IGF 2010
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Note: The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during Fifth Meeting of the IGF, in Vilnius. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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>> I suppose we are trying to solve issues. To begin the workshop, the Workshop 140 about Child Online Protection in Latin America: Building a Framework for Developing Countries. We have in this panel eight specialists that we will take part on the presentation. We begin with a short presentation of each one.
We will have Professor Carlos Gregorio for the Institution de Justicia, which is the research institute for justice in Argentina.
We will have also Dr. Luiz Fernando Gaspar Costa, who is coordinator of ICT in the Federal Prosecutors Group on Privacy and E commerce in Brazil.
We have Mr. Stenio Santos Souza, that is the Chief of the Brazilian Federal Police Child Sexual Abuse and Hate Crimes Unit.
We have also Mrs. Maria José Cantarino de Frias, who is the Corporate Responsibility Manager at Telefonica in Spain.
We have Mr. Ivo Correa, the Senior Policy Counsel of Google Brazil.
And Mr. Andre Estevao, Federal Senate Adviser for Child Abuse Commission housed in Brazil. And the coordinator of the workshop is also Mr. Thiago Tavares Nunes De Oliveira, Founder and President of SaferNet Brazil.
Then to begin with this session, I will ask Mr. Carlos Gregorio from Institution de Justicia, Institute for Justice, Argentina, to give us the first talk. We hope to have talks of about 10 minutes long because we have eight people to speak and we have to reserve time for questions. Please, take the floor.
>> Thanks, Demi.
>> CARLOS GREGORIO: Okay. I wish to speak about a proposal for the framework for Latin America. In similar point, let me to introduce my idea. First, it's obvious that there is a risk online okay. It's obvious. The risk is amplified.
>> There are some risks.
>> CARLOS GREGORIO: Okay. This is the second point. The risks are especially highest in the developing countries. It's not the same to speak about the risk in Europe and United States or Canada, that risks in Latin America, Philippines or other countries. Also is true that there is not enough statistical data, robust statistical data to justify this difference. But there is, yes, statistical data in the meeting of speak about 15,000 cases of child pornography detected during two years in Brazil in the last two years, and this is a fewer or that is obviously very relevant.
On the other hand, the legal discussion to balance security previously free under speech is probably hard work. It's possible to see in the main session about previous, a great discussion with the two positions and all have some part of the reason.
And probably an agreement, a partial agreement take years to be reached. This is not, in my opinion, the code of our framework for Latin America.
To deal with this problem, our project, the project that our performing our institution that is supported by the International Development Research Center of Canada, produced this document, that is the memorandum of Montevideo, that is the synthesis of work of experts to make recommendations about the protection of children in Latin America.
The main recommendation in the memorandum is education. It's the first and the most emphasis recommendation in the memorandum.
The second is assistance to victims.
And the others are speculations in practice.
The proposal, then, for this framework is preventive.
In this sense, I love the analogies. Let me introduce a new analogy that is the plastic box. The plastic box was a technology innovation for the 50 and 60 years that produced a great risk for children. You no remember this, but the risk of suffocation for the children in these years was very high. If you look carefully, in some cases in United States, they say "this is not a toy" and also there are holes to avoid the suffocation.
What was made with this problem? Mainly education and a little change in the safety, produced a little hole in the bag. For me, this education say that probably the risk that we have now online will be inculturated, will be avoided in the next years if we now work hard in education.
This is not resigned the possibility to increase the safety in social network and in other applications in Internet. Also I don't resign the intention of the goal to increase the quality of our regulation, statutory law, decisionary law, but education is now urgent, very important and surely, again, a strategy. For this reason, we are working now in Columbia and in Mexico with pilot projects to produce a methodology to insert in the regular curricula of the schools some experience tested and evaluated to change the form that the security online for children is. Later we can discuss now.
>> Education really is one of the main things to have, security established. Technology, another similar thing. Now, we will proceed here. Dr. Luiz Fernando Gaspar Costa from the federal prosecutors group of commerce the coordinator of ICT.
>> LUIZ FERNANDO GASPAR COSTA: Thank you, Mr. Getschko. First of all my name is Louise, federal prosecutor in Brazil. I represent Brazil prosecutor and coordinate the working group for of the Brazilian federal prosecution service. I would like to say a word about the public prosecution service in Brazil and all its duties regarding privacy, data protection and child protection.
So in accordance with the Brazilian federal constitution, the prosecution service is a permanent institution essential to the jurisdiction of the state and its duty to defend the juridical order, the democratic regime and the social and the individual interests. One of the missions of the public prosecution service is to initiate public criminal prosecution under the terms of law.
For the more federal prosecution service in Brazil has several functions I'd like to stress. So it has a function to ensure effective respect by public authorities and private sector for the rights guaranteed in the constitution and to take action required to guarantee such rights. So child protection principles and norms are previewed in the child and adolescent statutes and regards data protection, there is no legislation in Brazil for now.
Anyway, federal prosecution service has the attribute in the constitution to the defense of these rights.
Concerning the subject of this panel, I could say that building a framework for child protection in developing countries, considered developing countries' challenges. In a sense I'd like to highlight four points. The first point is that legal framework is a critical project. So data projection needs compressed legal framework. And this framework can take advantage of the experience accumulated by developed countries in this domain. And simultaneously shall identify what our specific challenges of a developing country. So in the Brazilian case it can mention the efforts done in the context of the Bill of Rights of the Internet, which is a process of public consultation to establish a Civil Rights based regulatory framework for Internet in Brazil.
The second point is about the importance of improving coregulation mechanisms. These mechanisms can significantly reduce the stress points between the actors. In the sense I mentioned example, the example of the e commerce Forum in Brazil which put together government, industry and civil society to discuss e commerce issues including data protection and privacy.
Following the multistakeholder experience, last month, the federal prosecution service and SaferNet invited representatives of government, industry and civil society to first discussion on child privacy and data protection.
The third point is the role of industry. Internet service providers and companies who provide hosting service and social networks have an evident and significant role in contributing to privacy and data protection, especially of children.
And, finally, a last point, it's the importance of the creation and implementation of online child protection public policies.
So to summarize, there's a lot of work to do building a legal framework for data protection in general, promoting coregulation and multistakeholders narrowing the dialogue with industry and elaborating a public policy on child protection are some steps to take. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Okay, thank you, Dr. Costa. Now I will call on Mr. Stenio Santos Souza, who is the chief of Brazilian federal police child sexual crimes unit for his presentation, please. Just finding the PowerPoint.
>> STENIO SANTOS SOUZA: Good afternoon. I'm from the Brazilian Federal Police. I work in the Human Rights Division. JCOP. Not freely translation to English. It is a special group to combat hate crimes and child trafficking on the Internet. So we are specialized on this issue in Brazil.
Today I'm here to talk about a great experience we have in Brazil that was named Angels on the Net project that is a good, a huge example of what partnership, what stakeholders working together can do to improve this kind of experience in a country, maybe in the world.
I'm talking from the regions. Since the beginning of 2000, we have, I think this is common in most countries, the most people, the good citizens was rebelled about the child exploitation on the Internet. People, I think this is very common. Everyone in the world has this same problem. This kind of image published in the Web sites freely to anyone can see, kids, old, anyone. This was a great problem. And anyone that see this kind of image on the Internet becomes like this face on the screen you can see now. But the people don't know how to solve this problem. So when you don't know how to solve a problem, what you do? You try to give this to everyone to solve. So the same website was sent to the federal police, the federal prosecutors, the state prosecutors, the civil police, everyone, including nonprofit organizations like Internet and SaferNet and others. So you can imagine this was a great mess to solve the problem. The people want to solve, but create a bigger problem than that.
