IGF 2023 Town Hall #63 Impact the Future - Compassion AI

    Thursday, 12th October, 2023 (02:00 UTC) - Thursday, 12th October, 2023 (03:30 UTC)
    WS 8 – Room C-1

    Future & Sustainable Work in the World of Generative AI

    Panel - 90 Min


    With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the use of generative communication technologies is becoming increasingly common. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with each other and our devices. By engaging participants interactively and mutually they can revolutionize the way to shape and frame AI systems under the Compassion AI principles. However, with this innovation comes a sense of fear and uncertainty about the impact of this technology on our society and internet communication. Our panel focuses on addressing concerns and fears associated with the use of generative communication technologies within the context of Compassion AI. The panel aims to explore the potential ethical and social implications of these technologies and discuss strategies for mitigating any negative consequences. Experts in the field will examine the challenges and risks posed by generative communication technologies, such as the potential for misinformation, deepfakes, and manipulation. They will delve into the importance of incorporating compassion and empathy in the development and deployment of these technologies to ensure ethical and responsible use. The panel will also explore ways to build trust and transparency in generative communication technologies, promoting open dialogue between developers, users, and society at large. By addressing fears and concerns, the panel seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the potential benefits and risks associated with Compassion AI, leading to informed decision-making and responsible development of these technologies. In this panel, in addition to discussions by global experts, we will witness real action - the announcement of the results of the first 'Join the rebels! Impact the future', run jointly between Global Artificial Intelligence Association GAIA (non-for-profit NGO) and its unique global network of experts engaged in the Virtual Florence format. Join us for an insightful conversation on the future of generative communication technologies and their role in shaping the development of Compassion AI - dealing with fears about information technology.

    To facilitate interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees, we will employ a combination of technological solutions and event management strategies. We will designate a dedicated moderator to ensure equal participation and effective communication between both groups. The moderator will manage the flow of the discussion, coordinate questions and comments from both onsite and online attendees, and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. Designing the session to ensure the best possible experience for both online and onsite participants is crucial. We will strive to create an inclusive and engaging environment for all attendees. To achieve this, we will ensure that both onsite and online speakers have equal opportunities to share their insights and perspectives. The session will be structured in a way that allows for active participation from both groups, with designated time slots for questions, comments, and discussions. Visual aids, such as slides or presentations, will be displayed on screens for both onsite and online participants to enhance understanding and engagement. In order to increase participation and interaction during the session, we plan to leverage complementary online tools and platforms. One such tool could be a live chat feature that allows online attendees to ask questions, share comments, and engage in discussions in real-time. This will provide an additional avenue for interaction and enable a more inclusive experience for all participants, regardless of their physical location. We may also consider utilizing polling or survey tools to gather feedback and opinions from both onsite and online attendees, fostering a sense of active involvement and collaboration. Overall, our aim is to create a seamless and inclusive experience for both onsite and online participants by employing appropriate technology, effective moderation, and interactive tools. By maximizing engagement and ensuring equal opportunities for contribution, we can foster a dynamic and enriching discussion on the fears of generative communication technologies throughout Compassion AI.


    Robert Kroplewski; Global Artificial Intelligence Association; Eastern European Group

    David Hanson; Hanson Robotics Ltd.; Asia-Pacific Group 

    Marko Grobelnik; Artificial Intelligence Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute, Eastern European Group

    Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem; University of Pretoria; African Group

    Edward Pyrek; iMind Institute; Eastern European Group

    Damian Ciachorowski; GAIA Foundation; Eastern European Group

    Tom Eddington; Humanity Raising, USA

    Marc Buckley; SDG Advocate, USA

    • Robert Kroplewski, Ministry of Digitalization Poland, Eastern European Group
    • David Hanson; Hanson Robotics Ltd.; Asia-Pacific Group
    • Marko Grobelnik; Artificial Intelligence Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute, Eastern European Group
    • Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem; University of Pretoria; African Group
    • Tom Eddington; Humanity Raising; USA
    • Marc Buckley, UN SDG Ambassador, USA
    • Edward Pyrek, GAIA Foundation
    Onsite Moderator
    Robert Kroplewski, GAIA Foundation, Eastern European Group
    Online Moderator
    Damian Ciachorowski, GAIA Foundation, Eastern European Group
    Damian Ciachorowski, GAIA Foundation, Eastern European Group


