Village Booths

IGF 2020 Village Booth #1
FGI France


Bienvenue !

Welcome to the French IGF booth!

The booth is supported and co-organized by members of the Forum sur la gouvernance de l'internet France (FGI France).

Members of the French IGF include the French telecom regulator ARCEP, AFNIC, The French Digital Council CNNUM, Internet Society France, the think tank Renaissance numérique as well as Webforce3.

The booth aims at presenting a number of projects and initiatives (members and partners) as well as establish partnerships and engage participants at the IGF.

Forum sur la gouvernance de l'internet France

The French Internet Governance Forum 2020 is being held online.

  • The Opening Plenary was held on October 27th, along with a workshop on Internet Liability organized by the French registry AFNIC.
  • 6 workshops will be organized througout the year starting December 1st.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #2 Prostasia Foundation


If you would like to protect children from sexual abuse while maintaining a free and open Internet, then Prostasia Foundation may be for you. Before we came along, discussion of child protection at the IGF was dominated by groups promoting criminalization and censorship as solutions—but these approaches have failed.

Contrary to popular belief, police and Internet platforms alone simply don't have what it takes to address child sexual abuse in the holistic manner that the problem demands. Since our formation in 2018, we have been shifting the conversation towards an evidence-based primary prevention approach that can prevent child sexual abuse from being committed in the first place.

Key documents:

Learn more about what Prostasia Foundation believes about:

Find out about our effective, evidence-based programs, that do offer real solutions:

Still have questions? Read our FAQ, subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, or contact us on Twitter or Facebook.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #3 Internet Rights and Principles Coalition


The Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition (IRPC) is working to uphold human rights on the internet and to root internet governance processes and systems in human rights standards.

The dynamic coalition sets out to promote, and provide a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration.  We also aim to be an umbrella platform for facilitating collaboration on human rights issues in the Internet Governance Forum process.

Members of the coalition work individually and in partnership to promote processes and instruments to frame and enforce rights on the Internet. More specifically, the coalition aims to:

  •  Raise awareness of fundamental human rights and what they mean on the Internet.
  • Discuss and anchor global public policy principles to preserve the openness of the Internet and ensure that its continued evolution is framed by the public interest, through open and extensive stakeholder involvement.
  • Encourage all stakeholders to address issues of human and civil rights in policy-making, contributing to a people-centric discourse and policy formulation in the Internet governance space.
  • Identify ways in which human rights can be applied to the Internet and other ICT technologies, and evaluate the applicability of existing formal and informal guidelines and regulatory frameworks.
  • Identify measures for the protection and enforcement of human rights on the Internet, while pushing for people-centric issues and public interest based Internet governance policy-making.
  • Describe the duties and responsibilities of Internet users and other stakeholders, which, together with their rights, will serve to preserve and promote the public interest on the Internet.

The IRPC was formed during the Hyderabad IGF in 2008, following a decision to merge the Internet Bill of Rights and Framework of Principles for the Internet coalitions and joined later by the Freedom of Expression Coalition.

We also aim to be an umbrella platform for facilitating collaboration on human rights issues in the Internet Governance Forum process.

The IRPC at IGF 2020

Sustainable Internet Governance & the Right to Development
  Friday, 6 November, 2020 - 13:10 to 14:40 UTC, Room 1

WS #266 Sustainable #netgov By Design: Environment & Human Rights
  Monday, 16 November, 2020 - 14:00 to 15:30 UTC, Room 2

Also participating:

- DCs Main Session: Socio-economic recovery after the Covid19 crisis – Dynamic Coalitions’ role
  Wednesday, 11 November, 2020 - 12.30 to 14.00 UTC,  Room 1

IGF 2020 Main Session ENVIRONMENT

  Monday, 9 November, 2020 - 15:40 to 17:10 UTC, Room 1

IGF 2020 Village Booth #4 Regional Internet Registries



The Number Resource Organization (NRO) was established in 2003 as a coordinating body for the world’s Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). The RIRs manage the distribution of Internet number resources (IP address space and Autonomous System Numbers) within their respective regions.

The NRO is a coordination point for joint RIR activities and projects, including Resource Certification (RPKI), global RIR statistics reports, global Internet governance activities and global policy coordination.

NRO 2020 Continuing Cooperation Brochure available here.



The African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) is the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Africa and the Indian Ocean region. Established in 2005, AFRINIC is responsible for the distribution and management of Internet number resources such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). AFRINIC serves 55 economies throughout Africa and the Indian Ocean. Read more about AFRINIC here:


APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) is an open, member-based, not-for-profit organization, whose primary role is to distribute and manage Internet number resources in the Asia Pacific region's 56 economies. APNIC helps build essential technical skills across the region, supports Internet infrastructure development, produces insightful research, and is an active participant in the multistakeholder model of Internet cooperation and governance. APNIC performs these activities as part of its commitment to a global, open, stable and secure Internet.


Established in December 1997, the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) is a nonprofit, member-based organization that supports the operation and growth of the Internet. ARIN accomplishes this by carrying out its core service, which is the management and distribution of Internet number resources such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). ARIN manages these resources within its service region, which is comprised of Canada, the United States, and many Caribbean and North Atlantic islands. ARIN also coordinates policy development by the community and advances the Internet through informational outreach.


The Internet Addresses Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC) is an international, non-governmental organization established in Uruguay in 2002. It is responsible for assigning and managing Internet number resources (IPv4, IPv6), Autonomous System Numbers, and Reverse Resolution for the region. LACNIC provides its services in 33 territories in Latin America and the Caribbean. Access the list here:


Founded in 1992, the RIPE NCC is a not-for-profit membership association that supports over 20,000 members across Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia. The RIPE NCC also provides administrative and secretariat support to the RIPE community, which is a forum open to anyone interested in wide area IP networks. As a Regional Internet Registry, the RIPE NCC allocates IP addresses and AS Numbers to organisations within its service region and registers them in a public database.



IGF 2020 Village Booth #5
Internet Society of China


Internet Society of China (ISC) was inaugurated on 25th May, 2001. ISC was initiatively founded by more than 70 sponsors, which include network access carriers, ISPs, facility manufacturers and research institutes etc. The current President is Mr. Bing SHANG, the former Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The office of ISC is located in Beijing.

ISC has more than 1200 members which are legal companies, research institutes, academic associations, universities and other organizations engaged in various activities related with Internet.

The main mission of ISC is to promote development of Internet in China and make efforts to construct an advanced information society. ISC is expected to be a link among the community to make efforts benefiting the whole industry, to push forward industry self-discipline, to strengthen communication and cooperation between its members, to protect Internet user's rights, to assist and provide support for policies making, and to promote Internet application and public awareness.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #6 Dominios Latinoamerica


IGF 2020 - SSIG -  Reunión de alumnos - Alumni gathering

Sesión en ESPAÑOL: Jueves 12 de noviembre - 20 hs UTC
Reúnete con nosotros durante el IGF 2020!!! Cuéntanos tus historias durante esta reunión virtual de alumnos de SSIG! 
Regístrate y podrás compartir tus experiencias en esta sesión especial!! Haremos una lista de participantes por orden de llegada así que no te demores ya que tenemos un tiempo limitado de una hora y media. Completa este formulario y te esperamos el próximo jueves.
Equipo de SSIG

Completa este formulario parara participar!

ENGLISH session: Friday 13 November - 20 hs UTC
Join us during IGF 2020!!! Tell us your stories during this virtual alumni meeting!
Register in this formn and share your experiences in this special virtual interactive session!! We will make a list of those who want to participate in order of registration so do not hesitate and fill the form! We have a limited time of one hour and a half!
See you virtually next Friday!!
Equipo SSIG

Please fill this form to participate!


Dominios Latinoamerica is a web portal with information about online tools for productivity focused on Small and Medium Enterprises and entrepreneurs. We organized seminars, events and webinars focused in topics like Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Security, DNSSEC, freedom of expression and access to services, among o thers.

All these activities are open and free for the communtiy, events include remote participation and translation, webinars are recorded for further consultation on the portal.

NEW!!! New cycle of webinars MUNDO CONECTADO

In order to adapt activities to the restrictions for social gatherings, DOMINIOS LATINOAMERICA started a new cycle of webinars called MUNDO CONECTADO.

The idea is to bring the voice of experts closer to the community throug webinars focused on topics of interest related with technology, economy and society.

Webinars are organized in Spanish language for the moment, but in the future there will be simultaneos translation in to English language.

The following webinars were organized:

Cybercrime in pandemic times - Horacio Azzolin - Titular UFECI

ICTs and Sustainability - Jorge Perez Martínez y José Felix - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

ENACOM in pandemic times - Gustavo López - Vicepresidente de ENACOM Argentina

Book "Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America"

In 2018 the book "Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America" was published in honor of the tenth anniversary of the South School on Internet Governance. The book is available in Spanish, English and Portuguese free for the community visiting



Connect with us in social networks




SSIG website








IGF 2020 Village Booth #7 South School on Internet Governance


IGF 2020 - SSIG -  Reunión de alumnos - Alumni gathering

Sesión en ESPAÑOL: Jueves 12 de noviembre - 20 hs UTC
Reúnete con nosotros durante el IGF 2020!!! Cuéntanos tus historias durante esta reunión virtual de alumnos de SSIG! 
Regístrate y podrás compartir tus experiencias en esta sesión especial!! Haremos una lista de participantes por orden de llegada así que no te demores ya que tenemos un tiempo limitado de una hora y media. Completa este formulario y te esperamos el próximo jueves.
Equipo de SSIG

Completa este formulario parara participar!

ENGLISH session: Friday 13 November - 20 hs UTC
Join us during IGF 2020!!! Tell us your stories during this virtual alumni meeting!
Register in this formn and share your experiences in this special virtual interactive session!! We will make a list of those who want to participate in order of registration so do not hesitate and fill the form! We have a limited time of one hour and a half!
See you virtually next Friday!!
Equipo SSIG

Please fill this form to participate!


First virtual edition of the South School on Internet Governance

SSIG is pleased to share with the IGF community the experience of the first virtual edition of the 12th South School on Internet Governance SSIG 2020 organized together with the 4th edition of the Argentine School of Internet Governance ARGENSIG 2020.

For the first time in its twelve years of existence, the SSIG has been organized in a completely virtual different way, with the challenge of maintaining the quality and quantity of content and interaction among participating fellows, allowing them to meet Internet leaders through their participation in the program of activities.

In this virtual edition, the school broadened its horizons by convening more than one hundred experts from around the world who were connected in a virtual way to an audio and video studio to interact with more than 500 scholars from five continents.

This joint virtual edition gathered 510 fellows from 34 countries on five continents, 100 experts from all over the world who participated in 42 sessions during five full days of activity.

The virtual edition SSIG 2020 and ARGENSIG 2020 have been the largest of all its consecutive editions and the ones that received the largest number of experts and fellowship holders with the greatest impact on social networks.

This virtual edition demonstrated the adaptability, strength and resilience of our great community of fellows and experts.

A different virtual event

One of the objectives of this virtual edition of SSIG 2020 and ARGENSIG 2020 was to make the visual experience attractive and entertaining.

To achieve this, the entire event was broadcast live from a video studio specially conditioned according to current sanitary regulations. High definition cameras, various video editing and projection equipment were used in the study. The zoom rooms of the keynotes and panelists were mixed with the video of the room and the giant screen. The use of high definition cameras and videos managed to create a visual experience like television, differentiating itself from most of the virtual events.

The fellows participated through an additional special virtual platform, with simultaneous translation in Spanish and English, performed by interpreters. Interpretation in both languages was available throughout the five days of the event.

In addition, and to allow the participation of the wider community, the entire event was broadcasted live in the SSIG LAC YouTube channel, with video and audio in both languages every day. The content is available on this channel so that it can be viewed at any time.

The full HD video and dual-language audio material from the five days of training will be edited and uploaded to the SSIG YouTube channel, separating each Keynote and session for easy viewing.

Book "Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America"

In 2018 the book "Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America" was published in honor of the tenth anniversary of the South School on Internet Governance. The book is available in Spanish, English and Portuguese free for the community visiting

Connect with us in social networks




SSIG website





IGF 2020 Village Booth #8
Genlish Foundation


We will display our projects related to the Digital Literacy program in India. We will showcase how we are achieving our digital inclusion goals and cyber safety awareness goals in India. We will exhibit how we outreach rural areas for digital inclusion, and schools and colleges for our cyber safety programs so that other individuals or organizations can learn from us if they have a similar problem in their respected countries. Apart from our existing program, we will share our future plans as well.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #10 Internet Society


The Internet Society is a global nonprofit organization connecting and empowering communities to ensure the Internet remains open, globally-connected, secure, and trustworthy.

Working through a network of 135 Chapters in 131 countries, the organization defends and promotes policies, standards, and protocols that create access and build trust in the way the world exchanges information.

For more information; please visit our website:

The Global Encryption Coalition:

Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit:

Internet Society activities during IGF 2020 can be found here : Internet Society IGF 2020

Starting Tuesday November 10, we will host a 30 minutes Casual Coffee Corner each day at 10:00 UTC. 

Casual Coffee Corner 1 - Nov 10 - 10:00 UTC - Join here!

Casual Coffee Corner 2  - Nov 11 - 10:00 UTC - Join here!

Casual Coffee Corner 3 - Nov 12 - 10:00 UTC - Join here!

Casual Coffee Corner 4 - Nov 13- 10:00 UTC - Join here!

Casual Coffee Corner 5 - Nov 16 - 10:00 UTC - Join here!

Casual Coffee Corner 6 - Nov 17 - 10:00 UTC - Join here!




We, the Basic Internet Foundation, have established an efficient organisation to partner
with communities, governments, and companies all around the globe. We create the
solution to connect the 3.5 Billion people who are not connected to the Internet. Being
left-out from the Digital Society removes the capabilities for reaching higher levels of the
Maslow pyramid, e.g. meaningful work.
The implementation of free access to information enables people in the bottom of the
pyramid to get part of the digital society, and can gain digital skills. Through access and
skills for everyone Internet Lite opens for knowledge uptake needed for decent work,
gender equality, better health and education.
Being present in 8 countries, out of which 5 are in Africa, the Foundation empowers local
initiatives to establish information spots and contribute to digital inclusion. The
established infrastructure is cost effective, with an info spot costing not more than a
mid-size mobile phone (~400 USD), and it provides free access to information.
By creating InfoSpots with digital health information, we influence both knowledge
uptake, increase digital literacy through digital health, and, thus , contribute to a timely
response to an outbreak reaching every single person in the society. We believe that
InfoSpots with an OPEX of less than 20 USD/month are solving the challenge of access
to information for everyone.
We have now focused on policies for digital empowerment, and suggest an integrated
approach for “access, skills, regulations and inclusion” being the “free access to the
National Knowledge Portal”. Given the global focus on last-mile connectivity, we are
looking for you joining our efforts.
We are happy to announce that, after having connected more than 10
villages/schools/primary health facilities in Tanzania, we now discuss with UCSAF a pilot
for "sustainable connectivity of schools". We have agreed on connecting 10 schools. We
are currently working on a document for UNICEF answering the need for sustainable
access to digital public goods. In this "work in progress" document we added in the
appendix the dialogue with UCSAF.…
For further reading on the activities of our Foundation, we would suggest to start with
Our web site
Our Wiki
Technical Solution
And the overview we presented to UNDP:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #13 Russian Center for Promotion of International Initiatives


Dear visitors!