So we tried to work together to think in a solution to this problem. So we have during the year 2008 some millions, between Special Secretary of Human Rights, SaferNet is our big part this issue, by now the nongovernmental organisation that works to make the Web safer.
This CGI is represented here by our Chairman. And the federal police trying to create a national reports of crimes against Human Rights on the Web.
So after this several meetings, November 26th, 2008, during the third world Congress against sexual violence against children and adolescents could sign this agreement. That was historic to what we know
So this is a simple idea. Any country can do that.
During 2009, we did the economic unions to integrate these systems, the systems of the federal police, systems of the SaferNet, systems of SEDH. So this tool can work properly.
And November 12, 2009, we inaugurated this Forum on the Internet. So anyone in any place in the world can access this website. And if you see in the Web site that child porn that you think is related to Brazil, you can enter in this click or write http://denuncia.pv.gov.pr. And this site page will open to you.
So when you click on this web site, we'll click on this web page and you can of course this is in Portuguese because it is to Brazil. But you can do this, just translates to your own language. And you can click, for example, in the first button, click it in this. And you open this website. We did a summary of what is child exploitation to help the citizen to understand if the report, the complaint is correct. And the citizen just need to copy the URL into the first blank. And if he wants, he can add some comments to this problem, about this problem, any additional comments if he wants. If not, no problem. This will work. Of course this just works through URLs. If you have a different problem, emails or problems in MSN, chat rooms, et cetera, you need to work with our email, that is the denuncia.ddh.gpf.gov.pr, and we work. In this case, it's totally anonymous. We don't catch the IP from the person that wants to do the complaint. And we'll start to do our investigation.
But look at this. This is very interesting. All this process is automatic. After you click in this report, the report button, the URL is visited by a robot. This robot will take a screen shot of the website. And the evidence will now we have now the evidence. If you don't do that, if you send an email for us with the URL, after maybe two days, three days, one week, we will try to see the Web site and maybe the Web site's not online anymore. With this tool, you click in the URL, you are doing this. You are taking this screen shot and giving us the evidence. After that, these robots, this tool will analyze the image on the Web site, the text in this website for five different softwares will analyze all they have. And we'll say automatically if this content is child porn or not. This will work not just for chilled porn, of course. I'm talking here about this issue. child.
So we have a 70 percent to 80 percent automatic accuracy. Which is to say this is porn or not porn. Child porn or not child porn. And this has helped us a lot because it's automatic. If you have 30,000 people giving us the same web site the robot will see just once. The robot don't need to see 30,000 times. The robot knows that it's the same URL. And you can imagine you don't need now 1,000 police officers to analyze this website. We just need one robot. This help us a lot.
And after all this process, this automatic process, analysts from SaferNet will do the human analysis because, of course, the machine don't know everything. They know a lot but don't know everything. And the positive case will be sent to the federal police to do a second analysis to decide if this is a case that needs to be investigated or not.
So we have huge results because of this kind of tool, because of this Angels on the Net project.
For example, we now have more efficient analysis. In the first day of this Forum inauguration, we had 53 complaints received. Just in the first day. As I said, identical URLs don't need to be analyzed, reviewed anymore. And one other great result of this tool is that our police officers don't need to see so many abused images as in the past. So I can say that this tool now have a healthy impact, also, because of that. Our officers now can work maybe two years more, five years more because they don't need to spend so many times seeing this image of violence.
Now give an end to the duplication. When I sent to Thiago Tavares Nunes De Oliveira here, our first amount of URLs that we have here in our country, the first impact to us was seen that almost 40,000 duplicate URLs would be become investigations. Can you imagine the money you need to initiate investigations? 42,000 URLs. We don't need more to start investigation because of this tool. In this, this is just the beginning. All our police officers now knows that they don't need to start investigations and receive a complaint of URL. They know they just need to click and insert the URL in the tool and after that all this process is automatically. And they can do other job. They can improve the job, the investigations in other areas, important areas, as important as that.
Now, we can prove and diversify our actions. We can work more in the P to P networks and the chatrooms in the problems of Emails, news groups, et cetera. We don't need to spend a lot of time just working on this millions of URLs we received in past. We can direct the work to the thing that are very, very important.
So, of course we increased our efficiency. By now, we have 10 more great police operations incurred or started nationally or internationally after this tool. In May 2009, with operation, to August 2010, another operation, we have arrested more than 50 suspects for the crime of child pornography and more than 88 children is now safe because of these kind of actions. In less than one year. So we think all of this is a result of this integration.
And the other aspect that they consider very, very interesting, very important is that now because of this tool, we could not just work in the investigation, the repression, but we could also give to the population, to children, to adults, professors, parents some of our experience and prevention. So prevention and always with the huge ownership of the SaferNet, we have this safer which is a very good book if you can understand Portuguese. I'm not sure if you have English, you have in Spanish. So if you speak Spanish, you can read also. It very good about prevention on the Internet. And this material was distributed digitally in schools. So we have 5,000 directly, persons directly involved in this operation prevention. But indirectly, we can't say how many people can now work safer in the Internet because of this. I am closing.
And of course this tool will not work as well as it can if it is just to SaferNet and federal police. We need to all the organizations to work together for us in our country.
And the last interest was the federal prosecutors in São Paulo, they are now trying to initiate this process with us. And Thiago Tavares is working very hard to integrate a another of other organizations into the project. And of course we need the ISPs, the industry, the judiciary, everyone, I think, everyone. The cause is for everyone, not for one, two or three organizations. So for us, this is very important.
So just to finish thinking about the world is a dangerous place to live not because of the people who are evil but for the people who do nothing. This is from the Professor Albert Einstein.
Thank you.
>> Demi Getschko: Thank you. We see how collaboration is important to have the full spectrum of actions in this area. Now I call Mr. Andre Estevao he is Federal Senate Adviser for Child Abuse Prevention Commission. Please, Dr. Pereira.
>> ANDRE PEREIRA: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored with the invitation to share with you few steps in terms of self emulation regarding child online safety. First of all, I would like to contextualize the children's rights in historical perspective of our democracy evolution. The historicization of democracy in Brazil in the 80s had their heyday in the promulgation of our new constitution in 1988. In it, along with a new Bill of Rights unprecedented in our history were imposed to be state and its institutions numerous duties were fulfillment depends on the achievement of those.
Moreover, at the time, Brazilian society has chosen children and adolescent as its first priority who are whom it was adopted the doctrine of full and integrated protection. Moreover, while the Brazilian society claimed its primary concern in protecting children was the spread of the outside use of the Internet as well as its benefits and risks for children. And among those included and clearly shown the damage or spread child sexual an bus include the Internet with any civilized society can tolerate. Under Brazilian law, these defenses are considered criminal and punished severely. So imposing our state constitution, state agencies that did not pay obedience to the government which are commonly confused, sometimes leading to the mistaken perspective that the illegal content taken down is governmental action.
In Brazil, the prosecutors and the judiciary branch are independent bodies and have total independence from the government and take action in the seasons without any kind of submission to the executive branch. It was a fact acts performed by criminals by the Internet, not the network itself. It's as important to note. Privacy and freedom of expression are fundamental rights provided in our constitution and absolutely necessary for building a just and democratic society.
It happens the Brazil is a federal state. And there are so many bodies responsible for implementing child rights. Thus, in the criminals, for example, we are the judiciary, the federal prosecutors in the federal policy. Prosecutors and local law enforcement agencies are there, as there are states was number 620 in the country. And responsible for acting on those occasions when children are victims of sexual crimes, find whether or not such crimes is through to Internet. Therefore, in order to prevent and punish crimes that children and victims, formal investigation from any of these public institutions independent of each other need to collaboration of ESPs and broadband companies to identify the offenders.
There is no uniform for these requests. There is given the lack of standardization of procedures, compliance with court orders to which they are rapid identification of offenders of crimes against children often of course late, which contribution to impunity and the recommendations of the field agents. The questions by its gravity was recommended the part which is involved which until they could not agree and arrested. The perception that it was necessary to overcome the impasse in which only children were affected and believed their offenders. It was this perception that lead to the realization of numerous meetings between representatives of public and private companies and civil society institutions which eventually reached a consensus, which has resulted in the important documents of mutual cooperation and assistance. In the first, among other important resources undertaken by GSPs, until the companies inform the time compatible with the national reality the data needed to identify the offender under investigation to be actively involved in prevention, education and willingness to adopt new tools to inhibit cyber crimes against children to help spend and take more effective protection for children against sexual crimes online.
Moreover, it was decided in state's original request that the lines perform disclose and also its performance in order to become more easily to identify perpetrators of crimes against children.
Moreover, for these children would not be limited to realm of goods intentions. The committee was constituted under move that under negotiations produced a document that makes concrete that there is, for example, the finding of the committee final responsibility for the stakeholders responsible for the thereby conflicts with resolution would require intervention not always rapid of the judiciary branch. In addition, committees were formed. Also part 2. A. Monitor and adopt to assure effectiveness of the MO towards an improvement and the complaints of agreed upon and, B, to undertake for the improvement of the tools, new tools and technologies for deal with sexual crimes against children and adolescents committed through the Internet.
Produce technical guidelines, course, lectures and training activities for those involved in protecting children and adolescents involving sexual crimes and produce resource. Thus create routines and comprehensive forms of activity in which converge experience and various experts that some prevention becomes more effective and that the investigation of the offenders that committed crimes against children, becomes more rapidly ineffective helping to produce impunity and therefore discouraging the commitment of further crimes.
It is therefore especially in a country where the state organisation distribution responsibilities is somewhat complex and the final state because it converged the final things effort propose. What good works. We are glad to share these documents with yours and keep your update with the progress of the very important self regulation initiative in Brazil. All o documents referenced will be available in SaferNet website. Thank you very much for your attention.
>> MODERATOR: Okay, thank you. We will finish the four initial presentations and I will open for questions if there is any question. We will change the table with our four presenters. Do you have any questions? Rise with a question now. We have one on the end of the room here. Wait a minute. Do you have microphone? Please introduce yourself and ask the question.
>> Okay. My name is boss and I'm representing pat international here. Actually my question is in relation to the previous presenter. You represented the automatic way of capturing the reports. My question is: Does the software, does it analyze the image as it comes in? Because I saw there were snapshots. Whether the snapshots are passed on as it is to the analyst. Because then I would request the function of that. And if you mentioned analysis is in place. Whether it's able to detect child abuse images or what's the purpose of that analysis? That's one question.
And whether this was designed locally, the software. And was there an interest by other hot lines to use similar system? Thank you.
>> STENIO SANTOS SOUZA: Thank you for the question. This software was developed by SaferNet. So the technical details of this software I don't have all the technical details. But I can say that this software take the picture. And the picture is analyzed as a person hash he can see and he can see the picture as, let me see how to say that. If they have pictures similar, the software will detect the similarity. It is not they don't need to search for that exactly hash of the image to say that business is the image of child porn. So they have a database with image with child porn that will make the software smarter and as much as we teach the software, we'll say this is child porn or not.
>> Okay. So if I get you correctly, when it hashes the images, it compares with an existing database of hashed images and to see whether it matches?
>> STENIO SANTOS SOUZA: Yes, hash for comparison. It is not exactly hash. But I think professor Santiago here wants to say something about that. You want to say?
>> Hello? Okay. Yes. It's working now. So thanks for the question. Exactly. It's not this tool was developed in partnership with Google. And it's not a traditional hash to like M to 5, like others, all the algorithms that are working with hash values. These, two, that was developed in partnership with Google's engineers' team make possible to generate a similarity index of different images.
So if you have a data set with, for example, 1,000 different images and these images have was modify by changing the contracts drops, resize, file formats, all these kind of change, the image, this software can identify. The software can identify similar to others despite the modifications of the original one. So if you have original images and those original images was modified with drop, with resize, with contracts, with colors. All these kind of modifications are automatically detected by this new tool.
Of course, we use exactly hash values, as well. But exactly hash values is not sufficient to deal with the spread of modified images of child sexual abuse. So this new tool addressed this problem.
And in regard to your second question, I will highlight this in my speech, but I cannot speak to that, of course before other developing countries about their hot line and so. Okay?
>> Thank you. There is anymore questions? Please? The mic?
>> Thanks, I'm general manager but I'm talking in my personal way. When you try to prosecute some crimes, special electronic crimes, you have to follow the rules established in the legislation. In the Peruvian legislation allow combat the pornography, the child pornography. The article said who transfer, who produce and who holder pictures image.
When the information arrive to the policeman, to the division, they can do nothing because when they have the picture, they hold the picture. So they are against the law. It's a problem when created the law. And they are thinking more who holds the picture like the criminal. No doubt the person will be analyzed for finally you hold in some way the picture. So we will try to change that. Even that they continue working. Nobody will accuse them that they hold pornography until this moment. But when you try to see legislation from other countries have the same kind of problems, the prosecutors of the crimes don't have tools because one, the country don't make the correct rule; second, the issues; third, that is related to the earlier laws, for example, data protection. In some countries involved in data protection. So when the policeman going to the ISPs and request for that saying this is data protection and it is not clear when deceptions. So it is very hard to regulate about crime especially indeed this crime. We need more global police which is lacking in concrete. That is the information so sit that try to advancing that.
One of the possibilities of solution that some groups propose is the signing of the civil crime convention. Especially because that agreement have maybe the principal chapter is the engaged corporation. And they want to use that kind of tools. But when arrive to the politician and to academics or lawyers like me, they said why we need to create a national regulation and take decisions? So finally I arrive to the question. What do you really believe is the next step in a regional level? Not in the local level. Regional level to have harmonization regulation in these issues? If we don't create nothing regional level, will we continue in the same?
>> MODERATOR: I would ask professor Gregorio to try to answer this.
>> CARLOS GREGORIO: Yes, we begin the division with an agreement that will be signed next October between Injusticia and SaferNet to replicate this website in Argentina. Yes, with a lot of legal problems. The problem we call report, we don't speak about crimes, probably inadequate contents and other protections because each country has institutions and has a law and has tradition. It's difficult to understand. But really, we need one web site one database concentrated for all Latin America.
For several reasons. Probably the URL that have announced here are not located in Latin America. Then is not a matter. Probably the victims that are in those websites are not Latin Americans. It's a child in Holland. In a website in Thailand.
