Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
Region: Asia Pacific
Working for 25+ years in the Development Sector as well as the IT Industry/ICT-for-development domain. Promoter of FOSS for over a decade. Expertise in ICTs for Development/Disaster Management/Climate Change/Innovation. Attended IGF in 2009 and 2011. Working closely with international networks in engineering (such as IEEE) and FOSS (such as FOSSFA).
Worked for 17 years in the development sector with technology development, marketing, co-operatives, microfinance and ICTs in South India and with international networks, NGOs and multilateral organizations including FAO, Rome.
Programmer, trainer and software designer for 25+ years. Engaged in early work in the Internet in India, and provider of first-ever email in Kerala (1994). Enterpreneur and co-promoter of CMMI Level 5 company based in US, Japan and India. Promoter of FOSS for over a decade (1999 onwards) and one of the founders of the Free Software Foundation of India (2001).
Since 1 March 2011, the first Director of the International Centre for Free and Open Source Softare (ICFOSS), on the request of the Government of Kerala.
Worked for 17 years in the development sector with technology development, marketing, co-operatives, microfinance and ICTs in South India and with international networks, NGOs and multilateral organizations including FAO, Rome.
Programmer, trainer and software designer for 25+ years. Engaged in early work in the Internet in India, and provider of first-ever email in Kerala (1994). Enterpreneur and co-promoter of CMMI Level 5 company based in US, Japan and India. Promoter of FOSS for over a decade (1999 onwards) and one of the founders of the Free Software Foundation of India (2001).
Since 1 March 2011, the first Director of the International Centre for Free and Open Source Softare (ICFOSS), on the request of the Government of Kerala.
Also President of the Computer Society of India (CSI), India's oldest (founded in 1965) and largest (membership approaching 100,000) professional society in computing/ICT/IT.