IGF 2010
1530 - 1730
Note: The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during Fifth Meeting of the IGF, in Vilnius. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> MODERATOR: Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome. I'll give you a chance to sit down and close your conversations before we get started. Can I see we're going to have to speak very cloudy in order to be able to drown out our neighbors. So it's a competition between the rooms. This is in case you are doing what I did on two occasions I ended up in the wrong room. I want to make sure everybody knows this is Dynamic Coalition on child safety on-line. And I see many familiar faces who have been involved in this coalition for many years. And a lot of new faces and welcome to the any faces and also to those that have already been with us for quite some time. We will have -- I just want to give you a sense of how we will conduct the agenda. We want to maintain the very open dialogue that we tend to have here and to hear from each other about initiatives that we're undertaking from our different locations and organizations.
So we will have a chance to speak about that as well. But I thought that perhaps one of the things that we should do, also recognizing that we have a lot of new people that join us every time that we hold this meeting, there are some new people around the table that it would be good for us to just reflect a little bit about what this coalition is about. It was formed in 2007 and we're nearly 4 years old now. And a lot has happened in the IGF in four years. We've seen a number of agendas. We've seen very substantial I think entry points for children's focused advocates and organizations working with children. So, we will be looking at that first. And then perhaps also to look at, in light of what we have been seeing in the last several years, is there a need for us to focus on and hone in on certain elements that have been developed over those four years because our agenda has not been reviewed as a coalition since we originally came together.
So that would be where we will start a little bit. Also, to look at the next IGF, as you know, there are already perhaps for the next IGF 2011. And maybe to strategize a little bit about what we want to do in preparation for that IGF. All of that with input from you, of course, and to share the initiatives, I will give a chance for people to be able to talk about what they're doing. Some people have already requested to speak. And we will definitely begin with the people that have requested to share some of their work. And then, to talk about emerging issues and anything else that comes up from the floor. That's the general gist of the discussion today. Does anybody else want to add anything to the agenda? Okay. Please.
>> I would just like to add -- say for internet days coming up next February this is something that concerns us all if we could put it on the agenda for a little discussion?
>> MODERATOR: Very good. I would request if you can pick that up when we're doing the sharing perhaps you can lead that discussion. So, in terms of the Dynamic Coalition, you would remember some of you were already part of the Dynamic Coalition in 2007 when it first began. And it was a -- it was a group of people that saw an opportunity to use the structure of the IGF in order to be able to come together and to look at issues related to on-line safety for children. And that was primarily the way that it started, that we felt that there was a structure that would permit us to come regularly, and to be able to use that.
It was a permanent structure within the IGF, unlike meeting in the hallway, which is also extremely valuable, and I know a lot of the real work take place by meeting people that you have not seen and reconnecting and that's a very valuable thing. But we felt that we needed something more permanent. And now we have this Dynamic Coalition.
What we've seen since 2007 is an increased participation of children's agencies and also those working with children that are concerned to bring those agendas here to the IGF, being more active. There are more workshops now and there are more Forums related to child on-line safety than we had in 2005 or 2007 when the coalition actually was formed. And much more representative of the myriad of different initiatives and different concerns and contributions that can be made around this issue.
The diversity of stakeholders is very good. We are very happy about that. The membership within the coalition also has expanded. I have to say I'll take the opportunity to say, that we're very sorry that the Web site of the IGF does not reflect all of the membership. We've tried to update with all of the people that have asked us to put their names or their organizations' names as members of this coalition but that has not been possible. If you saw the diversity of participants I think it really speaks a lot about with what this coalition is about. We have many more people participating.
And as I said, we are more initiatives. So that's the progress I would say. If I could summarize the progress is that there is no question that children's interests within the IGF are evident now. We're not looking for them. We have them. We're finding them.
There has been since the last IGF, and I would really welcome to hear from other people, because one of the things hat happens with we come here is that we all kind of disperse and participate in a lot of different workshops. We have a lot of things that we bring here. So we connect with different people with. We're not always together. We're here with different agendas that we're contributing to. But if I could summarize some of the things that have come up since the last IGF that are important for us I think as a coalition to consider, I would say it's -- there are several elements. One is that we're seeing a definite call for greater participation with of young people. And that you will find in the outcomes of the last IGF. An I have to say that that was very, very welcomed by some of us who believed that that dialogue can be enriched by having young people with, and I know that they are visible here at this particular IGF meeting.
I've seen many more young people. And I happen to participate in with a workshop where it was explained that they were prepared long in advance before they came here so they could actually join different workshops and have a deep understanding of why they were here and what they could contribute which is the way to make sure that you support youth participation. So I think that's new. That's very new. It happened since the last meeting that we were -- that we're seeing that. And we, I think, can consider what does that mean for the coalition itself? What -- how are we going to integrate that or support that in whatever way we can? And the other is there seems to be in addition to IGF the global meeting here there is definitely more regionalization and nationalization of IGF. You have IGF countries that have IGF Forum and regional IGF's you'll notice in the agenda there is west Africa IGF, east Africa IGF Asia Pacific IGF, U.S.
IGF and those Forums are Multi-Forums that are also looking at interest from a regional and national point of view. Which has tremendous implication because this is not policy formation the IGF, it means that a lot of what we're going to see happen or not happen is going to be actually much more at the regional Forums than the global IGF what does that mean for us and children's advocates interested in looking at children's issues within this Forum. And the other thing I would say is the whole issue of human rights and the human rights agenda being coming out of Brazil, looking at human rights as the underpinning element. And how that can cut across all of the different agendas of the IGF. Now, within that we know that children's rights are specific to meet and recognize the special needs of children and how can we be involved in the dialogue around human rights which is a strong one that seems to be more and more formalized within the IGF by bringing dialogue of children's rights into that cooperating it and integrating it. So from -- we were also seeing many more issues related to that are cross cutting issues in terms of production or children on-line such as gender issues and touching on elements related to children, girl children, boy children, diversity of sexualities.
There is quite a lot of discussion within the IGF. So, now, we have not each been in all of those discussions. But I assume that together, as a group, we've been there. And that we have an opportunity to share more at that level to actually see how our children's issues are being moved within the IGF rather than just talking about with what we're doing and sharing. So we have that opportunity and we may want to take that opportunity within this group. So I would like to just open up the floor by just throwing that reflection about what I think is what we're seeing different over the course of the last four years since we first started where the primary agenda was to make sure that we heard something about children here, that there was some recognition of children, the need for child safety and looking at children within the context of the IGF.
We've seem to have moved quite a lot since then. And I would open the floor to say, to ask the question of, is our coalition -- can our coalition make use of that to reflect and look at how we can benefit from that to increase our visibility within the IGF on that agenda. No brave souls. Did anybody attend any of the -- yeah, John.
>> John: Yeah, it was in Rio -- sorry, yeah.
>> MODERATOR: You really have to yell.
>> John: John Carr and I'm secretary of the journalist coalition on internet safety and a member of the European alliance for safety on-line, member of the executive board. When the WSIS executive was started by the United Nations initially and they sent out the documents in the run up to the conference ins or whenever it was, and this was all about making sure that the internet was more evenly distribute across the world. It was a development push with. 2004) there was zero mentioned in those documents of anything to do with attendant risks to children and young people of the auto rifle of the -- arrival of the internet in any country. And it was thanks to karma and international coordinating, leading, urging on, threatening us, children's organizations that were possibly in that circle, that we got the words inserted in the -- in what became the children's declaration.