Then it's not a competence exactly of the country of the people that report. But obviously we need agreements among the policies, our agreement about the prosecutors. But construct on this system is very difficult. And we think that begin with aggregated website is the beginning. And later to promote agreements among the institutions.
>> Okay, thank you. I suppose it's time to change the panel because we are short on time. I thank you very much. You will be staying here because there will be other questions that you can answer. Thank you very much. Then I call on the second team of presenters. We can begin with Mrs. Maria José Cantarino de Frias, corporate responsibility manager at Telefonica Spain and adviser at EU kids online. Board member of family online safety institute and works with child protection system sometime. Mrs. Cantarino de Frias.
>> MARIA JOSÉ CANTARINO de FRIAS: Thank you very much. As has been told, I work for Telefonica and I'm in charge of promoting initiative. Has a separate use of ICT by children and teenagers. The big challenge of my job is to find a stable balance between the benefits that ICT brings to our lives and the fears of the risks associated to their misuses. This challenge is even bigger when it concerns children. And, yes, I'm talking about frequently of dangers rather than the benefits ICTs bring to our lives. To liberate the safer use of Internet and mobile phone is not only necessary it is also very important to promote the positive uses of these technology. And it is also very necessary to e empower children, parents and educators to achieve its objective. It involve the effort of all the stakeholders: Government, institution, industry, NGOs, parent educators. But we cannot forget also the children.
We have to take into account the increasing convergence of service and platforms has raised risks related to security, privacy and content, which have also need for consumers service provided. Another issue is how adults can teach children to behave in a digital world, a world where others are immigrants and children are native. But since children start to have the use, we give them the basics for good citizenship. So if Internet now is part of our life, why don't we beat to them these safe knowledge is available on the Internet. The general answer would be to blame the divide due to the generation gap. But this is not an excuse obviously. It will be too easy to take excuse parents for not developing directly for teaching their children to be good citizenship.
Telefonica decided three years ago to launch a survey in South America to know exactly how these children were interacting with new technologies. We didn't know anything about this. We have the experience in Europe, but we didn't know anything at all about South America as the President panelist said there was no research, there was no real knowledge about what was going on.
So I want to give you some of the data that the outcomes of that survey. The survey was conducted between a student from 6 to 8 years old and we greet more than students from more than 900 schools. The data showed that the children from these are active user of Internet and mobile phones, that they prefer Internet to TV, even when they don't have it at home. Also those children who learn Internet at school are better prepared to make positive and creative uses of it, such as create websites, blogs and to use it for study purpose. And at the same time, those kids were more aware of the possible risks. However, those kid that learned to use it by themselves, are not risk associated to the misuse and they don't know how to get the benefits that may be coming to them. So this highlights the necessity to implement the safer use and good use of ICTs at home as well as school.
Other data like 48 percent of kids access to Internet from home. 0 percent access from cyber cafes and 30 percent from school 30 percent. This is a change in Europe because only about 10 percent of the kids access from cyber cafes. Also the economic differences between the countries is highlighted here. So we have around 90 percent of computers are inside Chile or Argentina while only 43 percent in Columbia. The country where the level of concentration of Internet is higher, followed by Argentina and Columbia where it is the lowest with only 27 percent. There is also big difference regarding the Internet connection of the schools. In Chile, 92 percent of the schools are connected. And only 58 in Argentina or 40 in Mexico. And there is another survey that was conducted in Spain by an organisation and I want to bring this here because they make a question. And the questions are the same answers provided kids. And the answer was quite funny. The question was addressed to the parents. When your children come to see you and encounter problem on the Internet? And 31 percent of parents say yes, my children will come to talk to me if they encounter any problem. The same question to the kids. Will you go to see your parents if you have any problems? Only 1 percent of the kids will go to see their parents. So this is obviously the children are quite savvy on the Internet, but if they have any problem they are completely lost. They don't know where to go. They don't even dare to speak to their parents. So this highlights the necessity that children need to be empowered to be able to fix problems. As much as in the real world. And children should learn to trust adults to help them to solve the problems. And parents shouldn't overreact as when removing the access of Internet and mobile phones.
From a point of view, technologies should integrate them in schools as a tool for study and to learn how to use them in a responsible way. This should be part of the and when introducing the use of social networking site as a way of social thing to communicate peers and teachers instead of directly.
In Telefonica, we really are focusing on education because we think tools are okay. The control is concept. But we think that we have to do is to educate children. So we created the interactive generation Forum in 2008. The Forum [Inaudible] organisation. And they are those who have conducted in South America in 2008 and last year in Spain also. And now we are seeking to launch this study also in other parts of Europe.
The form has four pillars, one is to conduct research, but the other one is to educate. From the knowledge that we gain with the research, we want to tailor different programmes to be conducted in the schools. To apply the results of this research on the safe use of new technologies. Countries in South America, Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela have already participated in the survey and as I said also Spain. I have to say that the questions were completely anonymous and conducted in the school through the Internet in the labs. And the last thing that I would like to speak about is the alliance. This is correlated with what we have seen in the President panel, with the four panelists. And this initiative was promoted to fight against the child abuse image on their website. It was a commitment from the operators, the mobile operators. And we knew very well that there was a lot of child pornography on the Net, and it is not an easy issue to fight against. So, one of the things that the operators had to do was to block the image that were on our website or in our net, but also to implement the decision of take down in order to block it.
And the third point that we have to was to promote the use of national hot lines to our clients. The first one was technical issue, but the third point it was really nothing to do with us. It was third party who has to be in Europe was quite easy to find images for the country but when we look at South America we have problems because there is not really hot lines. There is just the one running in Brazil. We have another one in Mexico, but in the rest of the country went find any NBO who were running any kind of hot lines. So I really would like to discuss here in each of the countries where they are not right now. And really I am very happy to listen that Thiago is expanding his project to Argentina, a new one. That's all.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. Once again we see that cooperation is a key word for this area. And now I ask Mr. Correa from Google to give us his speech. He is senior policy counsel for Google Brazil and special counsel to work with São Paulo.
>> IVO CORREA: Good afternoon. I'd like to start saying thanks to the organizer for the invitation for Google. It's a pleasure to be here and discuss the serious issue with you guys, with all of you. So it's a pleasure to be here.
And, secondly, if I knew that we would have this fancy room with all the big screen and everything, I promise I would have prepared a presentation. I was expecting the usual rooms where I spoke the other days downstairs was like around. So I gave up of the presentation. But nice presentation would be useful here, sorry. So I'll try to be brief and very briefly go over three topics.
The first one is an overview of goggle on Internet child safety which most of you have heard sometime but I'll try to repeat and give some examples. I'll make a few comments about the Brazilian architects experience which I believe is a case of cooperation and combat of child abuse and a very good case study for child protection. And third I'll try to put together some lessons learned and some challenges that I see in the Brazilian Congress that may be useful for the regional, as well.
First of all, Google strategy is based on three pillars. The first pillar is empower parents with tools to make their own choices about their empower parents with tools to make their own choices about their families's online activities. As Maria just said and provided some examples, families and also teachers and parents in general have a central role in child safety. So the first thing here is to provide the tools so they can decide what kind of content their children will be exposed on the Web. Examples of this pillar is the safe search mode you have for the Google search, the YouTube safety molds and other things like that.
