MAG&WG Meetings

MAG&WG Meetings

IGF 2025 Virtual MAG Meeting III

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcoming remarks from the MAG Chair and adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Updates from the IGF 2025 Host Country Co-Chair 
  3. Updates from the Secretariat 
  4. Demonstration of the IGF 2025 workshop evaluation platform
  5. Updates from the IGF Intersessional Work: Policy Networks, Best Practice Forums and Dynamic Coalitions 
  6. Updates from the IGF MAG Working Groups 
  7. Any other Business

IGF 2025 Virtual MAG Meeting II

Draft agenda:

  1. Welcoming remarks from the MAG Chair and adoption of the draft agenda 
  2. Updates from the IGF 2025 Host Country Co-Chair, incl. on government participation
  3. Updates from the Secretariat 
  4. IGF Intersessional Work: Policy Networks, Best Practice Forums and Dynamic Coalitions
  5. Updates from the IGF MAG Working Groups
  6. Workshop evaluation process
  7. Any other Business 

IGF 2025 Virtual MAG meeting I

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcoming remarks from the MAG Chair and from the IGF 2025 Host Country Co-Chair 
  2. Short Introduction of MAG Members
  3. Updates from the Secretariat 
  4. IGF 2025 Timeline, including the First Open Consultation and MAG Meeting
  5. Selection of IGF MAG Working Groups 
  6. IGF Intersessional Work: (a) Best Practice Forums and Policy Networks: the way forward (b) Updates from National and Regional IGF initiatives and Dynamic Coalitions
  7. Any other Business 

Meeting Input:

IGF 2024 Virtual MAG meeting X

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcome from the MAG Chair and updates from the Host Country Co-Chair
  3. Updates from the Secretariat
  4. Updates on IGF main sessions
  5. MAG and LP activities at the IGF 2024
  6. IGF Vision Paper from the MAG Working Group on Strategy
  7. Updates from MAG Working Groups and IGF Intersessional Work
  8. Any other Business 


IGF 2024 Virtual MAG meeting VIII

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcome from the MAG Chair and updates from the Host Country Co-Chair
  3. Updates from the Secretariat
  4. Approval of IGF main sessions
  5. DC and NRI main session proposals
  6. IGF Youth Mentorship Programme
  7. Updates on the Leadership Panel and the Internet We Want paper by the MAG Chair
  8. Updates from MAG Working Groups and IGF Intersessional Work
  9. Any other Business                                                                                                                                  

Meeting Input:

IGF 2024 Virtual MAG meeting VII

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcome from the MAG Chair and Host Country Co-Chair
  3. Updates from the Secretariat
    o    Overview of IGF 2024 Session Submissions and next steps
    o    Draft Agenda 2nd Open Consultations and MAG Meeting
    o    IGF Engagement at WSIS Forum High-Level Event
  4. Updates from MAG Working Groups and IGF Intersessional Work
  5. Updates on the Leadership Panel by the MAG Chair
  6. Any other Business

Meeting Input:

How to submit IGF 2024 session proposal?

The IGF MAG working group on youth engagement and IGF Secretariat are organizing a capacity development workshop focused on a way stakeholders can submit a session proposal for the IGF 2024 cycle.

The workshop will guide the participants through the logistics of the IGF 2024 Call for session proposals and offer tips and tricks for submitting a good quality session proposal.

Although this workshop aims to support youth in submitting proposals, it is open to everyone to participate.

How to submit IGF 2024 session proposal?
19 April 2024 at 14:00 UTC (60 min duration)
Hosted online 
Register to participate



  • Welcome remarks
  • Guiding through IGF 2024 session submission process by IGF Secretariat and IGF MAG Working Group on Workshop Process 
  • Introducing IGF MAG Working Group on Strategy 
  • Question and Answer 
  • AoB 


IGF 2024 Virtual MAG meeting VI

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda   
  2. Welcome from the MAG Chair              
  3. Updates from the Secretariat                
  4. General Guidance for the Workshop Evaluation Process      
  5. Approval of the IGF 2024 Workshop Evaluation Form     
  6. Updates from the PNAI and the MAG Working Groups     
  7. GDC Zero Draft                       
  8. Any other Business                  

Meeting Input:

IGF 2024 Virtual MAG meeting III

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcoming remarks from the MAG Chair
  3. Updates from the Secretariat    
  4. New MAG Working Group proposal and Updates
  5. Launch of the Policy Networks and Best Practice Forums proposals
  6. Any other Business 

Meeting Input:

IGF 2024 MAG Virtual Meeting II

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcoming remarks from the MAG Chair
  3. Updates from the Secretariat    
  4. Updates from Leadership Panel Activities              
  5. Selection of MAG Working Groups          
  6. Policy Networks and Best Practice Forums: the way forward  
  7. Letter to the High-Level Advisory Board on AI           
  8. Any other Business       

Meeting Input:

IGF 2024 MAG Virtual Meeting I

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcoming remarks 
    • from the MAG Chair
    • from the MAG co-chair
  3. Updates from the MAG Chair
  4. Updates from the Secretariat
  5. IGF 2024 Timeline
  6. MAG Working Groups
  7. Best Practice Forums and Policy Networks
  8. MAG input to “The Internet We Want” vision paper
  9. Any other Business

Meeting Input:


IGF 2023 MAG Virtual Meeting II


  1.  Welcome 
  2. Updates from the Secretariat 
  3. Approving IGF 2023 intersessional work proposals
  4. Report-in by MAG WGs
    • WG on Workshop Process: Draft 2023 workshop proposal form
    • Working Group on IGF Strategy (WG-Strategy)
  5. Briefing on expected outcomes of the 1st open consultations and MAG meeting 
  6. AoB

Meeting inputs:



IGF 2022 MAG Virtual Meeting II



  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. Updates from the Secretariat 
  3. Final selection of BPFs & PNs 
  4. Final wording for the IGF 2022 themes
  5. Next Steps
  6. AOB                                                                         

Received proposals for the IGF 2022 intersessional work:

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XX



1. Welcome from the Chair (2 minutes)

2. Updates from the Host Country (5 minutes)

2.1 Clarification on entry requirements for Poland in terms of type of vaccine (3 minutes)

3. Update from the IGF Secretariat (10 minutes)

3.1 Update on guidelines for session organisers
3.2 Update on the apps and tools and platforms that will be used at the IGF including demonstration on speaking queue tool

3.3 Communications strategy and role for MAG members

4. Breakout groups: 3 to 5 groups depending on number of people in the meeting (40 minutes)

Each group will appoint a rapporteur and a facilitator and will discuss:

a. Take-aways from the intro sessions held during the preparatory and engagement phase

b. Feedback on speaking queue tool vs. "hands" in Zoom

c. Any outstanding questions/concerns/suggestions re. IGF2021

4.1 Group reports and discussion (20 minutes)

5. Update on the leadership panel process (2 minutes)

6. What is expected of MAG members during the IGF (5 minutes)

7. Organising recap session during annual forum of the preparatory and engagement phase (5 minutes)

8. MAG members getting together in Katowice for those that are there  (2 minutes)

9. NRI updates  

10. A.O.B.   


Published Main Sessions

Main Session Docs:     

         - Inclusive Internet Governance Ecosystems & Digital Cooperation     

         - Economic & Social Inclusion and Human Rights

         - Universal Access & Meaningful Connectivity

         - Emerging Regulation: Market Structure, Content, Data, and Consumer Rights & Protection

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XIX



1.    Update from the Host Country
    a.    Updates from the Host country on vaccine approvals and quarantine
2.    Update from the Secretariat
    a.    Update on registration numbers
    b.    Leadership Panel Call
3.    Reviewing action items from the last two calls to check we are up to date with all our tasks as MAG members and the same for the Secretariat
4.    Debrief on lessons learnt from last week's IGF2021 preparatory and engagement phase and how to apply these lessons in the main sessions during the Katowice annual forum
5.    Feedback on the registration process and the IGF2021 pages on the IGF site and on the host country site
6.    Update on the guidelines for session organisers in the context of the hybrid IGF2021
7.    Checking in on the status of main session preparation
8.    IGF 15th anniversary plans
9.    AOB



Main Session Docs:     

         - Inclusive Internet Governance Ecosystems & Digital Cooperation     

         - Economic & Social Inclusion and Human Rights

         - Universal Access & Meaningful Connectivity

         - Emerging Regulation: Market Structure, Content, Data, and Consumer Rights & Protection

         - Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change

         - Trust, Security, Stability

        - NRIs main session

        - DCs main session

Published Main Sessions

Preparatory & Engagement Phase Programme

Guidance for Participants in the Context of Hybrid IGF:

        - About Hybrid Format

        - Hybrid FAQs

        - Zoom Quick Guide & Accessibility Guide

        - Specific Information for Session Organizers on Interactive Schedule and Zoom Links

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XVIII


1.            Welcome from the Chair

2.            Updates from Host Country

3.            Updates from the Secretariat

5.            Main Session Outlines

          - Inclusive Internet Governance Ecosystems & Digital Cooperation

         - Economic & Social Inclusion and Human Rights

         - Universal Access & Meaningful Connectivity

         - Emerging Regulation: Market Structure, Content, Data, and Consumer Rights & Protection

         - Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change

         - Trust, Security, Stability

6.            Comments on the New Website

7.            Updates on Preparatory Phase

8.            Updates from MAG Working Groups

9.            Next Steps

10.          AOB



Main Session Docs:     

         - Inclusive Internet Governance Ecosystems & Digital Cooperation     

         - Economic & Social Inclusion and Human Rights

         - Universal Access & Meaningful Connectivity

         - Emerging Regulation: Market Structure, Content, Data, and Consumer Rights & Protection

         - Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change

         - Trust, Security, Stability

        - NRIs main session

        - DCs main session

IGF 2021 Third Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Day 3

 << Day 1 | < Day 2

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

COVID-19 information

Hosted in a hybrid format 

The purpose of the third Internet Governance Forum (IGF) open consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting is to advance preparations for the IGF 2021 annual meeting and to take stock of ongoing IGF community intersessional activities and of other relevant Internet governance-related fora

Access the Event Platform HERE

Participants List


IGF 2021 Third Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Day 2

< Day 1 | Day 3 >

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

COVID-19 information

Hosted in a hybrid format 

The purpose of the third Internet Governance Forum (IGF) open consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting is to advance preparations for the IGF 2021 annual meeting and to take stock of ongoing IGF community intersessional activities and of other relevant Internet governance-related fora

Access the Event Platform HERE

Participants List


IGF 2021 Third Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Day 1

Day 2 > | Day 3 >>

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Tempus Room 1

COVID-19 information

Hosted in a hybrid format

The purpose of the Third Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2021 Open consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting is to advance preparations for the IGF 2021 process and its 16th annual IGF meeting and to take stock of ongoing IGF community intersessional activities and of other relevant Internet governance-related fora.

Access the Event Platform HERE

Participants List


IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XVI


  1. Welcome from the MAG Chair
  2. Updates from Host Country
  3. Updates from the Secretariat
  4. IGF 2021 preparatory and engagement phase
    1. Confirming the new dates for the introductory sessions
    2. Presentation of the final proposals for the sessions by issue teams followed by discussion (5 mins per issue team)
  5. Next steps to finalize and promote preparatory and engagement phase sessions
  6. Issue mapping wiki pages: status on adding relevant content 
  7. Planning of the main sessions: next steps on the timeline
  8. AOB


Proposals for the introductory sessions:

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XV

Draft Agenda 

  1. Welcome from the chair
  2. Updates from Host Country
  3. Updates from the Secretariat 
  4. IGF 2021 preparatory and engagement phase                                                                       
    • 4.1 Presentation of proposals for sessions by issue teams followed by discussion  (5 mins per issue team)                       
    • 4.2 Next steps to finalize and promote prep/engagement phase sessions
    • 4.3 Issue mapping wiki pages  
  5. Planning of the main sessions: next steps on the timeline 
  6. Updates from the intersessional work
  7. Next steps
  8. AOB

Meeting materials

  1. IGF 2021 Preparatory and Engagement phase - draft schedule
  2. MAG 2021 Issue Teams - Central Document (version of 9 August 2021)
  3. IGF Main Session Guidelines
  4. IGF 2021 Issue Areas

