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IGF 2022 WS #8 Once upon an internet: From Arpanet to the Metaverse

    Organizer 1: Gabriel Karsan, INTERNET SOCIETY YOUTH@IGF
    Organizer 2: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Ghana Youth IGF
    Organizer 3: Ihita Gangavarapu, Youth IGF India
    Organizer 4: Shadrach Ankrah, Tech Today Gh
    Organizer 5: Jackline Akello, Lawyers Hub
    Organizer 6: Vallarie Wendy Yiega, Youth IGF
    Organizer 7: Héwing Gérald Dorvelus, Youth IGF Haiti

    Speaker 1: Gabriel Karsan, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 2: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 3: Ihita Gangavarapu, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 4: Shadrach Ankrah, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 5: Jackline Akello, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 6: Vallarie Wendy Yiega, Civil Society, African Group


    Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group

    Online Moderator

    Gabriel Karsan, Civil Society, African Group


    Héwing Gérald Dorvelus, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)


    Birds of a Feather - Auditorium - 60 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    After connecting half the world, safeguarding its interests from digital economies to open digital democracies how do the unconnected define connectivity and the factors to boost meaningful access?

    Beyond the era of consumer 3.0 based on access and share of resources and digital congloromates, how do we redifine access and meaningful connectivity?

    Why do the economics of connectivity hinder progress of the unconnected and profit the digital empires? How do we safeguard equal access to infrastructure, ownership, knowledge and resources to promote development of technologies in the unconnected areas?

    Connection with previous Messages: Universal access and meaningful connectivity is obtained by empowered use, usable elements that are inclusive that are operational in all the distinctive boundaries of humanity as we evolve as a species. Since the era of arpanet to the metaverse human connection is the key factor and leveraging technology gets us closer to our strength in unity. As always internet for all, accessible and open source.


    5. Gender Equality
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
    12. Responsible Production and Consumption

    Targets: The pedagogy of human innovation and evolution is intertwined and history is a window of accessing this wealth of culture, Our proposal challenges the knowledge and skills to improve education and its quality how it has improved to impact labor and industry, the digital economy is intertwined with modern markets and participation our session dissects the elements in a relativistic history point of view to build and safeguard better connectivity, this is archived on how inclusion has brought people hence we advocate for Gender equality to diverse action, reducing inequalities and bringing more people connected by support of previous ecosystems navigating better means to of creating informed and digital savvy population, that consumes better sustainable digital products with less emissions and better progressive communal agendas that support innovation, with accesses to the infrastructure of connected reasoning, our session is framed on using the blueprint of SDGs as we approach 2030 a critical juncture in our timeline by reminding us the youth and other Netizens what it took and what we can do to achieve an internet for all, Development for all people of earth.


    This is a narrative dialogue between speakers and participants discussing what was before connectivity and what's beyond it, From the days of the Arpanet connecting academia and the technical community to the birth of web to blockchain, decentralised platforms, digital democracies and cyber warfare. Our goal is to use the experiences and guidance of our esteemed panelists dissecting how connectivity varies in its factors, from access to infrastructure or access to digital rights. Participants will share their experiences as well as we dissect the importance of connectivity meaningfully, safely. Lessons from the past, reasoned with digital citizens of the presence shaping a safer, equal and global internet that improves the human condition and sustains the emerging technologies generation.
    We invite authentic voices once again, this edition we are home in Africa and our deep ties to the passion of connectivity, it’s maturity as an operational ecosystem that has challenged the superstructure and fabric of human connections via leveraging technology.

    Expected Outcomes

    A kindred reminder and renewed sense of inspiration and dutiful obligation among participants on shaping the direction of the internet, this inspiration will be collected and curated as action messages as with potent call to actions as we remember where we came from to where the internet needs to be
    A sensitisation and mobilisation campaign on safeguarding the internet with its pillars of openness, decentralisation, end to end interoperability as it relates to ages of encryption, blockchain decentralisation and open source development and society across the network and social platforms.

    Recommendation insights on the potency of personal agencies in the revolution of the superstructure institution of internet governance as narrated by the multi-stakeholder youth.

    Hybrid Format: Post-pandemic we are figuring how to ensure meaningful connectivity by equal online and onsite participation is ensured as we have seen ti has brought empowered inclusive use, with the Covid boost and more. Life online is inevitable, its a day to day reality. We are effective use of social media, polling tools and multimedia youthful presentation to achieve multi channels from live access, live reactions and dedicated online slots for audiences cooperation.
    Access is potent and translation and accessibility tools present on Zoom to have audio and text readily present for all groups of people, our team is diverse and open ended in its decentralised and equal nature to support inclusion.

    Online Participation

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