That was definite progress. Then we took our foot off the pedals we thought that was fantastic we got great commitments within the documents and suddenly it disappeared again. It's only because we started coming to these meetings and the first one we went to was the one in Rio if you remember where this coalition was established. It's early because we -- only because we came to the meetings that it got on the agenda and like you say, from the number of meetings now taking place along the IGF it's no doubt it's always been registered as an issue. But I have to say this. If you look at the central management structures of the IGF itself, and there are two principle groups, this one called the Mag and ones called the friends ever the chair. There's absolutely nobody on either of those groups that has any kind of background in the child protection space.
And we have lobbied, we have lobbied twice because they is a rotating things you know, every 18 months or two years some of the membership retires and some of the membership goes on and new members go on. But there's never been anybody on either of those groups from which our protection space and I think it's problematic. Because even though we have done quite well, it's been entirely because with we fought and pushed. If we had one or two people on those central groups, I think we could do even more and do even better. There's only been one plenary session ever held which is specific to the child protection issue and that was in Hyderabad and it was far from satisfactory I have to say. I mean apart from the fact I was a speaker of course which was very satisfactory part of. But it was a very confused and mixed up thing.
Last year in Sharm El Sheikh there was a specific session in which children's issues were discussed and that happened because Ms. Labark leading lady of Egypt personally intervened to insist it was put on the agenda. There are things I think that were great -- we would come any way it's a great venue to network and meet people around the world and talk about things. But in terms of making the child protection, the children's issues, young people's issues even more salient within the discussions of IGF I think we could do better and maybe one thing we should focus on, I don't know when the next appointments are going to take place to the MAG or Friends of the Chair group but maybe when that's happens if we can all stay in touch and send in e-mails saying you know you got to put somebody in there who can speak for us.
And just my final point on this, we, of course -- I certainly have a great deal of contact with people on the MAG or on the Friends of the Chair group those are the two central bits of this and whenever a approach I've always been perfectly delight and helpful. They're not on air for our agenda. They have their own agenda and issues to push. It's not that they're bad people a.m. don't care about children, but it's not their job or what they're there for. So obviously sometimes decisions are taken or not taken, and I think it would be a bit -- it would be a different outcome if our constituency was represented on there and I do think that is an ongoing weakness or ongoing problem.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, John. Are there with -- comments with regard to -- we have a proposal that we should be looking more with at the structure of the IGF to make sure that in addition to coming here and having participating, running workshops which many of us do on an annual basis in order to be able to have people enter into our space so we have that opportunity for dialogue, that perhaps we should be looking more at the structures of the IGF so we actually have that more influence and shaping that. There is also the possibility, for example, to make -- have observations have the coalition itself read into the minutes of the IGF which I think up until now we've not been able to do. We've not actually had particular observations of which we've come around the table and said, okay, this is what we would like to see.
And I will put definitely put child net on the center right now only because I know that they have supported children -- young people to participate and obviously that came out of the last meeting. And I wonder if you were responding to that call within the IGF.
>> Thanks, Will Gardner from ChildNet. And I guess the call came from the Hyderabad meeting in the multistakeholder discussion, children are a key stakeholder where conspicuous by not being there and in Sharm El Sheikh Navin had a group of young people that also they had done training with and we brought two young people and we had funding to canvas opinion in the UK from 1500 children which we then shared. We took a couple children and shared the voice of more. And then that was one of the things that was welcomed at the last session. And so we were able to do it again with funding from the internet to kind of look after the UK IGF parts and we were able to bring eight young people here directly and rather an hold a workshop we seated them through different work shops. Again like you were saying we did do a lot of preparation so they knew what they were coming to and I think they learned a lot.
And I'll be posting the interviews they've made and photos they've taken to share that widely with the people here and also with the young people back home E and I also think the people in the sessions have found it very useful to hear directly from young people. So you have just a very positive experience we've had from doing this as well.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, Will, I do think I heard comments that it's been very helpful to have young people that were -- are obviously prepared to be participating here and who were able to not only participate in the specific workshops related to young people and safety, but actually on other things that they're interested in, other developments that the technology itself is offering and about which they are interested and know something about. So I think that it's a good development. I just wonder, though, in terms of the trends, the way that things are moving, I would say there are two additional elements which would be one is the whole discussion around human rights. And for us not to be able to articulate the on-line -- the concerns around on-line safety in terms of children's rights I think that is a -- it's a lost opportunity because there is so much discussion on human rights in the context of the IGF.
But by framing it in the context of safety, it doesn't necessarily get linked with children's rights. And some of the groups that are here and looking at children's rights in terms of access to education, access to the technology, and other rights, I think that rather than giving us an opportunity to join together, it seems like we're working in parallel and it's a lost opportunity. So perhaps one of the things we could do is actually occasionally merge with some of the other groups that are looking at other rights in relation to the internet and children. And that that might be a possibility for us to build a larger caucus of children's organizations looking at children's rights and that integrates safety but it also links up to some of the other issues that are being brought up around children. And that would be perhaps another proposal that we could -- and we could extend that to a group that's looking at children's rights within the IGF.
There are coalitions very specifically looking at that. I don't know if anybody has any other comments that could help us with that idea? Okay. I do think that it is important to take a look at how we're moving since it's four years. And that's really -- this was -- this is an opportunity for us to reflect that on the one hand this is a fantastic Forum for us to share what we are doing, but, we can do that in any meeting. This could be a different kind of meeting not related to the IGF and we would still come together and share what we're doing. But if we don't make use of the structure of the IGF in order to push that up a little bit more, then I think it's a lost opportunity and we didn't have that tint when we first formed. But we're four years old now and I think we can think about how to do that. So it's just to throw that out and hopefully we can continue that dialogue over the Internet following this meeting.
The other issue I wanted to mention is the IGF in Kenya. As you know the next one is going to be in Africa. And it gives us an opportunity also to look at regional agendas in terms of the coalition. I just wondered if anybody is already working in preparation for that? Or what your thinking is in terms of how we can make use of that IGF and the fact that it's in Africa?
>> Carmen, to mention in the last IGF we had discusses around -- and Dierdra proposed this, we'll look at -- you can hear me by the way? No? That we specifically look at initiatives that are targeted to Africa. Because the situation in Africa -- and this was voiced a year ago. So I hope by -- within this time frame some activities or officers have been picked with up. So do you want to shed more light on that Dierdra?
>> Thank you. Denmark and like John European alliance for children on-line safety. As mention withed, last year we sort of took stock of where we were and we couldn't think further. I think we need to deliver a product or service or something concrete for actually justifying our presence here. And I think what we thought of was building workshops, building capacity, building specific task groups that could look at the IGF 2011 and given the fact the IGF and one of the challenges is leach reaching the next billion of people we want to make sure when you reach the next billion of people you reach them safely and give them the tools in order to be able to use technology safety and in a good -- in a directive manner. So a target region of the world is of course the African countries Sahara and African countries.
Being there next year is a momentum we can't really lose. We have a big, strong, developed message to give to the people in Africa. Technology will be rolled in on top of them and I think Carmen mentioned this the other day as well they don't necessarily have structures in place to be able to observe the challenges that comes along with these technologies. I think it would be useful for us to use the partners around to gather a collect -- game, and collect the results and expenses we have and create tool boxes -- sort of turn key projects we can hand over to them so it makes it easy for other countries to learn from our experiences and our mistakes and I'm happy Marco from ITU came in because I think it's a useful and valuable vehicle we can use in terms of getting in touch with the peace sake holders in the African countries because here as you look around I don't see anybody coming from that region.
