IGF 2023 WS #264 Why do we need a feminist Global Digital Compact?

    Human Rights & Freedoms
    Non-discrimination in the Digital Space
    Rights to Access and Information
    Organizer 1: Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Organizer 2: Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Organizer 3: Civil Society, Intergovernmental Organization
    Organizer 4: Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Organizer 5: Civil Society, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 1: Ivana Bartoletti, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Irene Mwendwa, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 3: Paula Martins, Civil Society, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 4: Amanda Manyame, Civil Society, African Group
    Other - 90 Min
    Format description: 90 minute session consisting of a 50 minute panel of speakers followed by a 40 minute participative audience discussion about the issues affecting women in their region. This can work with most room set-ups. We will need a table or podium for speakers. Chairs for up to 100 people. And ideally a room where there is a bit of space for participants to move around in the second half.
    Policy Question(s)
    How can the Global Digital Compact take into account the needs and aspirations of women? Why would a Global Digital Compact that is not gender sensitive be a failure?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? The participants will get insights into the particular issues affecting women and digital technology. And they will have a chance to tell the speakers, organisers and other participants what women need in their region to make the Global Digital Compact a success. And this feedback will be fed directly back into the Global Digital Compact process via Government and CSO advocates in the room.

    The Global Digital Compact won’t be a success if it doesn’t work for women. This workshop will bring together leading voices advocating for a Global Digital Compact which puts women at the center. They will explain why women are being so negatively impacted by digital technology; what needs to change; and how women need to be leading the development of new technology so that it works for them. The panel will be made up of the Government of Spain; leaders of feminist CSOs such as the Association of Progressive Communications; Pollicy and Equality Now; and renowned feminist author on AI, Ivana Bartoletti. This workshop will be an interactive session, with the question being posed to participants online and in the room: ‘name one thing that would make sure that the GDC is a success for women in your region’. The feedback from participants will help inform the advocacy strategies of both Alliance for Universal Digital Rights (AUDRi) and the Association of Progressive Communications (APC)
    Expected Outcomes
    Feedback from participants will be fed directly into the Global Digital Compact process via advocates in the room.
    Hybrid Format: The organisers will employ an experienced moderator who is used to facilitating inclusive and equitable discussions between people who are both in the room and online so that everyone can have their say. We’ll use the chatbox function to get written feedback from people joining online; as well as opening the floor to people in the room and online. We’ll also explore whether we can use a ‘jamboard’ where online participants can ‘post’ sticky notes, depending on what meeting platform the IGF are using. Women’s voices will be prioritised. And we will make sure that people joining online are invited to speak first, so that they are not disadvantaged by being online.