Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
Governing Digital Economy
Harmonising Global Digital Infrastructure
Role of IGF
Latin American and Caribbean Top-Level Domains (LACTLD) The Internet Addresses Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC) Center for the Study of Technology and Society (CETyS)
Federica Tortorella, LACTLD, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) Rocío de la Fuente, LACTLD, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) María Fernanda Martínez, Center for the Study of Technology and Society (CETyS), Academia, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) Carolina Aguerre, Center for the Study of Technology and Society (CETyS) and Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Academia, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) Paula Oteguy, LACNIC, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Leaders and managers from organizations related to the Internet ecosystem across Latin America and the Caribbean are expected to participate in the session, guaranteeing the diversity of speakers and stakeholders. Therefore, we might count with speakers from some of the following organizations: LACNIC, CETyS, LACTLD, ALAI, LAC ISP, Internet Society LAC, ICANN LAC, LAC-IX, Derechos Digitales, South School of Internet Governance (SSIG), ASIET, CTU, LACNOG, IDD LAC, RedClara, IPANDETEC, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Access Now, CARIBNOG.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Targets: This session aims to promote the exchange of information about Internet development in the region and to facilitate collaboration between stakeholders. Therefore, it fosters the creation of synergies to continue contributing at the regional level on issues such as the DNS industry, digital economy and infrastructure, also encouraging the participation of academia in the discussion.
IGF 2023 Pre-event. The session will have two parts. The first part will be dedicated to learn about the advances and projects developed by different organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Subsequently, the second part will offer a workshop where researchers can disseminate the progress and objectives of their ongoing or recently completed research projects. Each part of the session will have time for questions and answers.
The IGF LAC Space, in its seventh edition, will continue to bring together a wide range of organizations, stakeholders and researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean in order to learn about the progress and achievements of recent years, as well as the projects and challenges of the time to come. Participants will address Internet governance from a Latin American and Caribbean perspective, commenting on how their projects have contributed to economic and social inclusion, advanced human rights and ensured universal access. The session will also be dedicated to presenting and discussing research papers that have addressed the use, development, evolution and regulation of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean. The session will thus seek to foster informed discussion and new opportunities for regional collaboration.
Simultaneous translation will be available to ensure the active participation and inclusion of non English speakers. Moderators will promote a balance between audience participation online and onsite, applying strategies like reserving a slot for remote audiences questions or comments.
1. Key Policy Questions and related issues
The IGF LAC Space invited different organizations to share the projects, initiatives and research they have developed over the past year with a focus on the Latin American and Caribbean region, including impressions regarding the following question "Based on your organization's perspective, what challenges related to the management and evolution of the Internet in the region can you identify?". The session sought to foster discussion and new opportunities for regional collaboration. The second part of the session hosted researchers supported by LACNIC and CETyS who shared their recent research related to Internet governance in the regional sphere.
2. Summary of Issues Discussed
The organizations that participated in this edition of the IGF LAC Space shared the projects, initiatives and research they have undertaken over the past year and their answers to the suggested question. The session included representatives from the private sector, civil society, the technical community and academia.
Speakers talked about the work they have done from different approaches to tackle several issues, like meaningful connectivity, youth engagement, and access within the Latin American and Caribbean region. They highlighted the importance of strengthening the multistakeholder model and analyzing the evolution of the regulatory framework in the region, noting the attempts of passing new regulations in Latin American countries that negatively impact the development of the Internet and the digital economy in the region.
During the second part of the session, researchers supported by LACNIC and CETyS shared their projects and main findings. They addressed a wide range of topics like zero rating, regulatory challenges for the open Internet, and Internet access for indigenous communities.
The session once again brought together organizations from the Latin American and Caribbean Internet ecosystem to share new developments, exchange ideas and strengthen regional cooperation opportunities.
3. Final Speakers
Nigel Cassimire - CTU
Olga Cavalli - SSIG
Rodrigo de la Parra - ICANN
Juan Carlos Lara - Derechos Digitales
Alessia Zucchetti - LACNIC
María Fernanda Martínez -CETyS
Rocío de la Fuente - LACTLD
Ernesto Rodríguez- Vice Minister of Communications in Cuba
Emiliano Venier - Researcher
Germán López - Researcher
Daniela Cuspoca - Researcher
Pilar Huppi Lo Prete - Researcher
Daniel Triviño Cepeda - Researcher