If you look around at the IGF it's still an issue from last year. We're lacking Pennsylvania finances to bring to the table toll discussion how they want to be using the technical and how they want to be met. So I think we have a responsibility to actually help facilitating this and we should use the powers here today. So yes thank you for bringing it back on the table today's outcome should be a small task force that looks at the IGF tools in 2011 and how you strung tour and who you are going to contact and more than we did last year with intentions of the table we asked them to be concrete and sign something. So people that can tie into a excitement rather than going by home I think it's a big solution and we forget it is it. We don't have a lot of time to do this. Let's not waste more.
Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much for that. I think that's a very, very solid and concrete recommendation at we definitely can do something with. We have a year in order to prepare for it. We may actually -- I know that many of the organizations that are represent the here are actually working with partners in africa and they already have programs that they are running. And we may have that opportunity to think of something more if we're all going to be there, is there something we want to organise jointly, for example, and invite in the same way that you have side events in many of the UN meetings? Do we want to do something as a coalition that invites people to come and look at what is happening by the participants at the IGF that are working on these issues. I open the floor if people have comments on this particular topic.
Okay everybody P everybody is being very laid back. It was after lunch. I was kind of expecting this. Don't worry I'm ready for. It I would say one of the things we will do is we will open up a working group for preparation for the next IGF. That's going to be looking at specifically what is possible and what we might be able to do. open ended. And we can decide how we want to come together and what might be possible given our resources and possibilities. Let's not commit what that is going to look like. But, we'll open up that discussion within the discussion Forum of the coalition.
>> I was thinking following your statement earlier whether as a group or Dynamic Coalition group can we find some inference into policy making sessions and I'm saying not a binding platform and what comes out of IGF and the key themes that come out of IGF has influenced in the way that private sector things and so is there any option that as a group we can find following the structure of IGF and that can lead to whatever to the panel and to the (Off Microphone) and that might involve identifying for example internet for development has been a key issue. And whether the work we do differently in the individual regions we find a trick as an organisation and indicate something that can contribute to the individual -- that came up.
>> We were going to pick up with that discussion on the Forum of the coalition and people may need more time to think about that to reflect a little about the Forums you've attended unless you have any ideas here. I do think that there is an opportunity for example around some of the -- I don't know if people had a chance to see the proposal from the Government of Brazil with regard to human rights principle withes for the internet. Do I this think is an opportunity for us to enter into that dialogue and to look very specifically and maybe because this is an interesting development and one that seems to have gained in importance in this formation you know to look and see where we can make sure that something is said in terms of children's rights that human rights is, of course, the over arching and all encompassing element in terms of framework but within that there are -- there is a need to articulate children's rights specifically and we may have an opportunity to offer something in that regard or to dialogue with that particular group.
I would like to turn if we can if there are no other comments on this particular issue, to offer the floor for sharing that we always do here in terms of agendas that we're involved with and we feel we want to bring the floor here. I have some requests and for example, I don't see -- Navin has already left? Navine requested to speak.
>> She's coming back.
>> MODERATOR: Okay. In the meantime, can we then ask -- we have a request from Fosi, yes?
>> Good afternoon. Just for those that don't know Fosi myself I'm Dave miles I'm AMEA director for family on-line safety institute and we have officers in Washington D.C. and London. We have 35 industry members, most of them major names you'll know from Microsoft and AT&T and Verizon and many others around the world. So they help fund really three strands of activity which I just wanted to share with you and those elements in the next year we plan to blend into some of the thinking around the Dynamic Coalition and to get more actively involved. Last year was our first real participation that Sharm El Sheikh and we're delighted to sign a two year memorandum of signing in her presence of her excellency Susan Barack and that led initiatives in Egypt. That was a catalyst for us and we're looking forward to Kenya and I'm happy to get involved in a working group to see what we can do.
Historically if I'm honest we've been largely events driven organisation. We have a major conversation in Washington D.C. every year. This November is largest of those I guess four to five hundred people with. I think what is significant is that we're taking the dialogue and experts from those, some of whom are in this room today, and we're taking those into developing economies and regions, Egypt is one through the MOU. But I would also note the fact we had a major European conference in Madrid which is significant and the first on-line safety conference in Barane in April. And that was very interesting. Because it touches on some of the things that Colin talked about is different countries have different human rights and age of consent varies and there are cultural differences and there are often huge language barriers and although many industry players are in there in terms of infra structure they're often not in terms of receive sick society.
It's been a challenge. And many industry players stepped up to the plate and invested money in projects and supported us in doing that. That's a very big change. And I think the other thing I would mention too is that 18 months ago one of the things our members actually said was there really is not any way you can go knowledge base that tells you what is going on in terms of family on-line safety around the world. They commissioned us to build the global resource and information directory or grid and we have lawyers, researchers educationalists and we mapped over 200 countries done to code level at legislation. And actually analyzing NGO work as well. I think the first thing that strikes us is that if you were to look at the state of family on-line safety the reality he is because the internet is predominantly English speaking more than 30% of our content has never been seen in English before.
And that's quite telling because when you come to Dynamic Coalitions like this you realize there's a lot of NGOs but because they can't speak English or afford a Web site are actually not participating. When in fact they may be doing major initiatives in ICT. They might be dealing with broader issues like child labour. So, in developing countries there are other priorities that go along with child safety including human rights. So I just thought I would add that to mention to explain what we do. We're very keen to get more involved with the Dynamic Coalition and grid is about creating a collaborative platform to draw in more parts of the world to these kinds of projects. Those are the key kind of things we're working on and I just hope you found that interesting.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much for sharing that. Please feel free to ask questions. This is only as interesting as you make it through the exchange. I'm going to give the floor to Navine. I know that you have to leave a little bit early. So I wanted to make sure we hear from you.
>> Navine: Well, first I would like to say that the IGF for me was a mile stone but the beginning of our involvement, real involvement was actually in Hyderabad in the Dynamic Coalition where we have interest in internet safety. In the first session we had several working groups on internet safety and for the use as well and an important thing that happened was actually to prepare the young people before participating at the IGF itself. I think this is what Will did doing this time and what we did last time we had specialized camp because it was for us. But the safety issue and empowerment of young people. It was a very good opportunity for the young people to get to know more about the issues of Internet governance and to prepare them to engage in the dialogue. The second important thing that we have done is to have sessions particularly done for the young people with.
And it was young age practice which we involved last time. This time we tried also to involve maybe older young people. We had the problem of funding people unfortunately from Egypt and we hope that we find other sources of funding maybe at the next IGF. In terms of the development of -- for the CyberPeace initiative what we have done this year I would like to mention that we have actually launched our out of internet safety portal. And I distributed some brochures for your attention. And I would like to say it's -- it's comprehensive portal at least this is what we were trying to do going into different phases and interactive as well. We translated and localized a lot of material from different countries and a number of international organizations who were involved in that with us. This is one important to development.
The other important development is on the level of technology solutions. We also realize that without the full involvement of the ISPs with he cannot do much about child safety. So we signed letter of intent between ISPs self-regulatory mechanism to block any child pornography pictures. We have also our name ISP working with (Off Microphone) now for this purpose and again, I appreciate a lot the support and advice of international experts in this request suspect. This is briefly what happened this year and I'm looking forward to more and more activities from the international coalition. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much Navina. Clearly a lot happening and very, very good to have that diversity of voices. A lot happening Egypt. I know you're very, very involved in keeping that momentum up and we're seeing over the last few IGFs which is a very welcomed initiative and very good to have you here. Can I ask Enasco -- well, they're not here. Okay.
