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IGF 2022 WS #530 Security meets Responsibility: connected everything’s resili

    Organizer 1: Lucien M. CASTEX, AFNIC
    Organizer 2: Rayna Stamboliyska, RS Strategy

    Speaker 1: Jean-Jacques Sahel, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Rayna Stamboliyska, Private Sector, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 3: Claire Mélanie Popineau, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Lucien M. CASTEX, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Online Moderator

    Sébastien BACHOLLET, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Samih Souissi, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    Cybersecurity practices and mechanisms: What are the existing responsible cybersecurity practices and international mechanisms? Where do those mechanisms fall short and what can we do to improve their inclusion in product development and distribution? Ensuring a responsible digital space: How must governments, businesses and other stakeholders protect individuals against online exploitation and abuse? Regulation, competition and innovation: How could formal and self-regulatory frameworks help foster more competitive markets for connected services, more sustainable business models, and inclusive innovation?

    Connection with previous Messages: The proposed session is advancing the debate on different IGF 2021 Messages mainly regarding Trust, Security, and Stability. This proposee workshop is conveying the message that:”Discussions on Internet of Things security should involve all stakeholders (i.e. private, public, technical, academic and civil society) include more youth representation, pursue a user-centric approach, and work towards a unified set of open security standards, while leaving space for users to customise to what is appropriate for their needs”


    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Targets: IoT security is paramount for digital resilience. Coherent policies in this matter should foster innovation and guarantee a more reliable and sustainable infrastructure (SDG 9). By mobilising the contributions of civil society, governments, the private sector and the technical community in support of the implementation of internationally agreed norms, this panel seeks to highlight impactful next steps to strengthen the stability of the internet. Empowering all stakeholders, and ensuring that diverse viewpoints are expressed and accounted for, helps reduce inequalities and promotes better policy coordination and coherence (SDG 10). Understanding legislative development at local and global levels also contributes to SDG16, by promoting the rule of law, the transparency of institutions and protecting fundamental freedoms.


    The Internet of things (IoT) has expanded substantially from consumer electronics to energy management, autonomous transport to environmental control. Connecting the multitude of objects surrounding us is both a technology challenge and a political challenge. 

    The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the world the essential role of the Internet in our daily lives and the need to stay connected. The networks, while under increased stress, have held up and the Internet has proven to be resilient. Nevertheless, as digital products and services continue to evolve and expand to create “the connected everything”, building trust is as important as building new infrastructure. 

    On the one hand, with the emergence of new technologies such as 5G, new paradigms appear that require a more comprehensive understanding of resilience, security and sovereignty. Connected products and services bring great potential for improving health, running businesses more efficiently, and driving economic development and growth worldwide.

    On the other hand, with great opportunities come great risks and an increased demand for protection. Facing increased scrutiny, governments are promoting new legislation affecting the Internet worldwide. As an example, in the European Union, major legislative packages have been introduced, including the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Cyber Resilience Act as well as the revision of the Network and Information system security (NIS) Directive. Cybersecurity and resilience of the IT ecosystem have been of paramount importance. EU Commission’s President Von der Leyen in the State of the Union 2021 underlined that the EU should aim at becoming a leader in cybersecurity from cables to IoT devices and the connected everything. In the US, following NIST - and NIST IoT-specific guidance, the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020 has a growing impact on manufacturing of IoT devices.

    The drive toward data protection and security meet responsibility in order to foster a trusted IoT ecosystem, from cybersecurity by design to Human Right by default.

    The workshop fits in several work streams of partner institutions including reports which analyse the industrial and regulatory issues entailed in the development of the Internet of Things (Afnic, ISN, 2021) (France Stratégie, 2022) and initiatives to promote IoT Security such as Internet Society IoT security Platform or OECD digital security of products.

    Additional speakers have been contacted - including host country and are still in the process of validation to further diversify the workshop. 

    Expected Outcomes

    The workshop aims at discussing the challenges that the Internet of Things pose to fundamental rights and freedoms. The evolution of the digital public space is a key building block of digital policies by considering both local and global levels. At the end of the session, the moderator will engage in a discussion about the opportunities different stakeholders have to impact on national and global rulesets. The session report will and draw inputs from the discussion and key takeaways. This workshop intends to achieve a discussion between key stakeholders and a shared understanding of policy issues in order to grasp the impact of a dedicated body of rules (guidelines, legislation, standards, etc.) on increasing the trust in connected products and services while preserving fundamental rights and freedoms. The workshop fits in several work streams of partner institutions.

    Hybrid Format: The IGF provides access and support for online participants through an Official Online Participation Platform, with a quick guide available. Instructions on the platform will be made available closer to the Annual Meeting. Workshop organizers should make every effort to ensure that any session speakers or organizers that will be participating online have sufficient connectivity to participate in a hybrid session. Please respond to the following questions in this field (a clear plan and approach for ensuring hybrid participation is an important criterion in the MAG’s evaluation of workshop proposals): - How will you facilitate interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees? - How will you design the session to ensure the best possible experience for online and onsite participants? - Please note any complementary online tools/platforms you plan to use to increase participation and interaction during the session. We aim at facilitating an inclusive discussion amongst speakers (both onsite and online), audience members, and online participants. In order to ensure the session format is used in the best possible manner: The panel of experts will share their expertise and debate sitting in a roundtable format to facilitate an open discussion both online and onsite and take advantage of the hybrid format of 2022 IGF. The online and onsite moderators, who are experienced and who grasp the discussed issues, will open the discussion with a presentation of the rules of the panel and a strong focus on facilitating hybrid participation. Considering the actual sanitary situation, some of the speakers - as well as a number of attendees - will be online making it of key importance to facilitate an inclusive discussion amongst online and onsite participants. Questions from the public will be collected ahead of time as well as during the discussions and at least 30 minutes will be allowed for an interactive session of questions/comments from the audience. The organizers will explore the use of visuals and interactive tools to animate the session and facilitate the discussion. Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: - The organisers will actively promote the session (social media including a LinkedIn event and Twitter, organization websites) - Slido app will be used to increase audience interaction and engage the session’s participants. The tool allows for an easy way to manage polling, discussion trends and Q&A. - Platform-agnostic icebreakers will occur to ensure participants feel equally involved in the discussions. Preparation: Several preparatory calls will be organised for all speakers, moderators and co-organisers in advance of the workshop so that everyone has a chance to meet, share views and prepare for the session.

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool.