On annual basis, the NRIs discussion programmes are looked at collectively and gathered in an annual compendium. Below is the compendium for 2021; as well as for 2020 and 2019. The latter is done in a comparative way to illustrate the impact the…
DC Coordination Meetings | IGF 2021
DC Coordination Meeting 58 (9 November 2021) | Transcript
DC Coordination Meeting 57 (13 October 2021) | Summary report
DC Coordination Meeting 56 (21 September 2021) | Summary…
Roberto Zambrana, is from La Paz, Bolivia. He is an engineer, with a Master´s degree in telecommunications and currently a PhD candidate.
He has been working in telecommunications, information systems and Internet fields for more than twenty…
Alan Ramírez García is a Peruvian telecommunication/ICT public policy expert and an Ethics/Engineering lecturer (at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru).
His main government and academic experience involve broadband development policies,…
In between the two annual IGF meetings, the community works on several substantive activities and presents and discusses them at the annual IGF meeting. These activities are collectively called the IGF intersessional work and are developed…
While the IGF 2022 policy networks are under implementation, during 2015-2021, the following policy networks were implemented. Please click on each to learn more.
IGF 2022
Policy Network on Meaningful Access…
The PNMA brough together experts from all stakeholder groups and regions to exchange experiences and ideas on why achieving meaningful and universal Internet access remains so challenging, in spite of years of efforts by policy makers and other…
The Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights intends to explore the concept of gendered disinformation.
As the phenomenon of disinformation advances, it gains nuances and levels of complexity. In the…
The BPF Cybersecurity 2021 on the use of norms to foster trust and security, intends to take a deeper look at the drivers of cyber norms and test these norms concepts against historical Internet events, to better understand how speficic norms can be…
The 17th annual IGF will be hosted in a hybrid format. The meeting will aim at accommodating the participation of stakeholders present onsite in Addis Ababa or participating online, in a same way as much as possible. This hybrid…
Planning for IGF 2022 Begins
Results Are In: IGF Stocktaking & Thematic Inputs
Intersessional Activities & NRIs…
In this Newsletter
Message from New MAG Chair
Looking Back at IGF 2021
Shaping the IGF 2022 Programme
Annual Stocktaking Process…
Inputs Received by Email
Association for Progressive Communications
MAG Working Group on Strengthening and Strategy
Swiss Federal Office of Communications
Auke Pals
The First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting was held online from 23 to 25 February. The agenda of the meeting encompasses the following hours, breaks included:
Day 1: 23 February, Open Consultations, 12:00-18:15 UTC
Day 2:…