Call details:
Event Calendar
Meeting number (access code): 841 532 779
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Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:
IGF 2019 2nd OCs & MAG Meeting Draft Agenda
IGF 2019 WG-WSP Evaluation Proposals
IGF 2019 WG-FUN Charter
IGF 2019 MAG Meeting Calendar - Virtual & Face-to-Face
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:
Open Forums Call
Dynamic Coalitions Call
Day 0 Events Call
Village Booths Call
WG-WSP Meeting IV - Minutes
WG-WSP Draft on Evaluation Criteria: Suggested Score Definitions & Weights
Multiyear Strategic…
Event Calendar
Meeting number (access code): 844 579 827
Join by phone +44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
Event Calendar
Meeting number (access code): 844 237 532
Join by phone +44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
Event Calendar
First meeting of the newly-elected IRPC Steering Committee.
Thursday, 7 March, 13.00 UTC.
Event Calendar
In 2019 the BPF IoT-BD-AI intends to develop the BPF's potential as platform for multi-stakeholder discussion, to discuss best practices contributing to creating trusted systems and applications.
The full BPF proposal is available at accepted…
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:
Narrative/Theme: Data Governance
Narrative/Theme: Digital Inclusion
Narrative/Theme: Security, Safety, Stability & Resilience
WG-WREP Virtual Meeting II - Minutes
Draft IGF 2019 Workshop Proposal Form
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:
MAG Virtual Meeting IV - Draft Agenda
IGF 2019 Timeline
Narrative Template 2.0
Guidance from Secretariat & Chair on Narrative Template
'Data Governance & Accountability' - Narrative & Subthemes
Event Calendar
DC Coordination Meeting XXXIV -- Wednesday 13 February, 16.00 UTC
Please join the meeting in Zoom using the following link:
This is a one-click access link. No registration is…
Event Calendar
The IGF-USA 2019 will be held on July 25, 2019 in Washington, DC. It will address some of the most pressing issues facing the Internet through multistakeholder and interdisciplinary dialogue. For more information, visit:
Event Calendar
Open Session of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet of Things (DC-IoT)
DC-IoT will have an Open Workshop on Day Zero of EuroDIG in Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands, on 18 June 2019, and people can register as EuroDIG participant on the EuroDIG…
Event Calendar
DC Coordination Meeting XXXIII -- Friday 18 January, 13.00 UTC
Please join the meeting using the following Webex registration link:
After your request has been approved, you'll receive…
Event Calendar