Below is the list of MAG members and MAG Chair appointed by the UN Secretary-General for 2025, with affiliations, stakeholder groups and terms served, including the current one. The list is followed by links to the previous MAGs, from 2011 to 2024.
Of note is that the MAG 2025 was appointed through an exceptional approach, following the public nomination process from the MAG and WGIG alumni network rather than the traditional broad community nominations process. This approach ensures that the specific expertise and experience gained through the MAG and WGIG work strategically guides the IGF’s preparations for the 20-year review process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) and the IGF mandate. This experienced MAG will help navigate the unique challenges of planning for the 20th annual IGF meeting, which will take place in June 2025 with limited preparation time, and will also provide guidance on strengthening the future MAG’s long-term working modalities.
This list includes former IGF Host Country representatives as well as representatives of intergovernmental organizations that contribute to the MAG's work.
MAG Chair
- Ms. Roach, Carol (Government, 2 terms)
Bahamas - Under Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Host Country Co-Chair
- Mr. Martinsen, Ole-Martin (Government)
Norway - Policy Director for Digitalization and Emerging Technologies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ms. Aguerre, Carolina (Civil Society, 1 term)
Uruguay – Professor, Catholic University of Uruguay
- Ms. Astbrink, Gunela (Civil Society, 1 term)
Australia - Training Coordinator, ISOC Accessibility Standing Group
- Ms. Betancourt, Valeria (Civil Society, 1 term)
Ecuador - Programmes Manager, Association for Progressive Communications
- Ms. Bommelaer de Leusse, Constance (Technical Community, 1 term)
France - Executive Director, AI & Society Institute, University of ENS-PSL; Tech and Global Affairs Innovation Hub, University of Sciences Po
- Ms. Bou Harb, Zeina (Government, 1 term)
Lebanon - Head of International Cooperation, OGERO Telecom, Lebanon
- Mr. Buckridge, Chris (Technical Community, 1 term)
Australia – Principal, Buckridge Consultants
- Ms. Cassa, Concettina (Government, 1 term)
Italy - Senior Specialist, Agency for Digital Italy
- Ms. Cavalli, Olga (Government, 1 term)
Argentina – Dean, National Defence University; Ministry of Defence of Argentina
- Ms. Choudhury, Amrita (Civil Society, 1 term)
India – Director, CCAOI
- Ms. Chung, Jennifer (Technical Community, 1 term)
China, Hong Kong SAR - Vice President for Policy, DotAsia Organisation
- Ms. Dofel, Sook-Jung (Private Sector, 1 term)
Germany - Director General, German Development Agency (GIZ)
- Mr. Echeberria, Raul (Private Sector, 1 term)
Uruguay - Executive Director, Latin-American Internet Association (ALAI)
- Mr. Elgamal, Hossam (Private Sector, 1 term)
Egypt - Managing Director, IKEN
- Mr. Fair, Justin (Government, 1 term)
United States - Cyber Policy Advisor, US Department of State
- Mr. Fernandez, Juan (Government, 1 term)
Cuba – Advisor, Ministry of Communications of Cuba
- Ms. Horejsova, Tereza (Civil Society, 1 term)
Czechia - Senior Outreach Manager, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise
- Mr. Ibarra, Rafael Lito (Technical Community, 1 term)
El Salvador – President and Executive Director, Asociación SVNet
- Mr. Ilishebo, Michael (Government, 1 term)
Zambia - Digital Forensic Analyst and Cyber Crime Investigator, Digital Security Trainer, Zambia Police
- Ms. Inné, Anne-Rachel (Technical Community, 1 term)
Niger - Head Consultant, D4D
- Mr. Katoh, Masanobu (Private Sector, 1 term)
Japan - President, MK Next, Inc.
