Salle I (Main)

IGF 2018 Pre-report

Main Session Human Rights, Gender and Youth #HRGenderYouth #IGF2018

Session Title: The importance of human rights as a direct link to Gender, Youth and Equality

Date: Tuesday, 13 November, 2018 

Time: 16:30 to 17:50

Session organizers:

Renata Aquino Ribeiro - MAG member - Civil Society - LAC

June Parris - MAG member - Private Sector - LAC

Adama Jallow - MAG member - Civil Society - LAC

Miguel Candia Ibarra - MAG member - Government - LAC

Jutta Croll - MAG member - Civil Society - WEOG

Lianna Galstyan - MAG member - Civil Society - AP

Zeina Bhouharb - MAG member - Government - AP

Moderator - Debate/Timekeeper: Claudio Lucena

Moderators - interventions from the floor to the level of the speakers

Renata Aquino Ribeiro

June Parris

Adama Jallow


Renata Aquino Ribeiro

Adama Jallow


John Carrr - researcher on child online abuse - WEOG

Marianne Franklin - Giganet - WEOG

Minda Moreira - DC Internet Rights and Principles - WEOG

Lilian Nalwoga - gender activist - Africa

Heather Octavia Monica Headley-(Corbin) - Poet, writer, activist - ISOC Barbados - Art/Civil Society - Remote presenter - GRULAC

Viviane Vinagre - pre-law, gender activist - GRULAC

Nidhi Goyal - activist on young women with disabilities - India

Olga Cavalli - gender activist and government stakeholder - Argentina

more Representatives from each IGF stakeholder group TBC

Key issues

  1. How do the themes human rights, gender and youth intersect with internet governance primarily?

  2. What has been done so far in this thematic intersectional debate that should be highlighted in terms of policy?

  3. What is urgently lacking in this thematic intersectional debate that should be formulated, publicized or adopted as policy?

Length: 90 mins

Format: Debate with audience/Fishbowl

Room-Setup/Audio Requests: 1 extra chair besides the speakers, so that members of the audience can also make interventions on the same level as the speakers

Room: Salle I

- Brief Description/Objective 

The protection and promotion of Human Rights, achieving Gender Equality and securing Youth policies for the present and next generation is in the core of the international arena, and Internet Governance is not a foreign field for that argument. Human Rights online need to be protected and guaranteed as they are applicable both online and offline, for the human conflicts are not lost in the online expression of our lives. Women and girls account for half of the world’s population and inclusive policies that ensure access for women, girls, boys and men without any distinction are needed to take humanity to a standardized level of digital literacy and to end conflicts, so to find a interconnected future which is equal to all.

This is why this main session will bring different stakeholder perspectives on how internet governance directly intersects with pressing issues on the themes human rights, gender and youth. Intergovernmental organizations, civil society groups, government representatives, academia, business stakeholders will be balanced in the speakers list. The innovative format of this session is a simpler version of a "fishbowl" debate. With an extensive amount of perspectives this will be the most comprehensive and democratic main session the IGF has ever seen.

- Agenda

  1. Speakers presentations

  2. Intersessionals interventions

  3. Workshops interventions

  4. Audience interventions

  5. Moderators key messages summary

Plan for in-room participant engagement/interaction?

A moderator will present the speakers and time their interventions.

A floor/roaming moderator will identify participants in the audience who would like to speak and contribute to the session.

A focus on collaborating for key messages as outcomes will be highlighted.

Remote moderator/Plan for online interaction?

A Twitter Wall will be displayed with the session tags #IGF2018 #MainSession #HRGenderYouth. A twitter moderating team from youth representatives will collaborate with this action.

The chat in Webex and any available tools for online interaction will be publicized by the remote moderator who'll also entice online and video interventions.

Attempts to use other accessible online remote communication tools can be experimented upon. With pre-prepared paths to make the session accessible.

Connections with other sessions?

Intersessional work and workshop proposers will be invited to make their interventions along with the speakers. The policy questions will be the focus to guide their intervention.

Desired results/outputs? Possible next steps?

Key messages will be summarized by all present in the session and will be shared for the final outcomes of intersessional work and IGF2018 report. IGF2019 will have the key messages as subsidy to continue the debate on the topics.

Focus on team of rapporteurs to build summary and outcome.

Gender Reporting
- Estimate the overall number of the participants present at the session: 100

- Estimate the overall number of women present at the session: At least 50%. The speaker roster is gender balanced, with more speakers being women.

- To what extent did the session discuss gender equality and/or women’s empowerment? Key theme of the session and present in the key messages.
- If the session addressed issues related to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment, please provide a brief summary of the discussion:
The session showed how internet governance, gender, youth and human rights have a direct link and what can policy makers do to make that discussion more present.
Session Time