    Targets: Working on the concept of Compassion AI is important from the perspective of advancing the following sustainable development goals: Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction, and management of national and global health risks: Compassion AI can support swift and effective responses to health crises by providing information and analysis needed for decision-making on preventive measures, treatment, and risk management. By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States: Compassion AI can support teacher training by providing tools and educational materials, as well as assisting in monitoring progress in teaching and learning. Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women: Compassion AI can support the creation and development of applications and tools that aid in the empowerment of women by providing information, emotional support, and other resources necessary for equal participation in society. By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature: Compassion AI can deliver information, education, and tools that foster societal awareness of sustainable development, ecology, and ecosystems. Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth, and local and marginalized communities: Compassion AI can support these efforts by providing information, data analysis, and tools that assist in planning and managing climate-related risks. Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development: Compassion AI can support actions for equality and non-discrimination by providing tools and data for monitoring and enforcing such laws and policies. Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements: Compassion AI can support access to information, democracy, and freedom of speech by assisting in gathering, analyzing, and delivering information to society. Enhance North-South, South-South, and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology, and innovation, and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism: Compassion AI can serve as a tool for knowledge and innovation exchange, supporting cooperation and technology transfer on favorable terms for all parties. Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development: Compassion AI can assist in coordinating the actions of different stakeholders, including governments, the private sector, and civil society, to achieve coherence and synergy in approaches to sustainable development. Encourage and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships: Compassion AI can contribute to the creation and support of such partnerships by providing data analysis, decision support, and coordination of actions.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The Compassion AI approach is the appreciation of humans’ and any beings’ lives in the state of oneness in diversity. Compassion AI is feasible to technically design and operationalize. We need positive liberty, positive actors and intercultural exchange to shift fears into compassion in the life cycle of AI. SDGs to be revised by including the technological and compassion approach to enable individuals to be resilient.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    It is needed to make a revision of the SDG Agenda to prioritize in it: UNESCO recommendation for Ethics on AI and wellbeing society as also empowering resilience of individuals. In parallel building AI Guardians society is needed to frame the Compassion AI Bridge Charter.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    Robert Kroplewski, a key figure in AI policy, opened a town hall panel to delve into Compassion AI, highlighting the need for ethical frameworks in AI development. He introduced a panel of global experts, both in-person and online, from various sectors, including Hanson Robotics and the GAIA Foundation. The session aimed to bridge the gap between ethical aspirations and the practical implementation of AI, with a focus on creating a balanced ecosystem. International efforts, legal frameworks, and policy recommendations were discussed, emphasizing the importance of a compassionate and inclusive approach to AI. The panel also addressed the challenges and disparities in access to knowledge and resources, advocating for a more equitable and responsible AI landscape. The goal was to foster an environment that benefits both humanity and the planet, ensuring the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies.


    The speaker emphasizes the critical juncture humanity is at regarding AI development, urging careful decision-making to avoid past mistakes made during the internet's inception. They advocate for a global, ethical AI, acknowledging the challenges posed by cultural and religious diversities but highlighting compassion as a universal value. The Global Artificial Intelligence Alliance (GAIA) was formed to champion decentralized, compassion-based AI, introduced to the public in 2021. The speaker also introduces the Virtual Florence initiative, a multidisciplinary group of experts working together to shape the future of AI. They stress the importance of addressing the prevalent fear of AI and the future, aiming to teach compassion to both humans and AI through developed models and tools. The speaker criticizes the often superficial discussions at conferences, emphasizing the need for tangible products, impactful actions, and the upcoming AI Impact Summit in Salzburg in March 2024. They highlight the potential of AI in solving global issues, provided it is decentralized and compassion-based. The speaker also introduces the GAIA Guardians platform, aiming to unite individuals towards creating decentralized AI, and emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts from all societal levels to truly impact AI's future.

