Neves Ana (Ms), Government liaison, PORTUGAL

Stakeholder Group: Government

Region: WEOG


Director Department of Operations Support Science, Technology and Information Society, Foundation for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and Science. Previously, she headed the International Affairs unit at the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Ministry of Education and Science from September 2008-February 2012. She is the Portuguese delegate in several working parties related to Information Society and Research areas in the European Union, OECD, United Nations and GAC at ICANN. She is member of the bureau the Working Party on Internet Economy at OECD. She chairs the Task Force Priority Setting of the Strategic Forum for International Scientific and International Cooperation of the European Union. She also covers the WSIS and was appointed in April 2012 to the MAG of the IGF. She is also engaged in the EuroDIG and is a co-organizer of the Portuguese IGF Initiative (Forum sobre a Governação da Internet).

From 2002-2008 she was the Senior Counselor responsible for Information Society, Science and Technology at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union in Brussels. She was the Senior Advisor on International Affairs to the Minister of Science and Technology, who was responsible for the national coordination of Information Society Policies, from 1997-2002. She is currently completing her PhD Thesis in European Studies – Public Policies at the Universidade Católica in Lisbon. Her thesis is on The Impact of the Multistakeholder Model in Information Society on Public Policies (Competitiveness and Research Policies) in Europe - The ICANN and IGF case studies. She holds a MSc. in International Economics from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.