- Mr. Kenyanito, Ephraim Percy (Civil Society, 1 term)
Kenya - Member, Pan African Lawyers Union; Post Graduate Candidate, University of East London
- Mr. Kleinwachter, Wolfgang (Civil Society, 1 term)
Germany - Professor of International Communication Policy and Regulation, University of Aarhus
- Mr. Major, Peter (Government, 1 term)
Hungary – Vice Chair, United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UN CSTD)
- Ms. Mangal, Anju (Civil Society, 1 term)
Fiji - Member, Pacific Internet Governance Forum
- Mr. Mbow, Alhagie (Government, 1 term)
The Gambia - Member of Parliament, The Gambia National Parliament and Pan African Parliament
- Ms. Miller, Cheryl (Private Sector, 1 term)
USA - Vice President, Digital Policy, US Council for International Business
- Ms. Miloshevic, Desiree (Technical Community, 1 term)
Serbia - Co-Chair, RIPE Cooperation Working Group
- Mr. Moisander, Juuso (Government, 1 term)
Finland - First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations Office at Geneva
- Ms. Nalwoga, Lillian (Civil Society, 1 term)
Uganda - Program Management Specialist, Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)
- Ms. Neves, Ana (Government, 1 term)
Portugal - Head, Internet Governance Office, Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation
- Mr. Olufuye, Jimson (Private Sector, 1 term)
Nigeria – Chair, Advisory Council, Africa ICT Alliance (AfICTA)
- Mr. Pedraza Barrios, Ricardo (Private Sector, 1 term)
Colombia - Innovation Advisory Council Member, Vation Ventures
- Mr. Quaynor, Nii (Technical Community, 1 term
Ghana - Scientist and Engineer; Convener, African Network Operators Group
- Ms. Suto, Timea (Private Sector, 1 term)
Romania - Global Digital Policy Lead, International Chamber of Commerce
- Mr. Sha'ban, Charles (Private Sector, 1 term)
Jordan - Middle East Consultant, International Trademark Association
- Mr. Sibul, Heiki (Government, 1 term)
Estonia – CEO, Estonian Internet Foundation (EIF)
- Mr. Sultanov, Talant (Technical Community, 1 term)
Kyrgyzstan – Policy Advocacy Advisor, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP); Co-Founder, Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter
- Ms. Swinehart, Theresa (Technical Community, 1 term)
USA - Senior Vice President of Global Domains and Strategy, ICANN
- Mr. Wagner, Flavio (Technical Community, 1 term)
Brazil - President, ISOC Brazil; Emeritus Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Ms. Zhang, Xiao (Government, 1 term)
China - Vice President, China Internet Network Information Center
The following former IGF Chairs are invited to actively participate in the MAG’s work:
- Mr. Kummer, Markus
Switzerland – Interim Chair of the Open Consultations and MAG meetings (2013) - Mr. Karklins, Janis
Latvia – MAG Chair, Government (2014-2015) - Ms. St. Amour, Lynn
USA – MAG Chair, Technical Community (2016-2019) - Ms. Esterhuysen, Anriette
South Africa – MAG Chair, Civil Society (2020-2021) - Mr. Mitchel, Paul
USA – MAG Chair, Private Sector (2022-2023)
The following former IGF host countries are also invited to attend and contribute to MAG meetings:
- Greece - To be confirmed.
- Brazil - Designated Mr. Marcelo Salomão Martinez (Head of Division for Digital Affairs Department for Research, Innovation and Intellectual Property, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) as representative.
- India - Designated Mr. Shri T. Santhosh (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India ) as representative.
- Egypt - Designated Ms. Christine Arida (Board Member and Strategic Advisor to the Executive President, National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt) as representative.
- Lithuania - Designated Ms. Diana Seredokaite (Adviser of Digital Agenda Department, Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania) as representative.
- Kenya - Designated Mr. Dennis Chebitwey (Director of Public Communications, Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology of Kenya) as representative.
- Azerbaijan - Designated Ms. Aynur Samadova (Head of Sector at the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MDDT)) as representative.
