IGF 2023 WS #250 The role of technology in ecologically balanced environment

    Sustainability & Environment
    Digital Technologies to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
    Existing and New Technologies as Climate Risks
    Existing and New Technologies as Climate Solutions
    Organizer 1: Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Organizer 2: Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Organizer 3: Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Organizer 4: Civil Society, African Group
    Organizer 5: Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 1: Rosanna Fanni, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Ábida Pereira, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Denise Leal, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 4: James Amattey, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 5: João Vitor Andrade, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Round Table - 60 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    A. How can the internet and technologies collaborate to maintain an ecologically balanced environment? B. Which kind of policies about technology and the internet could collaborate on the theme of environment protection? C. Is the existing regulation and treaties enough to protect the biotechnologies and the biodiversity from human predatory behaviors?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? Participants will gain understanding of the work done by youth-led initiatives, and access to a report, available on the GERN website, that summarizes the discussions, case analyses, and recommendations presented during the session; which will serve as a reference for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners involved in the field of environment and technology. The session is expected to raise awareness about the importance of technology accountability for environmental cases, highlighting the treaties, challenges and best practices in this context. Making concrete recommendations to improve policies, and exploring innovative solutions are also objectives. It is expected to stimulate the engagement of youth leaders, policymakers and platforms. At the end we will invite participants to review our work and discuss our proposals, while the output of this session will be shared with governments, international and non-governmental organizations.

    This session aims to delve into the role of technology in guaranteeing the right of future generations to an ecologically balanced environment. Researchers on Biodiversity and Biopiracy of South America who are part of the Natural Resources Law and Sustainable Development Research Group are going to power the debates with lots of innovative information about biotechnology and regulations. There are also youth speakers from Europe, Asia and Africa, who are going to delve into futurism aspects of environment and technology. To set the context, the discussion will begin with the exploration of Addis Ababa Messages from IGF 2022 pertinent to Sustainability and Environment. Our young panelists, leading the change in their respective domains, will discuss the current state of regulation in their regions, and the instrumental role youth are playing towards progression, they will delve into the repercussions of Sustainability challenges on internet governance, and the role of technology in guaranteeing the right of future generations to an ecologically balanced environment. The debates will proceed into the existence of treaties and legislation, discussing the fundamental role of technology as a potential compliance instrument. Besides, in some megadiverse countries, WIPO (2022) studies show few patent registrations such as 30 thousand while in others, the registrations mark reaches almost a million, what could lead in such a different scenario? Our speakers will guide the session showing how the internet is the central pillar, in view of the complexity of the structure, being necessary the participation of technology companies, universities, search centers for development and regulation and international institutions, for a plan of evolution in the scenario of biotechnology and environmental protection. The result of the proposal is economic, social and educational transformation, and also the improvement of quality of life worldwide, empowering by the correct use of the internet and environment.
    Expected Outcomes
    Session Outcomes: A - Expanding the vision of the people present in relation to the role technology takes in guaranteeing the right of future generations to an ecologically balanced environment. B- Clarify what kind of technology and general investments it has to be made to reach the expected goals and understand what can come from this development scenario. Specific Outcomes: A- Report summarizing the session. It will be shared online with IGF participants and stakeholders. B- Compilation of best practices and case studies that present successful initiatives and approaches to promote inclusion and equity in the use of technology in the environment. This resource will be disseminated through online platforms. C- Follow-up event to continue the dialogue and build on the discussions and outcomes of the session. This event will provide opportunity for further collaboration, knowledge exchange, and development of concrete action plans to address the identified challenges.
    Hybrid Format: The session aims to facilitate a roundtable where participants will be part of the session itself. Tentative agenda: 5’: Introduction and background. The moderator explains how the session will take place and points out that attendees can ask questions by using the hand-raising option or in the chat (online), or by requesting the floor (onsite). 40’: The moderator introduces the policy issues and addresses the speakers with questions in a roundtable fashion. 10’: Open floor. The moderator invites all participants to take the floor either online or onsite. 5’: Key takeaways (rapporteur) and conclusions. The session is going to ensure interactions through a Q&A and comment section in the online application where the session will be taking place (e.g. Zoom). Both online and onsite moderators will make sure that the questions and comments are not overlooked through effective communication, but play an important role throughout the session