IGF 2023 WS #47 Metaverse and Child Sexual Abuse

    Organizer 1: Technical Community, Eastern European Group
    Organizer 2: Technical Community, Eastern European Group
    Organizer 3: Technical Community, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 1: Alessandra Tranquilli, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Elyse Lee, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Matthew McVarish, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Denton Howard, Civil Society, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 5: Oliwia Chojnacka, Technical Community, Eastern European Group
    Panel - 90 Min
    Policy Question(s)
    A. How are national and international laws applied in cyberspace in the context of eXtended Reality technology? B. What framework should be used by relevant stakeholders to work together to protect children in the Metaverse? C. What recommendations can be made at this stage, to guide the creation of the Metaverse concept in which children will be free from sexual violence?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? As the Metaverse will affect users' cyberspace of all kinds, it is our shared responsibility to guide the conceptualization process in a responsible and careful manner, with a particular focus on protecting the most vulnerable members of our society. In this context, the only way that statements available on the Meta site, such as "No company can build a metaverse alone..." or "Metaverse is not just for gamers or developers, will be for everyone", should be interpreted as: a company shouldn't build the metaverse alone - everyone should do it. Session attendees are expected to gain key insights that will enable them to take an active part in building the concept of the Metaverse in a variety of environments.

    The session will focus on the Metaverse as a new challenge for today's global society. Its main goal is to contribute to the global discussion on the future of eXtended Reality technologies and their implications for sexual and child sexual abuse. NASK conducted two types of research related to the subject of the session. According to their findings, the Metaverse may be attractive to child sex offenders. Moreover, preliminary observations related to practical experience indicate that disturbing behavior can be associated with the concept of the Metaverse. The agenda of the session will include presentations by representatives of various sectors: • INHOPE (the perspective of a global network of 52 hotlines fighting child sexual abuse material online • WeProtect Global Alliance (the perspective of a global movement of governments, companies and charities) • ZEPETO (industry perspective) • Brave Movement (the perspective of a victim-centred global movement fighting to end childhood sexual abuse) • National Research Institute in Poland (research perspective) – session moderator. The session agenda is also expected to feature a keynote address by Thorn CEO Mr. Ashton Kutcher. The participation of representatives of the Japanese hotline is being discussed.
    Expected Outcomes
    1. Good practices - developing good practices for creating and using extended Reality Technologies. 2. Recommendations for developers and for each industry related or affected to the Metaverse, technology and law. 3. Call for more specific research - in order to fully understand the technology and trends as well as possible threats that may be involved, it is necessary to conduct specific research on these spaces.
    Hybrid Format: Online participants will be an important part of the audience. Therefore, online and onsite moderators will cooperate to ensure that both online and onsite participants will have an equal opportunity to join the discussion with speakers and to ask them questions.