- Indonesia - Designated: Mr. Semuel A. Pangerapan (Director General of Information and Communication Technology Application, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology); and Mr. Donny B. Utoyo (Coordinator of ICT Watch - Indonesia), as representatives.
- Turkey - Designated Mr. Muhammed Fatih Kafadar (Head of Internet Department, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure) as representative.
- Brazil - Designated Mr. Hartmut Glaser (Executive Secretary at the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee) as representative.
- Mexico - To be confirmed.
- Switzerland - Designated Mr. Jorge Cancio (Deputy Director International Relations) and Ms. Isabelle Lois (Senior Policy Advisor International Relations), Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM), Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), as representatives.
- France - Designeted Mr. Henri Verdier (Ambassador for Digital Affairs, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs), Mr. Jonas Roule (Advisor to the Ambassador for Digital Affairs, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs) and Ms. Yana Brugier (Political Advisor, Permanent Representation of France to the UN Office in Geneva) as representatives.
- Germany - Designated Mr. Philipp Schulte (DP 13 International Digital Policy, G7, G20), Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, as representative.
- Poland - Designated Ms. Aleksandra Tylicka (Counsellor) and Mr. Wiktor Skwarek (Secretary), Ministry of Digital Affairs, International Cooperation Department, Internet Governance and International Digital Regulations Unit, as representatives.
- Ethiopia - To be confirmed.
- Japan - Designated Mr. Yoichi IIDA (Deputy Director General for G7 and G20 Relations, Global Strategy Bureau), Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, as representative.
- Saudi Arabia - To be confirmed.
Representatives of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and European Commission to the MAG:
- African Union (AU) - Mr. Adil Sulieman, African IGF Secretariat
- Council of Europe - Designated representative to be confirmed
- European Commission - Mr. Esteve Sanz
- European Broadcasting Union (EBU) - Mr. Jean-Paul Philippot, Former President
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - Mr. Preetam Maloor, Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Ms. Ariana Carballido, Advisor, Digital Economy Policy Division
- UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - Designated representative to be confirmed
- UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) - Mr. Mactar Seck, Chief of the Technology and Innovation Section
- UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Mr. Guilherme Canela de Souza Godoi, Director of the Division for Digital Inclusion, Policies, and Digital Transformation, Communication and Information Sector, Mr. Cedric Wachholz, Chief of the Digital Policies and Digital Transformation Section, Ms. Tatevik Grigoryan, Associate Programme Specialist, Chief of the Digital Policies and Digital Transformation Section
- UN Global Pulse - Designated representative to be confirmed
- UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) - Mr. Ayman El-Sherbiny, Chief of ICT Policies Section; Ms. Mirna Barabar, Programme Management Officer, ICT Policies Section; Ms. Zahr Bou-Ghanem, Research Assistant, ICT Policies Section
- UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) - Mr. Dino Cataldo Dell'Accio, Chief Information Officer
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Ms. Yu Ping Chan, Head of Digital Partnerships and Engagement
- UN Universal Postal Union (UPU) - Mr. Tracy Hackshaw, Chef d'Entreprise, .POST, .POST Business Management Unit, Postal Technology Centre
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Mr. Ryszard Frelek, Counsellor, External Relations Division
MAG Membership (2011-2024)
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2024
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2023
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2022
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2021
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2020
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2019
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2018
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2017
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2016
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2015
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2014
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2013
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2012
- Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) - List of Members 2011
Annual Press Releases on MAG Renewal
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2025 was issued on 16 January 2025.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2023 was issued on 29 November 2022.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2021 was issued on 17 November 2020.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2018 was issued on 8 October 2018.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2017 was issued on 27 February 2017.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2016 was issued on 23 March 2016.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2015 was issued on 12 November 2014.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2014 was issued on 10 January 2014.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2013 was issued on 10 May 2013.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2012 was issued on 25 April 2012.
- A press release announcing the renewal of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) was issued on 5 May 2010. [pdf] [rtf] [French-rtf][French-pdf].