Dalsie Green Baniala is the former Telecommunications, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator, at the same time the CEO for the Institution. She has over 10 years of experiences regulating a Telecommunications and Broadcasting competition…
Mr. Liban is the head of Regulatory department (licensing, numbering and Interconnection) of the Somali National Communications Authority (NCA). He actively engaged in the telecommunications and participated in various internet technology…
Ms. Esterhuysen currently serves as a Commissioner on the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace. She was the executive director of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) - the largest ICT-focused civil society network in the…
Amado Espinosa, MD, MCS, MBA, PhD, is a Medical Informatician dedicated to research, development and implementation of IT systems and their applications for improving the quality and performance of healthcare provider organizations in Latin…
Berlin, 26 November 2019
[as delivered]
Dear chancellor Angela Merkel, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.
I am extremely pleased to be with you today.…
Official translation to English
Speech by Federal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel
Opening the 14th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in Berlin on 26 November 2019
Secretary-General Guterres, António,
IGF’s Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity contributes to intersessional consultative meeting of the UN’s Open-Ended Working Group
New York, 3 December 2019 - The IGF Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity presented its work at the United Nations’…
The 14th annual IGF received a broad media/press coverage. Below are some of the sources that referenced to the IGF 2019 in Berlin. The list includes articles behind paywalls and articles in languages other than English.
Berners-Lee: Das Web…
As a multistakeholder, bottom-up process, outputs are produced from many sources at the IGF. The table below aims to help participants and the media keep a track of outputs that have been produced during the week and easily identify the source of…
UN News: In the face of increasing digital divides and cyberattacks, UN Chief calls for transforming the Internet as a powerful force for good
UN News: Guterres underscores UN role in achieving a free, secure Internet
UN News: …
The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019 under the overarching theme: One World. One Net. One Vision.
United Nations…
During the annual IGF meeting, interested stakeholders can display or distribute relevant information about their IGF-related activities at the IGF Village. The IGF Village consists of display booths and is located in the meeting venue area (see…
The live video streaming of each room can be accessed from the following links:
Raum I | Raum II | Raum III | Raum IV | Raum V | Saal Europa | Convention Hall I-C | …