IGF 2023 DC-Jobs Internet for All To Livelihood for All

    Monday, 9th October, 2023 (23:45 UTC) - Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (01:15 UTC)
    WS 11 – Room J
    Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs

    Other - 90 MinPanel Discussion and Interactive session with an audience like a town hall.


    The internet is important for everyone as it has revolutionized the way people communicate, share information, and conduct business globally. But there is an unequal distribution of access to technology and the Internet between different groups due to socioeconomic reasons, such as urban vs rural, developed vs. developing countries, and rich vs poor.

    As we all know how important the internet has become in the digital age, today, the priorities are improving tech infrastructure, accessibility and affordability of the Internet, digital literacy, and government policies, among others. All platforms just talk about theoretical aspects of the issue but this session will dig deep and focus on the solutions to how we can practically provide the Internet to everyone since everybody.


    1. Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chairman, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, IGF, Multilateral organization, Asia-Pacific
    2. Mr. Gunjan Sinha, Executive Chairman, MetricStream, Private Sector, United States


    1. Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chairman, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, IGF, Multilateral organization, Asia-Pacific
    2. Mr. Gunjan Sinha, Executive Chairman, MetricStream, Private Sector, United States
    3. Ms. Raashi Saxena, Co-chair, Internet Rights and Principles Coalition, Asia-Pacific Region
    4. Mr. Dino Cataldo Dell’Accio, Chief Information Officer, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF), Multilateral organization, United States
    5. Ms. Connie Man Hei Siu, Youth Envoy, ITU, Multilateral organization, Europe

    Onsite Moderator
    Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta
    Online Moderator
    Mr. Jithin Jimmy
    Saptarshi Gargari

    1. No Poverty, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 17. Partnerships for the Goals
    Targets: We, as DC- Internet & Jobs, believe the Internet holds the potential to provide jobs in the majority of sectors. At the 17th IGF, Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta launched a project titled CREATE (Collaborate to Realize Employment & Entrepreneurship for All through Technology Ecosystem). It’s time to leverage technology to provide a livelihood for all. This project will provide sectoral roadmaps and at 18th IGF, we will be presenting a blueprint of the project which will set the agenda of the session. Creating jobs directly leads to economic growth through innovation, increased consumer spending, increased productivity, and increased tax revenue, among others. Generating employment has other societal benefits like reduced inequality in many aspects and improved digital connectivity will lessen the digital divide that persists in the world.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Internet for All is a must have for providing internet access to 2.6 billion people left out of the internet
    - We need to converge probabilistic technology (Artificial Intelligence) and Deterministic technology (Block chain) to leverage the full potential for jobs and to build trust. - Internet etiquette needs to be created.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    We need to create a business model for ensuring viability of the business on providing internet for all and we must accomplish this before the end of this decade
    We have to an engaging model for providing financial and digital literacy for all
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    The session started with the session Chairman, Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chair of Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, unveiling the Project CREATE and demonstrating how technology can be used to create livelihoods by leveraging the technology ecosystem. 

    This was followed by a panel discussion amongst the distinguished panelists and from those in the audience. 


    Internet for All to Livelihood for All

    Session by DC-Jobs

    Key Takeaways - Speaker Wise

    Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta

    • Not having the internet is worse than being physically/mentally handicapped.
    • At the current speed at which the internet is reaching people, it will take 25 years more for the internet to reach everyone.
    • People should be at the center of all we do.
    • We must choose between a small number of large companies and a large number of small ones. However, there is room for everyone to co-exist.
    • 2.6 billion people don’t have access to the internet at all.
    • Ensure internet for all to give livelihoods for all.
    • Tech-enabled ecosystem needs to be developed to achieve this.
    • We need to create financial and digital literacy to achieve this goal.
    • Can the internet for all be a reality?
      • 2.6 billion people will add immensely to the economy.
      • It is not about productivity or profits; it is about people.
      • The Internet can be made freely accessible:
        • Advertisement-based - completely free.
        • Subscription - ad-free for a payment who can afford it.
    • LMICs should be the Centre of action, not just footnotes at international forums. They still are aid seekers, and we must make them growth creators through Project CREATE.
    • For some, it is not about 5G or 6G but just access to some basic internet service.
    • We need to converge probabilistic technology (Artificial Intelligence) and Deterministic technology (Blockchain) to leverage the full potential for jobs and to build trust.
    • Internet etiquette needs to be created.

    Mr. Dino Cataldo DELL’ACCIO

    • Before considering technology's risks and benefits, we need to think about accessibility.
    • To get access, you need to be recognized.
    • Affordability is the next step after accessibility.
    • Blockchain has played a major role in making technology accessible and affordable.
    • The issue of security and privacy is also very important to focus on.
    • Blockchain is a new form of social contract.
    • If developed with enough guardrails, technology can be a game changer for all.
    • AI is probabilistic and Blockchain is deterministic. Blockchain can be used to create a trustworthy data source, which can then be fed to AI Models. This is how both things can work together. 
    • We need to identify what each individual needs by using blockchain and AI.
    • We need to be more granular and have a more human-centric approach.
    • We need to identify the common denominators and common systemic issues to tackle this issue.

    Mr. Gunjan Sinha

    • The Internet is going through a revolution and an evolution thanks to AI.
    • AI should not create billions for a few but create billions of jobs.
    • Recommendations
      • Action-oriented - digital literacy and financial literacy as in Project CREATE. We need to learn from the Big Techs - they know the psychology of internet users. Users are getting addicted to the internet. We should consider how learning can be made addictive, just like social media. Learning should be more instant.
    • On one axis is accessibility, and on the other is how to make learning on the internet an addictive thing.
    • Making the internet addictive for good (Using gamification). Byte-sized content for learning.
    • Common people need to be addicted to learning via the Internet. If everyone learns about blockchain and AI, a lot can be achieved.
    • AI can be used to tailor content and make it personalized for every user.
    • The top 500 universities must contribute an amount towards Universal Literacy at scale. It is their civic responsibility.

    Ms. Connie Man Hei Siu

    • There exists a major digital divide.
    • Technology has the potential to reach remote areas. Which can make the dream of giving access to the internet achievable.
    • Economic barriers can hinder the process of making the Internet accessible to all.
    • There are various other complex issues - cybersecurity, data privacy, etc.
    • Youth organizations can play a major role in making this dream a reality,

    Ms. Shawnna Hoffman

    • The gig economy and freelancing have created a lot of jobs during COVID-19.
    • In Kenya, many people have used the internet to create online stores to sell their products.
    • Remote working has been a great opportunity for many.
    • AI can really transform based on what the person needs.

    Mr. T.B. Dinesh

    • The idea of content access has not progressed.
    • People don’t know how to navigate the internet even if they have access.
    • How to make the internet accessible by using technology for low literates.
    • Web annotation is a simple process that can be enabled to make content more accessible.
    • Annotations can be audio or visual, like pictures or video. It can be linked to the textual content to make it more understandable. Anyone can do it.
    • We need to see the significance of community-based internet or mesh networks.
    • We are at the point of time where everyone can self-publish.


    The session ended with a call to

    1. Host the Jobs Summit in mid-2024 and focus on how to create Livelihoods for all

    2) To develop a sustainable model for 'Internet for All'. 

    3) Create 'Internet Etiquette'.