The second pillar is protect children and police enforcement and and also so this is probably the most important one for us here is that working together maybe doing child safety as a common effort of every organisation that there is today it's difficult, I'm sorry that is in this room evolving involving governments, NGOs and the industry. We can do a better job in child safety.
So Brazil has it and in different countries around the world have extensive experience of cooperations, law enforcement. I will speak a little bit about the Brazilian case, as I said. But just the partnerships also includes training programmes with law enforcement and NGOs or technology partnerships like the ones we have with for instance Nick Mack in the U.S. or COP? The UK where we provide technology so they can improve their work.
In the Brazilian case as I was saying, SaferNet is probably one of the central partners that we have and also the federal prosecutors and other law enforcement institutions. But I want to mention as Maria is at the time that a very important partner there in Brazil. On the other side of things, the residence side of the thing which is a project promoted by Telefonica. And in Brazil is doing a great job with schools, teachers and children and youth in general.
And the third, as I spoke about education, the third pillar on Google child safety strategy is educate children on how to stay safe online and educate parents, families, teachers, et cetera. Here, we use the Web itself and Google and Google tools as the central means, the central media and the central tools to educate the children. So to give some examples for you what kind of thing we can do. We have the UT chapters to they are to provide educational content by the children or to the families or we can use our best asset, which is advertising. And we do this programme, Google grants, which is available to all the NGOs that might be interested where they can use advertise Google for free to show their work and to be more easily searched at the web.
And, third, have good material, good safety centers to provide information and to educate people. So I would invite you all, if you haven't seen it, I would invite you all to visit the new family center that Google launched last week. You can find it Google.com/family safety. It is true only in English. But we are right now to launch and localize that. For Brazil, first time in US, so we can have the same tools that we can have everywhere which are in my opinion very good available for Latin America. So having said those three pillars, I'm going to speak a little bit about the Brazilian experience.
I'll be brief for two reasons. First, because he is on my side here and he will speak more about this and he can do with more properly than I. And, secondly, because wed sessions about the Brazilian case on the two former IGFs, in Egypt and in India, so I think right now I would focus more on what is coming in the few your. What are challenges.
So just to mention the Brazilian experience, probably most of you know airco is a social network that is mostly popular only in Brazil and India. But we have right now 8.5 million active users around the world. But the majority of them is in Brazil.
Orkut as other social networks face the saw the challenges that's the social media and the social space online have presented to companies, users and governments, like how to keep people safe online. How to preserve users' privacy, how to keep the security and privacy without harming freedom of expression, hum and Ritz, et cetera.
In the case of Orkut in Brazil, I think the turning point and the critical point was the agreement with the federal prosecutors' office and the safe we celebrated in July of 2008. So more than 200 years ago now.
Several clause of extensive agreement. It's available both at Orkut but also SaferNet both in Portuguese and English. So if you haven't seen it yet, you can take a look. But I will just mention a few of the important topics that were covered by the agreement.
First of all, we did after the agreement we did many changes to the product to take child safety to a higher standards at Orkut. For example, we modified our safe center and also included a lot of information about the Brazilian legislation and how to contact the Brazilian authorities in case of any abuse. So people would be more informed about it.
We also agreed on the standard procedures and routines to preserve and deliver potential criminal data to the law enforcements. This was not covered for any Brazilian law so until there and to that, and even now we are discussing this for a while in Brazil but there are not clear rules on data preservation and to be delivered to them, to the law enforcement. There are a lot of interesting guidelines from the Brazilian committee. And we follow these guidelines and also another set of other details there, but we agree on standard procedures and routines to deliver this data.
We also created a tool where authorities can communicate the existence of inappropriate content directly to Google to market itself, making it quicker, easier to the authorities to come Palestine about any kind of content and complain about any kind of content and make it easy for Google to respond and also trying to avoid any problems within the identification of the improper content or the page itself. So finding any confusion about "oh, we would like to remove this URL, but Google got the information wrong or something like that."
Now, after two years, several police departments already use this tool in Brazil that was created for the federal prosecutors but now is spread among different authorities.
We also gave to service for the federal prosecutors office so they can improve their work and scale their work, which is pretty important. They are now dealing with a lot of information, a lot of data. And having the appropriate technology to do, to work with this data was really important for now.
Also, I think this is huge step we got there. We developed five softwares, different softwares or technology called tools that were demanded by the federal prosecutors office in SaferNet and donated the softwares to them so they can improve their work. So the tool that was mentioned here by the representative of the Brazilian federal police was a tool that was developed under this agreement and under this partnership. And they are other four softwares that were developed, as well. I think it's important here that SaferNet and the Federal Prosecutors' office are the copyright owners of the tools here. But all of them are licensing on their creative comments. So I believe everyone who is interested in this can go to Thiago, go to the federal prosecutors and easily get help on how to use these tools also out of Brazil.
Finally, just to mention I think that is happening right now, we are right now I believe that next week we'll deliver that to the Federal Prosecutors, but right now we are printing 100,000 booklets, the booklets that our colleague mentioned here, safer gikas, we are now printing 100,000 of these booklets, which was produced by SaferNet with content about how to keep children safe online. These booklets are pretty interesting because they have two parts. One part is more techs you will and I think that more focus on parents, on teachers and how they can protect their children. And on the other hand, we have a very interesting part that is all designed by as a comic book. So it's easier for children and youth to learn about how to keep themselves safe online. So it's pretty nice. We expect, as I said, to deliver this to 100,000 booklets to the federal prosecutors in São Paulo next week. And I'm in the distribution strategy will be defined by them but I believe a lot of schools and a lot of children in Brazil will receive this.
After I have done all these things that I have mentioned and many others that I haven't mentioned here, I think we have pretty good results there. As I said, if I knew that I would have this big screen, I would have brought some good charts and graphics to show how the results evolved since 2010. But as I don't have it right now, I just want to mention four things to you.
First, I think that the number of cases of child pornography at Orkut specifically was dramatically reduced. I don't know if Chago agrees, but the numbers show very good evolution on this thing.
We had an interesting situation this year because as the Brazilian legislation changed and also the American legislation changed, including car zones, es child pornography which was not our policy before. We have different numbers this year that might indicate a growth again of the case. But most of these cases are actually cartoon cases that we expect using hashes and all the image tools that we have in a few months we can stabilize again and get back to the good numbers we had before the cartoon pro had I big was established.
prohibition was established.
Secondly in 98 percent of the cases, Google technology detected the content, the improper content and reported to the authority and removed it proactively, which is as far as the number very important, very good number.
In the majority of the cases, this detection happens with less than 12 or 24 hours from the moment when the content was uploaded. This means that in almost all cases of child pornography in or put right now, we can detect and remove it before any or user get in conflict with that, which for us is pretty important.
So I think these numbers show a little bit how resulted of the corporation of law enforcement and SaferNet in Brazil, we have been producing a simply different scenario with regard to child protection. I think the numbers are very good. I could mention a lot of figures. If you want, afterwards, if we have time we can talk about it.
Now to close my speech and let the others speak, I would just want to point out some of the lessons and some of the challenges. I think the first two, the main two lessons for Google on this process were, one: I don't know if anyone has used this expression before, but I think we need to have child safety by design. Doing here a metaphor that we use, as we use privacy by designed and all of those products. I think we have to think about child design or child just as well. All things we create new problems and new technology and we start developing that until the launch and even after the launch with interacting with the user and learning from the user experience. We have to keep child protection in mind and develop the technology as a child safe technology.
