>> Please welcome on stage Ms. Doreen Bogdan Martin, the Secretary General of the ITU to the stage. (Applause). >> DOREEN BOGDAN-MARTIN: Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. It's great to be here today in Riyadh…
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>> NOEMIE BURKL: Hello.  Can you hear me now? >> YU PING CHAN: Hi.  Hello.  Testing. >> NOEMIE BURKL: Hello. >> YU PING CHAN: You can hear me?  It's online, but not here in the room?  Oh,…
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>> WOUT de NATRIS: Hello.  Is this working? >> JANICE RICHARDSON: Hello.  Yes, I can hear you.  I hear you.  Do you hear me? >> WOUT de NATRIS: Yes.  Okay. >> KRISTINA MIKOLIUNIENE: Hello…
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>> Why don't we wait for another five minutes to give people time to come in.  Probably in three minutes, please. >> BELTSAZAR KRISETYA: Good afternoon, everyone.  Our session will start in two minutes, to give people…
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>> SHIVANEE THAPA: The 19th IGF 2024 it is. It is a matter of great privilege, ladies and gentlemen, for me to come in front of you, get on this stage and get the ambience set for this very important panel here at the IGF 2024. Thanks to…
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>> ANRIETTA ESTERHUYSEN: Thanks very much to our tech team and welcome everyone to this session.  We are about to start.  Apologies that we are a little bit late.  So I am South African, I'm very proud to be facilitating this…
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>> HADIA ELMINIAWI: I can hear Dr. Maha loud and clear. >> MAHA ABDEL NASSER: Hadia is saying she can hear me loud and clear, so you have a problem with your headphones. >> HADIA ELMINIAWI: Let us know when you would like to…
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>> SHESAN: Welcome, everyone.  Good afternoon for those here in our time zone.  But also good morning, good evening for those watching us online in other time zones.  My name is Shesan from the Research Institute of Germany, but…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everyone.  Thank you for joining to the an Open and Democratic Internet Digitization Era.  Organized by the Tour Barkha Manral and Allia Rezzal from the NetMission Asia.       …
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>> MODERATOR: It seems to be switched on, is it?  Cool.  We at least one working microphone.  And we have a working transcribe as well.  That is awesome.  Whoever is doing that.  Thank you.  We are trying to…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.  We are still waiting for people to trickle in.  We will get started in a moment.    >> ZOE DARME: Can you hear us?    >> KATIE…
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>> MODERATOR: Thank you, everyone.  I just want to do a quick sound check with those who are online.  We have speakers online as well I just want to check with them.  Felicia and Joss who are online, whether you can hear us.…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello everyone.  I hope I'm audible.  Everyone can hear me?  Okay.>> MODERATOR: Welcome to our session.  I hope everyone can hear me.  I'm going to move around.  Because[ Audio fading in and out ]It's better if I move…
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>> Good afternoon, everyone.  Thank you for being here.  I'm moderating.  English is not my first language.  Bear with me.  I'm Santosh Sigdel.  This is a workshop on Human Rights Law and the Global Digital Compact.  We will be discussing…
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>> PAUL FEHLINGER: Perfect.  Welcome, everybody, to our Town Hall.  I'm very happy to see familiar faces.  And we have an absolutely amazing line-up of speakers today.  And physically here, with us, and also online. …
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