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting VII

Draft Agenda

1. Welcome from the Chair
2. IGF 2021 (sub)themes, policy questions and issues (groups presentations)
3. Update from the working group on workshop process
4. AoB

Input Documents:

Briefing Doc

IGF 2021 Issues - Analysis for Prioritisation

WebForm for WS Proposals (in progress) - Call for WS - Suggestion from WG Hybrid

Issues Teams:

FOCUS: Econ & Social Incl. and HR

FOCUS: Universal Access & Meaningful connectivity

Cross-Cutting: Environment

Cross-Cutting: Digital Cooperation

Cross-Cutting: Trust, Security and Safety

Cross-Cutting: Regulation

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XII

Input documents:

BPF Cybersecurity Status

BPF Gender & Digital Rights


BREAKOUT GROUP TASKS: AGREE ON A FACILITATOR AND RAPPORTEUR 1.                                                            

1. The goal of the preparatory phase is two-fold: outreach to maximise
inclusivity and participation in the IGF (e.g. with sessions in different
languages and time zones) and, to help achieve the goal of a more
focused and impactful IGF with specific issues discussed in greater
depth. Keeping this goal in mind

- What do you like about the prep phase?

- What would you change, and how?

- Any other suggestions.

2. MAG members need to work in issue teams for the next phase of their
work which involves organising sessions that form part of the
preparatory phase, and leading into main and / or concluding sessions at
the annual forum in Katowice. The idea is that these teams are led by
MAG members, but are open to others in the IGF community, particularly
but not only from NRIs, BPFs, DCs, PNs. Please refer to the draft issue
teams TOR

- What do you feel is the best way of forming these groups? To use the
groups that worked on the initial issue descriptions? To continue in the
workshop evaluation groups? Or, to form new groups
based on interest?

- At what point do you feel these groups should be opened up to people
from outside the MAG? From the outset, or once the MAG members in the
issue team has developed proposals to share and get feedback on?

- Any other comments or questions about this phase of the MAG's work and
on the draft TOR.

IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting XI

Input documents:

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcome from the Chair and co-Chair (5 mins)
  2. Update from the Secretariat  (5 mins)
  3. Evaluation process plenary (20 minutes)
    1. Overview of session proposals received (3 mins)
    2. Evaluation groups - what they are and how they were set up (3 mins)
    3. To-do list for the groups and individual members (3 minutes)
    4. Step-by-step: how to evaluate (5 minutes)
    5. Overview of timeline and deadlines (2 minutes) (Chengetai).
    6. Questions for clarification - discussion will take place in breakout groups (4 minutes)
  4. Breakout groups (45 min)
    MAG members will break out into the three Workshop Evaluation Groups to which they have been assigned.

Tasks for each breakout group:

    1. Agree on facilitator for today and rapporteur
    2. Do a short go-around with each person raising any questions they have about the process and what their responsibilities are.
    3. Review workshop evaluation process and note questions
    4. Agree on a working methodology for the group


  1. Plenary (30 minutes)
    1. Reports from breakout groups (5 minutes each)
      In these short reports, the rapporteur will list any questions/uncertainties/proposals from members and share how they have agreed to work together.
    2. Plenary discussion to address any questions or concerns (15 mins)
  2. Next steps on the preparatory phase (10 minutes)
  3. Closing and next steps (5 mins)



IGF 2021 MAG Virtual Meeting III

Draft Agenda

  • Adoption of Agenda
  • Chair and Co-chair introduction and welcome
  • Taking stock of IGF 2020 (while setting expectations for 2021)
    1. IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the stocktaking process concerning the format and structure.
    2. Strategic discussion on inputs received:
      1. Comments on programme structure format and design (session types, schedule), logistics; and suggestions for improvement
      2.  Comments on intersessional activities and lessons learned, suggestions for improvement
  • Next steps for finalising IGF 2021 programme structure format and design
  • A.O.B
  • -->

    Duration 2.5 hours

    1.   Adoption of Agenda (2.5 minutes)
    2.   Chair and Co-chair introduction and welcome and overview of tasks for the call (2.5 minutes)
    3.   Taking stock of IGF 2020 (while setting expectations for 2021)
      1. IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the stocktaking process concerning the format and structure. (15 minutes)
      2. Report on IGF format and structure from the WG-strategy (10 minutes)
      3. GENERAL DISCUSSION (10 minutes)
      4. Strategic discussion on inputs received in breakout groups following the structure of the synthesis paper (35)

    Participants will be randomly sorted into groups 5 groups. Each group should appoint a chair and a rapporteur. Reports can be in bullet point form and should ideally be shared with the Secretariat after the call. 