Second, I think the second lesson is: A lot of people do child protection better than us. And know much more about how to keep children safe online than Google does. So you're going to see now our problems. Every day you're going to see more. Third on how to keep people safe online. You're going to see if you are already, if you access YouTube in England or New Zealand or in the U.S. or even Google search, you're going to see that most of the content, the tips and the safety content we have there are now from third parties. NGOs, governments, other institutions know much better how to educate and how to prevent this kind of thing. So we are now engaging much more, we are engaging with other parties and trying to learn from them and not trying to develop our own content. So we're going to see in every new product of Google, third party content on this.
Finally, the challenges. I think that for Google it keeps improving its technology and its preventive efforts. And invests much more than any other cooperations law enforcements. Lastly I think educational content in Brazil is a challenge. The service producer by Telefonica, I have seen the results are pretty good. The Brazilian committee also produce a lot of data on the use of Internet in Brazil and includes some of the children statistics and data about how children and youth use ICTs. But it's true I think we need more research on this and more elaborate work over this data.
And, secondly, on the other hand, I think we advanced a lot in technology as I mentioned. I think we advanced in legislation with the new BU and other things. But my impression that we still have a rot to advance in education.
So, as I said, most of the content we have now besides the safe net, safer, the content that SaferNet is producing we don't have a lot of Brazilian content produced with this. So I think one challenge is having national data and national account to educate people.
Third, I think the absence of a counsel data regarding child protection online is also challenging. I don't think that Brazil has established public policy already on this issue. I think it's a challenge we have to work together government, industry and NGOs.
Four, improve coordination among authorities as was mentioned here by the prosecutors that were here before me. There are a lot of data being delivered to the authorities. But most of the time the authors are not working together yet. So there are a lot of best practices that can be shared. And also, there are a lot of technology capabilities that authorities I think can help each other. The federal police and the federal prosecutors' office have very strong technology capability and technological tools to work with that. But we also have in Brazil more, 27 states prosecutors' offices and 27 police or 54 police, to be more precise. That's most of the time that don't have the tools or don't have the knowledge on how to work with online and Cybercrime. So I think sharing best practice among these authors is really important. And, finally, and this is the end. I think that if law enforcement continue to punish the criminals, we're going to have better, even better results. I mean, I believe every time that the press publishes a result of a criminal investigation or have some sort of indirect prevention and people start to be more careful about what they do online. So I think that with all the data we have already provided about or cut, all the work that was done by SaferNet by federal prosecutors, we're going to have more results and more criminal investigation getting to the punishment stage. And this will be very important, as well. So thank you. I'm sorry if I took a lot of time. Sorry, Demi. I'll be here for discussion afterwards.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, Mr. Correo. Then I would call miss Priscillia KounkouHoveyda from UNICEF to make a presentation. And it's kind nice to be between so many Brazilian speakers. Yeah, we have heard a lot of interesting tools that are developed in this area. We saw how cooperation is important. And how many, many sections of the society are involved in try to solve this problem in the best way. This is not a single situation. It is not a single problem. But it's very positive to see how things are going on. Wait for a microphone.
>> PRISCILLIA KOUNKOUHOVEYDA: Can you hear me? Okay. I am Priscillia from UNICEF New York. Thank you for inviting me.
I'm here to maybe introduce for those of you who haven't heard of a project at UNICEF. It's a project on digital safety for children and young people in developing countries. It's a project that (technical difficulties) and the protection division of course at UNICEF. We are also open to other partnerships. We're actually working on some more local partnership with local partners from the field, from different countries, different regions that I will tell you more about in the later slides. I will not go through all the slides, just for a matter of timing. But if you guys have any questions, I'm of course available and I will be very happy to share my contacts with all of you.
So our project is a two step project. The first one that has already taken place was the exploratory paper that was issued in June 2010 on Berkman's center's website.
And as the name indicates it is just an exploratory paper, exploratory study, looking at the data, little data available for developing countries only. And coming to the conclusion that there is an imbalance between the study on the western countries, namely the UK and the U.S. and all the developed countries, and the lack of consolidation of the data on developing and emerging countries, whether it's Africa, Latin American countries, south Asia, and forgive me if I forgot. I don't think I forgot anyone.
So the preliminary findings of the study is that the digital divide that we used to call 10 years ago between western countries and developing countries is less and less important. We have a digital explosion right now in many regions of developing countries, explosion of information, explosion of web based sites. Use of digital cameras, as well. Mobile based platforms and mobile based in the different regions of the south.
So a couple of data that I can share. But I'm sure most of you are already aware. According to the wireless intelligence report, we reach 5 billion global mobile connections with the main driver being Asia Pacific region with China and India being the world's two largest mobile markets. So it's no western countries. But we're really talking about emerging nations who are leading the movement in the mobile markets. The GSM account for the majority of mobile phone collections and for that we're still skeptical. Africa is leading with 92 percent. And with a range of GSM providers available all around the country, you have 10 on this map. But day after day you have more and more that are developed.
What we also observed is mobile based social network and application explosion with the most famous one, Facebook zero which was initiated launch of course by Facebook in June 2010. And that's basically Facebook that's available on your mobile phone. So most of you are going to say oh, but I already have it on my iPhone. But this time this initiative is targeting developing countries exclusively. With this device being available in 45 countries, it's not available in America, it's not the goal. It's available in 10 African countries, 7 Latin American countries. I believe five eight islands like Barbados, I'm really good at islands. It's really the same principal as Facebook except that it is optimized for speed. And all the features of Facebook are available. For instance, uploading photos are not available or it would take too much time.
MXit is another example. It's actually South African based social network site. For those of you who don't know, it's basically like Facebook. It is a social network site. It's available from your mobile phone and it is used by more than 20 million South Africans. Knowing that the population in South Africa is 50 million, it's almost half that are connected on MXit chatting online. Most of them chat, but also have a range of different services like the dating online, game, that's something you have to pay for, but it's two or three South African cents, so it's very cheap. You also have SMS gapshap, this is available in India. I'm not Hindi fluent, means in Hindi "chitchat." It is used my millions. I can't remember exactly. I think it's 30 or something close to this young people and adults, young adults and it's the same idea as the social network site. Basically we can create groups.
For instance, a regular group called Street Connections that has been created by a group of Indian women. And that aim at empowering women through the dissemination of information, about some tips where to go, where are the safe areas, the safe bars, finding woman living in such and such neighborhood. Sometimes a neighborhood isn't safe or not. It's also used to chitchat between young people, young adults and maybe older people. The last little image that you have on the bottom right hand side is M-Pesa, which is M for Mobile. Pesa in Swahili means money. It's basically transferring money from phone. And it doesn't require a 3G phone. You can do it with a very simple phone. It's a boom in Kenya. It started in Tanzania a year ago. It hasn't had the same impact. But analysts think that it will probably become even bigger.