Here you can find materials from the Russian stakeholder organisations, who participate at the vIGF 2020.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected]

Russian AI Srategy and the Concept of AI and robotcs regulation: 

IGF Russia web-site: 

Youth IGF Russia web-site:

Main session TRUST presentation:…;

Technology of providing feedback on social media users' complaints: 

Addressing AI ethics through codification

IVA Tensor Processing Unit Family. Performance for compute-intensive tasks:

Multipoint unified communications solution:

iPavlov AI: 

3Logic Group's science technology center:


The Russian Summer School on Internet Governance (RSSIG) is organized by the Coordination center for TLD .RU/.РФ together with Saint-Petersburg State University. Main outcomes.

  • RSSIG joined the Dynamic Coalition on Schools on Internet Governance (SIG).
  • The main goal of the School is to immerse students in the field of Internet governance and digital cooperation at the global and local level, as well as  develop skills for meaningful participation in international organizations, conferences and dialogues on these issues.
  • The next edition of RSSIG is scheduled on July-August 2021. More information is on the website:



IGF 2020 Village Booth #14 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression


Columbia University's Global Freedom of Expression initiative seeks to advance understanding of the international and national norms and institutions that best protect the free flow of information and expression.

To achieve its objective, Columbia Global Freedom of Expression engages with a range of stakeholders, including academic experts, legal practitioners, judges, activists and students. It undertakes and commissions research and policy projects, organizes events and the Justice for Freedom of Expression Conference, publishes a weekly newsletter, and participates in and contributes to global debates on the protection of freedom of expression and information in the 21st century.

Its flagship project is the Global Freedom of Expression Case Law Database, an online platform that provides summaries and analyses of more than 1,450 judicial decisions relating to freedom of expression from 130 countries.

  • A Spanish language version of the database offers nearly 350 analysis of court decisions, with a focus on Latin America.
  • An Arabic language version was recently launched and offers 50 analyses of landmark cases from around the world, as well as analyses of selected rulings from the Middle East and North Africa.   


Columbia Global Freedom of Expression has produced a two-part Massive Open Online Course available on the EdX platform. If you are interested in learning about the norms, institutions and forces that altogether have founded a global system of protection for freedom of expression and information, please check out our courses below:

Teaching Portal

In 2019, Global Freedom of Expression launched a new teaching portal Freedom of Expression Without Frontiers, in partnership with 10 Universities and civil society organizations from around the world, to promote the adoption of a global approach to the teaching of free speech. The Portal includes pedagogical resources designed by professors and trainers from different parts of the world and across different disciplines. The website is organized under nine teaching modules, each of which covers a variety of themes within subject areas. 

Global Freedom of Expression Prizes

The Global Freedom of Expression Prizes recognize judicial decisions and legal representation around the world that strengthen freedom of expression by promoting international legal norms. The prizes are awarded every two years in two categories: Significant Legal Ruling and Excellence in Legal Services.

The 2018 the Significant Legal Ruling Prize went to the “Sugary Drinks” Decision rendered by  the Constitutional Court of Colombia. The judgment found that prohibiting the NGO  Educar Consumidores from broadcasting a commercial about the health risks of sugary drinks amounted to prior restraint and violated the consumers’ right to receive information. Here is a video about the decision.

Read more about us in the Implementation Report.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #15 Association for Progressive Communications (APC)



Welcome to the APC digital booth!

First, we invite you to read APC priorities for the 15th Internet Governance Forum
Check out what we will be busy with at the IGF in this schedule. Join us there!
Together with our members and partners, we will use this space to display videos and other work by our community, as well as to come together around different activities that will take place according to the schedule below. Come join us! We will be updating this calendar with more activities soon.
APC's booth schedule


Wednesday 4 November

6:00-7:00 UTC: Care and sexual rights (Click here to join)

11:00-12:00 UTC: and community networks (Click here to join)

Friday 6 November

8:00-9:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)

11:00-12:00 UTC: Local access and community networks: Conversations on policy (Click here to join)

16:00-17:00 UTC: Local access and community networks: Conversations on tech (Click here to join)

Monday 9 November

6:00-7:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)

11:00–12:00 UTC: Feminist internet time! (Click here to join)

Wednesday 11 November

6:00-7:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)

12:30-13:30 UTC: Continuing the conversation from the workshop "Imagine an internet that serves environmental justice" (11:20-12:20 UTC) (Click here to join)

16:00-17:00 UTC: Relevant policy spaces for internet governance (Click here to join)

Friday 13 November

6:00-7:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)

11:30-12:30 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)

Monday 16 November

12:00-13:00 UTC: GISWatch - Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: Responses from the global South (Click here to join)

13:00-14:00 UTC: A guide to circular economies of digital devices: launching a preview and continuing conversations from the workshop "Circular economy of ICT" (9:40-11:10 UTC) (Click here to join)

18:00-20:00 UTC: APC Party - Alegre Vida: Joy as resistance (REGISTER HERE)


Learn more about APC:

Our mission is to create a just and sustainable world by harnessing the collective power of activists, organisations, excluded groups, communities and social movements, to challenge existing power structures and ensure that the internet is developed and governed as a global public good.

Our vision is for people to use and shape the internet and digital technologies to create a just and sustainable world, leading to greater care for ourselves, each other and the earth.

Meet APC staff and members, and learn more about who we are and what is the change we work to bring about to:

In 2020 APC turns 30 years old, and to commemorate this special date we have asked the members of our network about their vision for APC in the next 10 years to come. While we are celebrating what has been achieved in the past three decades, at the same time we are looking forward to more years of harnessing the collective power of activists, organisations, excluded groups, communities and social movements to create a just and sustainable world, challenging existing power structures and ensuring that the internet is developed and governed as a global public good. Check out all the messages that many of our members have sent! 

Digital goodies available as well! We invite you to download these designs and come up with your own ideas on where and how to use them: 

Read also: Internet governance: What did we achieve from 2016 to 2019?

And don't miss our: 

Impact Report 2016-2019 and Highlights from 2020

Closer than ever: Keeping our movements connected and inclusive – The Association for Progressive Communications' response to the COVID-19 pandemic 

Closer than ever: A guide for social change organisations who want to work online 

Find more in-depth resources on our publications page


Follow APC’s work

Media contacts: [email protected] in English, Spanish or Portuguese

For queries or additional information regarding APC's strategy and participation in the IGF, contact Valeria Betancourt at [email protected]

IGF 2020 Village Booth #16 Insafe


Insafe and INHOPE

Insafe and INHOPE work together through a network of Safer Internet Centres (SICs) across Europe – typically comprising an awareness centre, helpline, hotline and youth panel.

  • National awareness centres raise awareness and understanding of safer internet issues and emerging trends by running campaigns to empower children and young people with the skills to stay safe online and take advantage of the opportunities that the internet provides.
  • Helplines provide information, advice and assistance to children, youth and parents on how to deal with harmful content, harmful contact and harmful conduct.
  • Hotlines exist to allow members of the public to report illegal content anonymously. Reports are then passed on to the appropriate body for action.
  • Youth panels allow young people to express their views and exchange knowledge and experiences concerning their use of online technologies, as well as tips on how to stay safe.


Insafe and INHOPE coordinate the Safer Internet Day awareness campaign, which sees events and activities taking place in over 170 countries every February. On Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we will celebrate the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day. With a theme of “Together for a better internet”, the day is an opportunity for all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people.

Browse the Safer Internet Day website to find out more information, including an interactive world map providing an overview of Safer Internet Day 2020 activities around the globe, as well as the list of organisational Safer Internet Day supporters and some initial campaign materials for Safer Internet Day 2021. We’ll be adding to this over the coming weeks as the 2021 campaign gathers pace.

You may also watch the Safer Internet Day promotional video below, and stay in touch via Twitter and Facebook.


Registrations are now open for this year's edition of Safer Internet Forum, which will take place online from Tuesday, 24 to Friday, 27 November 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the view that digital technologies can empower children and young people to find information, communicate, socialise, learn and play, often in ways that are not possible to the same extent in their non-digital lives. Yet, there is growing awareness and concern that online tools and services are often not designed with the best interests of children and young people in mind, and those with diverse disabilities can be especially impacted. The 2020 edition of Safer Internet Forum will therefore focus on "Digital (dis)advantage: creating an inclusive world for children and young people online".

Stay up to date with the latest developments on Facebook and on Twitter via the hashtags #SaferInternetForum and #SIF2020.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #18 DiploFoundation



Geneva Internet Platform logo


Smartphone app for IGF 2020!

Download our free DW Just-in-Time Reporting app on the App Store and Google Play.

Who we are


DiploFoundation is the leading global capacity development organisation in the field of Internet governance. Established over 20 years ago, Diplo works to improve:

  • the role of small and developing states in global diplomacy;
  • Internet governance and digital policy;
  • international policy development;
  • international accountability and legitimacy; and
  • the legitimacy of international policy-making.

DiploFoundation does this by:

  • training officials through engaging, customised, and cost-effective courses, workshops and simulation exercises; 
  • strengthening participation of non-state actors in international relations and policy;
  • providing capacity development programmes for governing the Internet, data, artificial intelligence, and other emerging tech issues; 
  • promoting and developing digital tools for inclusive and impactful governance and policy-making. 

Geneva Internet Platform (GIP)

The Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) is an initiative of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) of Switzerland. It was established in 2014 and is operated by DiploFoundation.

The GIP provides a neutral and inclusive space for digital policy debates, digital policy monitoring and analysis, and capacity development.

The GIP's activities are implemented through just-in-time events, policy research, and the Digital Watch observatory which provides the latest updates, trends, instruments, resources, events, and actors on 50+ Internet governance and digital policy issues and processes.

What we do

Online training and courses

Since 1994, DiploFoundation has successfully trained over 6400 alumni from over 200 countries and territories, including individuals working in governments, the private and civil sector, media, and academia. From our founding, we have held more than 450 courses and training programmes in areas diplomacy, Internet governance, communications, and policy-making. 

All our faculty members are high-ranking practising and retired experts, as well as renowned academics in the fields of Internet governance, diplomacy, and international relations.

For more details on our online courses and training, visit Diplo’s Course catalogue. Contact us at [email protected] for all further information.

Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy with an Internet Governance specialisation

Earn an accredited Master’s degree without taking time off work!

The online Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy programme builds knowledge and practical skills for addressing current challenges in diplomacy and international relations, including Internet governance, AI, and data. 

Why you should apply

  • Accredited: The programme has a European postgraduate accreditation through the Department of International Relations at the University of Malta, and is recognised worldwide.
  • Flexible: You choose your courses and degree, and you decide when and where to study.
  • Affordable: With online learning you can continue to work.
  • Relevant: Courses cover traditional and contemporary topics in diplomacy, and current Internet governance events and trends.
  • Practical: Faculty members are practising and retired diplomats with theoretical knowledge and practical expertise.
  • Personalised: Extend your professional network through your classmates, lecturers, and over 6400 alumni members.
  • Effective: Small student groups emphasise learning together, drawing on the experience and knowledge of both participants and lecturers.

To find out more about the programme and to apply, visit the Master’s programme page here

Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance

An interactive online capacity development programme

Topics like privacy protection, human rights online, and cybersecurity are increasingly in focus of the global policy-making community. Yet, the growing relevance of the Internet is not yet supported by effective and inclusive Internet governance.

The Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance programme gives current and future Internet policymakers a solid foundation in practical and diplomatic skills, as well as the knowledge and techniques necessary to engage effectively in international policy processes.

Participants must successfully complete three of the following five courses within a three-year period:

  1. Introduction to Internet Governance
  2. E-Diplomacy
  3. Internet Technology and Policy: Challenges and Solutions
  4. Cybersecurity
  5. Artificial Intelligence: Technology, Governance, and Policy Frameworks

To find out more about the programme and to apply, visit the Advanced Diploma page here

GIP's Digital Watch observatory

The GIP's Digital Watch observatory is a comprehensive one-stop shop for the latest digital policy developments, overviews, events, actors, instruments, and other resources.

Digital Watch provides:

  • a comprehensive live summary of the latest developments in digital policy;
  • an overview of digital issues, actors and ongoing processes;
  • a calendar of upcoming and past events, and public consultations;
  • just-in-time reporting from digital policy events;
  • the latest research and data on Internet policy;
  • quantitative research such as data-mining of open data and  topic profiling; and
  • digital policy research and analysis by 30+ digital policy experts from around the world.

App for IGF 2020: DW Just-in-Time Reporting

The Digital Watch observatory has been reporting from digital policy discussions since 2015, with the aim to help stakeholders follow debates, understand current and emerging issues, and explore topics in more depth.

DW's team of 50+ expert curators and rapporteurs, data analysts, editors, and multimedia specialists provide just-in-time reports from major events such as the IGF, as well as regional and national events.

Free IGF 2020 app!

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New projects and tools

Encouraging curiosity and seeking constant innovation within our community, Diplo focuses on new developments in the field of AI, data science, and online meetings.

ConfTech: From on-site to online

The ConfTech initiative captures Diplo’s 20+ years of experience in e-learning, e-diplomacy, and e-participation to help countries and organisations transition from onsite to online and hybrid events.

It achieves its mission through five areas of work:

  1. Help Desk for online events: The ConfTech Help Desk provides immediate advice to help countries and organisations identify solutions to their needs, and make quick decisions on how to organise their online and hybrid meetings.
  2. Hands-on support: Meeting organisers who are pressed for time can outsource their meeting or event to ConfTech. ConfTech’s hands-on service includes conceptual planning, programme shaping, platform set-up, communications support, on-the-day tech assistance, video-based and chat-based moderation, and event reporting.
  3. Training: The Online Meetings and Conferences intensive practice-based four-week online course teaches participants how to plan and run successful online events, from choosing the right platforms and apps, to moderating effectively.
  4. Labs: The first ConfTech lab, in Geneva, will be equipped with the latest technology to develop innovative ways of hosting and moderating online and hybrid events.
  5. Research and library: The Future of Meetings library offers how-to guides, articles, and videos on the many aspects of online meetings, to help others plan and implement their ideas.

