1st OC & MAG Meeting: 19-22 March 2018: Agenda


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IGF 2018 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, 20-22 March 2018

Popov Room 2 (20-21 March) & Room A, ITU Headquarters, Geneva


2018 MAG Orientation, 19 March 2018

Room G3, ITU, Geneva

Draft Agenda


The main purpose of the 3-day meeting is to take stock of the IGF 2017 meeting and intersessional processes, as well as take forward discussions on the programme and structure of the IGF 2018 meeting and other ongoing IGF activities. All interested stakeholders are invited to join and participate in the Open Consultations and MAG Meeting. Online participation will be available for those unable to join physically in Geneva.

Day 0: 19 March 2018 - MAG Orientation Day / Room G3, Varembé Building, ITU 

*The orientation session is mandatory for new members; continuing members may participate voluntarily and provide input into the session.


Agenda Item

16:30 - 18:30

   1.  Opening

  1. Welcome by MAG Chair
  2. Welcome by IGF Secretariat
  3. Introductions by new members and continuing members present

     2. Orientation: ‘Need to Know’ for new members and institutional framing

  1. Review of Tunis Agenda
  2. MAG Terms of Reference
  3. IGF Code of Conduct and procedural rules of meetings
  4. IGF Trust Fund
  5. Funding eligibility for MAG members

      3.  IGF annual meetings and priority activities for MAG members

      4.  IGF intersessional and community activities

      a. National and Regional Initiatives
      b. Best Practice Forums (BPFs)
      c. Dynamic Coalitions (DCs)
      d. Policy Options for ‘Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s)’ (CENB)

    5.   MAG working groups and key issues for engagement

     a.  Working Group on IGF Improvements (WG-IMP)
     b.  Working Group on Multiyear Strategic Work Programme (WG-MWP)
     c.  Working Group on Workshops Review and Evaluation (WG-WREP)
     d.  Working Group on New Session Formats (WG-NSF)
     e.  Working Group on Communications and Outreach (WGCO)

    6. General Q&A


Day 1: 20 March 2018 - Open Consultations / Popov Room 2, Tower Building, ITU


Agenda Item

10:00 - 11:00

  1. Opening statements and adoption of the agenda
  1. Welcome by MAG Chair
  2. Presentation by 2017 Host Country
  3. IGF 2018

11:00 - 13:00

  1. Taking stock of IGF 2017 (while setting expectations for IGF 2018)
  1. Secretariat’s summary of the inputs received to the stocktaking process
  2. Comments on programme (main theme, sub-themes), structure (session types, including new and innovative session types, schedule)

13:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 18:00

(Continuation of morning session)

  1. Comments on Day 0, logistics of IGF 2017, lessons learned and  suggestions for improvement
  2. Comments on 2017 IGF intersessional activities, lessons learned and suggestions for improvement


  1. Updates from related Internet Governance initiatives and processes, followed by open discussion on possible IGF 2018 activities/collaboration


Day 2: 21 March 2018 - MAG Meeting (open to observers) / Popov Room 2, Tower Building, ITU


Agenda Item

10:00 - 13:00

  1. Opening statements
  1. Remarks by 2017 Host Country on lessons learned, suggestions for next IGF


  1. Possible approaches/general outline of overall IGF 2018 preparatory process. Shaping the programme of IGF 2018 by discussing:
  1. Main theme, major policy questions, sub-themes if appropriate, working ‘tracks’;
  2. Workshops and open forums;
  3. Lessons and recommendations for 2018 from MAG Working Group on the Workshop Review and Evaluation Process (WG-WREP)
  4. Main sessions and main session guidelines;
  5. Selection criteria/timetable and mechanisms for workshops, open forums and main sessions;

13:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 18:00

 (Continuation of morning discussion)   

  1. Possible approaches/general outline of overall IGF 2018 preparatory process. Shaping the programme of IGF 2018 by discussing:
  1. Individual Best Practice Forum (BPF), Dynamic Coalition (DC), National and Regional Initiative (NRI), Major Policy Programme: Connecting and Enabling Next Billion(s) (CENB) and other sessions
  2. Ways to integrate intersessional work and outputs
  3. Day 0 ‘pre-events’
  4. Overall programme structure


  1. Discussion on possible 2018 IGF intersessional activities & NRIs
  1. Types of activities (BPFs, DCs, CENB, etc.) and guidelines review
  2. NRIs
  3. Strategies for collaboration and complementarity across intersessional work


  1. Recommendations for 2018 from MAG Working Group on Strategic Multiyear Work Programme (WG-MWP)


Day 3: 22 March 2018 - MAG Meeting (open to observers) / Room A, Varembé Building, ITU


Agenda Item

10:00 - 13:00

  1. MAG Working Groups
  1. Updates from working groups: on Communications & Outreach (WG-CO); IGF Improvements (WG-IMP); New Session Formats (WG-NSF)
  2. Review of guidelines
  3. Establishment or re-chartering of new and existing MAG Working Groups

13:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 18:00


  1. General outline of overall IGF 2018 preparatory process
  1. Decisions on timetable and preparatory schedule for selection of themes, workshops and other sessions, programme structure, intersessional activities, etc.
  2. Decisions on overall preparatory calendar of meetings and milestones for IGF 2018 annual meeting and intersessional activities


  1. Any Other Business