So we start with all these observations, realising that there is really less of a gap between developed and developing countries; however, we have a gap in research, we have a gap in how is it used really and especially when I comes to safety it come to safety tips, safety risk. Another example is that Facebook is available in Swahili since July 2009 and it started getting 110 million people in the region. It's also available in more than five local Indian languages. And as you know orchid is available in Brazil. It was voted MTV youth icon in 2007. Usually it's a pop star but this time it was Orkut. Pretty amazing. Internet is Africa I said is making a lot of progress. There is still a lot of progress that needs to be said. Our statement is not to say the connection in Africa is like the connection in New York City, but there is a growing interest from digital actors from governments and from organizations to make this effort with the undersea fiberoptic. Although there were a couple of breakdowns, I think three. But they're working on it. And it's targeting all these different countries. South Africa, Uganda, Kenya and the list goes on.
I think I can probably pass this slide because I think most of you are experts and I'm sure you will be able to tell more about how big of a phenomenon is the Internet in Latin American countries. And what our research project with the Berkman center is also wants also to pay attention to is the opportunities that are offered by this boom in digital devices in developing countries. Of course, possibly to connect with local and global community to learn, the informal learning empower you for many issues just like it did with opening other doors for young people in our countries, in developing countries. However we insist it is only for those who are digitally literate enough and digitally sophisticated enough to know how to avail themselves of these opportunities that it can really make a change in their life. And this picture is an example of Jesse on the left who's using the math classes that's available on MXit. Just as a reminder it's the social network site, the mobile social network site. Dr. Math is basically some digital professor who comes and helps for free math classes to young people who use the device on their mobile phones. So education a big opportunity for children in South Africa.
Now, the darker side of all this is of course the digital safety risks in developing countries. And this is what the research project led by UNICEF and Berkman center is focusing on. Basically we start with the posit that we are in a region of the world where there is digital literacy, less digital sophistication, hence the youth is more at risk than let's say a 16 year old living on the upper east side of New York City.
Now, we also focus on the UK kids online project organisation, the three C's, Content, where the youth is a recipient of the risky content; and Contact and Conduct, where the youth is an actor. If you want more details about this, I can also talk to you you can also ask questions. But I don't want to spend too much time on this slide as the discussion can go for hours. To go more into details, I refer you to MXit earlier as an opportunity for children and young people to learn with Dr. Math available online. I would like also to insist about all the digital safety risks that are on MXit.
So the window that you see here is just how MXit appears on the mobile phone. If you download it on your phone. And it's just so basically you have a screen name. You can chat with someone else and a range of different risks have been identified by MXit. By the South African police and by many other local actors.
Going from explicit material, pornography, pedophilia is a big problem on MXit. Violent language. Sexting. And hateful speech. I put an interrogation mark because there is this one research study led by Cape Town University that's very interesting and talks about how young people on MXit ask about ASLR. For those of you who chat online know that ASL is for Age, Sex Location. The request asks when you go on ASL, what's your Age, Sex, Location. There is a trend for asking for ASLR. Age, Sex, Location, Race. So South Africa is very racialized society, as most of you know with the Apartheid. A lot of race and law issues. So we are right now conducting a survey with MXit. It's going on now, so I don't have the results.
I don't have the results because it is going on now about the percentage of people asking for ASLR instead of ASL, whether they have been exposed to any hateful speech and the list of questions goes on. But it just shows that one of our aim of this research is to create more data, to have more data coming from emerging and developing nations.
Orkut is another example but I will not get into the examples because it's been talked about in depth earlier. Cyber cafes are extremely used in developing nations, emerging nations. We came across cases of realtime pornography, of adolescence performing sexual acts, live sexual acts in this public, let's say private, I mean private cabins where basically here are I mean just like anything else, you have just your computer, your webcam. You close the door. You're perfectly, I mean no one is there to bother you. And there have been cases I believe in Thailand or Indonesia, I may be wrong, please don't quote me on this one, but adolescents just having sex basically in front of the camera. And having a person on the other side who is paying for his credit card to watch it.
Now, if the next slide is willing to show up. Okay. The next steps of the project. Right now, as I believe I said earlier, we are conducting the more indepth research projects. There is a preliminary paper that is already out. But it's only exploratory and we are working on having more and varied partnerships, whether it's with SaferNet Brazil or with many other actors, whether it's Latin America, Africa, South Africa, Asia. According to the friends, this is the harsh reality of the business, we need money to have more countries covered.
We are looking for a partnership approach. Meaning we are looking for partnership with private actors as well. We don't demonize the private partners who are closing all these. We want to partner with them to know more about the trends of young people and children from these developing countries also in order to come up with feasible and realistic solutions. A digital approach, therefore, is also in this age, we do not think that turning to the law at least at this stage, we do not think the law is always the best solution, especially in some countries from developing countries where the legislation system is flawed or not functioning.
I have in my country, Congo, it's just chaotic. And I don't think that if we approach them with the safety problems they would be very responsive, to be polite. So we are looking at a digital approach. Digital cities that puts the youth, you can see the two little orange people are supposed to be children and a young person saying hi to each other. And they are put at the center of the solution. And we argue for digital citizenship, making the youth from developing countries just like in western countries digitally accountable, digitally responsible, bearing in mind that this digital revolution has just started in these regions of the world so that we have a lot to catch up with others. So the other country from the west.
So the collaboration with Berkman is the release of the exploratory paper, the indepth paper and the design of the digitally safe community. And we'll go through surveys, group expert meetings, field expert meetings, field data collection and multilingual review when it's possible. And I have the vision is to continue to raise awareness on the research body.
That's it. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, Priscillia. And now to finish the presentations, I call for Mr. Thiago Tavares to give us his speech.
>> THIAGO TAVARES: Thank you, everybody. Good afternoon, everybody. I'd like to say a few words regarding this new project that we are starting partnership with, Instituto de Justicia of in Argentina. First of all, just to contextualize the institutional framework that we are carving in Brazil over the last five years.
I'd like to draw your attention back that over the last five years, we signed more than 30 formal agreements in Brazil. These agreements included public agencies, public bodies like the state prosecutors office, federal prosecutors, Brazilian federal police, Brazilian Human Rights secretariat, that's the president of the republic office, as well as private sector like Google, Microsoft, my space, universal line and others.
And on the last two years, we I think that some of these agreements that were signed are responsible for a true revolution along safety issues in Brazil. And I would like to highlight three of them. The first one that was the agreement that was signed with Google and Ivo explained about this agreement.
And this agreement improve new tools for law enforcement, for SaferNet, for hot lines, tools, one of these, I have the opportunity to explain before question is regarding the image analysis tool. Another one is regarding symbol attack. Another one is generators. And two visualizations.
And of course as I mentioned before, we are glad to share these new tools that were developed with Google to other developing countries for free.
But this is not the only tools that was developed in Brazil. The Brazilian federal police developed a tool call it eMule, which is very important to chase child sexual abuse on peer to peer network.
Our engineer team developed a model to call it beer peer(?), which is to chase child sexual activity on tel networks. But the great revolution, I think the [beer] revolution was they integrate with the different tools that was developed over the last three years in an integrated system that we call it robot system. And this is robot system is the base of the project that Mr. Stenio explained before.
So we have a collection of new tools and technical procedures that was integrated in a comprehensive system. And this integrated system that we call it report system become possible with this institutional arrangement, become possible work for that you can see on the screen.
We nowadays have in Brazil an integration model of different institutions from public sector like state prosecutor services, federal police, federal prosecutor services as well the national hotline by phone, which is managed by the Brazilian Human Rights secretariat.