    Groups will have 35 minutes for discussion and recommendations on how the MAG can follow up on suggestions received.

    • Group 1: Preparatory Process (section 1 in the document)
    • Group 2: Intersessional work and NRIs (section 1 in the document)
    • Group 3: Annual Meeting Structure, Design and Content (section 3 in the document)
    • Group 4: Participation (section 4 in the document)
    • Group 5: Communications and Technical Improvements (section 5 in the document)
    1. Group reports 5 minutes per group (25-30 minutes)
    2. Discussion (20 minutes)
    1. Next steps for finalising IGF 2021 programme structure format and design (10 minutes)
    2. A.O.B (5 minutes)

    (Meeting Open to All Stakeholders)

    Register in advance for this meeting by clicking on this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Input documents:

    Guidelines for Breakout Rooms:

    1. Identify a chair and a rapporteur

    2. Introduce yourselves to one another

    3. With reference to the section of the synthesis document you are discussing please:

    IGF 2020 MAG Virtual Meeting X

    Input Documents/Links:


    * Poll details

    For the breakout groups following the plenary on First Day of MAG Meeting, what option do you prefer?

    Option 1 - Plenary discussion invites views on the recommendations of the Evaluation Groups and what this could mean for integrating the four sets of recommendations into a single balanced set of approved workshop proposals (e.g. what proportion or number of slots should be allocated to each track). MAG will breakout sessions into their existing Evaluation Groups, with those unable to join the session having a short window to provide comments in writing. The aim of the breakout is for each Evaluation Group to respond to the feedback, e.g. revise the sub-themes, adjust the number or ranking of workshops in the green basket to decide which of that track’s proposals should be approved.


    Option 2 - Plenary discussion in principle accepts the recommendations of each Evaluation Group and focuses discussion on how to translate the four sets of Evaluation Group recommendations into a single balanced set of approved workshop proposals. The breakout sessions are a series of MAG discussions (each MAG member tries to join one) which aims to reflect on Plenary discussion and come up with suggestions for the make-up of the final set of approved workshop proposals. Members will be clustered into breakout groups according to regions/timezones. Each group has to agree on 3 or 4 sets of suggestions which will then be presented to the Plenary on Day 2, possibly with the Chair proposing a way forward that reflects the proposals received.

    IGF 2020 MAG Virtual Meeting III

    Input Documents/Links:


    IGF 2020 Timeline (last update: 12 February)

    ​Proposed narratives from the MAG WG on four themes:

    1. Data: proposed narrative (facilitators: Chenai Chair; Maria Paz Canales)
    2. Inclusion: proposed narrative (facilitators: Paul Rowney; Roberto Zambrana; Mary Uduma; Arsene Tungali; Maria Paz Canales)
    3. Trust: proposed narrative (facilitators: Ben Wallis; Sylvia Cadena)
    4. Environment: proposed narrative (facilitators: June Parris; Timea Suto; Karim Attoumani Mohamed)

    ​Draft Design of the Call for Workshops:

    1. IGF 2020 Call for Workshops 
    2. IGF 2020 Themes
    3. Workshop submission form 
    4. Workshop review process 
    5. Workshop manual 

    MAG Working Groups:

    1. Taskforce on Language: Working suggestions; Terms of Reference


    IGF 2018 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting

    The first Open Consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting of the IGF 2018 preparatory cycle took place from 20-22 March at the headquarters of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in Geneva, Switzerland.

    An additional orientation session for new MAG members was held on Monday, 19 March, at ITU. The orientation session was mandatory for new members; continuing members might participate voluntarily and provided input into the session.