IGF 2012 Workshop Proposal :: (No: 181) Who is following me : tracking the trackers


IGF Theme(s) for workshop: Security, Openness and Privacy

Main theme question address by workshop: privacy/ data protection

Concise description of the proposed workshop:

This workshop will cover the digital tracking environment and current trends leading to the increasing surveillance and profiling of individuals. It will aim at placing the focus back on a human rights perspective, in particular the right to privacy. How can individuals gain full knowledge of the digital footprints they leave and the way they are used, how can they reduce or oppose it. Implications of the tracking performed for law enforcement purposes, and of the one performed for business interests : can a single approach address both? While surveillance technologies used by law enforcement can be of concern, the impact of tracking technologies on the right to data protection increasingly arises with regard to simple consumers of a service : mobile apps, profiling, geolocation, internet of things. Can an effective protection be ensured solely by legislation and what are the respective roles of the actors, such as the governments in ensuring an adequate protection of the individuals. Are the existing self-regulation tools worth the protection they claim to safeguard and how to promote the use of privacy enhancing technologies in a datagreed environment ? How to reconcile various protective frameworks while trends and technologies are used, circulating, exported around the globe ?

Background Paper:

Name of the organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups:

Sophie Kwasny - Council of Europe

Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before?: Yes

Please provide link(s) to workshop(s) or report(s):


Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning to invite:

telco/business sector representative
technical community representative
law enforcement representative
civil society representative
council of europe representative

Name of Remote Moderator(s):