Accessibility Statement

This website is compliant with the Accessibility Guidelines for UN websites, specifically with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C WAI), Version 2.1, level AA, accomplishing the following elements when applicable:
- All img tags must have alt attributes.
- If short alt text is sufficient to describe an image, provide the short text via the image's alt attribute.
- If an image or icon is used as a button or link, the image has a text alternative sufficient to describe the purpose of the button or link.
- Minimize the number of adjacent links to the same destination by combining adjacent images and text into a single link, rather than creating a separate link for each element.
- For pre-recorded audio (without video), provide a descriptive transcript that includes dialogue and all other meaningful sound.
- For pre-recorded video (without audio), provided a text alternative or audio descriptions that provide the same information presented
- Provide captions for prerecorded audio content in non-live synchronized media.
- For non-live video, provide a descriptive transcript or an audio description.
- Use semantic markup to designate headings, lists, figures, emphasized text, etc.
- Organize pages using properly nested HTML headings.
- Use ARIA landmarks and labels to identify regions of a page.
- Avoid emulating links and buttons. Use the a and button tags appropriately. Avoid using a tags for buttons. Avoid using div, span, etc. tags for links or buttons.
- Avoid using whitespace characters for layout purposes.
- Ensure that the source order presents content meaningfully. When the page is viewed without styles, all content on the page should still appear in a meaningful and logical order.
- Do not convey information solely through icons or symbols.
- Links should always be easily identifiable through non-color means, including both default and hover states. The easiest and most conventional way to signify links is underlining.
- links should always be easily identifiable through non-color means, including both default and hover states. The easiest and most conventional way to signify links is underlining.
- Do not have audio that plays automatically on the page. When providing audio, also provide an easy way to disable the audio and adjust the volume.
- Avoid implementing access keys. When access keys and other keyboard shortcuts are implemented, they must not interfere with existing browser and screen reader provided shortcuts.
- All functionality should be available to a keyboard without requiring specific timing of keystrokes, unless the functionality cannot be provided by a keyboard alone.
- In general, avoid using scripts to remove focus from an element until the user moves focus manually.
- Ensure keyboard focus is never trapped on an element without an obvious way to move focus out of the element. Make sure the user can move focus to and from all focusable elements using a keyboard only.
- If a keyboard shortcut uses only letter (including upper- and lower-case letters), punctuation, number, or symbol characters, then the user must be able to disable the shortcut, remap the shortcut, or limit the shortcut to only when a particular interactive element has focus.
- If a keyboard shortcut uses only letter (including upper- and lower-case letters), punctuation, number, or symbol characters, then the user must be able to disable the shortcut, remap the shortcut, or limit the shortcut to only when a particular interactive element has focus.
- Do not require time limits to complete tasks unless absolutely necessary. If a time limit is necessary, the time limit should be at least 20 hours, or it can be extended, adjusted, or disabled.
- Items on the page should not automatically move, blink, scroll, or update, including carousels. If content does automatically move, blink, scroll, or update, provide a way to pause, stop, or hide the moving, blinking, scrolling, or updating.
- Do not provide any content that flashes more than three times in any 1-second period.
- Make sure each web page has a title tag that is descriptive, informative, and unique.
- Create a logical tab order through links, form controls, and interactive objects.
- When inserting content into the DOM, insert the content immediately after the triggering element, or use scripting to manage focus in an intuitive way. When triggering dialogs and menus, make sure those elements follow their trigger in the focus order in an intuitive way. When content is dismissed or removed, place focus back on the trigger.
- Avoid using tab index values greater than 0.
- "The purpose of each link can be determined from any one of the following
* link text alone, or
* link text and the containing paragraph, list item, or table cell, or
* the link text and the title attribute."
- If the visible text alone is not sufficient to convey meaning, use advanced techniques to provide additional meaning, such as ARIA attributes, screen reader only text, or the title attribute.
- Do not require multipoint or path-based gestures (e.g. pinching, swiping, dragging) for functionality unless the gesture is essential to the functionality.
- Avoid triggering functionality on down-events, such as onmousedown. Use events such as onclick instead.
- If a function is triggered on an up-event (e.g. onmouseup), provide a way to abort or undo the function.
- Avoid activating functionality through motion (e.g. shaking a phone). If motion triggers functionality, provide a way to disable the motion trigger, and provide an alternative way to activate the functionality.
- Provide a lang attribute on the page's html element.
- When the focus change, the page should not cause a change in page content, spawn a new browser window, submit a form, case further change in focus, or cause any other change that disorients the user.
- When a user inputs information or interacts with a control, the page should not cause a change in page content, spawn a new browser window, submit a form, case further change in focus, or cause any other change that disorients the user. If an input causes such a change, the user must be informed ahead of time.
- Programmatically indicate required fields using the required or aria-required attributes. Also, visually indicate required fields in the form's instructions or form labels. Do not indicate required fields for CSS alone.
- Make errors easy to discover, identify, and correct.
- Identify errors using aria-invalid.
- Use semantic, descriptive labels for inputs. Visually position labels in a consistent way that makes associating labels with form controls easy. Do not rely on placeholder text in lieu of an HTML label.
- Provide text instructions at the beginning of a form or set of fields that describes the necessary input.
- When providing inline help text, use aria-described by to associate the help text with the input.
- Validate all pages HTML, and avoid significant validation / parsing errors.
- Avoid creating custom widgets when HTML elements already exist. For example, use a and button tags appropriately.
- When creating a custom interactive widget, consult the ARIA Authoring Practices Document. Use ARIA labels, descriptions, roles, states, and properties to expose information about the component.
- Use ARIA to enhance accessibility only when HTML is not sufficient. Use caution when providing ARIA roles, states, and properties.
- Provide captions for live audio and video.
- All content and functionality should be available regardless of whether a mobile device is oriented vertically or horizontally, unless the orientation of the device is absolutely essential.
- Text (including images of text) have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1. For text and images of that is at least 24px and normal weight or 19px and bold, use a contrast ratio that is at least 3:1.
- Ensure that there is no loss of content or functionality when text resizes.
- Define texts and text containers in relative units (percents, ems, rems) rather than in pixels.
- Avoid images of text, except in cases such as logos.
- Provide responsive stylesheets such that content can be displayed at 320px wide without horizontal scrolling. (Content which must be displayed in two dimensions, such as maps and data tables, may have horizontal scrolling.)
- Color contrast for graphics and interactive UI components must be at least 3:1 so that different parts can be distinguished.
- When providing custom states for elements (e.g. hover, active, focus), color contrast for those states should be at least 3:1.
- Avoid using pixels for defining the height and spacing (e.g. height, line height, etc) of text boxes.
- For content that appears on hover and focus: the content should be dismissible with the escape key; the content itself can be hovered over; and the content remains available unless it is dismissed, it is no longer relevant, or the user removes hover and focus.
- To the extent possible, content that appears on hover or focus should not obscure other content, unless it presents a form input error. or can be dismissed with the escape key.
- "Each website should include at least two of the following:
* a list of related pages;
* menu / table of contents;
* site map; search;
* or list of all pages."
- Ensure that on each page, headings, landmark labels, and form labels are unique unless the structure provides adequate differentiation between them.
- Provide keyboard focus styles that are highly visible, and make sure that a visible element has focus at all times when using a keyboard. Do not rely on browser default focus styles.
- If a portion of the page is in a different language, use the lang attribute on that part.
- When a navigation menu is presented on multiple pages, the links should appear in the same order on each page.
- When components have the same functionality across several web pages, the components are labeled consistently on each page.