Round Table - 90 Min
The 90 minute session will be broken into three (3) key Agenda areas for Roundtable Discussion followed by a wrap-up Plenary Given that this will be the 1st Face to Face Meeting of the Dynamic Coalition, Agenda Item 1 will include an introduction to the Goals and Objectives of DC, and outline its interim 10 Point Action Plan for final validation at the end of the Session. (20 minutes) Agenda Item 2 will focus on affordability, and accessibility of Internet usage, while exploring existing Internet infrastructure developments for SIDS (25 minutes). It will attempt to cover: Affordability - Broadband - Internet price control measures Accessibility - The digital divide - Inter governmental agencies access and related services - The role of community internet resources in education and social development Infrastructure Development Inter-Islands connectivity with Internet Exchange Points (IXP) Status of DNSSEC deployment in SIDS Agenda Item 3 will cover social and economic developmental issues related to the use of the Internet (25 minutes). It will will be led by discussions surrounding: Social Development - Facilitating community involvement with ICT - Disaster recovery - Strengthening Communications Resilience - Digital democracy - Online privacy, cybersecurity and protection - Private and public-sector responses to online social trends - Law enforcement challenges in combatting cybercrime - Combating illegal unreported, and unregulated fishing with ICT - Local content development - Women in ICT Economic Development - Fisheries and Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) - e-Agriculture, e-Health, e-Learning - The limited availability of local e-Commerce facilities (special emphasis on the Caribbean) - Combatting climate change with ICT - Regional initiatives (e.g. ICT-WG) - Bridging the Skills Gap and Creating a 21st Century Workforce - The digital path to Financial Inclusion Closing Plenary (15 minutes) This item will ask the DC to (1) identify and validate the items for inclusion in the Action & Research Agenda which would have emanated from this F2F Meeting as well as pre-IGF calls/virtual meetings and (2) affirm the interim 10 point Action Plan as the initial Action Plan for the DC. We will also set the stage for generating the 1st DC-SIDS Report and identify preliminary working methods to move the Action Plan forward.
Tracy Hackshaw - Internet Society Trinidad and Tobago Chapter (ISOC-TT), Trinidad and Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group (TTMAG) - Maureen Hilyard - Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) & Asia Pacific Regional At Large Organisation (APRALO), Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum MSG (APRIGF), Cook Islands Internet Action Group (CIIAG) -
Moderators - Tracy Hackshaw & Maureen Hilyard Rapporteur(s): Internet Society IGF Ambassador(s) & Internet Society Youth@IGF Fellows Provisional Discussants: - Jane Coffin, Internet Society, United States of America, Academic/Technical Community - Kasek Galgal, Co-Chair, Board of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society, Papua New Guinea, Academic/Technical Community - Professor Patrick Hosein, TTLAB, Trinidad and Tobago, Academic/Technical Community - Cherie Lagakali, Board member of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society, Fiji, Academic/Technical Community - Anju Mangal, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Fiji, Government - Michele Marius, ICT Pulse Consulting Ltd., Jamaica, Private Sector - Andrew Molivurae, Chair, Vanuatu Information Technology Users Society (VITUS), Vanuatu, Civil Society - Stanley Osao, Board Chair, Internet Papua New Guinea Clique (iPNGC), Papua New Guinea, Civil Society - Carlton Samuels, The University of the West Indies, Jamaica, Academic/Technical Community - Ellen Strickland, Internet New Zealand, New Zealand, Academic/Technical Community - Anonga Tisam, Vice Chair, Cook Islands Internet Action Group (CIIAG), Cook Islands, Civil Society - Bevil Wooding, Caribbean Outreach, ARIN, Trinidad & Tobago, Technical Community - Rhea Yaw Ching, Founder, Covela Foundation, Trinidad & Tobago, Private Sector