>> Maybe Deter will come back with mod pod Deter will come back. How about Insaf.
>> Janice.
>> Hello, Janice Richardson from the in-safe network the in-safe -- sorry. We have a competition -- the in receive safe network grown over the last two months and we comprise awareness in 31 countries. Serbia, Astonia, Russia and the new ones that joined us so we can see ourselves as Europe and beyond safer internet day is our biggest action across the year. We feel that this is very important and we would like to get your support on this. I think you've all seen the flyer. Last year 65 countries celebrated safer internet day. This has permitted us to set up a Web site where you can find detailed information on the organizations which are most active in each of these he 65 countries and more importantly we actually have a committee in each of these countries which is supported by Government ministry.
I feel that somehow we have to link up what we're doing at the IGF with what we're doing on safer internet day because it gives us remarkable visibilities the world over and we do have a foothold in many African countries through this and yet somehow I still have the feeling it's not coming together and you're not using that wealth of material on the -- Web site which shows exactly who is operating in which country and can perhaps develop our reach even further. So you have a paper and theme for safer internet day. It's not until February 8th so I think that we do have time to work together and make both IGF more visible through this and see more safer internet day more visible too.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much. And I think we all have that message to remember that date. And the organizations here are very much involved in supporting safer internet day. I see that Deter is back. Can I invite you to say something about Enaxco.
>> An update what we've been doing over the last twelve months since the last IGF primarily been working on creating a comprehensive document called "The right click."
It's available in fourteen different languages and can be downloaded at www.Enaxo.EU. It's a document that literally is supposed to be agenda for action for the various stakeholders be that Government, industry, or child protection experts and agencies. It highlights recommendations in terms of the different types of technology and policies that are being developed in a lot of the countries and addresses from a European perspective our concerns with the policy development through directives and what have you that goes on right now. In relation to the more with IGF aimed activities we've been quite active within the ITU, child on-line protection initiative which we believe is one of the most global initiatives or global reaching initiatives that we could place our resources in and we're quite happy to be helping promote the guidelines that are produced which mark owe introduced last year or Christina it was for policy makers and for industry and children, education, and also is available on the Web site.
Lastly this is what we've been focusing on trying to collects the information and put it into digestive form and make it available to the various recipient we can in 1 different languages. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much. Can I ask ITU I see you already.
>> Thank you, this is (Off Microphone) from ITU and my colleague is there, Michael, sitting -- I think he actually is a person with ITU last year in Dynamic Coalition. We provide a set of guidelines in six languages which is available on the internet. So as you know ITSCOP launched in 2008 now it's been two years. We're still babies there but with even though we're still young so we have made big progress and provided significant outcome under the COP. Based on COP guidelines now we are facing for implementing actual individual guidelines at giving the life light in the national level. So I think I already provided this framework on COP and roadmap in COP which is not published yet but we're working on it and I hope we develop it soon on our Web site. Apart from them I agree about the participants of young people.
ITU has new COP members who is postcard of America. As these students postcard provide their own guideline actually as children and student level what is best practice for themselves. Which is really important for us. You know even though we provide our own guideline and our own policy and strategies for children, which the children perspective could be different. Of so I think it's really important to listen to our children's voice and they actually here at the dynamic coalition s to now get to know their opinions. And I think I have to confess something. ITU has had funding for separate student or people from developing country to participate IGF months ago I was looking forward to good candidate to get finding for them but I couldn't really find. Of I think I have a (Off Microphone) of course I have to talk to my colleagues whether we still have funding for them.
But if we have therapy I think we can support good candidate. If the person is young that would be better. I think it would be good and ITU will be happy to support them thank you. Thank you very much that's good news whenever there's an opportunity to bring someone from a country that resources are lacking for participation it's really very good to know that that is a possibility. Thanks a lot for that. The floor will be open. So please share.
>> Thank you, I'm from Costa Rica vice minister of science and technology from Costa Rica. I want to show you here that in our country, 100 years ago, we established the (Inaudible) political system. So we're -- so we're most con sill associated democracy in congress we have more than 120 years. 50 years ago we decided to abolish the army. And we invest a lot in health and educational edition educational system very strong. It's not coincidence that intel, for example, selected Costa Rica for establishing ten years ago their chips manufacturer in Costa Rica. And it looks like every 60 or 50 years we have change or potential for strong change in our society. This year we have elected for the first time in our history a woman as a President. And she has now three months as President. We are right now supporting a very good public policy package directed for children.
We are under the first challenge actually right now is how to manage these issues related to Information Society. We have telecommunications Monopoly and this year we're in the process of opening the markets in the Latin American context the broad band is still under -- it's still growing in Costa Rica just like the 14% of population has access to the broad band. And someone was telling us here before the problem comes associated with the broad bands in the country. When the broad band comes it comes with issues related to children, to sexual abuse, to Cybercrime and children. So our challenge right now is how to manage this issue related with Internet access and children. Internet safety is a strategy for protecting children. It is new ITU initiative launched under ITU child on-line initiative. And under this umbrella we are in next month in next October.
We are launching in Mexico with the support of ITU. The initiative of child on-line protection and our President will be one of the -- will be the patron for the project and we're look working in collaboration with ITU. To implement an international strategy to prevent on-line -- and coordinate action which with relevant stakeholders from public and private sectors to ensure that children and young people can access the internet safely. We're working directly with the NGOs and we need the support of different social actors not only the Government, it's the one responsible for -- to take actions, it is not -- it doesn't have the expertise of this kind of policy. So we need this different kind of international institutions that has the expertise. And we have this kind of public/private partnerships and joint ventures with other Governments and other business from the telecommunications sector. So I just want to share with you this experience and this is our first time here. One of the NGOs we're working with is (Off Microphone) it has very -- they have 25 years of experience in Costa Rica and they develop -- in the Terrace here -- in the educational system in Costa Rica. They began in 19 87. I'm sure it was very little project and they had support of -- they had a lot of joint ventures to Microsoft and business from their industry. And we're working with them with different kind of projects related to for example specific values and democratic values and SSA and their -- the technologies and we have different kind of projects under the different kind of -- the project and methodology issues. So I just want to share with you this one and invite you to cooperate with us and to think about this.
So thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much. I have to say it's very interesting for us to have that intervention from you. Costa Rica is one of the countries where I've had the experience over the years of entering the country and immediately getting the message that the country values its children and products its children. And from the airport all the way into the center of the city. So, I think you already have from a policy perspective both if a legal and social perspective a very strong message that comes across for people that visit your country on protection of children in general. So, thank you for your intervention. Other comments please? Yes.
>> Good afternoon I'm Christine (inaudible) number from the European commission and working with the -- porgramme I will not speak about the projects we fund here they have their own voice not to repeat things but I would like to mention a few things that also happened since last year. We are quite active in the area of linking together about industry and having cooperative approach to regulation and in particular I mean last year the idea for us presented an agreement of social networking sites and principals and we had committed to it. In February this we're we published the reports which assessed implementation of this principles by each of the 20 signatures which are national European companies as well as more global companies like facebook or Google and so on. So this is all on our Web sites.
There's a specific report for the company how it is implemented and there's more results quite interesting and so what needs more to be done is about reporting schemes and private -- privacy settings. And the commission has also been active in terms of legislation, different part of the commission since I'm the only one there, I -- I just want to mention that in March this year so there was a proposal from the open commission for new directive and combat try sexual abuse and sexual exploitation and child pornography and this has a number of specific provisions new provisions related to internet. Not only the internet but provisions related to the internet and including -- and grooming and doing child -- and blogging. This is now under discussion. And back to our project I would like to mention one last thing. We're funding eKids on-line survey.
