Establishing and Supporting Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) for Internet Security


2022 | IGF 2022 - BPF on Cybersecurity - Use of norms to foster trust and security

2021 | IGF 2021 - BPF on Cybersecurity - Use of norms to foster trust and security

2020 | IGF 2020 - BPF on Cybersecurity - Exploring best practices in relation to international cybersecurity initiatives

2019 | IGF 2019 - BPF on Cybersecurity - Exploring best practices in relation to recent international cybersecurity initiatives

2018 | IGF 2018 - Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity: Culture, Norms & Values

2017 | IGF 2017 - Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity

2016 | 2016 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Cybersecurity - ‘Building Confidence and Security in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) through Enhance Cooperation and Collaboration’


2022 | IGF 2022 - BPF on Gender and Access - Exploring the concept of gendered disinformation

2021 | IGF 2021 - BPF on Gender and Access - Exploring the concept of gendered disinformation

2020 | IGF 2020 - BPF on Gender and Access - Gender at the IGF

2019 | IGF 2019 - BPF on Gender and Access - Beyond access: Women, transgender and gender non-conforming people's participation in the digital economy

2018 | Best Practice Forum on Gender and Access (2018): Impact of Supplementary Models of Connecivity in Enabling Meaningful Internet Access for Women and Gender Non-Binary Persons

2017 | Best Practice Forum Gender & Access (2017): Unique challenges for unique women - An exploration of the unique needs and challenges women from diverse communities face in gaining meaningful Internet access

2016 | IGF Best Practice Forum on Gender: Gender Access (2016): Overcoming Barriers to Enable Women’s Meaningful Internet Access

2015 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2015: Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Online Abuse and Gender-Based Violence against Women

Internet of Things, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

2019 | IGF 2019 - BPF on IoT, Big Data and AI technologies

2018 | IGF 2018 - Best Practice Forum on Internet of Things, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence


2016 | IGF 2016 Best Practice Forum on IPv6 - ‘Understanding the commercial and economic incentives behind a successful IPv6 deployment’

2015 | IGF2015 Best Practice Forum on Creating an Enabling Environment for IPv6 Adoption


2016 | IGF 2016 Best Practice Forum on IXPs - Contributing to the success and continued development of Internet exchange points

2015 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2015 - Best Practices Forum on Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) - Enabling Environments to Establish Successful IXPs

Local Content

2019 | IGF 2019 - BPF on Local Content: Lost and gained in digitisation: Responding to the impact of political and social upheaval on local content, language and culture

2018 | IGF 2018 Best Practice Forum on Local Content - BPF output report

2017 | IGF 2017 Best Practice Forum on Local Content - Internet cultural and linguistic diversity as an engine for growth

2014 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 - Best Practice Forum on Creating an Enabling Environment for the Development of Local Content

Multistakeholder Participation Mechanisms

2015 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2015 - Output Document: Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Strengthening Multistakeholder Participation Mechanisms

2014 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 - Best Practice Forum on Developing Meaningful Multistakeholder Participation Mechanisms

Online Child Protection

2014 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 - Best Practice Forum on Online Child Protection

Unsolicited Communications ("Spam")

2015 | Internet Governance Forum Best Practice Forum on the Regulation and Mitigation of Unsolicited Communications (2015)

2014 | Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2014 - Best Practice Forum on Regulation and Mitigation of Unsolicited Communications (e.g. “spam”)

These resources are the outputs from bottom-up, inclusive, and community-driven activities of the IGF that took place over the course over several annual IGF cycles.

What can you do with the IGF’s BPF resources?

We encourage all stakeholders to share these resources with their respective communities to ensure that the IGF resource outputs also become useful inputs into other processes of relevance to the Internet and its governance in 2018 and beyond.

We hope these resources will not only be useful for policymakers and other stakeholders, but will also continue to symbolise the IGF community’s belief that multistakeholder collaboration is fundamental in effectively addressing pertinent Internet policy challenges.