Brazil has a number. It's 100. That every people in the country can call to this number 100 and make a report regarding sexual abuse or violence against children in the country. And this public service hotline was integrated as well in this system. And in this system it is important to highlight, it was impossible to develop without the extremely important support provided by the Brazilian Internet steering committee as well with the financial support from the Petrobras company, which is a Brazilian oil company that support this kind of a project in Brazil.
And the institutional framework make possible that all these reports come from different hotlines from the public, private and civil society institutions was processed in accordance with principles that Mr. Stenio explained before. And after process, every report is it possible now to take action? The appropriate action when we have cases involving, for example, sexual abuse content. One of this agreement that was signed involved 40 major institutions in Brazil including companies like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and banks like [Prodesco], Itaul, Citibank and others, financial institutions in Brazil.
In these financial institutions, neighbors of ABCC, which is Brazilian association of credit card companies, information companies, make possible to the Brazilian law enforcements to trace the financial transactions regarding child sexual abuse content on the Internet. And in other institutional arrangement that was highlighted by Professor Perraira, this the mobile phone operators and land line operators worked together in committee that was established, created a special committee to discuss these issues regarding child safety not only for law enforcement proposed but also for awareness and the education prevention proposed. And the agreement with Google make it possible to automatization the process to review of the flags that all these partners from public and private sector receives from the public. All the reports that we receive in Brazil is automatically reports regarding automatically forwarded to Google. And Google are working very well to reveal these flags and answer in no more than four hours.
And this in Brazil over the last four years, these nowadays the next slide glad to replicate imagine here. The idea is to use this technical tools, these institutional agreements, these institutional arrangements and turn this to Argentina is first step to build a network of hotlines in Latin America, which is, I think and as Maria mentioned before was one of the most important gaps that we have in Latin America countries.
And fourthly, only Brazil and Mexico has a hotline. And I believe that Brazil's situation was very different from Mexico one. And I believe that these technical tools, this new system, the institutional arrangement in Brazil can be useful for other countries to discuss the national solutions.
I think that that's more time for exposition. Maybe some questions, I don't know.
>> MODERATOR: Yes. We are just out of time. But if you have one question, I will accept one question from the floor and maybe there's other questions remote. Is there any questions on the floor? Okay. There is one question. Okay.
>> My name is Vanessa. I'm here as remote moderator. Just there are two questions for Mr. Ivo Correa, one is from Iran. He's from the Urdu from Pakistan. When you were talking about grants for nongovernment organizations, he was looking for more information about that. So would be interested in not only for Pakistan but probably for many countries.
And also they're also asking if Chago could make this presentation available in English so also other countries can benefit.
And the second question comes from Brazil, Salvador and they're asking also to Mr. Ivo, where more local content could be available at the family center?
>> IVO CORREA: Before I answer the question, I would like to hear the question from the floor, then we have all the questions to be answered together.
>> My question is actually for (off mic) but I will say that there will be much more around the world
>> MODERATOR: We need the microphone in benefit for the remote. But, anyway, the question is about cartoons? Please. How the cartoons can be considered in this case.
>> Thank you. Very sorry. The question is really shortened. Cartoons. What exactly he was referring to with regard to cartoons? And making the observation that we're seeing more use of cartoons around abusive images of children. As legislation around Monga and cartoons is nonexistent in most laws around the world.
>> MODERATOR: Ivo and then Thiago.
>> IVO CORREA: Thank you for the questions both remotely and here on the floor. For Google grants in our friend in Pakistan. I would indicate him to our website and explain what Google grants is and how he can apply for it. So it's Google.com/grants. You will find all the information there. But if he has any problem, please feel free to contact me. [email protected].
Secondly, the question from Salvador, our friends. I'm sure that Chago's friend, Salvador over there.
>> Yes.
>> IVO CORREA: I mentioned the SaferNet center as an example of one stop shop we have just entered. We are looking to translate and local visit to Brazil. So we don't yet have Brazilian content there. I hope we can have it in a few months. Both for Brazil and for Spanish, Latin.
But as I said the local content and the Brazilian content on child safety is one of the main challenges that we have to face in a whole in Brazil as private sector governments and NGOs. And I have just learned a week ago that UNESCO is also working to produce a continent child safety in Brazil so it is good news. I hope we can have many different actors working together on this.
So answering the question, we don't have it yet. I hope we can have it in the following month.
And, finally, on cartoons, my point was: We have very impressive reduced of the amount of child pornography cases in or cut. But when we look at in the middle of this year from May or April of this year, we started to is he a lot of an increase of the number again. And we got concerned about it. But we realise that this was due to two changes. One in the Brazilian legislation that happened in December of 2008 or '9. November 2008. And also a new modification in the U.S. laws regarding child pornography online that happened I believe in February or March of this year of 2010 that started considering cartoons with children images or things like that as child pornography for legal purposes.
So what I said is that we have an increased, because we started to also count the cartoon cases that weren't counted before. That was my point. So we changed our universe. So we got more cases. That was my point.
>> MODERATOR: Do you have anything?
>> THIAGO TAVARES NUNES de OLIVEIRA: I think just to clarify this question. I would like to ask for Mr. Stenio to explain to Brazilian federal police point of view regarding cartoons because despite the view law that passed international Congress in Brazil in November 2008, the law enforcement authorities in Brazil, including Brazilian federal police as well as the Brazilian federal prosecutor services are being very careful to apply this new law. But Mr. Stenio can talk about better than me.
>> MODERATOR: Before that. Anybody at the table wants to have an intervention?
>> This is important to clarify because there is a borderline between freedom of expression and yeah.
>> MODERATOR: Any other comments on this? Okay. Do you want to comment?
>> Is there a microphone?
>> MODERATOR: We have the comment from Mr. Stenio in one minute.
Very shortly, please. It's working.
>> STENIO SANTOS SOUZA: About cartoons in Brazil, we are not interpreting the law about the cartoons. We just considered that as a crime when involved real kids. If you have a kid, you know "this is my neighbor. He is five years old. And painter do a painting or drawing. You can and make this appear as a cartoon but you know this is a real kid. This is the point. We need to protect someone. And you just had the cartoon about the, for example, the Simpsons, Bart, Flintstones, everything else about that, you don't have someone to protect. But of course if you have these cartoons, these files about the cartoons, we know that the criminal can use these cartoons to groom a kid, use this in a shed. If the criminal use this in a shed to groom a kid, of course, it is the same example of using the knife to kill. We don't say the knife is illegal. But if you use the knife to kill someone, of course this is the material that you use to do that.
I think this is the analogy we can use with cartoons. If you just had the cartoons, it's not related to a real kid, this is not a crime in Brazil. We understand like that. But if the cartoon is related to a real kid, of course. This is child porn. And this person will be investigated and prosecuted. I think this is the center.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. For the last time at the table, we are finishing the presentations. Is there any other considerations you want to make?
>> Yes, Demi, very quickly I would like only to highlight that we have to pay attention to the balance between privacy, freedom of expression. I know some users that are discussing now in Europe like blocking and positive identification of Internet users as measures important for child online safety proposed. I think that we have to look very careful for this kind of measures. And in Brazil, we have a guide, a guideline, a checklist as the main for this discussion. This list is the principles of the Internet, for the Internet Governance issued by the Internet Steering Committee that I think is a valuable on the room and is very important to consider these principles when we are talking about measures that can affect other Human Rights on the Net. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. Thank you all of you for your attention and your time. And we are adjourning the session now. Thank you.
(End of session.)