Proposer: Country: France Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organizations Co-Proposer: Country: Switzerland Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organizations Speaker: Lorrayne Porciuncula Speaker: Phillippa Biggs Speaker:…
Proposer: Country: Nepal Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Co-Proposer: Country: Nepal Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Speaker: Shreedeep Rayamajhi Speaker: Mubashir Sargana Speaker: Sajina Karki
Session Format: Round Table - 90 Min Proposer: Country: Australia Stakeholder Group: Technical Community Co-Proposer: Country: Australia Stakeholder Group: Technical Community   Speaker: Benjz Gerard Sevilla Speaker: Michael…
Session Format: Round Table - 90 Min Proposer: Country: Netherlands Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Co-Proposer: Country: France Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organizations Speaker: Marie Laure Lemineur Speaker: Hélène Paillard…
The workshop will be run as a roundtable discussion. Participants will be required to consider jointly a number of generic issues proposed to them by the moderators. This approach will make for a dynamic exchange, conducive to creative collective…
Session Format: Panel - 90 Min Proposer: Country: Switzerland Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organizations Co-Proposer: Country: Netherlands Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Speaker: James Howe Speaker: Maria Umoren Content of…
Session Format: Panel - 90 Min Proposer: Country: China Stakeholder Group: Private Sector Co-Proposer: Country: Switzerland Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Speaker: Urs Gasser Speaker: Ping Lang Speaker: William Drake Speaker:…
Session Format: Other - 90 Min Format description: Open forum discussion preceded by brief presentations Proposer: Country: Switzerland Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organizations Co-Proposer: Country: United States Stakeholder…
Proposer: Country: United States Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Co-Proposer: Country: United States Stakeholder Group: Technical Community Speaker: Bill Ash Speaker: Nilmini Rubin Speaker: Ellen Blackler Speaker: …