    Three Most Important Takeaways:

    1. Urgency and Responsibility in AI Development: We are at a crucial point in AI development, and careful, ethical decision-making is paramount to avoid repeating past mistakes and ensure a positive impact on society.

    2. Compassion as a Universal Value for AI: Despite the diversity in cultural and religious beliefs, compassion is identified as a common thread, essential for the development of a global, ethical AI framework.

    3. Multidisciplinary Collaboration and Addressing Fear: The future of AI should be shaped collaboratively by experts from various fields, not just IT professionals. Addressing and working with the prevalent fear of AI is crucial in teaching compassion and ensuring responsible development. Additionally, tangible actions and impactful initiatives, such as the AI Impact Summit and the Gaia Guardians platform, are vital for creating a decentralized, compassion-based AI future.


    The speaker delves into the significance of AI technology, its rapid advancement, and its potential impacts on human agency and autonomy. They emphasize the need for human-centered technology and highlight the dual nature of AI, having immense potential for both good and harm. The UNESCO recommendation on AI ethics is presented as a global instrument aiming to address these challenges, promote responsible governance, and reduce inequality. The recommendation outlines values, principles, and policy actions to guide stakeholders towards ethical AI development, emphasizing inclusion, gender equality, and environmental protection. The speaker introduces the concept of compassionate AI, linking it to positive liberty and the capability approach, advocating for ethical entitlements that enable human flourishing and establish AI ethics as a dynamic mediator between technology and humanity.

    Three Most Important Takeaways:

    1. Rapid Advancement and Dual Nature of AI: AI technology is advancing quickly, impacting all facets of human life. It has the potential to both significantly benefit and harm society, necessitating careful consideration and ethical guidelines to maximize its positive impacts and minimize potential harms.

    2. UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics: This global instrument provides comprehensive guidelines, values, principles, and policy actions to ensure responsible AI development and governance. It emphasizes the importance of inclusion, gender equality, environmental protection, and international cooperation.

    3. Compassionate AI and Positive Liberty: The speaker introduces compassionate AI, linking it to the concept of positive liberty and the capability approach. Ethical entitlements are necessary to enable human flourishing and establish AI ethics as a mediator between technology and humanity, translating abstract principles into actionable duties for all AI actors.


    The speaker discusses the profound impact of AI on human lives, emphasizing its potential to both understand and enhance human existence. AI, being bio-inspired and capable of uncovering hidden patterns in human data, may one day be considered sentient and deserving of respect. The rapid advancements in AI, particularly in the corporate sector, have led to transformative discoveries, such as DeepMind's AlphaFold, which has revolutionized the biosciences. The speaker highlights the interplay between academia, policy, and the corporate sector in advancing AI technology. They define compassion simply as the appreciation of life in all its forms and interdependencies, drawing parallels between this concept and the development of AI. The speaker urges for the creation of technologies that enhance human caring and compassion, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that considers long-term sustainability and the well-being of future generations. They pose a critical question on how different sectors can collaboratively work towards developing AI technologies that serve the greater good and promote compassionate interactions.

    Three Most Important Takeaways:

    1. Bio-Inspired AI and Sentience: The speaker highlights the bio-inspired nature of AI and its potential to become sentient, autonomous beings deserving of respect. This notion challenges our current understanding and interaction with AI, urging us to consider the ethical implications of such advancements.

    2. Transformative Discoveries and Corporate Advancements: The rapid advancements in AI, particularly in the corporate sector, have led to transformative discoveries, such as contribution to understanding human proteins. These advancements underscore the potential of AI to revolutionize various fields and improve human understanding of life.

    3. Compassion as a Core Value in AI Development: The speaker defines compassion as the appreciation of life in all its diversity and interdependencies. They emphasize the need for AI technologies to enhance human caring and compassion, urging for collaborative efforts across sectors to develop AI that serves the greater good and promotes compassionate interactions.


    The speaker reflects on the pivotal moment in human history marked by the advent of AI and emerging technologies, drawing parallels with past technological transformations that ushered in new epochs. They emphasize the need for humanity to transition from the Anthropocene to a new era, highlighting the role of AI in guiding this transformation with compassion, ethics, and accumulated human wisdom. The speaker points out the unique global collaboration represented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), describing them as an unprecedented Earth shot initiative agreed upon by 197 countries. However, they also identify challenges, such as the lack of collective intelligence and AI to consolidate knowledge and mediate between diverse perspectives. The speaker raises concerns about the domestication of technology versus human beings and the sacrifices humanity might make for technology. They underscore the potential of AI to exponentially drive progress towards the SDGs, emphasizing the associated new ecological economic model, which requires significant financial investment. The speaker concludes by aligning with previous thoughts on the importance of approaching these challenges and opportunities ethically and effectively to achieve the SDGs in the shortest possible time.

    Three Most Important Takeaways:

    1. AI as a Guiding Force for a New Epoch: The speaker highlights the critical role of AI and emerging technologies in guiding humanity towards a new age, emphasizing the need for compassion, ethics, and the integration of accumulated human wisdom to avoid repeating past mistakes.

    2. Global Collaboration and Sustainable Development Goals: The speaker points out the unique and unprecedented global collaboration represented by the SDGs, describing them as a collective moonshot for humanity. However, they also highlight the challenges posed by the lack of collective intelligence and AI to mediate and guide these efforts.

    3. New Ecological Economic Model and AI’s Role: The speaker introduces the SDGs as a new ecological economic model, requiring significant financial investment and ethical consideration. They emphasize AI’s potential to exponentially drive progress towards these goals, ensuring that the approach is aligned with ethical standards and effective strategies.


    The speaker draws a parallel between the current state of AI development and the mythological moment when Prometheus brought fire to humanity, emphasizing the transformative yet risky nature of AI. They highlight the nascent stage of AI in business, pointing out that while billions are being invested and business models are still being defined, the primary focus remains on commercialization and profit-making. The speaker warns that this narrow perspective could lead to negative consequences similar to those observed in climate change, urging for a more foresighted and ethical approach. The speaker emphasizes the need for guiding frameworks, such as an AI charter, to inform business decision-making and model creation, ensuring that the development and deployment of AI technologies align with ethical standards and consider their impact on humanity. They suggest looking to various models, including public health, virology, WarGames, and cybersecurity, to understand and mitigate the potential risks associated with AI. The speaker concludes by highlighting the urgency of mastering our ethics and self-discipline to manage AI's uses responsibly, ensuring that the technology fulfills its promises without posing undue risks.

    Three Most Important Takeaways:

    1. Transformation and Risk in AI Development: The speaker underscores the transformative potential of AI, comparing it to Prometheus bringing fire to humanity, while also highlighting the associated risks and the need for careful and ethical management.

    2. Commercialization Focus and Need for Ethical Guidance: The speaker criticizes the current business focus on AI commercialization and profit-making, advocating for a broader perspective that includes ethical considerations and the potential impact on humanity. They call for the development of guiding frameworks, such as an AI charter, to inform business models and decision-making.

    3. Urgency for Ethical Mastery and Responsible Management: The speaker emphasizes the need for industries and developers to adopt a mindset that prioritizes ethics and self-discipline in the development and deployment of AI technologies, ensuring responsible management and minimizing potential risks.


