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IGF 2021 NRIs Collaborative Session: E-commerce challenges and opportunities in 2021 - looking at the national ‎practices

E-commerce sales around the world surged in March 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic forced a shift in online shopping. Adobe surveys found that 9% of U.S. consumers, 8% of Japanese consumers, and 15% of United Kingdom consumers said they had never purchased anything online before March 2020, but significant consumer shifts mean that global e-commerce sales reached $876 billion in the first quarter of 2021, up 38% year-over-year.

IGF 2021 WS #78 Sustainable consumption in e-commerce

Additional Speakers

Maciej Czapliński - Government, Counsel at the Department of Market Analyses, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), Eastern European States.

He will represent our Office (Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in Poland - UOKIK) as we are the initiator of the panel. It will be valuable to present also our perspective in this area. 

IGF 2021 WS #68 AI Ethics & Internet Governance: Global Lessons & Practices

Additional Speakers

Matthieu Guitton, Ph.D., professor and secretary of the Faculty of Medicine chez Université Laval, Canada

Iva Georgieva, Ph.D., Researche, Institute for Advanced Studies in Varna, Bulgaria

Amit Sharma, Ph.D., professor and director of Food Decisions Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Lu Wei, Ph.D., professor and Dean of College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, China
Lola Xie, doctoral student, Pennsylvania State University

Renata Carlos Daou, International student from Brazil, Penn State University

IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #5 Trends in Digital Rights in Africa

Title: Trends in Digital Rights in Africa

The state of Digital Rights in Africa has worsened in the past 3 years. The regularity and severity of digital rights violations such as Internet shutdowns, clampdown and arrests of citizens for comments made across digital platforms have intensified, leading to great concern among civil society groups on the continent. This session seeks to provide an overview of the situation for Africa. 

Sub-theme: Freedom of Expression Online

Presenter Name: Rigobert Kenmogne, Wathagi Ndungu

IGF 2018 DC Internet Rights and Principles: Sustainable Futures: The Internet, Human Rights, and Environmental Issues

The IRPC Meeting will focus on the emerging relationship between the - built and natural - environment and future internet designs, terms of access and use, data and content management. Be there to establish a new agenda for this important issue-area


IGF 2018 WS #452 Community governance in an age of platform responsibility


Introduction (5 min)
Jan Gerlach, Wikimedia Foundation

The roundtable will start with a short introductory overview of Wikimedia communities as a prominent example of large, distributed online governance system and digital citizenship.

Discussion (50 min):

The moderated discussion in a roundtable setting will explore various aspects of online community governance. Specifically, we will elicit insights about the following topics (10min each):

  • Governance models and mechanisms

  • Development of community policies (content/conduct)

  • Enforcement of policies

  • Conflict resolution/sanctions

  • Agency of users and cohorts

Conclusions and wrap-up (5 min)

Anna Mazgal, Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU

Jan Gerlach, Wikimedia Foundation

IGF 2018 WS #440 Emerging Youth Practices and the Digital Economy


We propose a 75-minute, strongly moderated roundtable discussion focused on youth and the digital economy.

1) Introduction by Sandra Cortesi and Lionel Brossi – 10 minutes

This introduction will include a brief overview of the issue, raise key questions, and point out certain challenges around the topic. 

2) Brief interventions (5-7 minutes) by:

  • Jasmina Byrne, UNICEF
  • Fieseler Christian, Norwegian Business School BI
  • Andres Lombana-Bermudez, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
  • Karuna Nain, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Marcelino Cabrera, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
  • Juliana Nolasco, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Directed topics – 30 minutes (5-7 minutes per topic)

  • Equity, participation gaps, and opportunities for youth
  • Multifaceted nature of youth economic activity online: as producers, consumers, marketers, products
  • Relevant skills in the digital economy environment
  • Economic activities online and offline that enable youth to earn different forms of economic, social, and/or cultural capital (e.g., earning money; increasing social connections; building personal brands)
  • Youth perceptions on the future of work

3) Open debate among speakers, co-organizers, audience, and online participants on topics raised earlier – 30 minutes

4) Conclusion by Christian Fieseler – 5 minutes


Session co-organizers:

  • [Organizer] Sandra Cortesi is the Director of the Youth and Media project at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University. Sandra’s expertise in the field of youth digital literacy and inclusion, as well as her close and ongoing collaboration with multiple youth stakeholders, enables her to address the current status of youth in the digital economy, as well as to point out future trends. Stemming from ongoing qualitative research with young people across the US, Sandra will act as a conduit for the voices of underserved youth who may not be able to participate.
  • [Co-organizer] Lionel Brossi, Director of Postgraduate Studies and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Communication and Image at the University of Chile, will provide a valuable perspective from the Global South. His experience in the field of artificial Intelligence and inclusion will contribute to the discussion around the role of youth in the future of work.
  • [Co-organizer] Jasmina Byrne just started as Chief of Policy Lab at the newly founded UNICEF Policy Lab in New York. At the Policy Lab, she focuses on emerging and cross-cutting issues such as climate change, employability and skills, and digital policy. Before moving to New York, Jasmina was a Child Protection Specialist at UNICEF’s Office of Research where she led Innocenti’s work on children’s rights in the digital age.
  • [Co-organizer] Christian Fieseler, as the Director of the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society in Oslo, will represent the European perspective and provide insights from his ongoing research projects on young people and their current/intended careers. Christian’s background in the business sector of academia will also enable him to address the topic from a broader perspective and place the activities of young people in the wider economic context.
  • [Co-organizer / TBC] Urs Gasser is the Executive Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and a Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School. His research and teaching activities focus on information law, policy, and society issues. Urs has written and co-written several books, including “Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives.” He’s also the Principal Investigator of the Youth and Media project at the Berkman Klein Center.
  • [Co-organizer] Jan Gerlach has been selected for participation due to his position as Public Policy Manager at the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco. As a public policy specialist at the intersection of information, technology, law, and society, Jan will expand the discussion to include the issue of knowledge access for youth, particularly among underserved youth. Jan will be able to address the development of online content by youth and for youth, indicating its location within the wider digital economy.

IGF 2018 WS #436 Gender Issues and Democratic Participation: reclaiming ICTs for a Humane World

Additional Speakers

Bishakha Datta, Point of View, Civil Society, Asia Pacific Group.
Noha Ashraf, Dell, Technical Community.
Isabelle Galy, Deputy Director of Operations at the Learning Lab “Human Change”, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG).
Sophie Viger, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Sacha Quester-Séméon, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

IGF 2018 WS #410 Preventing Youth Violence Through ICTs

Additional Speakers

Adriana Erthal Abdenur

Peace and Security Coordinator in Igarape Institute

(PHD Princeton, AB Harvard)

She is also a productivity Scholar by the CNPq. Actis in the area of International Security Cooperation for Development and emerging Powers.


She is member of the Committee on Policy Development (CDP) of the UN ECOSOC.  She was a fellow of the India China Institute and is a former fullbright Commission fellow. She has published recent articles in Newspapers and magazines : foreign affairs, Global Governance, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, International Peace Organization, Third World Quarterly, IDS Bulletin, Journal of Peacebuilding &Development,  Brazilian journal & International Policy. 






Paris, Francia 2018

Panel “Preventing Youth Violence Through ICTs”


Speaker 1: Ana Lucia Lenis, Google Colombia

Speaker 2: Divina FRAU-MEIGS, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

Speaker 3: Fratti Sara, Youth and Women Chapter ISOC
Speaker 4: Kaaby Nour, NET-MED Youth

Speaker 5:  Adriana Abdenur, Igarape Institue Brasil 

Speaker 6: Yeimy Muñoz, Injuve El Salvador (Remote participation)


Moderator: Andres Morales,

Unesco Specialist of the Social and Human Sciences Sector

Remote moderator: Juan Pablo Ramírez,

Unesco  Specialist of the Social and Human Sciences Sector

Rapporteur: Guilherme Canela,

Unesco Advisor of Communication and Information


  1. Welcome and introduction words – Moderator (5 Minutes)

        Discussion with panellist of the following topics (35 Minutes)

  1. How violent groups are using ICTs to affect the youth? Some examples? 
  2.  Is it possible to use Ict to prevent youth violence in the region? Some good policy examples? 
  3. Is it possible to include ICTs in youth violence prevention policies respecting the international standards of privacy and other human rights? 
  4. How realistic is -in the short term- that ICTs are well used to prevent youth violence by the governments with serious accusations of human rights violations by international organizations, like those of north triangle of Central America. 
  5. Questions and answers from the participants  (20 Mins)

IGF 2018 WS #170 Accountability for Human Rights: Mitigate Unfair Bias in AI


The workshop will consist of two parts, each of which will include interactive discussion among the speakers and with the audience.