Which I don't think there's anybody here. That's why I will speak about with it. It has just been a large scale survey of parents of children in 25 European countries so in each country 1,000 children and 1,000 parents interviewed so we are really expecting to have a good evidence of what's going on and it's related to the risk. But also how children could be put at risk as well. North only some risk but strategies themselves take about with risk and studies of the current so we're being ing forward to the result and I guess many of you would be interested as well. (Off Microphone) and the first results would be presented at -- Luxembourg at the end of October. So they will be available there on-line. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much. It certainly is of interest to everybody. I take this opportunity because of your presentation also to urge anyone who is involved in any research or has recently published anything to share that information with the receipt of us so that we can benefit from the knowledge that comes out of a lot of research that's being done a cross different countries and with different sets of research questions. That's always very, very valuable for all of us. Thank you for that intervention. Yes? My name is Larry Maget and I'm with safety.org and my colleague to the right. This is our first visit to the IGF though we had a first visit in Hyderabad where we did remote. We are U.S. based IGO supported by Yahoo, Google, MySpace, AOL and smaller companies to provide with educational resources.
Historically, primarily to the American population. Our materials are in both English and Spanish. But we are working with our keep safe to develop materials that will also be in air pick through the CyberPeace initiative -- Arabic -- I want to introduce us because we wanted to serve as a resource for anyone looking for materials. Anne and I are journalists and we're people that look at the types of materials that people could use and families and schools could use. Beyond that we've been very active in trying to sort of redefine the definition of on-line safety. Having been involved in this field for many, many years, and having seen at least in the U.S. sort of a rederailment of the movement so to spoke after focusing so much on protection and so little on youth agency and visual citizenship and understanding how young people not only can avoid harming themselves and each other but more importantly can take in this internet environment.
And we're -- I speak to myself, I know Anne if you want to jump in would agree we're absolutely thrilled to see the kind of discussions we've seen here in Vilnius that there's totally a global movement and under and global understanding that internet safety really is about empowerment and it is so gratifying because often some people think of the U.S. as being very advanced and certainly from a technology stand point we may be. But from a social standpoint we have a great deal to learn. And I know I'm going to take away from here the sense that you all have validated what Anne and I have been talking about and thinking about for a number of years now that this has to become much more than just how do you keep kids safe from harm? But how do you empower them to use the technology and to lead not only in the technological realm but in the social realm and how dot schools embrace technology and I'm so thrilled ChildNet was here to bring children her even signer peace initiative do to last year but really trying to find ways to empower young people.
We're happy to be here and hope we have an opportunity to join with you in subsequent years.
>> Thank you very much and welcome to the Dynamic Coalition. We also welcome your offer for materials and I think everybody is interested to have that kind of sharing. So, very good.
>> MODERATOR: I have someone that has requested an intervention. So if you could just hold on.
>> I just want to respond because I'm actually a youth participant here at IGF and I think a lot of the things you guys talk about putting resources to bringing youth into IGF I'm one of the results of that porgramme. So actually I come from the net mission porgramme in Hong Kong And actually I actually joined the youth IGF camp that was in London held. So I participated in this youth IGF council. I'm more equipped to participate in the discussions here that are going on. So, the aim of net mission, what is does is that it encourages youth like us to understand the issues of digital inclusion and Internet Governance and we're given a lot of freedom to initiated community projects on our own in our society to improve a lot of the initiatives that are discussed here at the IGF. So what I want to offer here is that to show that the efforts are being recognized seriously and secondly is that I think some of our members join the IGF in he gist last year they actually took action.
-- joined in Egypt last year and joined in action one of my peers actually had this idea of arranging a youth to carry on the spirit of IGF back to Hong Kong. So we organized a youth IGF, which we took a different format from this IGF. But, essentially we had 50 other participants in Hong Kong join us. And three of them have actually come with us. So something that Egypt IGF did made us start youth IGF to educate them about issues in internet governance and then there after now they're here to carry on the spirit. So it is being recognized and we know a lot of topics that come up at IGF are actually discussed similarly in the youth IGF. So what we've seen is a lot of the topics are being repeated over and over and over again. So if we can increase youth participation to take the efforts that have already been made back into the IGF we can actually become more efficient.
So I think that's one point I want to make and secondly we're very happy to share the format we have and network we have with IGF here and other people that are interested because we actually used a role playing format to encourage youth to take multistakeholder approach that the IGF embraces and so I think I'll let Flora talk about what the reflection was after joining IGF camp and how that changed from youth IGF camp now into the big IGF so to speak.
>> Flora: Hello everyone I'm Flora and I'm net mission ambassador from Hong Kong. So actually I participated in the youth IGF camp in Hong Kong. So, at the camp we took those multi-stakeholders approach. That means we are assigned to be different stakeholders and then we discussed about with internet-related problems. So now I'm here in the IGF so I -- I would like to ask about -- I would like to ask the two ladies over there and yeah because just now you have just said that you've been working to help the young people participate in the IGF and to prepare them for some meaningful contributions here, so, I would like to ask what are you working on to prepare them?
>> Thank you so much for the question I'm trying to remember the curriculum of the camp in Sharm El Sheikh I think some of it was skills. We are trying to get a part of the how to make arguments this was part of it. And the second part was actually done in corporation with Diplo. DiploFoundation because we think they are extremely helpful in teaching about the IGF and we ourselves as Government officials took a number of courses with them. So we invited one of the DiploFoundation to lecture the young people during our youth camp before Sharm El Sheikh and we had some international experts from the ITU actually independent experts the who had knowledge about ITU and IGF sharing some impressions with young people. And then the young people were requested to make a small project and to make that -- to prepare their own contributions.
So the result of the camp was actually their participation in the session. And in the session we had such Lively and unexpected discussion it was amazing. They had integrated ideas they had were trained on and they learned about during the camp and they expressed their views and opinions with during the session and that was actually within the IGF itself. So this is briefly the curriculum that was before with Sharm El Sheikh but we had other of course empowerment programs at each. Thank you.
>> Flora: I just wanted to say actually what you mentioned now are a lot of the things raised similar. We realized people are doing efforts we don't know about. So there's no uniform platform where we can share information or share formats we use to educate the young people. Because if you see the best way of educating people like us is to get us involved. That's the best way to you know make us aware of these issues. Because I only joined the net mission porgramme for one year and for them it's only been four months and now they're already at the IGF. So now you can see we actually do care about all the issues you guys are talking about. It's just that we don't know what we don't know. That's the problem. So I think if there's some way that we can collaborate the efforts or format share the format we used on these camps and not repeat the same work done over and over again and leverage on what has been done then I think youth IGF all around the world can collaborate and make something useful for this IGF.
>> Thank you very much. I take your proposal as a very, very welcomed one. I think one of the things that I would like to propose pose is that maybe we can share that through the Dynamic Coalition Forum that we create space for young people that are involved and that are also part of this Dynamic Coalition and perhaps they can share some of the things that they have been doing. So it gets integrated in the organizations that are part of this and have a chance to pickup. It also can provide an opportunity for you to be in contact with youth networks that are also involved in different places and different countries because many of the organizations are actually working with youth in their -- around the world through their efforts.
>> Yes, please.