    The speaker provides a nuanced perspective on the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), drawing a parallel to the Prometheus moment in mythology. They highlight the challenges faced by regulators and the industry in adapting to the swift advancements, particularly after the significant "chat GPT moment" in late 2022. The speaker emphasizes the intense competition among tech giants and geopolitical entities, stressing the importance of balancing commercial interests with ethical considerations and societal values. They express optimism about the potential of AI to contribute to compassionate interactions and societal cohesion, advocating for a more philosophical and value-driven approach in the development and application of AI technologies.

    Three Most Important Takeaways:

    1. Rapid Advancements and Regulatory Challenges: The speaker underscores the challenges faced by regulators and the industry in keeping pace with the rapid advancements in AI. They point out the need for a balance between democratic and normative approaches to regulation, ensuring that AI develops in a way that is beneficial and safe for society.

    2. Commercialization and Geopolitical Competition: The intense competition among major tech companies and between geopolitical entities is highlighted as a significant aspect of the current AI landscape. The speaker stresses the importance of not losing sight of ethical considerations and societal values in the pursuit of commercial success and technological dominance.

    3. Potential for Compassionate AI: The speaker is optimistic about the capabilities of current AI technologies, particularly in text understanding and reasoning, as a foundation for developing compassionate AI. They advocate for integrating societal values and ethical considerations into AI systems, ensuring that they contribute positively to human interactions and societal cohesion.

    Questions and Answers:

    1. Guest 1:

      • Question: Raised concerns about defining compassion in AI, questioning the limits of compassionate actions and their implications on human development. Used the example of manipulating sheep genetics to cure human cancer to probe the boundaries of compassion.
      • Answer: David Hanson and Edi Pyrek responded, emphasizing the need to balance ethical considerations and the potential of AI to enhance human compassion. They suggested that AI could potentially lead to a higher understanding and implementation of compassion.
    2. Guest 2:

      • Question: Asked if the current level of compassion in AI is capped by human developers' compassion, particularly those with significant financial resources.
      • Answer: Marco Grobelnik acknowledged the influence of big tech companies but expressed optimism about the future and the potential for positive change.
    3. Guest 3:

      • Question: Inquired about including children's voices in the AI development process, especially considering the risks AI poses, such as generating child sexual abuse materials.
      • Answer: David Hanson highlighted the importance of strong guardianship and inclusive values to protect children and ensure their voices are heard.
    4. Guest 4:

      • Question: Questioned how to eliminate quarterly earning requirements for corporations, drawing a comparison with European countries.
      • Answer: Robert Kroplewski suggested a shift towards more responsible and trustworthy business practices.
    5. Guest 5:

      • Statement: Emphasized redefining intelligence as compassion and expressed optimism about the future of compassionate AI.
      • Response: The panel did not provide a direct answer but the statement added a valuable perspective to the discussion.
    6. Guest 6:

      • Statement: Stressed the need for intentional architecture of compassion in AI development.
      • Response: The panel acknowledged the statement, aligning with the call for intentional and ethical AI development.
    Different Points of View:
    • Ethical Considerations: There was a strong emphasis on ethical considerations in AI, with different speakers highlighting the need for balance, strong guardianship, and intentional development.

    • Compassion in AI: The definition and implementation of compassion in AI were central themes, with discussions on how to practically achieve compassionate AI and the potential benefits.
    • Influence of Big Tech: The role and influence of big tech companies in AI development were acknowledged, with varying opinions on the current state and future prospects.
    Key Findings:
    1. Need for Clear Definitions: The session highlighted the need for clear definitions and boundaries regarding compassion in AI, ensuring that ethical considerations are central to development.

    2. Importance of Inclusivity: The inclusion of diverse voices, particularly those of children, was emphasized as crucial in developing compassionate and ethical AI.

    3. Optimism for the Future: Despite the challenges and ethical dilemmas presented, there was a general sense of optimism about the potential of AI to contribute positively to society, provided that intentional and ethical development practices are followed.