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IGF 2022 WS #426 The role of government in securing the routing system.

    Organizer 1: Olaf Kolkman, Internet Society

    Speaker 1: Anirban Datta, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Gonçalves Tiago Felipe, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Alisa Heaver, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Doug Montgomery, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Olaf Kolkman, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Online Moderator

    Megan Kruse, Intergovernmental Organization, Eastern European Group


    Olaf Kolkman, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Round Table - U-shape - 60 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    What are the areas where governments could focus their efforts to achieve maximum impact on security of the global Internet routing system?

    Connection with previous Messages: This session fits into the IGF's overarching theme for IGF 2022: Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future and relates directly to the security of the Internet and accountability of the major stakeholders in the Internet's Technical infrastructure, the network providers.  In fact the mission of the MANRS initiative is equivalent to enabling Safety, Security through Accountability.


    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Targets: A secure and trustworthy global Internet is an enabler for this sustainable development goal and will help to bridge the digital divide


    In 2022 the USA's regulator, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published held an inquiry about the state of routing security. The responses to their Notice of Inquiry provided an insight of the thinking of stakeholders around the role of government in securing the routing system.

    In this workshop we explore what role governments could play in securing the Internet routing system, 

    The session will feature
    1. a short introduction to the Internet routing system, its stakeholders and the importance and challenges of routing security.
    2. observations from the FCC's NOI and responses particularly focused on the role of governments,
    3. discussion about the role of government's actions in securing the routing system.
    4. concluding remarks

    Experts at the table have expertise in Internet Routing and the security thereof - they are for instance affiliated with the initiative. Other experts at the table have a government or government agency background.

    Expected Outcomes

    Promoting the Collaborative Security approach and informing governments on how they can effectively contribute to the security of the Internet's routing system. The session should inform various stakeholders on how governments can participate/contribute to existing collaborative efforts such as MANRS. and observation from this workshop will be published at the MANRS website (  The workshop may possibly inform government stakeholders about potential for action and areas of non-action.

    Hybrid Format: The panel participants will be mostly off-site and we have an experienced on-line moderator.  The organizers and moderators are considering the use of online tools such as Miro boards ( and survey tools to improve interactivity.

    Online Participation

    Usage of IGF Official Tool.