ConfTech Help Desk: Helping organisation and governments to shift to online events

Due to COVID-19 and the growing need for skills on organising and moderating online events, we established the ConTech Help Desk to help organisations and governments to shift their work online. Together with the governments of Switzerland and Finland, Diplo and the GIP organised the Help Desk in accordance with the recommendations given in the UN Secretary-General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation.


Online course: Online Meetings and Conferences: How to Run Effective and Secure Events

Online meetings and conferences are now a necessity for most organisations. In the Online Meetings and Conferences highly interactive, practice-based course, participants learn how to plan, manage, and run successful online events, including: choosing and using an appropriate technical platform, planning the entire process from the initial idea to the follow-up, and effectively moderating interaction in an online environment.

The humAInism project

As we witness calls for regulation and oversight of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, we need to anchor AI in the core values of humanity by understanding how AI functions and what are the reasonable policy trade-offs that we need to make. 

At the humAInism project we do this by: 

  • going ‘under the AI bonnet’ to understand technology and to analyse the policy, legal, and ethics-related impacts of algorithms and other AI tools;
  • experimenting with and developing AI systems that can help us draft a guide (or social contract) on how to navigate the uncharted waters of the emerging AI era; and
  • showcasing AI tools that are able to assist diplomats in multilateral negotiations, as well as in drafting reports and statements on a broad range of issues.

The humAInism project invites tech companies and research institutions to develop AI systems that are able to analyse human knowledge and to join us, in order to create a new kind of ‘social contract’ or guide which will help humanity navigate the uncharted waters of the emerging AI era. Join our community and contact us at [email protected]

The humAInism Speech Generator

The humAInism Speech Generator combines AI algorithms and human expertise to help diplomats and other practitioners to draft statements and speeches. Our pilot project concerns cybersecurity topics, and will be followed by other policy areas. 

The Speech Generator aims to explore new AI technologies, and examine their application in the field of diplomacy. For this purpose, we used several state-of-the-art algorithms with three main goals.

  1. Semantic similarity search: Finding sentences with similar semantics from Diplo’s corpuses of books and transcripts
  2. Generation of long-form answers: Given a question, the algorithm finds relevant paragraphs from Diplo’s corpuses of books and transcripts, and generates new paragraphs with explanatory answers
  3. Text generation: The algorithm is fine-tuned on diplomatic texts, and is used for the generation of new texts

Online course: Artificial Intelligence: Technology, Governance, and Policy Frameworks

Artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from the realm of science fiction into our everyday lives. But what exactly is AI, and how does it change our socio-economic landscapes, and what is at stake for governments, businesses, and citizens?

Interactive voice assistants on our smartphones, targeted online advertising on social media, and autonomous cars and weapons are just some examples of the varied applications of AI. 

The Artificial Intelligence online course provides in-depth knowledge that enables participants to critically assess the consequences of AI, and understand the opportunities and challenges AI is creating across a broad spectrum of topics, including policy and diplomacy. It provides an interdisciplinary coverage of AI, encompassing technical, political, legal, economic, security, and ethical issues.

Diplo’s Data Engine

Diplo’s Data Engine collects, processes, and presents large datasets in a way to be easily understood and used by diplomats, policymakers and the general public. The Data Engine is a practical and impactful tool for optimised and evidence-based policy-making. Our two pilot apps include the Countries-Companies Comparison tool and the Data Sandbox tool, with many new projects to come.

The Countries-Companies Comparison tool compares the GDP of a country with the revenues of tech companies. The comparison is visualised through the size of the country's flag and the sizes of tech companies' logos. Compare countries and tech companies here.

The Data Sandbox tool identifies patterns in a country's ranking position across different datasets, such as COVID-19, economy, governance, and many others. These patterns help diplomats and practitioners better understand data and further research these issues. Find country patterns here. 

To stay up-to-date on Data Engine's future tools, write to us at [email protected].

Stay in touch with Diplo and GIP

Connect with Diplo and GIP on social media, and follow our live webinars and conferences, new reports, course updates, and much more.


Geneva Internet Platform (GIP)

IGF 2020 Village Booth #19 Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network


The Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network is the multistakeholder organization fostering legal interoperability in cyberspace. Its Secretariat facilitates a global policy process between key stakeholders to enable transnational cooperation and policy coherence. Participants in the Policy Network work together to preserve the cross-border nature of the internet, protect human rights, fight abuses, and enable the global digital economy. Since 2012, the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network has engaged more than 300 key entities from different stakeholder groups around the world, including governments, the world’s largest internet companies, the technical community, civil society groups, leading universities and international organizations.

Read More

IGF 2020 Village Booth #20 TaC-Together against Cybercrime International


Social media: @Esafetyglobal & @globalyouthigf

Our main task is to assist victims of online illegal activities,

develop educational tools on online safety,

conceptualise and implement the awareness-raising activities on cybersecurity for different stakeholder groups.

In 2008 we realised the need for civil society action in the fight against cybercrime. In January 2010, TaC International has been born.

TaC– Together against Cybercrime Internationalis a non-profit anti-cybercrime organisation born in France with its headquarter in Geneva.

We are working internationally.

TaC International is the Founder of the Youth IGF.


IGF 2020 Village Booth #21 EU Agency for Fundamental Rights


About FRA:

We are the independent centre of reference and excellence for promoting and protecting human rights in the EU. We help make Europe a better place to live and work. We help defend and promote the fundamental rights of all people living in the EU, including your rights. We work with stakeholders from the local to international level. Our team shares evidence-based insights and expert advice with policy- and decision-makers.


What we do:

We help policy makers to understand how they can do more for their citizens. We share our insights and raise rights awareness at the EU, national and local level.

To help safeguard the rights, values and freedoms enshrined in the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights, we:

  • Collect and analyse law and data
  • Provide independent, evidence-based advice on rights
  • Identify trends by collecting and analysing comparable data
  • Help better law making and implementation
  • Support rights-compliant policy responses
  • Strengthen cooperation and ties between fundamental rights actors


Work on rights: Data protection, privacy and new technologies

More and more of our everyday lives are online – both at work and home. Meanwhile, terror attacks intensify calls for more surveillance. Concerns grow over the safety of our privacy and personal data.

Against this background, FRA helps lawmakers and practitioners protect your rights in a connected world, including in the following areas of expertise:

  • Artificial intelligence and big data
  • Borders and information systems
  • Data protection
  • Unlawful profiling

For more information regarding our data and IG related work, please visit the following link:


We will publish our report on artificial intelligence, big data and fundamental rights on December 14, 2020. It will assess the pros and cons for fundamental rights of using artificial intelligence and big data for public administration and business purposes. For further information on the report and/or the research conducted in this project, please visit the following link:


Relevant FRA Publications:






Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Fundamental Rights report

14 December 2020



AI and Big Data; Data protection, privacy and new technologies

This report will assess the pros and cons for fundamental rights of using artificial intelligence and big data for public administration and business purposes.

Coronavirus pandemic in the EU – Fundamental Rights implications – Bulletin #4


Short report

Data protection, privacy and new technologies

As we enter the second half of 2020, the constraints on our daily lives brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic have become a frim reality. These bulletins deal with this reality from a fundamental rights perspective.

Coronavirus pandemic in the EU – Fundamental Rights implications – Bulletin #2


Short report

Data protection, privacy and new technologies

Coronavirus pandemic in the EU – Fundamental Rights implications – Bulletin #1


Short report

Data protection, privacy and new technologies

Your rights matter: Data protection and privacy – Fundamental rights Survey



Data protection, privacy and new technologies

The report presents data from the FRA Fundamental Rights Survey. It includes data on opinions and experiences of people in the European Union linked to data protection and technology.

Public Consultation on the European Commission’s White Paper on
Artificial Intelligence – a European Approach /
Contribution by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 


EC White Paper

AI and Big Data; Data protection, privacy and new technologies FRA's contribution to the consultation on the European Commission's White Paper on artificial intelligence.

Your rights matter: Security concerns and experiences



Security - Data protection, privacy and new technologies – Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation

This paper presents peoples’ concerns and experiences relating to security. It covers worry about crime, including terrorism and online fraud; experience of cyber-harassment; and concern about illegal access to data.

Fundamental Rights Report 2020


Fundamental Rights Report 2020 – FRA opinions


Opinion/ Report


Data protection, privacy and new technologies

FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2020 reviews major developments in the EU between January and December 2019, and outlines FRA’s opinions thereon. Noting both achievements and remaining areas of concern concerning fundamental rights, it provides insights into the main issues shaping fundamental rights debates across the EU.

Proposal for a Regulation on preventing the
dissemination of terrorist content online and its
fundamental rights implications – FRA opinion



Data protection, privacy and new technologies - Security

This Opinion aims to inform the European Parliament’s position on the legislative proposal for a Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online, presented by the European Commission on 12 September 2018.

Facial recognition technology: fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement



AI, data protection, justice

Examples of national law enforcement authorities in the EU using facial recognition technology are sparse – but several are testing its potential. This paper therefore looks at the fundamental rights implications of relying on live FRT, focusing on its use for law enforcement and border-management purposes.

Data quality and artificial intelligence – mitigating bias and error to protect fundamental rights



AI and big data - Data protection, privacy and new technologies

This paper sets out to contribute to the many ongoing policy discussions around AI and big data by highlighting one aspect that needs attention from a fundamental rights perspective; namely the awareness and avoidance of poor data quality. It does not aim at explaining how to use high quality data, but how to become aware of and avoid using low quality data.

Hate crime recording and data collection practice across the EU



Hate crime, Data Collection

This report provides rich and detailed information on hate crime recording and data collection systems across the EU, including any systemic cooperation with civil society.

Preventing unlawful profiling today and in the future: a guide



Data protection, privacy and new technologies – AI and big data – and others

This guide explains what profiling is, the legal frameworks that regulate it, and why conducting profiling lawfully is both necessary to comply with fundamental rights and crucial for effective policing and border management. The guide also provides practical guidance on how to avoid unlawful profiling in police and border management operations.

In Brief - Big data, algorithms and discrimination



Data protection, privacy and new technologies – Equality, non-discrimination and racism

With enormous volumes of data generated every day, more and more decisions are based on data analysis and algorithms. This can bring welcome benefits, such as consistency and objectivity, but algorithms also entail great risks. A FRA focus paper looks at how the use of automation in decision making can result in, or exacerbate, discrimination.

#BigData: Discrimination in data-supported decision making



Data protection, privacy and new technologies – Equality, non-discrimination and racism

This focus paper specifically deals with discrimination, a fundamental rights area particularly affected by technological developments.

Handbook on European data protection law - 2018 edition


Handbook/ Guide/ Manual

Data protection, privacy and new technologies

The rapid development of information technology has exacerbated the need for robust personal data protection, the right to which is safeguarded by both European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) instruments. Safeguarding this important right entails new and significant challenges as technological advances expand the frontiers of areas such as surveillance, communication interception and data storage. This handbook is designed to familiarise legal practitioners not specialised in data protection with this emerging area of the law.

Surveillance by intelligence services: fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the European Union – Volume II – Summary



Data protection, privacy and new technologies - Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation

With terrorism, cyber-attacks and sophisticated cross-border criminal networks posing growing threats, the work of intelligence services has become more urgent, complex and international. Such work can strongly interfere with fundamental rights, especially privacy and data protection. While continuous technological advances potentially exacerbate the threat of such interference, effective oversight and remedies can curb the potential for abuse.

Under watchful eyes – biometrics, EU IT-systems and fundamental rights



Borders and information systems – Asylum, Migration and borders - Data protection, privacy and new technologies

This report outlines the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using biometric and other data in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration.

Surveillance by intelligence services: fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU - Volume II: field perspectives and legal update


Report/ Paper/ Summary

Data protection, privacy and new technologies

This report is FRA’s second publication addressing a European Parliament request for in-depth research on the impact of surveillance on fundamental rights. It updates FRA’s 2015 legal analysis on the topic, and supplements that analysis with field-based insights gained from extensive interviews with diverse experts in intelligence and related fields, including its oversight.

Fundamental rights and the interoperability of EU information systems: borders and security



Borders and information systems – Asylum, Migration and borders - Data protection, privacy and new technologies

This publication aims to support the work of the high-level expert group on information systems and interoperability by highlighting ways to address fundamental rights challenges.

Surveillance by intelligence services – Volume I: Member States’ legal framework



Data protection, privacy and new technologies - Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation

This report, drafted in response to the European Parliament’s call for thorough research on fundamental rights protection in the context of surveillance, maps and analyses the legal frameworks on surveillance in place in EU Member States.

Surveillance by intelligence services – fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU - Summary



Data protection, privacy and new technologies - Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation - Security

In April 2014, the European Parliament requested the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) “to undertake in–depth research on the protection of fundamental rights in the context of surveillance”. This summary presents FRA’s main research findings, which are published in full in the report entitled Surveillance by intelligence services: fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU – Mapping Member States’ legal frameworks.


How to reach us:

FRA is Vienna based. Our contact details are:


European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Schwarzenbergplatz 11

A – 1040 Vienna


P: +43 1 580 30 – 0

F: +43 1 503 13 85

E: [email protected]


FRA can also be contacted and/or followed via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube or Instagram.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #22 or zoom


We are a program based specifically in Haiti, we do popularization work and online dissemination on topics related to Internet governance, the Internet and technology. Since 2018, or zoom has set itself the goal of including everyone, without gender discrimination, in matters relating to Internet governance. And we also train people on how to use new technologies and how they should behave in the digital environment.

Meet our team

Different skills and qualifications for a common goal
Last name First Name Fonction
OCCELENT Roland President
LOUIS Mifleur Vice President
JEAN Marlie Sarafina Communication manager
MATHURIN Halldwin K. Brown Graphist
TELLUS Wood Guerlin Redactor
MOHAMMAD Atif Aleem Logistic manager

Therefore, it is necessary to share with the whole world the experiences that we have had and the work that we have accomplished. We intend to share in the village our work on digital inclusion and to raise awareness of the importance of initiatives aimed at including everyone in the digital ecosystem so as to have an open, free, trustworthy and accessible Internet to all.

Through our capsules we will present our work on a flat screen, we will also have posters that we will give to people so that they can get an idea of ​​the situation of Haiti in terms of digital inclusion and how they can help us to help have a higher impact, we will also give stickers with the or zoom logo as well as stickers with awareness messages.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #23 Consortium of Internet and Society, Communication University of Zhejiang


"Oral history of Internet" Project, the project aims to show and display the 50 years' development and evolution of the internet, and the historical process of internet tide in all countries through the oral history narratives from 1000 internet pioneers and key figures in 100 countries. Seek the origins of the Internet, advocate the Internet spirit, promote the new era of "Internet available to everyone, everyone can access the quality Internet" by displaying the new human civilization group in the internet era.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #24 European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)



More than just a conference

The European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) is an open multi-stakeholder platform to exchange views about the Internet and how it is governed. First organised in 2008 by several organisations, government representatives and experts, it fosters dialogue and collaboration with the Internet community on public policy for the Internet. Culminating in an annual conference that takes place in a different European city.

