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>> KEISUKE KAMIMURA: Okay, we are ready. Let's get started. This is Launch and Award Event Number 100, IGF 2023 Kyoto, UN conference in internet governance.
This is a book launch event. We prepared the report booklet from the IGF 2023, last year in Kyoto. So this session is meant to present you with guidelines of this booklet and the activity that we had behind the publication.
My name is Keisuke Kamimura. I'm a professor at Daito Bunka University based in Tokyo, Japan, but today, I am speaking in the capacity of one of the members of the CFIEC, digital research, intergovernment research group. CFIEC stands for Center for International Cooperation.
At the end of the session, we have some free copies of this booklet, so if you are interested, please take one, take one for yourself.
I will be joined by Miss Kawauchi. She is the secretariat for the research group and she will give us a detailed outline of this booklet.
>> JUNKO KAWAUCHI: Hello. Can you hear me? Okay. So okay. I will explain about the report.
Japan hosted the IGF 2023 in Kyoto, last year in October. Actually, it was maybe we will, we won't host for many years in the future, so it was very important event for us. So we decided to make a report. And, actually, in Japan, not many people know about the IGF, so we want many Japanese people know about the IGF because IGF is very important for the digital society, so that is the objective of this report.
Actually, this report is a hard copy, full size and full color. See full color with the pictures, 219 pages. Published, takes a bit of time and we published it in September this year.
I will go to the next. This is the table of the contents. Actually, the report is only in Japanese, but I put the translation here. The first is the introduction and the next is about the IGF because many people don't know about the IGF itself, so we explained about IGF, the history and the WSIS in 2005 and 2006 in Tunis and Geneva, and also, we explain about the domestic activities related to IGF and the NRI's success. Also, we have five, six, members of this CFIEC IGF group members so we asked them to write about the IGF.
The third one is about the IGF 2023 in Kyoto. The overall outline is in the conference details and the outline of the sessions, and also, like the opening ceremony, high level leaders meeting, all the main sessions, NRIs, policy networks and overview by subthemes. Day zero workshops, town halls, open forums, something like that. And also the parliamentary track, leadership panel, best practice forums, dynamic coalition and something. We made a brief introduction of those sessions.
Also, it was held in Japan, so many Japanese organized sessions in 2023, so we asked those Japanese organizers to write a report about their sessions. Also, the youth sessions or the open taking stock and closing ceremony. That is the table of contents.
Actually, this is the details of the contents, so I will skip it.
And this is some pictures from the Kyoto 2023 IGF. Maybe if you attended the Kyoto IGF, you maybe remember some of the pictures. We had like fireworks, music night and, yeah, something like that. Other pictures, like the kimono costumes or the tea ceremony in Japanese, something like that.
So we made a hard copy. 700 hard copies printed. There are some here also. I don't know where. And also, it is available in the PDF format. You can find it, you can download it free from the website here. Actually, this is only in Japanese, so please note.
Also, we utilized this report for the school on Internet Governance webinar. We are planning to organize SIG webinar and use this report as a reference book, so that many, especially the young people, university students, college students, know about the IGF in Japan. It is important activity, we think.
This is the last. Actually, we organized the Japanese IGF in November in Tokyo and we distributed the hard copies there. Actually, the red circle, it is very small, but in the red circle, we put free copy there and many people took it, take it back if they like, yeah.
So we utilized this report for, we are thinking to utilize this report as much as possible so that the IGF's importance, we want Japanese people to know about the importance of IGF. Thank you very much.
Any questions?
>> KEISUKE KAMIMURA: Thank you. Let me add some comment to her presentation. This is not an official report by the Ministry of Information Affairs in Japan. This is more of a voluntary or unofficial report.
Why did we do this? Hello? Okay.
Why did we do this? Because we always have a problem when we try to encourage local Japanese community to be engaged in internet governance or local internet governance forum in Japan. We are always asked what the internet governance form is or what internet governance is about. We try to take keep the recording of the UN conference as much as detailed as possible so that when we try to encourage local Japanese community to be engaged in the internet governance dialogue, they will have a better understanding or better idea what the IGF is or what internet governance is about. So that's one thing.
And we also wanted other host countries to produce their version of reporting of the IGF that will be held locally so that we, so that will be, well, a good thing. So that's the reason why we did this.
I mentioned that we tried to be as precise as possible, but we did not mean to be fully precise because if you go to the IGF website, you will have a comprehensive reporting, recording of the IGF, of the meetings in the IGF. So we try to highlight what was discussed or what was important in the IGF 2023. That's the concept behind.
What else? And as I mentioned, this is not an official report, but we have some opening or introductory messages from the Ministry of Information Affairs, so in a way, we, this report demonstrates the collaboration or conversation between the Civil Society, business and industry, and the government, multistakeholder collaboration that is taking place in Japan, in Japan's internet governance context.
So this is my additional comment on this booklet. So if you have any comments or questions, at least feel free to do so.
Can you give the audience the microphone?
>> Thank you for the presentation. Can you hear me? I'm Tanaka, also from Tokyo, Japan. I joined Kyoto IGF in 2023. It's a very blessed event. I think that this event, there should be somebody thinking about introduce, invite IGF, their countries.
In this sense, this book is very helpful to understand what is IGF and so many pictures that is very helpful to understand the event mood.
So while it's only in Japanese, right, but at this time, translation in detail can help to translate each country's language. So my comment and question is there is a link to this PDF in your CFIEC website, right? I'm not sure the organization of IGF itself, maybe IGF headquarters website should have a link to this PDF because potential in future, hosting country may be research what is the IGF, what is the key of this success factor of this event at that time.
I believe this book is very helpful to understand and encourage so many affiliated people to join future IGF I think.
This is my comment. Thank you.
>> KEISUKE KAMIMURA: Thank you very much. At this point of time, we don't have a link to this report from the UN IGF website, no. Thank you very much anyway.
Any other comments? Yes, please.
>> Could you tell how much time was spent on preparing this report? What was the effort to create this astonishing book?
>> KEISUKE KAMIMURA: Quite a lot.
>> Maybe there is thousands of human work or something like that.
>> KEISUKE KAMIMURA: She's the Lady behind the whole work, so she will be probably in a better position to answer your question.
>> JUNKO KAWAUCHI: Actually, it took quite a bit of time actually.
>> I spent no time to take this book, but I heard the key is a short report after each session. So she brought all sessions at Kyoto, so some write very good report, but some are absent. No report from that session. So the very important thing is each presenter or facilitator, moderator, should leave some report. What happened, what is the future, like that, so very helpful to make like this report. Sorry. I had a joke. That's a comment. Thank you.
>> KEISUKE KAMIMURA: Another point of view that we have this report is that we can connect each group who had a session at the IGF. Otherwise, session groups are disconnected or isolated. So having this booklet or having this effort to produce this booklet will be one of the opportunities for the Japanese local community to get together and to see or understand what other stakeholders, other groups is doing during and after, during and before the IGF.
So yes, that's the point.
As I mentioned, this session is more of a book launch and I or we encourage that other stakeholders in the future host countries will do some way or the other, try some way or the other keep the recording of the conference that you will have so that we can share the knowledge afterwards.
If you don't have further questions or comments, thank you very much. Thank you for coming. Thank you for joining this launch event.