IGF Theme(s) for workshop: Other
Main theme question address by workshop: It is a workshop on national level IG mechanisms, and does not directly address any main theme questions
Concise description of the proposed workshop:
Such is the unique nature of the Internet that its governance often calls for institutional innovations. The proposed workshop will look at a range of national level IG mechanisms across the world. While the discussion will refer to good models and practices in different countries, it will not be organized around simple show-casing of different national IG mechanisms. The discussion will centre around key contexts, requirements, challenges and possibilities. It will be directed towards examining key institutional design issues, functions and outcomes with regard to national level IG mechanisms with the purpose to help countries make appropriate decisions in their specific contexts.
Some of these are;
- How should the national commons of Internet resources be managed?
- What kinds of mechanisms are appropriate for technical matters, what for those that are partly technical and partly social, and what for larger public policy matters, requiring more political responses?
- Should there be a common single mechanism to address all the above kinds of issues, or different ones? How to coordinate different mechanisms, and different parts of the national governance machinery dealing with different aspects or kinds of IG issues?
- How to ensure meaningful participation of all stakeholders in a manner that focuses on public interest?
- How can the surplus from domain name registration fees etc collected by national IG agencies be employed for public interest purposes, especially, for taking up Internet related research.
Background Paper:
Name of the organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups:
Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore - Civil Society
Brazilian Internet Steering Committee - National level governance body
Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences - Academic Insitution
Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training (CCIRDT), Vancouver, BC CANADA - Civil Society
Instituto NUPEF , Rio de Janeiro - Civil Society
IT for Change, Bangalore - Civil Society
Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before?: Yes
Please provide link(s) to workshop(s) or report(s):
See in the workshops section in IGF 2011 IG4D Workshop 183: A Possible Framework for Global Net Neutrality
Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning to invite:
Carlos Afonso, Insituto NUPEF, Board Member, Brazilian Steering Commitee
Emily Taylor, Independent Consultant, Formerly with NOMINET
Alice Munya, Chairperson, Kenya Internet Steering Commitee
Victor Tishchenko, Institute of Advanced Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Sunil Abraham, Centre for Internet and Society,
Moderator, Micheal Gurstein, Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training, Canada
Name of Remote Moderator(s):
Ginger Paque