Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: The classroom format is the most appropriate, because ASBU intends to present at the IGF audience held in Saudi Arabia, the work done till now by its groupof expert to elaborate guidelines towards a regulation of Internet in the Arab region. So there will be on the podium ASBU top representatives of the management and of governing bodies, plus some of the experts that have contributed to the elaboration of the draft. The idea is to present the draft document to the audience and to listen for comments, reactions and suggestions. Comments and suggestions will be then, eventually incorporated into the draft, after the session, before to submit it formally to Arab League competent bodies.
The chairman of the ASBU or its Director General will introduce to the audience why they have embarked in this effort, which are the specific problems of the Region that makes urgent and necessary to go towards a common regional regulatory approach, to replace the current fragmented country by country one. The moderator then shall give the floor to the experts that have worked on the draft that will explain in detail what is included in the current version of the guidelines, which are the main points that characterize the proposals and its relations with other models existing (such as the EU regulation) or still "in fieri" (such as the UNESCO or the CoE Treaty for A.I. regulation). The moderator than shall ask for audience reactions and will open the debate. Selected invitations to representatives of the Civil Society, the industry, Academia and technical community will be issued previously, so that qualified voices of all the stakeholders communities will be heard. Priority, of course, will be given to stakeholders of the region, but viewpoints and contributions from the rest of the world will also be more than welcomed.
(it depends if the session could be made in Arabic or has to be made in English). waiting an answer from the organizers to this question, it could be imagined that the Moderator -after the presentations- will open the debate with the audience in the room, while the remote moderator will open the debate with remote participants. The moderator in the room -based on the briefs received from the remote moderator- will decide the about the fluxus of the intervention, trying to give equal space to the remote and to the on site participants.
NAME: Arab States Broadcasting Union AFFILIATION: Arab League / LAS League of Arab States STAKEHOLDER: Intergovernmental Organization REGIONAL GROUP: Arab group
moderator: Hasan R. Sayed Hasan (Master Media)
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
Targets: 8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors (a regulatory framework to preserve the sovereignity on personal data of its citizens is a precondition to the digital transformation of existing economies) 8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services., (guidelines will include regulations to protect data but allowing at the same time- the use of these data in order to transform economy from analogue to digital. GOAL 10: REDUCE INEQUALITIES AMONG COUNTRIES 10.4 Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality. ( currently there is an enormous distance between the fiscal and social policies of the less developed countries and the ones of the more affluent countries. Through initiative such as this one, the regional policies of the Arab region, could be finally produce an impact on economy and contribute to reduce the existing gaps).