IGF 2024 Networking Session #21 European Stakeholder Networking Session

    EuroDIG Support Association and European stakeholders


    Inga Rimkevičienė, Communications Regulatory Authority of Lithuania (RRT) and EuroDIG 2024 Host
    Mark Carvell, EuroDIG Member and chair of EuroDIG’s consultations on the GDC
    tbc, ISOC

    Onsite Moderator
    Sandra Hoferichter, EuroDIG Secretrariat
    Online Moderator
    Rainer Rodewald, EuroDIG Secretarait


    Open moderated discussion with 2-3 input statements If we are not considered for this session format we kindly ask to be considered for a lighting talk. We will then only present the "Messages from Vilnius".

    Duration (minutes)

    EuroDIG 2024 took place from 17-19 June 2024 in Vilnius / Lithuania and brought together European stakeholders that are sharing the same goal of “Balancing innovation and regulation”. This was the overarching theme of this year’s EuroDIG where we delved into critical topics such as regulation of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, GovTech and digital transformation, sustainability in technology, and the impact of emerging technologies on society and the economy. We would like to share and discuss our results with global stakeholders during this session on the basis of the "Messages from Vilnius". We will focus on the topic of Gov Tech and the follow-up und implementation of the Global Digital Compact.

    In addition, we are planning the release of the next publication in our series “A decade of…”