Emerging Technologies

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IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #21 From Open data to open government for a better governance: the case of French policies

Etalab is the French State task force for open data and open government. Through this mandate, the French State has made the choice of opening public data and public algorithm as a fundamental principle for improving its government policies and actions. This lightning session will aim at presenting the French open data and open algorithm policies, and its on going work on data and algorithms, and how it contributes to a more open global governance.


IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #14 How blockchain can impact the Internet

Despite the fact that almost ten years have passed since blockchain was introduced by bitcoin, the technology remains mysterious to many people particularly in understanding how it could impact the Internet and its future. In this session, we highlight some key attributes that make blockchain standout compared to any earlier database technology and how this may in fact disrupt traditional banking, real estate, media, and a host of other sectors.

IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #3 Emerging Technologies and Rights Future


- Title:  Emerging Technologies and Rights Future

- Organizer(s): Dynamic Coalition IRPC 

- Chair/Moderator: Hanane Boujemi 

- Rapporteur/Notetaker: Minda Moreira

- List of speakers and their institutional affiliations (Indicate male/female/ transgender male/ transgender female/gender variant/prefer not to answer):

Sarah Moulton (female): Senior Technology Innovation Analyst- NDI (NGO)


IGF 2018 Report

“Emerging Technologies: Fostering benefits, managing risks through multistakeholder governance”

- Session Type: Panel discussion - Main Session

- Title: Emerging Technologies: Fostering benefits, managing risks through multistakeholder governance

- Date & Time: Monday, 12 November 2018, 10:00-11:20

- Organizer(s): Christoph Steck, Nataša Glavor, Wafa Dahmani, Raquel Gatto

IGF 2018 OF #21 What future for the Internet?

The Internet of the next decade will be built around the users. It will have to be a human centric Internet, an Internet of values, that ensure privacy and data control and a more inclusive, transparent and democratic digital environment for all.

The European Commission has launched the Next-Generation Internet initiative, aiming at designing this internet of values. To this end we have engaged all different stakeholders that will help us build the internet of the future: top innovators, startup and civil society.