IGF 2018 WS #13 Measuring Cyberbullying and Child Protection in Africa.


    Organizer 1: Intergovernmental Organization, African Group

    Speaker 1: Mahen Busgopaul, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 2: Tabara Seck Faye, Intergovernmental Organization, African Group
    Speaker 3: Mary Uduma, Technical Community, African Group


    Break-out Group Discussions - 60 Min


    The speaker will be Mahendranath Busgopaul from Mauritius IGF& Halley Movement. The speaker is the founder and host of Mauritius IGF. he has expertise in the field since the past twenty years and has been panel speaker foe Africa IGF 2017.


    This presentation will showcase how an emerging issue is being measured and tackled by the African population. The targeted audience and users of the various online services provided by the host institution are dealing diversely including gender, geographical reach, youth and all stakeholders in the developing world.

    Situation in Africa, Online technology, Society in Africa, Africa and Mauritius,Data from Mauritius: Cyberbullying and online child protection, Practical steps taken by Mauritius IGF & Halley Movement and Conclusion.


    Cyberbullying is closely associated with threats leading to online child protection. Several issues need to be looked at like legislations and other practical moves. Mauritius IGF will highlight the impact of the threats and how practical solutions have been developed for Africa. The experience from Mauritius will be flagged to show how data is being collected and what research findings have shown.

    Online Participation
