Regional experiences on the governance of emerging technologies

    Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 (11:30 UTC) - Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 (13:00 UTC)
    Salle VII
    About this Session
    This is a collaborative session organized by several national, regional and youth IGF initiatives from different regions.

    New and emerging technologies hold immense promise for driving innovation, economic growth, and societal advancement on a global scale. However, the benefits they offer are not uniformly distributed, with developing countries often facing barriers to accessing and effectively utilizing these technologies compared to their developed counterparts. This digital divide exacerbates existing inequalities and hinders the ability of developing nations to fully participate in the digital economy and realize the potential benefits of technological progress.
    Addressing this disparity requires not only efforts to expand access to technology infrastructure and resources but also the development of inclusive governance models at regional levels. Such models must prioritize equitable distribution of technological resources, foster collaboration between governments, private sector stakeholders, technical communities, and civil society, and promote regulatory frameworks that balance innovation with ethical considerations and societal values. Cooperation among countries is essential to navigate the complexities of regulating and governing emerging technologies effectively, ensuring that they are deployed responsibly and in ways that promote sustainable development and global welfare. 
    The discussion will be guided by several policy questions:

    • What emerging digital technologies are priorities for your region? Is there a gap between developed and developing countries?
    • How are these technologies governed in different regions?
    • What strategies can be implemented to ensure equitable access to and responsible governance of new and emerging technologies, particularly in countries with limited resources and infrastructure?
    • How can we ensure the responsible and user-centric deployment of emerging technologies?
    • How can regional or international collaboration and multistakeholder engagement enhance the development and implementation of responsible governance frameworks for emerging digital technologies?
    • What mechanisms can be established to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity-building initiatives between developed and developing countries?

    Organizing team: Delegated representatives by the multistakeholder organizing commitees from the following NRIs: APrIGF, Arab IGF, Bangladesh IGF, Benin IGF, Cameroon IGF, Caribbean IGF, China IGF, Colombia IGF, Czechia IGF, Dominican Republic IGF, Ecuador IGF, Ethiopia IGF, France IGF, Ghana IGF, Ghana Youth IGF, Hong Kong IGF, IGF-USA, Iraq IGF/Kurdistan branch, Italy IGF, LACIGF, Lebanon IGF, Lesotho IGF, Libya IGF, Maldives IGF, Mozambique IGF, North Africa IGF, Pakistan IGF, Peru IGF, Portugal IGF, South Africa IGF, Spain IGF, Sudan IGF, Tanzania IGF, The Gambia IGF, Togo IGF, Uganda IGF, Youth IGF Colombia, Youth IGF DRC, Youth LACIGF, Youth Pakistan IGF.

    Format and speakers: Up to seven expert speakers from different regions (Africa, Asia, Canada and USA, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, MENA, Oceania), proposed and endorsed by members of the organizing team, will set the stage within the first 30 minutes. The following 40 minutes will be dedicated to an open exchange with all participants. Speakers, moderators and rapporteurs will be confirmed by mid-July after the bottom-up consultative process among the NRIs concludes.


    • Ms. Renata Mielli | Internet Steering Committee in Brazil, Coordinator
    • Mr. Eliamani Laltaika | High Court of Tanzania, Judge
    • Mr. George Awad | UNESCO Regional Office-Beirut, Communication & Information Program Specialist
    • H.E. Mr. Ano Jawhar | Ministry of Transportations and Communications of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Minister
    • Ms. LIN Lin | China Mobile Research Institute, Department of User and Market Research, Director

    Onsite Moderator: Mr. Ahmed Farag, North African IGF Chair

    Online moderators: Ms. Carol Ndosi from Launch Pad Tanzania and Ms. Judith Hellerstein, IGF-USA

    Rapporteurs: Ms. Aliko Matola, University of Dododma and Tanzania IGF; and Mx. Umut Pajaro Velasquez, YouthLACIGF and Youth IGF Colombia

    SDGs: Digital inclusion plays a pivotal role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in several ways:

    • SDG8: Decent work and economic growth 
    • SDG9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure 
    • SDG10: Reduced inequalities 
    • SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities 
    Session Time
    Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 (11:30 UTC) - Wednesday, 18th December, 2024 (13:00 UTC)