
Dynamic Coalitions

The concept for Dynamic Coalitions (DCs) first emerged at the IGF's inaugural meeting in Athens in 2006, with a number of coalitions establishing themselves at that time. They are open, multistakeholder groups dedicated to an Internet governance issue or set of issues. 

DCs welcome any individual interested in contributing to their activities. Please see detailed information for each DC below, including how to join. Access to all open individual DC Meetings is available via the IGF Calendar.

More information can be found about:

List of active Dynamic Coalitions

  1. Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) 
  2. Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Assurance and Standardization (DC-BAS) 
  3. Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies (DC-Blockchain)
  4. Dynamic Coalition on Children's Rights in the Digital Environment (DC-Children)   
  5. Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)
  6. Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values (DC-CIV)   
  7. Dynamic Coalition on Data and Artificial Intelligence Governance (DC-DAIG)
  8. Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust (DC-DT)
  9. Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies (DC-DDHT)
  10. Dynamic Coalition on Digital Financial Inclusion (DC-DFI)
  11. Dynamic Coalition on Digital Health (DC-DH)
  12. Dynamic Coalition on the Digital Economy (DC-Digital Economy)
  13. Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues (DC-DNSI)
  14. Dynamic Coalition on Emerging Technologies (DC-ET)
  15. Dynamic Coalition on Environment (DCE)
  16. Dynamic Coalition on Gaming for Purpose (DC-G4P)
  17. Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance (DC-Gender)   
  18. Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things (DC-IoT)
  19. Dynamic Coalition on the Interplanetary Internet (DC-Interplanetary)
  20. Internet Rights and Principles Coalition (IRPC)   
  21. Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C)
  22. Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators (DC-IUI)
  23. Dynamic Coalition on Measuring Digital Inclusion (DC-Digital Inclusion)
  24. Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN)
  25. Dynamic Coalition on Open Educational Resources (DC-OER)
  26. Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility (DCPR)   
  27. Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries (DC-PAL)
  28. Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance (DC-SIG)
  29. Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy (DC-SIDS)   
  30. Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media (DC-Journalism)
  31. Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC)
  32. Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (YCIG)

[See Past DCs]

Charter of the Dynamic Coalitions

The Charter outlines the principles and common guidelines of the Dynamic Coalitions, such a basic principles, obligations, membership governance, and mission and vision of the DCs. 
The Charter is being reviewed every year to reflect new realities that impact DC’s operations, a better understanding of the DC’s needs, and evolving policy landscapes, and to address any outstanding issue of concerns that members have the Charter and/or the operating procedures of the Dynamic Coalitions Coordination Group. 

The Charter of the Dynamic Coalitions is availablehere

How to start a Dynamic Coalition recognised by the IGF Secretariat

To establish a Dynamic Coalition, interested individuals are advised to first hold a meeting and express the need for creating their coalition. DCs are required to produce a written statement which should outline:

  1. The need for the dynamic coalition
  2. An action plan
  3. A mailing list
  4. The contact person(s)
  5. A list of representatives from at least three stakeholder groups

It is also recommended that the support of different stakeholder groups in creating the coalition is illustrated. Whilst not compulsory, setting up a webpage or a blog is highly recommended.

If you are planning to create a dynamic coalition, please contact the IGF Secretariat. The Secretariat will carefully review the request to form a coalition and will inform you of the result.

Guidelines for Dynamic Coalition work

  • Once established, coalitions must follow three basic principles of inclusiveness and transparency for carrying out their work:
    • Open membership
    • Open mailing lists
    • Open archives
  • DCs must also ensure their statements and outputs reflect minority or dissenting viewpoints.
  • DCs should follow further guidelines laid out in the Dynamic Coalition Coordination Group ToR, which is applicable to all DCs.
  • DCs should adhere to guidelines for managing their individual mailing lists, in particular as regards conduct on the mailing list, as specified here.
    These guidelines were conceived by DCs themselves in their coordination meetings and through joint discussion on the DC coordination mailing list.
  • Coalitions are also asked to submit a yearly report to the IGF Secretariat as an update of their activities and to demonstrate they are active.
    • This report is also required if the DC wishes to be considered eligible for an individual meeting slot at the annual IGF meeting.
    • The annual report should provide an overview of the DC’s activities for the year, including:
    • Any events organised/attended
    • DC meetings held
    • Outcomes realised, and/or information about a substantive output for the annual IGF.
      Substantive outputs in the past have included an edited volume of research from an array of contributors pertaining to the DC’s focus area(s), the creation of a charter that outlines the guiding principles, code of practice, and leadership structure of the DC, and any other work completed to improve the overall work of the IGF.
    • The annual report should not be confused with:
      • The DC session report, which is submitted at the end of a DC session during the annual IGF summarising the discussion.
      • Substantive output that the DC collectively produces to realise its mission and objectives.
    • The yearly reporting period is 1 January to 31 December.
    • All DCs are expected to submit their annual report to the IGF Secretariat for the previous year by the end of the first quarter to be considered active.
      If a DC cannot provide this, and if after a discussion with the Secretariat, it is determined they are no longer truly active, they will be listed among the inactive coalitions.
  • Coordinators are strongly encouraged to keep up-to-date on the DC community's activities, including joint, cross-DC activities, by subscribing to and participating in the DC mailing list and consulting the DC Coordination page.

IGF Dynamic Coalitions: Digital cooperation in practice 

Throughout 2021, Dynamic Coalitions (DCs), supported by the IGF Secretariat, have worked on a report documenting the history of DCs, providing insight into their work and processes, and analysing their further potential. The report is intended to contribute to a better understanding of the worth of coalitions and their contribution to current IGF processes, as well as to shaping the future of the IGF. In addition to documenting the current state of affairs related to the work of DCs and their role within the IGF ecosystem, this document also highlights suggestions and recommendations that could contribute to strengthening DCs and enhancing their contribution to the IGF. 

   Full reportAbridged version

The Dynamic Coalition Coordination Group (DCCG)

Each DC is invited to volunteer one or two of its members to join the DCCG and its regular monthly meetings. DCCG meetings are open and all DC members are invited to attend.

To be a part of coordination activities, please subscribe to the DC mailing list. All news about upcoming meetings and coordination work will be available on the list, including details on how to participate in the meetings, as well as on the dedicated DC Coordination page.

The DCCG is guided by its Terms of Reference.

Dynamic Coalition Branding and Specifier

The Dynamic Coalition Branding and Specifier provides guidance on:

  • The use of the IGF logo
  • The role of Dynamic Coalitions and their relationship to the IGF process, which is defined in the following specifier:

Dynamic Coalitions are open, multistakeholder and bottom-up initiatives, formed by individuals or organizations to coalesce around a set of Internet governance issues of common interest, identify specific policy problems and provide targeted solutions. Anyone interested is welcome to join and contribute to DC activities.

While Dynamic Coalitions operate autonomously outside of the IGF decision-making structures, Dynamic Coalitions, which are recognized by the IGF Secretariat, function within the IGF framework and comply with the IGF principles and its code of conduct.

The views and opinions expressed by Dynamic Coalitions do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations Secretariat. The designations and terminology employed may not conform to United Nations practice and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Organization.

The IGF Secretariat should be consulted in case of doubt.