IGF 2023 Launch / Award Event #144 (Re)-Building Trust Online: A Call to Action

    Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (23:30 UTC) - Monday, 9th October, 2023 (00:30 UTC)
    WS 6 – Room E

    Data Governance & Trust
    Big Data Architecture, Usage and Governance
    Cross-border Data Flows and Trust
    Data Privacy and Protection

    Action Coalition on Trustworthy Information Online
    - Giovana Fleck (Global Voices): [email protected] - Ivan Sigal (Global Voices): [email protected] - Setu Bandh Upadhyay (Global Voices): [email protected] - Mia Møhring Larsen (Denmark): [email protected] - Costanza Sciubba Caniglia (Wikimedia): [email protected] - Rebecca MacKinnon (Wikimedia): [email protected] - Richard Gaines (Wikimedia): [email protected] - Sam Gregory (Witness): [email protected] - Raquel Vazquez Llorente (Witness): [email protected] - Eric Loeb (Salesforce): [email protected] - Nikole Farler (FOC SU): [email protected]

    • Jan Gerlach (Wikimedia)
    • Ivan Sigal (Global Voices)
    • Klara Therese Christensen (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark | Office of Denmark's Tech Ambassador) 
    • Alisson Peters (Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the U.S. Department of State)
    Onsite Moderator
    Elonnai Hickok (Global Network Initiative)
    Online Moderator
    Setu Bandh Upadhyay (Global Voices): [email protected]
    Giovana Fleck (Global Voices): [email protected]


    Targets: Our proposal seeks to advance the discussion around international regulations aligned with goal 16, promoting and enforcing non-discriminatory laws and policies that include diverse perspectives. The planned speakers will represent ideas that have converted into recorded impact in advancing peace, justice, and strengthening democratic institutions inside the digital rights ecosystem.


    The launch will be organized in the format of a discussion. We will have printed copies of a summary of the recommendations for each audience member attending in person and a digital copy for those who join virtually. The first 30 minutes will be dedicated to debating the recommendations between our speakers, with the other half of the event reserved for audience participation. From this gathering, we want to advance the proposed ideas by the Action Coalition, so a Miro Board link will be shared with all participants to maintain a live environment to share ideas and connect the participants. Our online moderator will mediate this space.

    Duration (minutes)

    The Action Coalition on Trustworthy Information Online is a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Wikimedia, Witness, Global Voices, and Salesforce. It aims to develop and advocate for strategies and policies that strengthen constructive and trustworthy online information. The coalition focuses on policy solutions to increase information integrity online. Technology is a significant source of societal transformation in promoting human rights, bringing people closer to the decisions that influence their lives, and making democratic institutions more robust and responsive. Yet online, expectations and aspirations for democracy have not fully been met. Digital technologies increasingly offer tools and channels for severe threats to democracies globally and our democratic practices. In this session, the Action Coalition will present recommendations to identify political, regulatory, and technical approaches to enabling and protecting human rights to create, collect, share, and access trustworthy information. We will discuss how to advocate for better regulation in multiple jurisdictions. From members of the Coalition, we will hear about the importance of encouraging policymakers to understand community-based models for information creation and sharing, citizen journalism, and non-profit public interest journalism rooted in local communities. The recommendations set priorities for action by offering specific and actionable policies focusing on community-based models and putting forward concrete proposals for a healthier global information ecosystem. Participants will have access to the Action Coalition's call for action and the possibility to get involved further after the launch of the recommendations.

    The onsite moderator will ensure that speakers keep the airtime balanced between in-person and online speakers and attendees and facilitate the speaker's interactions with each other online and in person. The debate will be structured, discussed, and planned to ensure smooth transitions and make it easier for both audiences to follow along. The Q&A will take into account questions from both live and online audiences. We will also have a live Miro board with key takeaways for a live interaction that can be accessed during the discussion.

    Two Main Takeaways from the session:


    • Importance of Collaboration and Participation: The conversation emphasized the need for diverse perspectives and active participation from various stakeholders, including governments, civil society, and private sector entities, to address challenges related to online information integrity. Collaboration and coordination are crucial in creating effective regulations and standards.


    • Balancing Regulation and Freedom: There's a delicate balance between regulating online spaces to ensure trustworthiness of information and preserving freedom of expression. Striking this balance requires nuanced approaches involving multi-stakeholder engagement, open dialogue, and understanding the complexities of global information ecosystems.


    Two Call to Action Points:


    • Active Participation and Education: Individuals and organizations are encouraged to actively participate in online communities and platforms to understand the complexities of the digital space better. Education and awareness are key in empowering people to discern trustworthy information and contribute to maintaining reliable online resources.


    • Advocacy for Inclusive Regulation: Governments and international bodies are urged to develop inclusive regulations, respecting the diversity of voices globally. Regulation should be informed by active dialogue, involving not just policymakers but also representatives from civil society and various communities. Advocacy efforts should focus on promoting regulations that support a trustworthy global information ecosystem while safeguarding freedom of expression.