ArmSIG held its sixth capacity building programme, seeking to impart knowledge and skills to allow participants to more effectively participate in national and global Internet governance processes. Sessions were open to all stakeholder groups, with student attendance especially encouraged, and led by academics and IT experts, as well as representatives from the UN IGF Secretariat, the Armenia IGF, Global ISOC, and ICANN. This year, the programme was separated into two main parts. The first, held 16-26 August consisted of a series of online sessions introducing participants to the visions, goals, activities, and achievements of different Internet governance bodies. The second part, held 7-9 September, consisted of an in-person meeting in Yerevan covering topics like the history and development of the Internet ecosystem, Internet accessibility, Internet literacy, personal data protection, human rights, copyright issues, and cybersecurity.
Learn More at: https://armsig.am/2022/en/home/