Find out about the EuroDIG Messages 2020!

Participate in the call for issues for the EuroDIG 2021 programme!


EuroDIG 2020 was our first virtual event, even more it was the first ever fully virtual IGF. Our aim was to create an interactive meeting and give participants a sort of community feeling in the virtual space. We received feedback from participants that was generally positive.

We are happy to share with you our experience in the EuroDIG 2020 virtual meeting report, which shall also help other organisers planning their virtual meeting.


You are invited to the EuroDIG get together on 16 November, 2020 - 11:20 to 12:10 (UTC)
For details please visit:

We look forward to meet you there!


Greening Internet governance – Environmental sustainability and digital transformation was new on the agenda of EuroDIG 2020.

We would like to continue the discussion on this topic also in 2021. Meet us at the virtual booth to start an informal exchange on how to implement this topic in the 2021 agenda.

Save the date: 3rd November 2020, 9:30 – 10:45 (UTC), brain storming and informal exchange on how to implement this topic in the EuroDIG 2021 agenda. For please see

This is the link to the session:


Join the Open Forum on 3rd November 2020, 7:40 UTC!
See details:


Would you like to become a donor or support EuroDIG in general?
Or would you just like to speak to us in person?

Please contact the EuroDIG Secretariat!

IGF 2020 Village Booth #25 ICC BASIS


The International Chamber of Commerce Business Action to Support the Information Society initiative (ICC BASIS) is the leading voice of business in the international dialogues on how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can better serve as engines of economic growth and social development and is the recognised business focal point in the post-WSIS activities.

Business, as a driver of innovation and by investing in the development of new technologies, has an essential role to play in realising the potential of the digital economy. Where facilitated by an enabling policy environment, such investment in digital development and in increasing the digital spread can deliver considerable economic and social benefits.

ICC BASIS is of the view that these goals are best achieved through the multi-stakeholder approach to developing policy. Legal and regulatory frameworks that benefit from input and cooperation of all stakeholders offer the most promising path to the benefits of connectivity and empowerment through technology and sustainable development.

Are you a business newcomer to the IGF?

Please find here information on what to expect from the event and from ICC BASIS!

Where to find ICC BASIS at the IGF 2020?

  • ICC BASIS pre-event:From Principles to Practice: Artificial Intelligence and the Role of the Private Sector
  • ICC BASIS workshop: Global crises and socially responsible data responses

ICC BASIS and the four IGF 2020 themes

Read ICC reports and policy papers related to the four IGF 2020 themes:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #26 Stiftung Digitale Chancen


Contact us via E-Mail , Twitter or Facebook.

Stiftung Digitale Chancen / Digital Opportunities Foundation

Since its establishment in 2002, the Digital Opportunities Foundation researches the social impact of digitisation, campaigns for equal access to the internet for all people and for digital literacy. Our objective is digital inclusion of all societal groups and counteracting the digital divide. We work in cooperation with public, civic, and private partners.

Our projects are funded by federal and European programs as well as by industry. The foundation is working under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.


Our work is project based, addresses a large number of target groups, and can be classed in three categories:

Digital Society

  • ALL DIGITAL Summit 2020 – From Berlin to Everywhere! - The Digital Opportunities Foundation co-organised the
    ALL DIGITAL Summit 2020, which due to Covid-19 became an online event titled “Competences for the Future”. Every year, the Summit brings together the members of the European network ALL DIGITAL and experts in the field of media competence promotion from all over Europe..
  • InviDas – Enable Digital Sovereignty - The new project InviDas is developing new ways for users of wearables to gain better insight into their data profiles in order for them to make informed decisions more easily.
  • Smart Hero Award - It is the goal of the Smart Hero Award to publicise and reward voluntary and social commitment realised in and with social media. Projects, initiatives, and people who represent the social values recognition, respect and tolerance and who successfully utilise social media to fulfil their voluntary and social commitment are awarded with the prizes. (Download the brochure for 2020)
  • Child Protection and Children’s Rights in the Digital World - The project researches the impact of digitisation on the everyday life of children and develops measures for protection and risk prevention that feed into a strategy for child and youth policy on national European and international level in order to support the realization of children’s rights in all aspects of life, enable children to exercise their rights,
    and strengthen their ability for self-protection.

Digital Inclusion 

  • - The aim of the pilot project is the development and roll-out of a concept to improve the quality of life and promote village life based on the utilisation of digital services and applications in the village Bremke. The objective is to further the readiness to participate in digital communication and to strengthen social and neighbourly village life.
  • Active Media Education For Disabled Youth (AMEDY) - The project deals with the challenges of the digital world for young people with intellectual disabilities and with the requirements of the professionals working with this target group.
  • Entrepreneurial Skills 4 Woman In A Digital World - The partners from Lithuania, Germany, Slovenia, and Greece initiated the project with the aim to contribute to the promotion of relevant competences of underprivileged women. During the two-year project period, a training programme was developed and tested to teach these women project management and ICT skills with a project-based approach.
  • And many more...

Digital Competence

  • Digital mobility in old age –Tablet PCs for Seniors - The project aims at enabling elderly people to participate in digital society. Seniors are provided with a digital care package consisting of tablets, manuals, and a hotline free of charge over a period of 8 weeks to explore the wide range of useful applications on the internet.
  • Initiative Agency ‘Growing up Well with Media’ The project supports parents and professionals working with children and teenagers in their responsibility to raise youth within the digital era, with a focus on the protection and safety of children in the digital world. The Initiative
    Agency gathers and promotes the diverse knowledge and vast offerings of the initiative’s partners.
  • Media Education in Dialogue - The project aims to investigate media education in children’s day-care centres and to sound out how media-educational support in early childhood education can be successfully structured. The project's findings are intended to result in recommendations for the design of media-educational guidance in dialogue between early educational institutions and families.
  • And many more ...

Still have questions? Contact us via E-Mail , Twitter or Facebook.



Digital Rights Lawyers Initiative is a not-for-profit organization with network of lawyers across the Globe who practice in the broad sphere of digital rights including the litigious and non-litigious matters surrounding digital rights. Digital Rights are simply rights exercisable in the digital space. These rights include online expression, association, assembly, social and economic rights, data protection and privacy etc.

Our organization serves as a platform for professional engagement and national network for Digital Rights Lawyers.

We serve as a think tank for Digital Rights litigation lawyers.

We promote and encourage participation of our members in digital rights litigation.

We serve as an avenue to facilitate the defence and enforcement of digital rights.

We collaborate with other industry experts and organizations for emancipation of citizens especially towards the enjoyment and protection of digital rights generally.
Strategic litigation has proved to be very impactful in protecting digital rights the world over. At DRLI, we are still conducting strategic litigation across national courts in Nigeria and regional mechanisms on a wide range of subjects including but not limited to Cybercrime legislation, Criminal Defamation, Hate Speech, Social Media Regulation and Data Protection.
Media is not just only important for functionality of democracy but for the entire society as a whole. At DRLI, we have a huge commitment to media defence by way of putting up formidable defence in court for journalists and bloggers in courts across Nigeria. We explore strategic partnerships with international NGOs and international organizations with commitments in the areas of media defence.
As part of our core operational projects, we are committed to training lawyers and judicial officers in the core art of litigating and adjudicating digital rights cases across board. Digital Rights field is an emerging field and experts need to be adequately trained in order to sufficiently rise to the challenges that confront digital rights in a world that changes at the speed of light.
We engage digital rights lawyers and judicial officers on digital rights to review digital rights cases thereby deepening their skills towards attaining international best practices and highest professional standards in prosecuting digital rights cases and adjudicating them. For us at DRLI, Litigation Surgery is a strategic tool we deploy in this regard.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #28
European Commission initiative Next Generation Internet (NGI)


A vision for 2030

The European Commission’s ambitious Next Generation EU recovery plan aims to not just kickstart economic growth and boost employment, but also use this moment as an opportunity to catalyse the digital and green twin transition. The internet and its supporting technologies will be instrumental in making these efforts a success, but we cannot harness its full power unless we solve the underlying, systemic issues currently holding it back. This paper sets out an ambitious vision and mission framework to create a more democratic, resilient, sustainable, trustworthy and inclusive internet by 2030.

Read the vision paper 
More info on the vision paper: contact [email protected]

The initiative

The Next Generation Internet (NGI) is a European Commission initiative that aims to shape the development and evolution of the Internet into an Internet of Humans. An Internet that responds to people’s fundamental needs, including trust, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values and the norms all citizens enjoy in Europe.

The NGI comprises an ambitious research and innovation programme with an initial EC investment of more than €250m between 2018 and 2020 and is part of the upcoming Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027).

Get funded!

Through an agile and flexible process, following the Horizon 2020 cascade funding mechanism, ongoingongoing NGI Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) provide support to projects from outstanding academic researchers, hi-tech startups and SMEs.

Funding is allocated to projects using short research cycles targeting the most promising ideas. Each of the selected projects pursue their own objectives, while the NGI RIAs provide the programme logic and vision, technical support, coaching and mentoring, to ensure that projects contribute towards a significant advancement of research and innovation in the NGI initiative.

The focus is on advanced concepts and technologies that link to relevant use cases and that can have an impact on the market and society over all. Applications and services that innovate without a research component are not covered by this model.

Check here: 

Join the community!

The NGI Community is a knowledge-sharing platform, to connect informally with fellow innovators, entrepreneurs and professionals.

Do you want to stay up-to-date on our NGI related activities?
Sign up for the NGI Newsletter: a quarterly roundup of all the news and reports, plus our regular NGI Newsflashes: short bursts of recent, relevant news and event reminders.

Meet us!

Interested in meeting our team?
You can contact us during the IGF 2020 or keep our contact details for later!


The NGI Explorers Program sponsors immersive missions to the United States for Top European Internet researchers and innovators, providing them with the skills, the network and the resources to accelerate their ambitious ideas. The program seeks to empower these change-makers to position Europe into the powerhouse of the Next Generation Internet.

Contact: [email protected]


NGI Forward is a 3-year project under the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, which commenced in January 2019. NGI Forward is tasked with helping the European Commission set out a strategy, as well as a policy and research agenda for the years ahead.

To build an internet that is more democratic, inclusive and resilient, we need to not just create an ambitious vision for the future, but also identify the concrete technologies and solutions we need to get us there. To do this, NGI Forward’s work focuses on four key areas of activity, which together will form the “engine” of the project: the identification of key topics, consultation, policy and research, and stakeholder engagement.

Contact: [email protected]


TETRA project provides business support to third parties awarding NGI open calls issued by NGI-TRUST, NGI0-PET, LEDGER, NGI0-DISCOVERY and by those projects who will be funded under H2020 call ICT-24-2019.

The business support provided by TETRA will be deployed to beneficiaries as a tailored master-plan, driving the NGI initiative from an R&D stage up to Go-To Market stage.

Contact: [email protected]


The Internet of the future should be more open, provide better services, more intelligence, greater involvement and participation. It needs to reflect the European values”. EU’s Next Generation Internet initiative is a key opportunity to rethink the way the Internet works today and develop a vision involving voices from across Europe, the US, and beyond, an Internet that embodies the values Europe holds dear, such as openness, inclusivity, transparency, privacy and cooperation.

Contact: [email protected]


Fed4FIRE+ is the largest worldwide federation of experimental Internet facilities in Next Generation Internet (NGI) area supporting and offering testbeds based on technologies ranging from wireless, wired, 5G, IoT, big data, cloud services, and open flow. Through the federation of these infrastructures – a single entry point to execute technical tests –  innovative experiments can be run.

Contact: [email protected]


The NGI ONTOCHAIN project empowers internet innovators to develop blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that form part of its novel protocol suite and software ecosystem.

Contact: [email protected]


LEDGER goal is to make of data a common good owned by citizens where the wealth created by data-driven platforms is equally distributed. To achieve this moon-shot LEDGER promotes and support the creation of minimum viable products (MVPs) where privacy by design, openness and data governance are at the core of their proposition.

Contact: [email protected]


Thanks to’s funding for open calls dedicated to EU-US teams working together on NGI experiments, it is expected that the collaborations will move from workshops mode to a significant increase in the transatlantic cooperation activities that have either already started in the FIRE, ICE-T and NGI programmes or new ones that will receive significant acceleration from the Open Calls provided in

Contact: [email protected]


The NGI Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) empowers internet innovators to develop human-centric solutions in the Data Portability field.

DAPSI goal is to make significantly easier for citizens to have any data which is stored with one service provider transmitted directly to another provider, addressing the challenge of personal data portability on the internet as foreseen under the GDPR.

Contact[email protected]


eSSIF-Lab is a project funded by the European Commission and aims to advance the broad uptake of SSI as a next generation, open and trusted digital identity solution for faster and safer electronic transactions via the Internet, as well as in real life.

In this project, 5,6M€ EU funds will be made available to European innovators including academic research groups, SME’s and start-ups that want to build or improve SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) components. The aim of the eSSIF-Lab is to create a range of interoperable, open-source SSI components that will be used within Europe and possibly world-wide.

Contact: [email protected]


NGI-POINTER’ aims to find ambitious “NGI architects” to change the underlying fabric of the internet and the web, by supporting promising bottom-up projects that are able to build, on top of state-of-the-art research, scalable protocols and tools to assist in the practical transition or migration to new or updated technologies, whilst keeping European Values at the core.

NGI Pointer will fund very open topics but around the following specific predefined areas: Privacy-by-design; Internet of Things; Network optimization; Virtualization and isolation; Limitations in the TCP/IP protocol suite; eCommerce security; Autnomous Network operations and control; and Energy Efficiency.

Contact: [email protected]


NGI TRUST supports the development of a human-centric Internet by developing a stronger European ecosystem of researchers, innovators and technology developers in the field of privacy and trust enhancing technologies.

Contact: [email protected]


NGI Zero is a idea-driven coalition of not-for-profit organisations from across Europe. It was set up to provide the Next Generation Internet initiative with an agile, effective and low-threshold funding mechanism. With funding from the European Commission, NGI0 provides grants to individual researchers and developers as well as small teams to work on important new ideas and technologies that contribute to the establishment of the Next Generation Internet.