>> My name is Hancock with the coalition thank you for your remarks. I appreciate your leadership. I Wanted to follow up on comments about research and ikeep safe has a partnership to use eSafety self-assessment. And goal of assessment is to help schools review their at the eSafety policies and procedures within the cool and they're about to launch their first report. And I think they have close to 60 0 schools in the UK and we have a pilot porgramme scheduled that's quiet large in the United States from a wide geographic area and also pilot locations in Hong Kong and Australia. It will help us to gather metrics back with internet safety or responsible use is very hard to track and measure so this is attempt to create a better global perspective of how we're doing and bringing digital culture into and problem solving through the lens of what is possible and optimal and how do we integrate it versus a have slide liver or one time experience.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much. Can I request if you could send that via coalition Forum so that we can share it with all the members that would be very valuable. Thank you.
>> This is again a question do I know many of you are working on developing educational and training curriculum or packages. And my question is I was curious to know within the last few years you have found that several things are not working the way they're supposed to be used or you know the results they're supposed to give. Has it happened or let's say from the ideologies you started five, six years ago all of a sudden you realize that these materials or the techniques we're using doesn't really make sense while working with young people and you have to adjust or you have to change or bring new things. If you have to do that what would be the biggest change that you observed over the last few years while dealing with internet safety?
>> This is taking a step back into the youth also. But each -- about two or three years ago the European commission realized the great importance of consulting young people with our awareness of bringing out raw material. From that moment there was a youth panel developed in every country. So we now have 31 youth panels. These are connected up to bring one or two young people to the European -- (microphone cut out) has really helped us have much more targeted awareness material. We have not found private sponsorship and we're about to set up an on-line platform owe so that our young people from 3 with 1 countries can collaborate -- 1 can't countries can collaborate and we have not spoken about the IGF for them but perhaps this would be a good activity to link up across the world.
On your question also if I may continue one thing that we are very surprised at the way it has (microphone broken up) -- we're quite amazed to see it's not quite true what they say it could be a good resource living on over a couple of years and in many countries.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, yes, please.
>> Hi. It's Martin from with -- a couple things the safer internet day, the timing of it in the year doesn't suit with the southern hemisphere with Australia and New Zealand so on behalf of New Zealand and Australia if we can move a month into March that would be terrific. Our schools just arrived back from Christmas break. It's not -- we're not able to get them involved. But if we moved to March you could have genuine international day. And to answer the question the thing that we found is that you can't change behaviors through any single attempt so that's fairly logical. If you look at cyber safe education we tried and still do in many countries to give people a brochure or few tips and say here you go, kid, this is how you stay safe. And obviously cyber safety is far more complex thing and requires multiple touch and you know different ways of delivering the same message and supporting the message through different mechanisms and I think that -- that naturally leads to me asking -- I've been sitting here thinking -- we're talking about going to Africa in a year's time and it's been working in the Pacific and I think everybody here mature developed cyber safety get this request all the time not exactly certain what is required from us in the developing country.
When I say developing it's not developing economically but developing in terms of cyber safety problems. I'm not sure if anyone has a problem with that. We got clear indicators of what we should be doing to help them.
>> You can hear me? Sorry. I do sort of have a comment on that but I'll get to it in a slightly round about way. I'm Loie Hilton and with child exploitation and on-line production center and I wanted to introduce what that S we are a law enforcement based child protection agency. We are multi-agency. And we work through multi-agency stakeholder approach to keep all our work child focused. We undertake -- we're at heart a law enforcement agency so we undertake a range of complex child abuse investigations relating to the on-line environment. But we also work through a range of promoted range of harm reduction activity. So, for example, we have 40,000 am bar doors in the UK who are trained to deliver our education porgramme. And I don't want to get too far into that because I know I have an opportunity to speak tomorrow.
So I won't take the floor. But I just wanted to comment on some of the debates about protection and empowerment. For us, those things run together. And we use the UN con convention on the rights of a child as a framework to keep those things in balance because UNCRC is not just about with rights of freedom of expression but actually fundamentally other children's rights and fundamentally children's protection rights arrived from that framework as well. For us it remains that balance. I was just interested, our approach to all our law enforcement activity in UK is multi-agency. So we have qualified social workers work ago long side law enforcement. We're trying to extend that to our international work as well. So recently in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia we set up multi-agency and multistakeholder panels to support all our operational work.
And that is law enforcement. It includes Government and industry increasingly and it is -- includes local NGOs. What we have done is what we're beginning to do is use some of our resources that we've developed for the UK to actually try to road test those over there and get feedback from the members particularly NGOs that work locally and understand those needs and can give us advice about local children, going to local schools and test out some of those resources. So, in the UK we've developed recently a resource called Liankim for four to 7 year old and in answer to Angin's question the thing is to reach children younger and younger we can no longer aim at teenagers we have to reach children and get them to start using protective behaviors early. We developed animated cartoon which is about those behaviors basic behaviors not everyone is who they say they are on-line and you know, you can be quite bullying in the on-line environment without realising it, all those basic things we want children to understand.
And to reach 4 to 7 years. We then translated that recently into Tai and went top schools in Thailand to look at whether that was effective and how it was different and resonated for those children and then also ran it through our NGO panels and I do think we need to do a bit of needs testing to develop the kinds of resources that will be useful in internationally and we need to be sensitive to the different contexts. I think that work is very interesting. We're looking to develop an increase and sustain international child production work our international child production with network that under pins all of our activities. So, a lot of that is around sex, off-line sex offenders but links with on-line environment are also increasingly clear. So that would be the answer to the question really about how we know what results -- I think we really have to go local and get that advice.
I don't think it's necessarily one resource that fits all but it may be there are smaller changes we would make to make them relevant. I think in terms of how we need to move our advice forward, what we're seeing, and see the need to be realistic about where children are in the on-line environment. So, you know, our research found 25% with of 8 to 12 year olds are on facebook and 11% of those have open privacy -- their settings are open so anyone can look at their sites. I think with we go into schools we're teaching children you know, being realistic about where they are and teaching them to set privacy settings, teaching them basic safe behaviors because they are out there and they are taking risks. And I think in terms of effectiveness what we found in terms of what materials are effective it is very difficult to sustain along, in-depth evaluation.
I don't think it's yet been done really satisfactorily. So I think there's a need for more research around what's effective and how it's effective.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much, Zoe. I think one of the things that I would like to echo from what you just presented, is the importance of the multi-agency collaboration because one of the themes that comes up again and again is the value of actually having knowledge-based interventions. A lot of the move and the concern to reach children at a younger and younger age is in fact based on data that we're getting from a lot of different kinds of research that shows that in fact we need to do that. A lot of the harm that we're seeing I know for the images for example a lot of it is younger and younger children. So interventions that can reach and be based on knowledge that we get from the studies that we're doing across the world from our different agencies. Can I ask, there are lots of people that have not spoken. Please share with us.
Yes, please.
>> Hi name is Sam Batron I work for SISCO regional CTO in the middle east based in Egypt. Actually just to echo what you're saying really the same point about sharing of experience and sharing of knowledge and after the last IGF in Sharm El Sheikh those initiatives moved forward by the Egyptian Government to form a council working group on child protection and U.S. is the Egypt vice is chair and vice chair with Madrid as well and it's an excellent Forum to share experience and best practices about child protection from around the globe. We have participation from Governments of course but also from sector members and for the first time in council working group experts independent experts or NGOs are invited for example (Off Microphone) is represented and this is a very, very neutral and very open Forum to exchange best practices and we have heard experiences from indonesia, Latin America, Europe, of course, EU, from US and Sweden and from African countries like Algeria for example.