• A brief explanation on how machine learning and AI work -- to provide a common understanding and context for the discussion of specific issues to follow.
• Discuss the benefits and opportunities of AI to advance human rights and sustainable development goals.
• Explore questions and concerns on the responsible use of AI, in particular regarding unfair treatment on the basis of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status? How can unfair bias in the use of AI be identified and addressed, and what does being transparent and accountable mean in this context?

• Explore ways and opportunities for different stakeholders to collaborate and share learnings and good practices on (1) identifying and mitigating the risk of unfair bias in the use of AI, (2) being transparent in the use of AI, and (3) being accountable for the use of AI.
• Discuss laws or government policies and actions that promote innovation and responsible and effective use of AI, particularly to address the concerns of unfair bias, and the opportunities to advance human rights and sustainable development goals, including SDG#5 (Gender Equality) and SDG#10 (Reduced Inequalities).

IGF 2018 WS #346 Refugee Rights and Emerging Technologies: Building Digital Futures for all?

In this session the Internet Rights and Principles Coalition brings together a group of speakers who will participate in an in-depth discussion on Internet Governance and Refugees' rights. Following on previous discussions mapping the difficulties that refugees face when accessing and participating in the online environment, the group will now be focusing on restrictions in access by design or governance (affordability, coverage, governmental restrictions) and the implications that technology used to help refugees may have on the personal lives of the subjects.

Additional Speakers


Astri Kimball​ (Google), private sector

Andrew Toft (Department for International Development, UK), government 

Eimear Farrell (Amnesty International), civil society

Jean Guo (Konexio), civil society

Valentina Pellizzer (APC Women), civil society


Onsite Moderator Introduction: 5 minutes

Introductory questions to discussants Roundtable discussion: 20 minutes

Open discussion: 20 minutes

OnSite Moderator to address the discussants with a last question:

Final round: recommendations: 10 minutes

On-site moderator closing remarks: 5 minutes

IGF 2018 WS #349 A Multistakeholder Approach to HRIAs: Lessons from ICANN

  • Introduction (2 minutes)
  • PART I: Origins and drivers of HRIAs in the ICANN context: Corporate Social Responsibility, the Human Rights Bylaw, and its Framework of Interpretation (7 minutes)
    • Audience Q&A (5 minutes)
  • PART II: How can we assess the impact of the Internet?: Contextualizing the Internet industry in the wider context of business and human rights (7 minutes)
    • Audience Q&A (5 minutes)
  • PART III: Putting the theory of Multistakeholder HRIAs into practice: Discussion on the process, benefits, and lessons learned from a Multistakeholder HRIA from a business perspective (7 minutes)
    • Audience Q&A (5 minutes)
  • PART IV: Developing impact assessments for the ICANN Community: Overview of progress made toward developing new HRIA models, including challenges faced and solutions to overcome them (7 minutes)
    • Final Audience Q&A (15 minutes)

IGF 2018 WS #239 Online child sexual exploitation - risks and response

Additional Speakers

Anjan Bose – UNICEF Susie Hargreaves – CEO, Internet Watch Foundation Samantha Woolfe - InHOPE Fredrik Hansen- Security Expert-Futurity Cisse Kane – ACSIS Geneva Aicha Jeridi - civil society Arda Gerkens - civil society


Agenda of the session Time Theme and speakers 15 Min Setting the scene and describing the problems Speaker – Frederic Hanson, speaker B – Susie Hargreaves 15 Min Questions from the floor 30 Min Description of three approaches:African attempts,WeProtectDutch Authority model 20 Min. Debate with participants 10 Min Wrap up and conclusion: Messages

IGF 2018 WS #132 Towards a Decentralized Internet Constitution?


The agenda is comprised of short thought-provoking presentations by the panelists and an extensive discussion between them and the audience in the room and remotely around the world.

1st Part: Introduction of the theme of the discussion and the panelists (5 minutes)

2nd Part: The panelists provide their thought-provoking insights based on their specific perspective and knowledge (25 minutes) - see “Interventions” for a description of their specific inputs. Panelists: Lisa Garcia, Nicolas Suzor, Primavera De Filippi, Guy Berger, Andrea Beccalli

3rd Part: Comments and questions to the panelists from the audience both in the room and around the world (remotely) (30 minutes)

4th Part: Panelists react to each other, the comments and questions (each 4 minutes) and react to the following question “How can technical decentralization (blockchain) and decentralized digital rights advocacy lead to better human rights protection on the Internet?” (each one minute) (total: 25 minutes)

5th Part: Summary/synthesis provided by the moderators of the discussion in the room and online (5 minutes)

