Policy Network Internet Fragmentation
PNIF Webinar 2
Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 929 2704 3035 - https://intgovforum.zoom.us/j/92927043035
Follow up of the 15 September webinar "What does Internet fragmentation mean to you? Identifying fragmentation and key stakeholders". ( Summary - recording )
"What can be done about internet fragmentation, and who should be doing what?"
- Welcome and introduction.
- Summary and key takeaways of the 1st webinar.
- Avoiding internet fragementation - Bringing everyone on the same page.
- Towards common principles all stakeholders can agree about
- Input from the 1st webinar: The internet has never been not fragmented and varying levels of fragmentation are consistent with the development of the internet. However severe fragmentation that causes malfunctioning or breaking the internet is inconsistent with the ideal of an open interoperable internet that respects human rights and allows for critical access.
- questions: What are common principles or a common minimal denominator all stakeholders can and should agree about?
- Achieving policy goals without interfering with the Internet's operability
- Input from the 1st webinar: Fragmentation can be caused by technical, governmental or commercial practices. There's a need for further and precise discussion about fragmentation, practices and what should or shouldn't be done, including a dialogue on how legitimate goals can be achieved without interfering with the internet's operability.
- questions: What are examples of practices to achieve policy goals that are good alternatives to existing actives that risk to affect the interoperability of the internet?
- Role of multilateral and multistakeholder spaces, including the IGF
- input from the 1st webinar: Both multilateral and multistakeholder spaces are relevant and have their own role to play. That the narrative of fragmentation is becoming mainstream and its discourse interwoven with security and competition concerns is a worrying evolution that may impact multilateral cooperation and the multistakeholder model supporting the open interoperable internet.
- questions: What are priorities for the different stakeholders? What concerns should be addressed where?
- Towards common principles all stakeholders can agree about
- Summary and key takeaways from the 2nd webinar
- Looking forward to IGF 2022
[discussants and moderators]