So it is an excellent convenient eye that is opened up. We had two meetings so far in April. And in June. And our report is on-line. It's ITUCWP-CP for child protection where you can find contribution from different Governments and given NGOs and sector members. For example, the contribution that was put forward on affect of special networks and youth participation on social networks regarding user created content or privacy issues and terms and conditions of these how they are being affected by the social networks and there was response from ITU in the following meeting a study of the behavior of the social networks they were studied and analyzed. Another contribution from the IIG itself is behavior on the internet. Quite elaborate work is being done in this Forum. I encourage you to participate or take a look on the activities.
Thank you very much.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much.
>> Thank you very much actually I was waiting for my chance might get a chance to introduce this one but thank you. Thank you very much. Actually, the contribution -- document of title is 09 threat for child on-line protection and social networking. The document provides individual social net Web site policy and ownership of user created contents or user generated contents. And then as you said there is another one -- I think I prepared -- about child protections and statistical framework. The draft was reported during the counsel ill working group and their draft is done. But we are waiting for their official release in November. There's a meeting. So end of November the official final document will be the list. Please call the visit wealth site at WWW.ITU/NCOP so I think I am ready to give some of my U.S.
WIKI and pro brochure sure on your table. So you can get more information. If you need my help I'm welcome to help you. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much for sharing that information on those important resources. We will put all of the minutes of the meeting so that if you missed what the Web site is we'll let you know what the Web site is so you can pick with up on some of these threads of these discussions.
>> Hello. Mostly I wanted to introduce myself since this is our first IGF. My name is Sandra Martianco with the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children. We are located in the Washington D.C. area in the U.S. and many of you may be more familiar with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which is our sister organisation but we are completely separate organizations. They have a U.S. mandate and we have a global mission. And I just wanted to say that our work is maybe a little different part of our work focuses on missing and abducted children issues so we work closely with the Bureau and organizations on that side of our work. But on global campaign against child pornography I wanted to say that our sixth edition of our child pornography model legislation and global review was completed in August.
And I do not have print copies of it. It's being present with ed as we speak it's available on our Web site www.ICMEC.org under publication section. It's currently only in English but will be translated shortly. 6th edition is available. We're working towards new research with idea of pull withing out some of the components that are built into that report such as on-line enticement and grouping and sentencing sanctions and other component we would like to flush out further much like we have done with the model legislation. And in addition, along with child pornography I scheme of things we also are working clearly with the financial coalition against child pornography and working hard right now to expand the financial coalition into Asia Pacific where we have a very active group at the moment based out of Singapore and we're also looking to build one in Latin America and working with a very active network there as well.
And in addition we're working closely with law enforcement to do training. But the one other components and it has not really being rolled out in a public way yet is that we have created a guide to on-line safety which includes a packet of information, CD of materials and brochure and stories of public service announcements. So helpfully in the future we'll be able to share that. Right now it's only in the physical form that we can mail out. We don't have it up on our Web site. We should be able to share that soon. Thanks.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much and welcome to the coalition. I would ask from Brazil can we have an intervention?
>> Hi. Good afternoon everyone. I think you thank you for this opportunity. In Brazil with ill we are glad to -- we are watching over the last two years with safe internet safety for last Brazil joined. The last two years safer internet campaigns we organized many activities regarding awareness. And education. And nowadays, we are discussing to share some technical (Off Microphone) two other sister countries in south America and I'm glad to inform you that in the next October and Carlos can speak better than I about it, Brazil and Argentina will sign an agreement to establish hot line in Argentina. And we -- Brazil will provide technical and technological tools and technical support to do this. And I think this is the first step for all the countries all the Latin American countries especially miracle (Off Microphone) to establish all those hot loins an integrate the notes for the region.
Carlos please if you have comments from the Argentina perspective.
>> Carlos: Yes, in fact we are looking to sign this agreement that's very important for our institutions. And we hope that the extension of the hot line that begin -- began safe internet could create highest level of identification of criminal Web sites. For us, their partnership with safer net is very important and also we're creating another partnerships in Latin America with including safer net for the future. Thank you.
>> Brazil: Quickly I forgot to mention that I would like to highlight two points that I think are very important in Brazil with ill contest. This year, last August, was established telecom and mobile phones coalition in Brazil. The companies, the big telecom operators and mobile phone operators sign an agreement in Brazil to develop a (Off Microphone) buddy to address this Childline safety in the country. And also, the 40 major financial institutions sign agreement to establish a financial coalition in Brazil. So, we have this two new coalitions in the country. That's just starting -- beginning the work. And I think they have (just) a lot of contributions and of course we are looking for others in Europe and US and other countries to learn with this experience as well.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much for that intervention. I think one of the things we have seen over the course of the last four years of the IGF is an increase in collaborations across countries and across institutions and this is a perfect example. I think that it really bodes well for what comes out of this kind of a Forum in terms of the possibility withes that we have to work together across different kind of jurisdictions and specialty areas. Please.
>> Sorry I have not been with you since the beginning because I was in other workshop. But you cannot hear me? I will tweak the mic with. Okay I will try to leave it there. The -- I want to just inform you about with what happened since last year on broadcasting side. I represent here the world -- specifically union worker and we rein the middle of process to migrate the old safety measure you're that we have created in broadcasting into the new on-line world. So there's a process that is going parallel to the migration of the television from an log to digital signal or even beyond. And the most significant news in the last months are, for instance, that there is new regulation code of conduct that has been implemented by BBC for social networks and this is finally published.
It was finalized in April of this year. And there are all of the rules that any BBC employee or consultant or collaborator has to respect when they have to deal with social network. This is particularly important because in the on-line world, more and more around each television porgramme for around each porgramme for children or even a round each character we start to have communities. So this community sometimes they found themselves they coordinate themselves around social network spaces. So we are in boarder line where you have on-line Web site and broadcasters, but then you have a link to a facebook or to another social network Web site or specific space where the people looking at that porgramme that character found. This is very difficult situation to handle because the parents they rely on public service broadcasters as a very reliable source than when they are quite satisfied and not worried when the child is looking at the BBC but then through the BB C network awe arrive at a social network and the kind of security and the kind of protection we give are not reflected correctly.
So, this is a big issue we are working on it. And, I don't know if it's been mentioned before, there has been a huge discussion in Italy with the authority for privacy that they have just released a few days ago code of conduct for social network in Italy and privacy. So, it's quite important. At the moment it exists only in Italian. But I think it will be available soon on which to work for all of us. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much. That's very, very important because what we -- what we're seeing is that very key the authorities that -- within the telecommunications broadly within those authorities, more and more attention is being given to internal codes and internal dynamics within the industry itself. Thank you.
>> Yes hello everyone. My name is from nobody's children foundation from Poland. We're a member both of the in safe and -- network for a couple of years now and I have to say I attended the first meeting of this Dynamic Coalition in Rio de Janeiro and 2007 and it was small gathering at the time. I'm pleased to see how our family is going and so many new people are joining the team. My organisation is mostly active in awareness raising field so developing new educational tools but also recently more and more in advocacy work which is directly to the db activities. I will not speak to much what we're doing in Poland but in international context I would like to say that -- to develop quite a network of NGOs from southern and Eastern European countries such as Ukraine and Republic of Macedonia and Sesbania and we're working trying to help them replicate, translate awareness raising campaigns and also by receiving side visits.