IGF 2018 WS #139 Refugees digital rights: Necessities and Needs

IGF 2018 Pre-Session Synthesis & Short Report

- Session Type: Roundtable


- Title:  Refugees digital rights :Necessities and Needs


- Date: 11 th Nov,2018

Time: 12:20 -1:20


- Organizer(s):

Egyptian Foundation For Refugees Rights (EFRR)

 African Civil Society on information Society (ACSIS)


- Chair/Moderator: Mr. Ian Brown


- Rapporteur/Notetaker:


- List of speakers and their institutional affiliations (Indicate male/female/ transgender male/ transgender female/gender variant/prefer not to answer):


1. Mohamed Farahat(Male) Egyptian Foundation For Refugees Rights (EFRR) & African Civil Society on information Society (ACSIS)

2. Ms. Xianhong Hu (Female) (UNESCO)

3. Dr. Cisse Kane (Male) African Civil Society on information Society (ACSIS)

4. Dr. Abeer Shakweer (Female) Egyptian ministry of Communication and Information Technology

5. Mr. Sharmark Dubwo (Male ) refugees community



- Theme (as listed here):  Human Rights, Gender & Youth


- Subtheme (as listed here): Refugees                                    


- Please state no more than three (3) key messages of the discussion. [150 words or less]


For refugees Connectivity is not a luxury. The digital rights are very important for refugees in host countries , to what extent the exited legal framework is relevant to ensure refugees digital rights ?


In education. Connectivity would enable refugees to take part in online training courses and access education remotely—and, for refugee students at the secondary and university levels, it will enable them to continue their disrupted education. Without connectivity, millions of displaced children won’t get the education to improve their skills and knowledge


In Livelihoods / self-reliance. Besides, Connectivity would make it much easier for refugees to create and sustain their own businesses, as well as make remote work possible, which will be particularly important in situations in which there are constraints on the right to work or limited opportunities in the local economy, and to what extent  access to internet could change the refugees life in host or resettlement countries.

Additional Speakers

Modarator : Ian Brown
Ian Brown is Head of Research and Lifelong Learning, Digital Skills and Inclusion
Team at the UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
Before that he was Professor and Associate Director of Oxford University's Cyber
Security Centre and Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute until
2016. His work focuses on technology and public policy related to Internet
privacy and security. He has worked as a consultant for the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime on their study of global cybercrime. For the OECD, he
co-authored with Peter Sommer the 2010 report "Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk". His most
recent books are Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the in the Information Age
(with Christopher T. Marsden) and Research Handbook on Governance of the Internet.

Ciss Kane : Speaker

Cissé Kane, from Senegal, is and international consultant on development issues. He
holds a PhD in geography and a master degree in information systems. He has more than
12 years experience on ICT developpement issues, including project and program
management in african countries (ICT and decentralisation, digital education, ewaste
management, etc.), advocacy, financing ICT for developpement, international
negotiations, at UNITAR, the DSF and as Civil Society member.
Since the beginning, Cisse has been involved in the WSIS processus as fouding member
of various ICT NGO's Secretary General of Diaspora ICT NGO's in Geneva, Vice-Chair
and Chair of ACSIS the Panafrican network on ICT4D.
Cisse is based between Senegal and Switzerland and speaks French, English, arabic
Pulaar and Ouolof and a bit of Dutch.

Agenda: 60 Minutes  

Opening of the session (5 minutes)

Opening statement by the Session Moderator  

Explaining  the  objectives of the session by the moderators and Proposer 

Objective: To explain the agenda of the session and the way it will be carried out.

Setting the issues (45 minutes)

Objective1: Legal Framework of refugees digital rights and it relevance  (7 Minutes )

(Legal framework, definition of refugees ,,status of 1951 convention ,  )

This part of session will responds on question, does the current legal framework is relevant to ensure refugee have access to digital rights? 


Objective 2: Refugees digital rights and access to education (7 Minutes )

(ICT and access to education ,  refugees and access to education in context of ICT opportunities and needs  .


Objective 3: ICT and refugees economic empowerment and self-resilience (7 Minutes )

(Technical needs , governments role and cooperation needed )

Objective 4: UNHCR role in the context of Refugees digital rights (7 Minutes )

Objective 5: Government role in refugees inclusion , empowerment  and participation (7 Minutes )

Specially in Education and Health sector

Objective 6 : Voice of Refugees ( refugees participation : how digital right change refugees life (5 minutes)

Open discussion and conclusion in the end of session (10 minutes )