Athens Proceedings Meetings
Secretary General
IGF in Athens: Main Session Transcripts | 30 October 2006 | 31 October 2006 | 1 November 2006 | 2 November 2006 | Opening Ceremony [TXT] | Openness Session [TXT] | Summing Up [TXT] | Summing Up [TXT] | Setting the Scene [TXT] | Security Session [TXT] | Diversity Session [TXT] | The Way Forward [TXT] | | | Access Session [TXT] | Emerging Issues Session [TXT] | | | | Closing Ceremony [TXT] |
- Archive of Webcast for Athens [HTML]
Participants |
- Opening Ceremony: Final List of Speakers [HTML]
- Main Sessions:
- Final List of Participants [HTML]
- Panelists and Moderators [HTML]
- Attendance Data by Region[HTML] and Stakeholder Group [HTML]