IGF 2024 Policy Network on Meaningful Access

In 2023, the Policy Network on Meaningful Access and its Multistakeholder Working Group of Experts (PNMA MWG) has actively contributed within and outside IGF communities to identify a certain number of good practices and policy solutions under its overarching thematic workstreams:

  • Connectivity (infrastructure and business models, analysed within the framework of the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation)
  • Digital Inclusion (accessibility and multilingualism), with special attention to local contents in local languages, helping the digital transition of existing experiences
  • Capacity Development (technical skills training)

Such activities have been developed following the agreed approach firstly presented during the 2022 IGF Process. During 2023, the PNMA expanded its analysis of said experiences with implementation and problem-solving of the issues previously raised. By building a PNMA Repository of Good Practices, the network was able to assess reasons on why practices have or have not expanded, why digital divides persist, and which structural issues repeat themselves in different scenarios. Throughout online monthly deliberations and the plenary discussion held in Kyoto, the community shared examples of how we are working towards better local content and languages online, improved meaningful connectivity, and the use of non-Latin alphabets, amongst other areas. Additionally, the policy network encouraged conversations about the intersessional work and ways of collaboration and advocacy with other IGF areas (e.g., Dynamic Coalitions and National and Regional Initiatives), the Leadership Panel, and institutional partners. Amongst these, cooperation has been renewed with IGOs such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); the International Federal of Library Associations (IFLA); the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The PNMA 2023 Output Report reflects the collaborative work and the group's list of recommended actions on meaningful access.

In 2024, the PNMA aims to assist and advocate for the implementation of policy solutions for the key issues previously raised, while monitoring ongoing experiences and welcoming new practices. The continuous multistakeholder public debate on the above mentioned focus areas takes into account the upcoming Global Digital Compact, as well as the WSIS+20 and IGF+20 processes.

PNMA Co-Chairs:

  • Mr. Alhagie Mbow, IGF MAG Member, Member of The Gambia National Parliament and Pan African ‎Parliament
  • Mr. Giacomo Mazzone, Independent Expert

UN-IGF Secretariat support:

  • Ms. Daphnee Iglesias, Consultant and Independent Expert for Digital Policies and Governance


The co-chairs work collaboratively with the dedicated PNMA multistakeholder working group of experts (MWG). The community engagement is facilitated through several NRI focal points and a dedicated mailing list. All interested stakeholders are most welcome to subscribe to the list through this link.


2024 Process (Work Plan):





Reference Documents: