IGF 2023 Town Hall #25 Let’s design the next Global Dialogue on Ai & Metaverses

    Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (03:00 UTC) - Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (04:00 UTC)
    WS 9 – Room C-2

    Blockchain, Digital Assets & Web 3-based Ecosystems
    Future & Sustainable Work in the World of Generative AI

    Break-out Group Discussions - 60 Min


    We invite you to be part of a cocreation moment during which we shape the foundation of the next cycle of “We, the internet” – the Global Citizens’ Dialogue on AI & Metaverses. This exclusive session invites experts, policymakers, stakeholders like you to collaborate and define the vision, goals, and structure of this long-awaited dialogue. Your insights will shape the guidelines that ensure strong deliberations among thousands of everyday citizens from all continents and backgrounds. Together with them, we will craft a roadmap for an Internet governance where deliberation and inclusion can empower humanity. Don't miss this unique opportunity to co-design the future of an Internet that REALLY empowers all people!

    1)During the hybrid session, we will bring the same moderation approach that has been successful in our hybrid citizens' dialogues over the past two years. Our goal is to foster an inclusive, bottom-up discussion, where participants actively participate. To achieve this, we'll have a dynamic duo of moderators—an onsite and an online moderator—who are familiar with each other and have been working seamlessly together since 2020. There will also be a discussion in a sub-group onsite in parallel to a discussion with a group online, which will then be summarized in the “plenary” room for everyone to hear and react to. 2)After each session part (lasting 15 minutes), the onsite moderator will check in with the online moderator for any reactions from the virtual audience. If there are responses, the online moderator will ensure lively engagement, and they may intervene to highlight noteworthy remarks from the chat. Our session design revolves around participant interaction—we'll frequently encourage reactions and solicit thoughts on the topics presented. To maintain a high level of engagement, we'll avoid lengthy or overly detailed presentations. 3)While we typically use tools like Miro boards as icebreakers to engage participants, we acknowledge that for extended online sessions, it's often best to be direct and concise, focusing on the essence rather than relying heavily on additional tools. Our priority is to create an energizing and impactful experience that maximizes collaboration and keeps everyone's attention sharp.


    🔒Missions Publiques
    - Antoine Vergne, Missions Publiques, civil society organisation, Europe - Desiree Miloshevic Evans, ISOC Serbia, civil society organisation, Europe - Raashi Saxena, Scientific Committee Member of the WTI project, Asia Pacific - Noha Ashraf, ISOC Egypt, Pan-African Youth Ambassadors, - Juliana Harsianti Global Voices Indonesia, Asia Pacific


    - Antoine Vergne, Missions Publiques, civil society organisation, WEOG - Desiree Miloshevic Evans : ISOC Serbia, civil society organisation, Eastern Europe - Raashi Saxena, Scientific Committee Member of the WTI project, and Co-chair, Internet Rights Principles Coalition (IRPC) Strategy Consultant & Trainer - Accessibility Lab, Asia Pacific - Noha Ashraf, ISOC Egypt, Pan-African Youth Ambassadors, Egypt - Juliana Harsianti Global Voices Indonesia, Asia Pacific - Roberto Zambrana, ISOC Bolivia, GRULAC - Maria Tazi, Missions Publiques, civil society organisation, WEOG

    Onsite Moderator
    Raashi Saxena
    Online Moderator
    Antoine Vergne
    Maria Tazi

    4. Quality Education
    5. Gender Equality
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: Our global and decentralised approach responds to the real needs of the communities concerned. In this sense, we participate in the implementation of SDGs 16 and 17 primarely, but also, 10, 4, 5 and 9.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Citizens' Dialogues must involve programmers, developers, and algorithm makers into the discussion as participants of the dialogue. having the people that use the technology and the people who make the technology in the dialogue together is paramount and to explore the trade-offs in AI and metaverses.
    Decentralization is key in the process of a global citizens' Dialogue: uniformity on the global topic while decentralized deliberations locally all over the world. For inclusion purposes to bring vulnerable and marginalized communities on board in present, and for content purposes to explore the global issue at scale but also the local and regional issues.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The next global citizens' dialogue on AI is an open process: whoever wants to join the conversation, engage with the organizing team to advise take part in the impact committee, scientific committee or support the fundraising process is more than welcome to do so. Contact: [email protected]
    Go to wetheinternet.org to learn more on the 2017 - 2020 Global Citizens' Dialogue on the future of internet governance #wetheinternet