Contact: [email protected]


IGF 2020 Village Booth #29
Network of Centers (in collaboration with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University)


While we are sad that we won’t be able to see many of you during this year's IGF — traditionally a forum where many Network of Centers participants from different places and representing different disciplines have come togetherwe are happy to share that the NoC is hosting a virtual village booth. Hosted by the NoC Secretariat (at Berkman Klein), in collaboration with colleagues from the Wikimedia Foundation, the virtual booth consists of two formats for people to engage:

Interactive Chats

20-30 minutes moderated informal conversations to talk about a Center part of the NoC, the work people at the Center are doing, the plans for the next year, things people are excited about, new reports in the pipeline, programs soon to be launched, opportunities for collaboration — essentially anything the NoC center representative would like to talk about. We plan to record these informal chats and add them here so that people who might not attend IGF can catch up and learn about other centers and their work. We invite you to check out the schedule and more information about each Center here:


Virtual Gallery

We are populating a virtual exhibition space of NoCs’ work, similar to what we did last year at the venue. Check out the gallery here:

Are you part of the NoC? It’s not too late to contribute! Please share with us ([email protected]) your latest reports as soon as you can; we would love to feature your work!

IGF 2020 Village Booth #30
The Tor Project

We plan to display flyers about our work protecting privacy, personas of the people who use our tools, and information about how to volunteer by running a Tor relay or helping in other ways. We also plan to have stickers for attendees.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #31 Youth Observatory (Internet Society Special Interest Group)


The Youth Observatory is an organization formed mostly by young people and have about 1200 members from all over the world. It is an initiative focused on increasing the participation of young people in the discussion spaces on Internet governance at a global level.

Formally established in October 2015, since February 2016 it has been officially recognized by Internet Society as a Special Interest Group (SIG).


Our work can be organized in 3 areas:

  • Include young people in the Internet governance ecosystem
  • Create an open space for young people to develop projects
  • Give visibility to young people and their work

We have produced several outcomes, such as:

  • Analysis of Connected Youth (available in Spanish, Portuguese, English)
  • Creating Networks Project Competition and Youth Atlas.
  • Youth LACIGF Organizers since 2015. 

Short description of the items above:

-Analysis of a Connected Youth: the Book was produced in 2017 thanks to the Beyond the Net funding provided by Internet Society. It contains articles written by young people from different Latin American countries. It was released in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with physical copies in English and Portuguese. Presented for the first time in the LACIGF, and then in several national, regional and global events.

- Creating Networks: the goal for this initiative was  to map the current initiatives and organizations that involve young people ICTs. We got over 150 organizations all over the world mapped and we organized a fellowship program. 10 projects were created and the best group got a fellowship to attend the IGF 2019 in Berlin.

-Youth Atlas:  It is a book to give visibility to the young people already engaged in the Internet governance ecosystem. We managed to collect over 160 testimonials of young people all over the world and understand their views on the Internet governance ecosystem.

-YouthLACIGF: Since 2015, we have been orgazing the most important annual meeting for youth in Latin America and the Caribbean related to Internet Governance matters. This year, we had our online meeting on September 5-6, with 4 thematic areas and in the 4 languages spoken in the region: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French. You are more than welcome to check the recordings at our YouTube channel!


Recognition/Special Participation:

Youth SIG has participated in several forums in Internet Governance, speaking as panelists, moderators, etc. Some examples: Youth IGF Argentina + YouthLACIGF (2018); National Strategic Partners of We, The Internet in Argentina (2020); Representation at the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (2020); and many more..


Download our materials:

Analysis of Connected Youth: English, Portuguese, Spanish.

Youth Atlas: link

Declaración "Nosotros la juventud de América Latina y el Caribe/Declaração Nós a juventude da América Latina e do Caribe/-Declaration-We-the-youth-of-Latin-American-and-the-Caribbean link



Register in advance:…

IGF 2020 Village Booth #32
China Federation of Internet Societies


who we are:

    LEADING Internet societies to develop.

    MOTIVATING Internet societies to give play to their roles.

    PROTECTING interests and meeting demands of Internet societies.

    SUPERVISING and regulating behaviors of Internet societies.

A national, joint and pivotal non-profit social organization formed by domestic social organizations and related institutions in the field of Network Security & Informatization in China, which has a membership of over 400 institutions.

Since its inception in 2018, CFIS do and  will continue to promoting openness, cooperation, exchange and share of cyberspace, jointly building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. We will keep our faith and carry on!

what we have:

    Internet Communication Committee

what we have done:

    Internet Integrity Conference: 


    World Internet Conference: 

        "Internet Public Welfare and Poverty Alleviation"

         "Internet Public Welfare and Poverty Alleviation: Eradicating Hunger and Poverty" 

        Forum on Personal Information Protection in the Big Data Era

   Children Protect Online:

        14th IGF “Tackling Cyberbullying on Children with Digital Literacy” Berlin​​​​​,

        2019 Child Online Protection Conference

    Poverty alleviation:

        CFIS Organizes Internet Enterprises Conduct Donation, Field Research & Business Negotiation in Foping County 

    Internet Governance:

        CFIS members attended the 7th China-France International Symposium on Data Sovereignty 

        Meeting of China-Tanzania Cyber Cultural Exchange Successfully Held in Tanzania

        Symposium on China-Kenya Cooperation and Development of Digital Economy successfully held in Kenya

        CFIS held the China-Brazil Internet Governance Seminar successfully

        the China-Cuba Internet Development Forum was successfully held


IGF 2020 Village Booth #33
China Association for Science and Technology


As the largest non-governmental organization of scientific and technological professionals in China, the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) represents the country's science and technology community. Through its 210 national member societies and local branches all over the country, CAST maintains close ties with millions of Chinese scientists, engineers and other professionals working in the fields of science and technology.

Since its inauguration, CAST has made significant contributions to the prosperity and development of science and technology, to the popularization of science and technology among the public, to the emerging of large numbers of professional talents, and to the overall economic and social development in China.

CAST maintains cooperative relations with scientific and technological organizations of many countries and, as the representative of the Chinese science and technology community, is the national members of ICSU, WFEO and many other international scientific and technological organizations. In 2004, CAST was granted consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #35 Kaspersky


Kaspersky's IGF events:

Stop stalkerware: tackling digital stalking helps victims of domestic violence (pre-event) Monday, 2 November, 2020 - 17:15 to 18:15 CET WATCH RECORDING
Security of digital products: Industry and enhancing trust Wednesday, 11 November, 2020 - 12:20 to 13:20 CET WATCH RECORDING
Assurance and transparency in ICT supply chain security (workshop) Thursday, 12 November, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:30 CET WATCH RECORDING
IGF 2020 High-Level Leaders Track: Security (high-level meeting) Friday, 13 November, 2020 - 19:30 to 21:00 CET  

Events with the participation of Kaspersky:

Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity - What Cybersecurity Policymaking Can Learn from Normative Principles in Global Governance Tuesday, 17 November, 2020 - 13:50 to 15:20 CET  


Topic of the booth: Increasing trust and accountability in cyberspace: Mutistakeholder best practices.

Background: Digitalization is not an aim in itself, and technology does not have any value unless it serves for the benefit of and in the interests of people and society’s well being. Digitalization should support our values, contribute to prosperity, enable a healthier and longer life, help to achieve climate goals, foster sustainable development, and build a safer world. Digitalization is an enormous chance for all of us: people, society, states, regions and the whole world. However, there are also risks we should be aware of and which should be mitigated. A good way of doing so is to increase transparency and accountability. Through multistakeholder cooperation, we at Kaspersky contribute to building a secure and trusted cyberspace to make sure it remains safe and open for everyone.

Content: Cybersecurity and cybercrime know no boarders. This is a global issue. Thus, we need global solutions. Such solutions can only be developed in partnership and close cooperation. At the booth, three concrete best practices are presented:

1) Global Transparency Initiative (GTI):

For a cyber-secure and cyber-resilient digital transformation, where we trust our lives to technology, cybersecurity is the key. However, for trust, it should be based on transparency, verification, and accountability. Kaspersky’s Global Transparency Initiative is a set of clear measures to enhance the security and trust, and it includes data care measures and enhanced data security controls , Transparency centers for source code reviews and executive briefings on the company’s engineering and data management practices, third-party assessment confirming the reliability and integrity of the company’s software development and data services, vulnerability management and bug bounty program, and cyber capacity building program. With increased transparency, we call the community for collaborative efforts to enhance the security and integrity of modern software products.  


2) ‘No More Ransom’ initiative:

The No More Ransom website project is a global initiative, which was launched by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, Kaspersky and McAfee. The goal is to help victims of ransomware retrieve their encrypted data without having to pay the criminals. The project also aims to educate users about how ransomware works and what countermeasures they can take to effectively prevent infection. Since its launch, the initiative has helped tens of thousands of victims unlock their PCs without paying a ransom. The project now has more than 150 partners, and is website is translated into over 35 languages.


3) Coalition Against Stalkerware:

Stalkerware is commercially available software used to spy remotely on another person via their device, without the affected user giving their consent or being notified. Often used in the context of domestic violence, it is growing issue at global level as shown by Kaspersky statistics (+67% increase in detection in 2019. See report: State of Stalkerware 2019). To tackle this issue, 10 organizations launched in November 2019 a global initiative called the Coalition Against Stalkerware. The founding organizations have committed to fighting domestic violence, stalking and harassment by addressing the use of stalkerware and raising public awareness about this issue. We need to identify ways to act together against this developing cyberthreat. To get involved, contact the Coalition and join the discussion during the IGF 2020 Day Zero Pre-Event - Stop stalkerware: tackling digital stalking helps victims of domestic violence on November 2 at 16:15-17:15 UTC. #StopStalkerware


IGF 2020 Village Booth #36
Payatu BV

Description is a platform for hardware and security community where researchers showcase and discuss their innovative research on attacking and defending hardware. is empowering the world to build a safer IoT & hardware ecosystem in Europe and USA region through its platform and activities. Plans to display at the booth: (i) like to display importance of Hardware Security through presentations, activities and products. (ii) Also, what are the opportunities, challenges in Internet Governance of hardware ecosystem. (iii) Governance of SCADA and ICT ecosystem.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #37
Pirate Parties International


We would like to organize oportunities to talk with elected officials from different levels - MEPs, different national MPs and politicians at the municipal level. At the booth we would like to present different activities and projects around the topics of inclusion, open data, governance and sustainability from different countries and communities (Chile, Czechia, Germany, Luxemburg, Russia, …). In 2017 Pirate Parties International was given special consultative status in UN ECOSOC. The PPI advocates on the international level for the promotion of the goals its members share – such as the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the digital age, consumer and authors rights-oriented reform of copyright and related rights, support for information privacy, transparency and free access to information, and we will be presenting activities of our members in mentioned areas with relation to Internet governance issues.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #39 The Open Internet for Democracy Initiative


The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) collectively administer the Open Internet for Democracy Initiative—a collaborative effort connecting individuals from private sector, civic, and media organizations across the Global South in advocating for digital rights. Part of this Initiative includes the Open Internet for Democracy Leaders Program - a non-resident leadership program that empowers emerging leaders from across the globe to build their advocacy and organizing skills to protect internet freedom. Read more about our current cohort of Open Internet Leaders and their projects here: 


The Democratic Principles for an Open Internet:

The Democratic Principles for an Open Internet are primarily designed for citizens and civil society organizations in fragile and emerging democracies, who are new to the digital rights space, are beginning to engage more regularly online, and who may be more likely to encounter deliberate internet disruptions as a result of government interference. We hope this guide will help activists working for democracy in an internet age and connect them in global peer networks to exchange best practices. The guide also serves as an advocacy tool that organizations can utilize in pushing governments, the private sector, and civil society to adhere to universal human rights through open internet principles and standards. 

Open Internet for Democracy Advocacy Playbook:

This Playbook serves as a companion piece to the Democratic Principles for an Open Internet. This Playbook provides practical strategies on how to advocate for these principles using best practices. It also provides tips on developing global peer networks of reformers. The initial draft of this Playbook was developed by the 2018-2019 Open Internet for Democracy Leaders and outlines priorities including the need for inclusivity and multi-stakeholder strategies in advocacy efforts, preserving freedom of expression, and linking the human rights and economic impact of internet disruptions and restrictions. 

Select Research from the Open Internet for Democracy Leaders: 

Engage with Us:

IGF participants can sign up for the Open Internet for Democracy Mailing List by visiting

You can also follow us on Twitter (@OpenNetGlobal) or email us at [email protected].

Finally, we'll be available to answer your questions during the joint tours of the IGF Village on the following dates: 6 November, 16:00-17:00 UTC, and 11 November, 14:00-15:00 UTC. Please add the tour to your personal IGF calendar to join us! We look forward to seeing you there. 

IGF 2020 Village Booth #40 Access Now


Access Now is an international civil society organization that defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world, through direct technical support, comprehensive policy engagement, global advocacy, grassroots grantmaking, legal interventions, and convenings such as RightsCon. Our Digital Security Helpline offers real-time, direct technical assistance and advice to civil society groups and activists, media organizations, journalists and bloggers, and human rights defenders.

Join us at IGF 2020

Monday, 9 November

17:20 to 18:50 UTC

People vs machines: collaborative content moderation

Thursday, 12 November

09:00 to 10:30 UTC

One size fits all? Global norms as a threat to inclusion

Thursday, 12 November

09:00 to 10:30 UTC

Best Practice Forum on Data and New Technologies in an Internet Context

Thursday, 12 November

13:30 to 14:20 UTC

Community-facilitated Networking Break - Rise of the Splinternets: challenging tech and policies that break our shared space

Friday, 13 November

13:00 to 13:50 UTC

Networking Break: Open Consultation on non-State Digital Cooperation stakeholders

Friday, 13 November

14:00 to 15:00 UTC

Will the real public Interest internet please stand up?

Friday, 13 November

15:10 to 16:40 UTC

Multistakeholder Voices and the UN Cyber Dialogues

Monday, 16 November

17:20 to 18:20 UTC

The promises and perils of satellite internet


IGF 2020 Village Booth #42 Global Forum on Cyber Expertise


The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) is a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to strengthen cyber capacity and expertise globally through promoting international collaboration, increasing awareness and reducing duplication of cyber capacity building efforts. As the main coordinating platform for cyber capacity building, the GFCE connects needs with resources and expertise whilst making practical knowledge available to the global community.

Join us at the GFCE Open Forum (OF #34) on Thursday 5 November, 20:20-21:20 CET

You can learn more about the GFCE, its members and partners, as well as how the GFCE supports cyber capacity building on our website or by watching the video.

Read and download the latest version of the Global Cyber Expertise Magazine here.

Dont forget to check out Cybil - the knowledge portal for cyber capacity building at

Stay in touch with the GFCE:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #43 The Kosciuszko Institute


Launched in 2015, CYBERSEC is a successful and well-established annual public policy conference dedicated to strategic security aspects of the global technology revolution. Having responded to the need for trust-based, multilateral and cross-sectoral cooperation, CYBERSEC has quickly gone beyond a typical conference format, giving rise to a thriving international community experts and professionals.

