HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: How to promote inclusive and diverse innovation, investment opportunities and corporate social responsibility in digital technologies? "Monday 6 December 15.15 - 16.15 CET"

Mr. Jan Kleijssen
Jan joined the Council of Europe in 1983 as a Lawyer with the European Commission of Human Rights. Subsequently he served in the Parliamentary Assembly and as Director of the Secretary General's Private Office.
He is currently Director of Information Society - Action against Crime. His Directorate carries out standard-setting, monitoring and co-operation activities on Freedom of expression, Data protection, Artificial Intelligence, Internet governance, Cybercrime, Terrorism, Criminal law, Fighting corruption and money laundering.
Jan has been Council of Europe Internet Governance Coordinator since 2018.
Onalytica, a marketing software platform, in July 2019 included Jan among the Top 100 influencers on the regulation of new technologies.
He has published a variety of articles on issues such as Cybercrime, Internet Governance and Artificial intelligence. A recent interview: https://justice-trends.press/justice-and-beyond-council-of-europe-worki…
Besides his mother tongue Dutch, Jan is fully fluent in English, French, German and Italian.