I have to say somewhere flattered by different requests to receive side visits. Which is good, of course. And during such side visits we're trying to explain advice of those organizations on how they can take the lead and child on-line protection and how many different areas they are they can be active and how they can build networks of stakeholders of the national level and I have to say this is a very rewarding experience to see how those start up activities are beginning in those countries. Which is a big challenge for them, also, because nobody so far has worked in that area. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much. And great, because as you say when we first started as a coalition, many countries you're mention withing actually did not have much in this area of concern. They were not really working with the authorities in their countries and they didn't is a lot of knowledge or tools or information. And as a result of what is happening around this Forum and also the expansion of the issue has led to some good things. I would like to share we have not covered -- yes, please. -- anything anyone would like to share we have not covered.
>> Hello my name is Anelia I'm from Uganda and -- in Malaysia and this is an Avenue to explore like on-line he protection from a different angle. And we've emphasized protection of children who have access to the internet. But, I see that we also need to emphasize and take note of children who do not have access but are still exposed. For example, in my country, we have cases of child sacrifice, pornography and kidnapping and some of these people carry out these acts usually get their data now they get their data from social networking sites and also for example some orphanages post pictures on their Web sites and that's -- you know that's for potential crime people photo for potential crime people. And so my question would be do we tell parents not to post pictures of their children on these sites and do we get information from pedophiles Orchid nappers just in case as soon as they access these sides.
I think these are potential time bombs and I'm hoping this can be tackled in the next IGF especially since I notice that we youth are outnumbered and there's very low participation of Africans. African use in IGF. So I'm hoping this will be tackled as well in the coming year. On a happier note I would like to thank the ITU because of them I'm able to attend these IGF for the first time. And so, yes, that's -- that's a around of applause. Yes. That's all.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much. We definitely would echo with you that we want to make sure that we're making the best use of the time that we have in preparation for the meeting in Kenya. And to actually look very specifically at some of the issues that come up with regard to child on-line safety in Africa. Much of it we know is not necessarily through personal computers. We -- many of the organizations are actually working with cafes since young people are using accessing through public Internet cafes rather than personal computers. And a host of other issues that come up in that context so thank you very much for bringing that to the our attention and we hope to have more youth participation and focusing on the issues as they relate to Africa. Thank you. Okay I think we've got everybody. Janice you want to say something?
See I didn't let you off the hook.
>> Janice: Thank you I'm Janice Wallick working at crimes against children research center at the University of New Hampshire in the United States and we're engaged in a variety of research, activities, and some of which focus on youth internet and youth in the United States and the nature of crimes that are committed against children and on the internet and in the United States and we are also pursuing research about the nature of offenders who access child pornography on the internet and also attempting to find some venues in which we can quantify the amount of child pornography and patterns of child pornography on the internet. And we are night now collecting data on a number of these projects. So we don't really have any new findings but we have a Web site at the University of New Hampshire and it's www.UNH.EDU/ccrc and we publish almost all of our -- in fact all of our reports and papers on that Web site.
I would like to emphasize simply the importance of research. There has been so much publicity about crimes on the internet. And often what we have pound in our own research and our research does center on what happens in the United States, is the sorts of media reports that got a lot of attention on the internet rally distort some of what happens on the internet. And that can distort and take up a lot of resources in terms of prevention and child safety messages that get sent out there. In the United States there's a great deal of fear about predators using deception and targeting very young children, but what we find when we interview police and we have at this point conduct the literally thousands of interview with police in the last eight years in the United States is that that really is not what characterizes crimes against children.
Most offenders don't use deception. Most offenders are targeting adolescents who -- and finding adolescents that are vulnerable to said seduction, willing to -- or vulnerable to messages about romance and those sorts and that's how they get drawn into what are crimes and what are illegal situations. And so one of our concerns in the United States and again this could be different in different countries, is that we give a lot of safety messages to kids who are very concerned about predators who might kidnap them and use violence. But we're not talking frankly to kids about what really happens because frankly we're not seeing crimes like that. We're not giving messages to kids about you know talk -- about the dangers of talking or responding to strangers who try to get them to talk about sexual matters. For example.
We're not alerting kids to watch what their friends are doing because often kids do -- get drawn into relationships secretly but their friend know what is going on. So those are the sorts of ways that we see somehow media messages to kids on-line and not really reflecting actual nature of crime. So I'll put in a plug for research and also any way that our research can help people we're very happy to distribute it and distribute slides and presentations we've done and anything like that that is helpful. And the questionnaires we've done in our research we're happy to generate to or to give people access to and thank you. Thank you for putting me on the spot Carmen.
>> MODERATOR: Thanks very much it's important for us to hear from Janice who makes important contributions and most of you know of her work in the United States and I think it's very important that when we have that opportunity to hear directly that we actually get a chance to hear what your observations are. I think we've covered everybody around the table. An I would like to bring the meeting to a close by just reiterating some of the points that we have agreed, one is that we are going to have a working group that is going to be preparing for meeting in Kenya and looking how we can bring added value to some of that through the work we're doing with partners in Africa and youth participation that we can support so that we have that in Africa. We're also going to be sharing some of the resources that have been mentioned around the table so that people have an opportunity to make use of them.
And we are going to be looking at how to bring the work of the coalition and some of the agendas of the coalition into the framework of the IGF to -- so that we are not only an offshoot and operating separately but actually looking at bringing whatever observations we're able to get more directly into the structure of the IGF and I think that's quite important. And the other issue that I would like to raise is also there are a number of additional agendas and I would propose that maybe for the next time we have an opportunity to look at some of the emerging issues that are being presented here at the IGF and that perhaps we're not bringing into the coalition it's quite a lot of discussion about cloud computing and personal data and how personal data is being stored and what that means when we're talking about children.
We've not had an opportunity to hear about -- I don't know if anybody here already is working on issues like that. I know John he's not here now but he's quite interested in that issue. And I think that these are definitely elements that are important to a group like this. And put the way that the meeting it conducted we don't always get to hear from those of us that are already on the cutting edge of some of the upcoming technology. Much with of what we're doing is responding to thing that we already know about but there is a lot that is being developed and has -- will have -- already has an impact such as for example data retention and in cloud computing. Who owns that information? And who you is that -- what do we want to say about that? And we cannot keep separate from some of those agendas. I would propose that for the next meeting, we will try to identify one or two persons who can introduce what those agendas are at this meeting.
And keep us current and keep us thinking about with what's coming. And not only what we're dealing with within the agendas we already have. So thank you very much. Does anybody have any other comment they would like to make before we close the meeting? Yes?
>> I would actually like just in response to the thing you said about bringing the coalition into the framework of the IGF. So I was talking to some of the youth participate with ants here and we realize that actually this youth may function differently from adults in certain ways and we realize that there's not a lot of youth participation in terms of organisation of the IGF. And perhaps it's not every youth's -- not every youth wants to sit down and talk about a situation if front ever a microphone for two hours. So there's probably other formats that are more effective for use particularly that they can use that are more innovative or different or new we can use to increase youth participation and encourage them to be part of the IGF. So I just was thinking like if the youth can organise maybe some of the sessions that we're not constrained to this kind of setting to run the IGF.
Just a suggestion.
>> MODERATOR: We can pick with up on that.
>> I have one logistic announcement for the coalition. As you saw I was collecting e-mail addresses and contacts of all of you. And what I'm trying to do is get the Web site that has the members list. Now just having the names here and saying yes doesn't mean with you are a member as yet. So what I'll do is send form out to newer members and I'll look forward to receiving inputs from you based on that I'll submit that to IGF Secretariat and I already had a discussion with Markus Kummer today and that list will be updated very soon and if we can do this very early on we can have all the members on the list. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you very much. And I hope you enjoy the next stage. (Applause)