Each year, the invited world’s top-class experts urge the conference participants to think outside the box, making each CYBERSEC more innovative than the one before while the Programme Committee guarantees the highest quality of the conference programme and resultant post-conference Recommendations & Key Takeaways.

Today, in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rapidly accelerating digital transformation puts a stamp on all aspects of our lives, including the ability to maintain business continuity and the functioning of the state.

On the occasion of the IGF, we would like to show a brief history of Polish cryptography and refer to the present platform which brings together the most important cybersecurity decision makers - CYBERSEC conferences, which of The Kościuszko Institute is the main organizer.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #44
Freedom House


The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating a dramatic decline in global internet freedom. For the 10th consecutive year, users have experienced an overall deterioration in their rights, and the phenomenon is contributing to a broader crisis for democracy worldwide. Freedom on the Net is Freedom House’s annual survey and analysis of internet freedom around the world, covering 65 countries around the world that account for 87% of the world's internet users. This year's report, titled "The Pandemic's Digital Shadow," found that COVID-19 is fueling digital repression worldwide on a number of fronts.

  • Political leaders used the pandemic as a pretext to limit access to information.
  • Authorities cited COVID-19 to justify expanded surveillance powers and the deployment of new technologies that were once seen as too intrusive.
  • The slow-motion “splintering” of the internet trasnformed into an all-out race toward “cyber sovereignty,” with each government imposing its own internet regulations in a manner that restricts the flow of information across national borders

You can find Freedom on the Net 2020—including key findings, background data, and country-level reports for the 65 countries covered by the report—by visiting 

Freedom House is piloting a new research initiative to investigate the interplay between digital platforms and election integrity. Election Watch for the Digital Age equips technology companies, civil society organizations, and policymakers with a data-driven resource for evaluating the human rights impact of internet platforms on a country’s electoral process. Learn more at

Amid declining faith in the international system, a different form of protectionism is gaining steam with adverse consequences for billions of internet users. Authorities in a growing number of countries are weighing measures to control the flow of data in and out of their national borders. Freedom House's special report "User Privacy or Cyber Sovereignty?" assesses the human rights impact of data localozation. Read the report at

For more information, including requests for information from Freedom House's regional experts and specialists on technology and democracy, please contact Kian Vesteinsson at [email protected].

Freedom House is founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people; the rule of law prevails; and freedoms of expression, association, and belief, as well as respect for the rights of women, minorities and historically marginalized groups, are guaranteed. We produce research and reports on a number of core thematic issues related to democracy, political rights and civil liberties. With regards to internet freedom, Freedom House counteracts the rising tide of government control over the internet. Our work empowers local experts in dozens of countries to speak up for the rights of internet users, and assist activists in recovering from digital attacks.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #45 IEEE


Who we are

IEEE fosters technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization composed of engineers, scientists, and allied professionals. With over 419,000 members in over 160 countries, IEEE inspires a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

As a global standards development body, IEEE standards impact the way we live, work and play. We also have several impact initiatives, including in AI, Life Sciences and Health Care, Digital Inclusion and Identity, Telecom and Connectivity, Energy and Mobility. We invite you to learn more and see how you can contribute to the building blocks for a sustainable future.

Join us

We welcome you to join us for virtual coffee at our booth at the following times. 

To see where we will be at IGF, please visit our IGF events page. We hope to see you at our sessions!

To view participation opportunities--ranging from standards development to our newly launched open source community--please visit here.

We also invite you to join us in our Digital Inclusion, Identity, Trust and Agency initiative--an open community that is designing and developing trust-enabling practical solutions to advance technology for humanity.


Please visit the IEEE SA Beyond Standards blog to read informative and interesting posts about technology, standards and the work being done to address challenges we face today

And we invite you to visit the IEEE SA Voice--our podcast channel--that shares insights and perspectives from the IEEE SA community, subject matter experts, and change makers from around the globe who are working to raise the world’s standards, drive market solutions, and much more--keeping you at the forefront of technological innovation for the benefit of humanity.

We invite you to read the IEEE Use Case: Criteria for Addresssing Ethical Challenges in Transparency, Accountability and Privacy of Contact Tracing, which proposes a use case for ethical evaluation and verification criteria for contact tracing apps (CTA), contact tracing technology (CTT), and associated ecosystem technologies.

Stay in touch

Stay in touch with us on our social media channels.








IGF 2020 Village Booth #46
DotAsia Organisation


DotAsia Logo

DotAsia Organisation is a not-for-profit, community membership-based organization incorporated as a “limited by guarantee and not having a share capital” corporation (in Hong Kong). As a not-for-profit organization, DotAsia has a core mandate to promote Internet development and adoption in Asia. Since the launch of the “.Asia” TLD through 2007 and 2008, DotAsia has contributed funds and support to many different Community Projects around Asia.

“From.Asia/For.Asia” is our philosophy. DotAsia was created based on a collaboration among the Internet community From Asia, and our works contribute to community development For Asia. We also believe that the “.Asia” domain is a valuable asset equally for those coming From Asia as well as those looking For Asia.

Asia has developed into a global force in the international commercial, political, and cultural networks. DotAsia Organisation is dedicated to the needs of the community with a vision of leveraging the successful, collaborative atmosphere and network among the Asia Internet community to create a globally visible Internet domain as a cyberspace that belongs to Asia, and a platform that would contribute to accelerating the overall growth of the region.

Besides the charitable and public interest initiatives that support DotAsia’s vision of regional collaboration, the “.Asia” domain aspires to embrace this dynamism in the Asia Century to become a nucleus, intersection, and breeding ground for Internet activity and development in the region.

DotAsia is the Sponsoring Organization and Registry Operator for the .Asia Sponsored Generic Top-Level Domain (TLD). DotAsia oversees the policies and governance of the “.Asia” TLD Registry. DotAsia is committed to building a strong foundation of active usage and traffic to “.Asia” domain names. Every “.Asia” domain name helps support Internet development in Asia, and the adoption of “.Asia” domain names is at the heart of our mission. To register a “.Asia” domain name, please visit one of our Accredited Registrars.

Website - Dot.Asia | Facebook - Dot.Asia | Instagram - @dotasia | Twitter - @dotasia | LinkedIn - DotAsia


Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum


Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) serves as a platform for discussion, exchange and collaboration at a regional level, and also where possible to aggregate national IGF discussions, ultimately advance the Internet governance development in the Asia Pacific region.

In 2010, while the global IGF is already in its fifth and final year of its initial charter, and Regional IGFs have been established in many other regions, including Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, to date, Asia has seen no parallel forum for discussing Internet governance issues at a regional level. For the first time, the APrIGF is therefore being convened with objectives to raise awareness and encourage participation from relevant stakeholders around the region on Internet governance issues, as well as to foster multi-lateral, multi-stakeholder discussion about issues pertinent to the Internet in Asia.

The multi-stakeholder approach is a core principle of the APrIGF with an emphasis on the diversity of participants and openness of the discussion. Valuing the youth as an important stakeholder and the future generations of the Internet, a Youth IGF also becomes an integral part of the APrIGF whereby they are held in parallel annually featuring a simulation of the multi-stakeholder discussion model among the young people on various Internet governance issues.

***The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2020 Synthesis Document "Internet Governance for Good: Norms, Standards and Mechanisms" is now published.


Please contact sec[at] for more information.

Website - | Facebook - | Twitter - @aprigf_



HKYIGF Program

NetMission.Asia is a network of passionate youth from Asia dedicated to engage and empower youth on Internet governance discourse with the aim to enhance youth mobility and create impacts in the Asia Pacific. We are endeavoring to empower young minds and to constructively contribute to the local, regional and global Internet governance discourse through organising the Hong Kong Youth Internet Governance Forum (HKyIGF), international conferences and community projects. We recruit students all around APAC region to join a series of online sessions designed to equip youth with the knowledge and discussion skills to participate in Internet policy-making. The sessions will include one orientation webinar, followed by 7 training workshops. These 1.5-hour workshops will be interactive discussion sessions, with expert guest speakers selected for each topic. This online academy is not a one-sided learning program. Selected fellows will be assigned into thematic groups to research and prepare for the respective session as a host. All fellows are expected to actively contribute to discussions.

Website - NetMission.Asia | Facebook - | Instagram - @netmission | Twitter - @netmission | LinkedIn - NetMission.Asia

NetMission Academy 2021 is now open for recruitment!

This year has been a challenging one. And because of the pandemic, we become even more dependent on the Internet and technology. Fake news, cybersecurity, data privacy, or surveillance suddenly become such hot topics everyone is talking about. Have you ever wondered if you could actually get involved in digital policy development?

Join NetMission Academy to get to connect with youth all around the Asia Pacific in the Internet governance community!

Training Period: Jan - Feb 2021

Language: English

Fee: Free of charge

Eligibility: Full-time students currently enrolled in any tertiary institutions within the Asia Pacific

Application Deadline: 20 November 2020, 23:59 UTC

For more details and registration, please go to


*Please contact us at info[at] if you have any inquiry.


Asia Pacific Youth Internet Governance Forum

Asia Pacific Youth Internet Governance Forum (yIGF) is or=rganized and facilitated by NetMission.Asia, the Youth IGF occurs in conjunction with the APrIGF annually, to raise awareness and build the capacity for youth to join the Internet governance discussions. Based on the mandate of IGF to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, yIGF provides an open platform for the young generation to express and interchange their ideas and own thoughts on internet governance freely.

yIGF is usually a 4-days-3-nights camp in which participants are assigned a role as one of the interest groups such as government, private sectors, and civil society organizations. During the camp, they are encouraged to think from a new standpoint and different perspectives. It also serves as a preparation camp for them to understand various internet issues via interactive activities & games as well as further directly participating in the local and global internet policy discussion platform.

This year, yIGF will be held as a 3-day virtual meeting with a series of virtual social meetups during the week when APrIGF 2020 is happening. Participants will be engaged in discussing hot issues related to Internet governance with other young talents from the region and the experienced speakers from the IG

More information about past youth IGF could be found at

Facebook - 


Ajitora.Asia | Ajitora: The Asia Tiger from Cyberspace.
Ajitora represents the focal point of a multidimensional approach to supporting Asia tigers, bringing together stakeholders contributing to technologies, policies and public awareness. Ajitora ( is a PR character of DotAsia. Inspired by tigers’ symbolic meanings for sustainable development and a collaborative Asia, the Ajitora movement is not only about tigers, but about bringing awareness of how we are all connected. Ajitora’s mission is to promote regenerative sustainability between the ecology, the economy and the Internet for Asia. As the Asian Tiger (and Tiger Cub) Economies roar forward in the Asia Century ahead, Asia’s wildlife, technology and policy environments should #RoarForward Together! Ajitora is about regenerative sustainability as a movement in the environment and economic development beyond conservation (reduce, reuse, recycle), towards a constructive (restore, renew, revitalize) paradigm. The Ajitora spirit is about positive change through collaboration. Ajitora invites you to be part of the movement! The copyrights of the Ajitora image and designs are released in a CreativeCommons Plus (CC+) license. Derivative works are encouraged.

Website - Ajitora.Asia | Facebook - Ajitora.Asia | Instagram - @ajitora | Twitter - @AjitoraAsia

IGF 2020 Village Booth #47 NASK Państwowy Instytut Badawczy



NASK is a National Research Institute whose mission is to develop and implement solutions which facilitate the development of information and communication networks in Poland, in addition to improving their effectiveness and security. We carry out research and development projects as well as projects aimed at improving the security of Polish civilian cyberspace. Another of our important activities is educating users and promoting the concept of an information society, primarily with the goal of protecting children and young people from hazards posed by new technologies.

NASK is a National Research Institute under the supervision of the Ministry of Digital Affairs, engaged in a variety of activities combining science and business. Our main activities include ensuring that the Internet is a secure place and that its users are protected. Since our founding, we have been carrying out R&D projects focused on increasing network efficiency, reliability and security, and our research also involves artificial intelligence and big data analysis. Social education and the development of information society are of special importance to us – we are responsible for projects which are of key importance to the digital transformation of our country, including the Polish Education Network (OSE) and Electronic Documentation Management (EZD RP).

We invite you to our session on the 10th of November, 2020 - IGF 2020 WS #152 Cultural processes in the age of the digital revolution

Register and Attend:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #48


The GSMA Capacity Building programme offers an extensive range of free training courses for policymakers and regulators. Since the programme’s launch in 2013, it has rapidly established itself as the world’s premier provider of specialist telecoms regulatory training.

To allow policymakers and regulators maximum flexibility in how they learn, we offer our courses both face-to-face and online. Our face-to-face courses are delivered globally through a range of strategic partnerships. Our online courses are offered year-round and allow students to study at their own pace from anywhere in the world. No matter which method students choose, our training helps keep policymakers and regulators abreast of current industry trends and how they affect the delivery of mobile services in countries around the world. To learn more about our programme or to register for an upcoming online course, visit our eLearning portal.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #49 SEMANTIS


Following IGF 2019 Berlin, in coordination with ONG - EUROLINC - LE MONDE DES POSSIBLES - - on-going and future projects related to digital inclusion cybersecurity & multilinguism, as SIRIUS, UNIVERBAL, RINA & RINARMENIA, etc research foresight, legal IPR aspects, short videos and documentation (free, all not for profit) available we will ensure permanent participation for discussion and liaison, in presence of Louis Pouzin, internet pioneer

IGF 2020 Village Booth #50 University of Pennsylvania 1 World Connected


Over the past couple years, 1 World Connected project at the University of Pennsylvania generated 120 case studies based on ICT-based initiatives that aim to connect the unconnected communities in more than 50 countries around the world. We will be presenting the findings of these case studies through posters, videos, and brochures as well as will distribute policy reports in various areas such as digital skills, health, gender, mobile money together with some regional reports in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The booth will help us reach many practitioners, policy makers, and government officials attending to the event, and help them benefit from from our lessons learnt and roadmap for connecting the unconnected.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #51 Missions Publiques


---------------------- Goal of the Open Forum ----------------------

The Booth aims at:

1. Presenting Global Citizens’ Dialogue on the Future of Internet and its results.

2. Permitting stakeholder to engage with the results and consider them in their own organization.

----------- Background: Internet Governance with and for the Citizens -----------

Humanity deserves and asks for better governance. Both citizens and decision-makers are ready to experiment with new approaches. Decisions taken on behalf of 7+ billion human beings require to augment the traditional expertise with the vision and experience of ordinary citizens that will enrich, legitimize, and strengthen the decisions. New forms of political non-partisan dialogue between citizens, decision-makers and experts are one of the most promising solutions to improve governance towards a more inclusive, more trustful, and less divided society, at all levels, from local to global. By relying on such processes, decisions become more in tune with the complexity of our age, more legitimate and more sustainable. Decision-makers gain in legitimacy, insights, and transparency. Citizens enter the realm of complexity of decision making and get the feeling of being respected and considered by the political sphere. Both are strengthened by this unique interaction. The recent global COVID crisis has shown that Internet and they way we govern it has an impact on all humanity. There is a profound need to discuss its future with everyone.

