Open Microphone Session

Day 4 – 25 October

11:00-12:30 + 14:30-16:00 - Open Microphone Session – Main Hall

Lead Facilitators: Chris Disspain, CEO, auDA and Susan Chalmers, Policy Lead, InternetNZ

To wrap up the IGF an open microphone session will be held to provide an opportunity for all participants to address any issue of their concern and will allow the MAG to receive feedback from participants in regards to the proceedings that took place throughout the week.

From 11:00-12:30 (approx.) – The open microphone session will focus on allowing all participants 2-3 minutes (max) each to address any topic which had been discussed during the week in the focus sessions or workshops. The session will also be a chance for participants to reach a rough consensus on discussion outcomes or views on specific subjects addressed during the IGF.

From 14:30-16:00 (approx.)- The open microphone session will focus on allowing all participants to speak about what they thought went well during the week and possibly what did not go as well (to ‘take stock’), to allow the IGF to see how they could improve ( in substantive programming as well as logistics of the annual meetings) moving forward.

16:00 – 18:00 – Main Hall - Closing Ceremony  

The traditional closing ceremony will wrap up the 8th IGF and will allow representatives from each stakeholder group to make final statements about their impressions of the meetings and the way forward.