Zimbabwe IGF

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This national IGF was launched in 2015 as a multistakeholder platform for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance in Zimbabwe.

Zambia IGF

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The Zambia IGF was established in 2019. It is an open and inclusive space facilitating dialogue on Internet governance issues of relevance to people in Zambia.

Venezuela IGF

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National IGF of Venezuela was established in 2018. Its core objective is to make possible for the multistakeholder community of Venezuela to channel the inputs regarding the development of Internet Governance related matters.

Vanuatu IGF

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Vanuatu IGF was established in 2019. It aims at establishing a multistakeholder platform for discussing the Internet governance related matters.

Uruguay IGF

Uruguay national IGF was created in 2016 year. Its main objective is to gather different stakeholder groups from this respective country to address relevant Internet governance issues.

United States of America IGF (IGF-USA)

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National IGF of the United States of America was organized in 2009 year. It represents a multistakeholder effort to illuminate issues and cultivate constructive discussions about the future of the Internet. It provides a domestic forum in the USA to engage, helping to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.

United Kingdom IGF

Profile picture for user lbobo

The national IGF of the United Kingdom was created in 2009. It aims to provide a local forum in the UK that engages different stakeholders in debates on Internet governance issues. It also seeks to encourage partnerships and coalitions that deliver solutions and demonstrate best practices for others to learn from.

Ukraine IGF

Profile picture for user lbobo

National IGF of Ukraine was created in 2010 year. The purpose of this Forum is to discuss the most critical issues of the information society development in Ukraine.

Uganda IGF

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The Uganda IGF was established in 2006 with the objectives to recognize relevant Internet governance issues in Uganda, to raise awareness about these, and to build a consensus on national and regional positions. 

Tunisia IGF

Profile picture for user lbobo

The Tunisia IGF was organized in 2012. It provides a space for inclusive multistakeholder discussions on Internet governance issues in Tunisia and worldwide.