----------------- Bringing Citizens into Internet Governance -----------------------------------

The Global Citizens’ Dialogue on the future of Internet ( aims at addressing core questions of the future of Internet with ordinary citizens and stakeholder around the world. It supports the decision-making process on the future of this common good of Humanity. In 2018 and 2019, and with the support of a global coalition of partners, we prepared and tested the approach in 17 Dialogues around the world. In 2020, it’s time to scale the process:

1. Global Coalition: We will consolidate and extend the coalition and work with the Advisory Board, the Scientific committee and the community in order to design the dialogues and how they will interact with policy making.

2. Deliberation Day: Together with a group of 60+ national partners we will implement a series of at least 60 Citizens’ Dialogues on October 10th, 2020. Citizens will address following topics: Internet and me, Building a strong Digital Identity, shaping the digital public sphere, governing artificial intelligence. They will also work on a national topic and formulate joint recommendations with stakeholder of their country. National partners will receive a comprehensive capacity building to ensure a high quality of the process.

3. Stakeholder Dialogue on Internet Governance: In order to use synergies and the window of opportunity opened by the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, we will roll-out a Stakeholder Dialogue in parallel to the Citizens’ Dialogues. These will gather local groups of stakeholders that will work on recommendations 5a/b of the Report and produce recommendations for implementation to be submitted to the UN. The dialogues will take place online in June and face-to-face in October.

4. Impact: From Summer on, we will feed the findings into policy discussions before, during and after IGF 2020. At European Level, the German Presidency of the Council will give a major opportunity to bring the voices of Citizens into the policy discussion. At global level, the UN week in September and the activities around the 75th Anniversary of the UN will open a global stage for impact.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #52 Council of Europe




The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation comprising 47 member states, including all countries of the European Union. Its statutory decision-making body - the Committee of Ministers – brings together the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of its member states. With over 200 international conventions, some open for accession by non-member states, the Organisation is the stronghold of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe and beyond. All Council of Europe member states are parties to the European Convention on Human Rights, with its implementation overseen by the European Court of Human Rights. The Court’s case-law makes the Convention a powerful living instrument for addressing new challenges.

WHO WE ARE : Council of Europe in brief

Digital technologies can greatly facilitate the exercise and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, boost participatory and democratic processes and facilitate social and commercial activities. But also, they carry with them human rights challenges that require prompt and balanced solutions. The Council of Europe engages in setting standards, promoting the rule of law and fostering multi-stakeholder dialogue to ensure a sustainable, people-centred and human rights-based approach to the challenges of the digital environment.

Visit our dedicated websites:

Freedom of expression:

Data protection:

Action against cybercrime:

Artificial intelligence:

The Council of Europe participates in regional and global dialogue on internet governance, such as IGF, WSIS, EURODIG, SEEDIG, ICANN and others, providing policy orientations and instruments. On 3 June 2015, the Committee of Ministers adopted a Declaration on WSIS+10 review and the extension of the IGF mandate which reasserts the importance of multi-stakeholder dialogue on internet governance in order to respond to the challenges of the internet.

Council of Europe at IGF 2020: Overview of sessions (co-)organised / supported by the Council of Europe

3 November, 16:50 to 18:50 UTC Pre-Event #30 From Principles to Practice: Artificial Intelligence and the Role of the Private Sector (watch video)

5 November, 07:30 to 08:30 UTC OF #20 Attention Economy and Free Expression? (watch video)

5 November, 08:40 to 09:40 UTC OF #21 Strengthening Implementation Capacities for AI Ethics (watch video)

5 November, 16:20 to 20:10 UTC Pre-Event #85 How to tackle discrimination by AI-enabled technologies? (watch video)

5 November, 17:40 to 18:40 UTC  OF #30 Human rights and the use of AI in the field of health (watch video)

9 November, 12:10 to 13:40 UTC  WS #182&318 Protection of Personal Data and Privacy in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19(watch video)

10 November, 10:20 to 11:20 UTC WS #59 Everything you wanted to ask about hate speech but didn’t (watch video)

Check also: 


Follow us

Watch our corporate film and other video materials here

Get in touch:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #53
China IGF


China IGF is dedicated to promote China's Internet industry and community better participating in the global Internet governance process, with its main missions to foster a bottom-up, participatory, open, transparent, and inclusive platform where government, business, tech-community, civil society, and all stakeholders can exert their respective roles in enhancing internet security, accelerating industry development, advancing good internet governance, and promoting digital economy. With the theme of "Inclusive Governance, Digital Inclusion", the 1st China Internet Governance Forum was successfully held online during the 2020 China Internet Conference.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #55 Just Net Coalition


Welcome to the IGF 2020 booth for Just Net Coalition!

The Just Net Coalition is a global network of civil society organizations working on issues of equity and social justice in the digital world. Founded in February 2014, the coalition is committed to fighting for an open, free, just and equitable internet and engages on topics of internet governance, aiming to promote democracy, human rights and social justice.

1. A Digital New Deal: Visions of Justice in a Post-Covid World

Just Net Coalition has collaborated with IT for Change for one of our most ambitious intellectual undertakings -- 'A Digital New Deal: Visions of Justice in a post-Covid World'. This online compendium of essays by and interviews with passionate and committed scholars, activists and visionaries from around the world, reflects on the challenges for the digital in the Covid moment. The contributors envision progressive ways to engage with the digital in a post-Covid landscape by reclaiming its original promise and building a digitally just world.

Read the contributions here:

2. The Digital Justice Manifesto

The Digital Justice Manifesto, released in 2019, builds on the 2014 Delhi Declaration for a Just and Equitable Internet and extends it. It lists 16 key principles to ensure a digitally just world, elaborating on the current state of digital technology and suggesting progressive strategies to usher in digital justice.

Read the Digital Justice Manifesto here:

3. The Delhi Declaration for a Just and Equitable Internet

The founding principles of the Just Net Coalition are contained in the Delhi Declaration. All members of the Coalition have pledged agreement to these principles.

Read the Delhi Declaration here:

Follw us on Twitter @Just_Net

IGF 2020 Village Booth #57
Wikimedia Deutschland


Wikimedia Deutschland is the German chapter of the global Wikimedia Movement, the global community that supports the Wikimedia projects and other projects based on the idea of Free Knowledge.

The Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, are web-based and multilingual. They are maintained entirely by communities of volunteers who create content that is free and openly licensed.

As a non-profit organization, Wikimedia Deutschland promotes these volunteers who create free and open contentand software and stand up for the human right to access to knowledge and education at all levels of society.


Wikimedia Projects

Image: Kati Szilágyi for Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. (CC-BY-SA)

Our Mission

1. Imagine a world…
... in which every single human can freely make use of and share in the sum of all knowledge. This is our vision of Free Knowledge.

2. A community of volunteers
We are committed to equal opportunities in access to knowledge and education and support the many thousands of volunteers who share their knowledge with everyone every day.

3. Knowledge equity
Access to knowledge and education is a basic human right. Free Knowledge leads to a cosmopolitan, more informed and fairer society.


Image: Kati Szilágyi for Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. (CC-BY-SA)

Sessions at the 2020 IGF with participants from the Wikimedia movement:

Thursday, 5 November, 2020 - 16:30 to 18:30 UTC: Pre-Event #74 Openness as a reponse to the crisis - open digital initiatives in the time of the pandemic
The global response to the Covid-19 pandemic has quickly demonstrated the value of openness. In this session, we will discuss the significance of open sharing of knowledge, culture and other forms of intellectual property. Is openness a game changer in fighting the current crisis?

Monday, 9 November, 2020 - 17:20 to 18:50 UTC: BPF Local Content

Monday, 9 November, 2020 - 17:20 to 18:50 UTC: WS #342 People vs machines: collaborative content moderation
Content moderation online is defined by the tension between a need to address societal ills on one side and the imperative to protect freedom of expression. Starting from the premise that internet users should be involved in content moderation, this workshop seeks to address this tension and find out what factors of public policy, social norms, and platform architecture are ideally suited to promote content moderation by online communities and what kind of support they may need.
Thursday, 12 November, 2020 - 09:00 to 10:30 UTC: WS #324 One size fits all? Global norms as a threat to inclusion
In this session we will identify instances of cross-border application of rules and regulations for content and conduct online, along with any common characteristics among these standards or their authors. We will then build on these observations by discussing the consequences of both extraterritorial and locally propagated regulations on the internet. We will encourage participants to think about these questions not from a purely theoretical point of view, but with a view to how potential regulation of the internet could impact access to information and digital inclusion. We believe this will be a timely discussion given the increasing trend toward global internet norms.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #58 Learn Internet Governance


Learn Internet Governance (Learn IG ) is a community based learning and resource center that provides various informational material and collborative networking opportunities of understanding the Internet Governace need in developing scenarios. Our collaborative Community Development Program Learn Internet Governance Program is a Dynamic platform of getting information which focuses in open knowledge sharing method. During the IGF 2020 we want to share our experience and help promote the concept to further enlarge the group of internet leaders with the possibilities of what can be done at individual level. Especially in least developed and developing nations where there is crisis of funding this concept can help people to network and do something credible in terms of spreading the awareness and knowledge that they have. They can use the available resources in utilizing their own knowledge and network to create a better means of communication channel that can empower the youths and share knowledge at local level without the support of any funding. It can further multiply and can be a very effecting means of capacity building as well. Right now with Learn IG, we have a simple website and forum for communication and collaboration. We are further planning to network and grow in terms of how and what can be done. As today in most parts of the world, it is very costly to participate in forums like IGF and other IG awareness course these kinds of informational tool can be handy for communication and information dissemination. Our main focus are:

  1. To promote easy and effective mean of communication
  2. To promote next generation leadership
  3. To build network among internet leaders
  4. To create an open knowledge sharing platform
  5. Utilization of local resources

Promo Video:


Research papers:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #59
Ranking Digital Rights


Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) evaluates the world’s most powerful digital platforms and telecommunication companies on their commitments to digital rights. We promote freedom of expression and privacy on the internet by creating global standards for companies to respect and protect the rights of billions of users around the world. 

We do this by measuring companies’ published commitments and policies  against international human rights standards. We work with advocates, researchers, investors, and policymakers — including many of you here at IGF! 

The cornerstone of this work is our annual RDR Corporate Accountability Index

Say hi to us at the following sessions and follow along on Twitter @RankingRights

Our upcoming 2020 RDR Index will be published in February 2021 and will rank 26 companies on their disclosed commitments, policies, and practices. For our 2020 RDR Index we undertook the largest methodology expansion process we’ve ever pursued since our first RDR Index in 2015 to include targeted advertising and algorithmic systems which permeate and inform our internet experiences today. 

Read about our methodology revision process here. 

We also recently launched It’s the Business Model, a two-part report series drawing the connection between big tech’s surveillance-based business models and the health of democracy. We also highlight what we don’t know about these systems, and call on companies to be much more transparent about how they work.

Read: It’s the Business Model

IGF 2020 Village Booth #60 Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)


Interested in measuring Internet censorship and contributing open data?

Join our booth at the IGF 2020 Village to learn about OONI's measurement tools and open data resource on Internet censorship.

Since 2012, the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) has built free and open source software with the aim of empowering decentralized efforts in increasing transparency of Internet censorship around the world.

To this end, we:

  • Build free measurement tools for detecting Internet censorship. Measure Internet censorship anywhere by running OONI Probe.
  • Openly publish censorship measurement data from around the world in real-time. Explore OONI data and discover censorship events around the world. OONI Explorer provides a web interface for searching through measurements, and the OONI API enables you to perform your own analysis of OONI data. 
  • Publish research reports on censorship events worldwide. Based on our analysis of OONI data, we regularly publish reports that document Internet censorship events around the world.

Thanks to OONI Probe users around the world, millions of network measurements have been collected and openly published from more than 200 countries since 2012.

Join our booth to learn more about OONI and get involved.

We look forward to your questions and feedback!

To reach us, you can:

* Book a live appointment

* Send us an email at [email protected]

* Join us on the OONI Slack channel (we're there everyday!) 

IGF 2020 Village Booth #61 D&D International - Digital Democracy


Our mission

Democracia Digital’s mission is to promote the responsible use of the Internet in Peru, showing the benefits that citizens can obtain in different areas of society. Our work extends to other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our lines of action in Peru and LAC region 

Digital Democracy promotes the following lines of action:

  • Digital Democracy National Award. Since 2014 it recognizes those digital practices that prioritize the demands and needs of citizens, annually.
  • Digital Democracy National Observatory. An online platform that systematizes and geolocates almost 500 online proposals that have participated in the Award since its first edition.
  • Digital Democracy National Summit. Summons the technical community, specialists, politicians and public officials to build together a digital agenda in the country.
  • Dialogues in Lima and regions. They are spaces for analysis with an outstanding panel of experts, who address current issues in the Internet field.
  • Forums and Specialized Seminars. Aimed at specific audiences in order to deepen concepts and knowledge related to the digital ecosystem.
  • Innovation and Openness in Public Policies (InnovApp). It works hand in hand with public administrations, mostly local and regional governments, to promote transparency and collaboration with citizens.
  • Digital Policy Papers (DPP). It is the line of research and analysis on digital issues.
  • Internet Governance Forum (IGF). An activity dedicated to ensuring the development and evolution of the Internet. We are co-organizers of IGF Peru.
  • Hackathons, Challenges and TechCamps. Hand in hand with other actors, the creation of tools and technological solutions is promoted to meet the needs of the country.
  • Women Tech Leaders. A community to strengthen female leadership and empowerment.
  • YouthTalks. They are youth spaces for young people dedicated to addressing issues of national interest linked to the world of the Internet and technology.
  • Podcasts. A new format for the analysis and debate on the main digital issues on the national and international agenda.
  • Publications. In the recent years we published different articles and books related to Digital Democracy, Misinformation, Fake News, Covid-19, Digital Cooperation, among others.


Our social media






WhatsApp: +51 994143783

IGF 2020 Village Booth #63 ALL DIGITAL


ALL DIGITAL is a leading pan-European association based in Brussels, representing 70 member organisations,  ICT learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe that work with 20,000 digital competence centres. We focus to support Europeans who have an insufficient level of digital skills.

Problem statement. Currently, with varying degrees from country to country, 42% of the EU population does not possess sufficient digital skills, as measured by the European Commission through the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 and as defined by the DigComp Framework 2.1. created by the Joint Research Centre.

This state of affairs seriously impacts not only the ability of many people to find and keep a suitable job, thus avoiding exclusion from employment, but also the ability to navigate society as transformed by the digital revolution with the proper tools, making sure that one remains in control of the information obtained and released via the Internet ensuring, avoiding both manipulation attempts and loss of privacy at the hands of malicious third-parties.

The vision of ALL DIGITAL is that everyone should be able to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by the digital transformation of our societies. Our mission is to achieve this vision by equipping citizens with digital skills and with the confidence and mind-set that allow them to understand and benefit from said digital transformation.

ALL DIGITAL is currently running 20 projects funded by the European Union, many of them supported by Ersamus+ KA2 and KA3 programmes. We enhance the digital skills of Europeans who don't have sufficient digital skills including the new version (2.2) of the DigComp Framework, through the development and implementation of innovative and tailored non-formal training programmes, education tools, learning platforms, and various other activities.  Our focus areas include the development of basic digital skills, fostering coding and STEAM education, employability and entrepreneurship, digital media literacy, social innovation. Our target groups are mainly marginalized vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, youngsters and adults, who have otherwise fewer opportunities.

We are collaborating with and support the work of our partners and member organisations. We highlight the ALL DIGITAL  Summit, an event that host stands of its own members and partners in the industry showing the results of their own projects and the latest relevant technological developments, and explore – together with guests from other continents – how to cooperate among digital competence centres at the global level.

At the same time, we promote and provide the platforms (official website & the blogging space on - the network of digital inclusion practitioners) and branding elements, to facilitate networking and know-how sharing, suggest resources for the 3,000 initiatives of its members and many other organisations working on digital competences on the occasion of the annual ALL DIGITAL Week that takes place in March. We also host two Communities of Practice, one to discuss the DigComp Framework, which will be reviewed to release a 2.2 version in 2021, and on Certifications. Get in touch with us if you would like to be part of these Communities!

We are also monitoring and advocating for better EU and national policies to maximise the impact of education and training to support the continuous development of digital competences of European citizens, through high-level policy events in Brussels ( and the production of documents such as the Digital Competences Manifesto that contains a series of key principles and recommendations under five main areas on how to maximise the impact of education and training, as powerful instruments towards a continuous development of digital competences for the European citizens.

Find out more

IGF 2020 Village Booth #64
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)


Reporters Without Borders, also known under its French name Reporters sans frontières (RSF), is an international non-governmental organization defending freedom, independence and pluralism of journalism. RSF would like to present its international work for freedom of information and press freedom, specifically by providing information about its different activities:

The World Press Freedom Index, published every year by RSF, which lists 180 countries and regions according to the degree of freedom enjoyed by their journalists.

Current campaigns on the issue press freedom such as #FreeAssange campaign to oppose the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States, #JusticeforJamal campaign calling for public support urging G20 capitals to obtain concrete press freedom improvements in Saudi Arabia, and #HoldTheLine campaign calling for public support for Maria Ressa and independent media in the Philippines.

The Digital Helpdesk, which provides digital security advice and tools to journalists worldwide.

The International Initiative on Information & Democracy, initiated by RSF, aims at bringing democratic guarantees to the global communication and information space. The Initiative has led to two main outcomes. The endorsement of the International Partnership on Information and Democracy by 38 countries which defines the principles of the global communication and information space and calls structuring platforms to implement them. The creation of the Forum on Information and Democracy by 11 organisations from civil society to expand these principles and issue concrete recommendations for regulation and self-regulation.

The Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), a media self-regulatory initiative designed to promote trustworthy journalism. The initiative has been launched by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and its partners Agence France Presse (AFP), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the Global Editors Network (GEN). JTI is designed to promote journalism by adherence to an agreed set of indicators for trustworthiness of journalism and thus, promote and reward compliance with professional norms and ethics. JTI is a collaborative standard setting process according to the guidelines of CEN, the European Committee for Standardization. More than 120 experts have contributed to this CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) that was finally published on 19 December, 2019.

Collateral Freedom operation to unblock independent news sites censored in their own countries by authoritarian or dictatorial regimes.

Mark you calendar for our IGF 2020 Workshop: Building Digital Security for Journalists
Monday, 16 November, 2020 - 09:30 to 11:00 CET

Read More:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #65
ePaństwo Foundation

ePaństwo Foundation - Open Data, technology, democracy and civic engagement. ePaństwo Foundation - We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit civic tech organization supporting democracy development through promoting government transparency, accountability and citizen engagement. We work with ordinary people, activists, NGOs and public authorities by providing them with practical tools and exploring transparency issues meaningful to their work. We would like to share some of our projects (examples below)but also give a space for our partners from the international networks we are leading: Transparencee Network - civic tech activists from CEE countries ( TransparenCEE – A community of NGO, IT, civic tech and media organizations that create a space for exchange of ideas and best practices and new collaborations between like-minded stakeholders across borders and sectors. We’ve already reached to over 70 civic tech organizations working on over 80 products (inc. creating and scaling tools red-flagging irregularities in public procurement) and we keep expanding this group. and Code for All Network - the largest organized civic tech community in the world ( An international network of civic tech organizations that drive change through digital technology, citizen participation, collaborative decision-making and good governance to deliver solutions for social challenges while improving the relationship between governments and citizens. CfA enables organizations to scale by leveraging international resources, sharing expertise and promoting shared funding to tackle social issues collectively. Diversity allows for more and different approaches and solutions, while motivating alternative and modern methods for government. Project list (examples): alGOVrithms. This is a project in which we research the state of play of Automated Decision Making in CEE, we deliver policy documents (Algorithmic Impact Assessments, Public Procurement ADM standards PDF CEE in an annual conference on how technology is changing politics, government and civic life. It gathers members of NGOs, activists, public administration officers and journalists from more than 50 countries. People from the CEE region (EU and non-EU countries) and beyond meet here, share their experiences and connect with experts and practitioners from all over the world. For more visit RECORD project Open source tool to support legal and practical measures and advocacy to combat corruption, coordinated by 5 NGOs from Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain. We will develop a series of recommendations for local and national govern. and for the EU on the legal framework for public procurement, beneficial ownership, access to info., monitoring of EU funds, and protection of whistleblowers. For more visit

IGF 2020 Village Booth #66 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with a community of participants from all over the world.

ICANN Sessions at the IGF2020



Time (UTC)



2 November

DNS-Abuse in the age of COVID-19

18:35 – 20:05

Room 3

3 November

Internet 101


Room 2

Open Forum

5 November

ICANN Open Forum - Technical Internet Governance

16:30 - 17:30

Room 2


9 November

DNS-Abuse in the Age of COVID-19: Lessons Learned


Room 2

16 November

Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses


Room 2


Don’t Forget to Follow:

ICANN’s Government Engagement IGO Observations

Visit the Government Engagement Publications page, where we periodically share information and analysis with the community at large. These publications explore the different political structures and processes in place, covering everything from the ongoing cyber discussions taking place in the various United Nations (UN) and IGOs’ structures, to discussions of the European political agenda.

ICANN’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) Publications

OCTO creates and publishes a portfolio of research papers and technical briefings for ICANN’s diverse technical community on a regular basis. See the full list of OCTO publications here.

Resources for Newcomers

Our Social Media links

ICANN At-Large

What is At-Large?

"At-Large" is the name for the community of individual Internet users who participate in the policy development work of ICANN. You can learn more about the community and its activities on this website, as well as how to join and participate in building the future of the worldwide Domain Name System (DNS) and other unique identifiers that every single user of the Internet relies on every time they go online.


At-Large community Website, which provides additional information on the  ICANN At-Large Community. See:

The At-Large Outreach Activities at the Virtual IGF 2020 workspace includes all the IGF sessions being organized by At-Large Members.

Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs)

The five RALOs unite our At-Large Structures (ALSes) and individual members and individual members based on their geographic regions.

Come learn more about At-Large!



IGF 2020 Village Booth #67
Habitat Association


As an established NGO of 25 years in Istanbul, we are working on sustainable development goals and we involve youth in our activities. We would like to display and introduce the work that we are running with our global and local partners all over Turkey, how we create a wide network of volunteers covering the whole country, our replicable model, the training modules we provide under digital transformation.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #68 International Telecommunication Union (WSIS)


Available at our booth:

  • WSIS Stocktaking: International Repository of ICT projects and activities advancing SDGs
  • WSIS Prizes 2021: Submit ICT projects and be globally promoted and awarded
  • WSIS Forum 2021: Open Consultation Process Online Call for Submissions
  • WSIS Photo Contest: International Repository of photos depicting the power of ICT in making social impact
  • WSIS Hackathon: International event dedicated to developing solutions for particular challenges enabling development
  • WSIS TalkX: Call for Inspirational stories and discussions related to good use of ICTs

Visit and Explore:

IGF 2020 Village Booth #71 Internet Protection Society


The Internet Protection Society (russian prononced OZI) is the only public organization that advocates for the rights of Internet users in Russia. We are not GONGO. We are truly a public organization.

OZI is an organization that fights for the freedom of the Internet through political means. Our goal is to make freedom on the Internet a subject of general political discussion. To convey to the wide circle of citizens the importance of these questions, and politicians to make them answer. We promote and promote the ideals and values ​​of a free and self-regulatory Internet. We know that the Internet is designed to solve any of its problems on the principles of self-regulation and does not need the control of state bodies. We want to extend this knowledge to as many people as possible. We conduct public campaigns, organize mass events and political pressure campaigns, and engage in informing and educating citizens. We act peacefully and legally.

At our booth, we would like to show the results of our work:

  1. Research in the field of rights and freedoms of Internet users in Russia. How Russian citizens use technical methods to circumvent political censorship on the Internet
  2. Research into the economic, political, and cultural consequences of government censorship of the Internet. The consequences of the actions of disconnecting the Internet at the request of the authorities
  3. We investigate cases of state manipulation of public opinion on the Internet and Russian media, Farm bots on social networks and the spread of fake news.

We would like to establish relations with organizations that are close to us in political, economic and cultural views.

The law of the sovereign Russian Internet was a year old. During this time, we spent several months in complete isolation, mastered remote work and Zoom, and all events finally moved online - and only on the front of the Runet protection from external threats, nothing has changed. A year ago, when a large international forum on Internet governance was still taking place offline, we visited it and asked IT specialists from other countries what they know about the Russian Internet and how they feel about the idea of isolating it from the rest of the world.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #73 Sensio.Group


At Sensio.Group we work to create an integrated platform to manage, sell and license visual content. Simple, transparent, from people to people.    

We are an open-source project, build by a small team of likeminded people from all over the world. We share the belief that the rules of the digital creative market need to be transparent, the concept of privacy and the rights of a creator should be in the system’s core. 

The platform that we build is aiming to establish just that: the trustworthy, open, and friendly environment for the creation and sharing of digital assets. Besides, verifiable ownership statements that Sensio.Network creates can solve the problem of attribution, verify the legitimacy of content and its source, and limit the spread of fake news.

The pilot that we are working on at the moment is focused on professional photographers and designed to simplify their workflow. To learn more, please see the project’s FAQ page.

Here at IGF, we would like to bring the perspective of the digital creative community into the spotlight and make their voices heard. During the second week of the digital forum, we will be holding a series of online sessions with tech professionals, legal experts and, of course, digital creatives. If you want to be a part of the talk, please join in. We would love to hear from you! 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020 - 15:00 to 16:30 UTC: Public talk: Privacy and piracy. How can we make the internet a fairer place for photographers and other content creators? How do YOU think the copyright should be handled?

Wednesday, 11 November 2020 - 15:00 to 16:30 UTC: Tech talk: Can users stay in control of the content they create and share? The idea of hybrid self-sovereign Identity. How can we verify a creator or rightful owner of an image online? What if an image has been amended, can we do it still? First demo of Sensio platform.

Thursday, 12 November 2020 - 15:00 to 16:30 UTC: Finding a balance between free & fair. What are the responsibilities of digital platforms and public authorities in regulating or policing content, where and how should the balance be struck between the free circulation of content and right of the authors to monetise their work?

To get in touch, please join the discussion on our Discord server or drop us a message on Twitter or LinkedIn

Our Beta to be realised by the end of this year. To be among the first to try it out subscribe to our Newsletter and we will keep you posted!

IGF 2020 Village Booth #74 Smart Citizenship Foundation



The <A+> Alliance is a multidisciplinary, diverse, and feminist global coalition of expert practitioners, academics and activists working to create and apply Affirmative Action Algorithms (<A+>) to change the current path of AI & ADM at this critical turning point in history. Coordinated by Women at the Table and Ciudadanía Inteligente, <A+> combines field knowledge, multilateral and local expertise administering programs, with a wealth of experience achieving systems change at the institutional level.

You can read our call here or download it

Our vision

To activate new norms that create lasting institutional and cultural systems change so that we achieve gender equality in the systems we catalyze now and for the century beyond. Our plan is to address the problem at the diplomatic, standards, public policy and technical levels, simultaneously. We foster regional and global partnerships, collaboration and ongoing cooperation to achieve gender equality. We build capacity for individuals and decision-makers across the globe delivering practical guidance and active engagement to mitigate and correct for gender bias in ADM. We are in the process of implementing pilots to correct real-life bias and barriers that prevent women from achieving their full participation and rights in the present, and in the future we invent.


  1. Correct real world and digital bias with the use of cutting edge technology, innovative public policy, and high-level diplomatic engagement that is grounded in human rights.
  2. Create a platform and ecosystem that supports an inclusive digital future with gender equality at its core.
  3. Deliver systemic changes and new norms to achieve gender equality and strengthen democracy

Who we are?






IGF 2020 Village Booth #77 NRIs


Who are the NRIs?

National, Regional, Sub-regional and Youth IGF initiatives (NRIs) are organic and independent formations that are discussing issues pertaining to Internet Governance from the perspective of their respective communities, while acting in accordance with the main principles of the global IGF. 

National IGFs:

Regional IGFs:

Youth IGFs:

If you would like to connect to some of the NRIs, please email [email protected] to be connected to the NRIs coordinators.

IGF 2020 Village Booth #78 Virtual School of Internet Governance


Virtual School of Internet Governance (VSIG) 

Alternatively the Virtual School of Internet Governance (VSIG)  created in late Spring 2020 was created with the approach not to replace any face to face meeting but to augment or suppliment the existing schools with a wide spectrum of courseware structured using a Massive Open Online Courseware tool called  Moodle.   The VSIG launched its first cohort of 100 students  out of  400 in total  on Sept 6 and has subsequent cohorts in November, Jan and March with 100 students per intake.  The programme adhers the principles of a MOOC  with a clear educational roadmap,  interactivity of the partipants, testing and a certificate of completion.    The VSIG program includes Live Chats with a special guest speaker paired with the main modules in the programme.   These sessions are recorded and made available to attendees who couldn’t make it due to time zone issues.  

The online course stresses the interaction of the participants and they are encouraged to complete their introduction and suggest topics for discussion in each of the modules. 

A detailed slideshow on the VSIG deliverables